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  • Took Melatonin 3 hours ago. It seems to have created a spike. The insomnia is brutal. T Volume is literally off the charts. Totally lost.
    DeanD has your tinnitus spike subsided? I'm taking Melatonin and it does seem to calm my tinnitus. Besides Melatonin, are you taking any medication like benzos, antihistamines, etc?
    @ErnieMassri - not really I don't think. I only took the one tablet. That, or something else, gave me acid reflux which burnt my mouth, throat and voicebox and ended up in hospital. Pretty brutal :(. Nope, I'm not taking any medications at the moment. Trying to stay med free
    For me melatonin helps tremendously. It does nothing for my tinnitus, but I can't sleep without it. I hope you are ok now!
    Tinnitus 10x louder in a week. H gone crazy. Louder and piercing like a smoke alarm. Sleep impossible even with meds. No fight left.
    So sorry to hear of your suffering. Definitely get some melatonin it seems to benefit some on here and is more natural than prescription meds.
    What do you think caused it to increase ten times in one week?
    @Jupiterman - either the Zopiclone, or the last acoustic accident 3 weeks ago still playing a part or has lowered tolerance to really low db levels
    New loudness record. It's not possible to live with. No anxiety, just don't want to suffer anymore not knowing what tomorrow will bring.
    I'm already in ear plugs 24/7. I live in a quiet house with no road traffic and hardly any outside noise.
    I am worried the Zopiclone is causing the worsening. Have tried not taking it, but ended up awake 4 nights in a row.
    Diazapam is being recommended for a week but I am reluctant.
    I am hoping to try Melatonin today.
    Want to be off all meds but insomnia is making it impossible
    Diazepam low dose 2mg/5mg may help you get through this transition period and allow you some sleep. You gotta do what you gotta do to get some sleep. Ive taken them sparingly with T and did not notice a change. Do what you think is best regarding your current situation.
    Thanks @Strawberryblonde - although I feel medication has got a lot to do with my current issues, I havent completely ruled out short term Diazepam.
    Neurologist secretary had 'PC issues' so not getting the melatonin until tomorrow now.
    If that doesn't work, I may have to try the Diazepam
    New tone added today from nowhere. Been living in silence since accident last Sat. This tone 5x louder than any others. Impossible to manage
    Glad I'm not the only one living in silence listening to this shit storm
    immensely difficult, but not impossible.
    Slept 10 hours with help from Zopiclone. Unfortunately t seems even louder today. Just a wall of sound. Struggling to hear gf normal voice
    Not even hearing tinnitus, now feeling it, like ultrasound. Intense hitting ears but so high pitched can't hear it. BP and heartrate normal
    Very upsetting. Took Brisoprolol for blood pressure. T Went down by 95%. Tried sleep (no sleep 4 days) and t returned louder than yesterday
    Stress plays havoc on the body and can be pretty hard to get under control even without T.
    Have you had your cortisol levels checked?

    My body reacts to the littlest things by going into a full blown panic even though it shouldn't till I manage to calm myself down.

    I know this my sound useless but try diaphram breathing a few times a day it helps with blood pressure supposedly.
    Hey @Joe Cuber - actually I don't get any more ear fluttering. My reactions aren't great admittedly but the last noise was a coke can that somehow must have been so pressurised it blew the top one inch of the can away from the rest of the can. Never seen anything like it. Sounded like a gun shot.
    @Strawberryblonde - Yeah I agree about the stress. Actually I do find diaphragm breathing seems to temporarily take the edge off.
    Not sure if it's the breathing and bringing in calm or, because I'm living in near silence because of the palinacousis and worsening, that the sound of my breathing is causing it to soften
    Even louder. 110db+. Each sleep cumulatively increases the volume. Something very wrong. Did desperately try. Humans shouldn't endure this.
    @Sammy0225 - the blood pressure meds were to control my heart. I would lay in bed calm, drift on to sleep and the moment I hit sleep I had an adrenalin rush throughout my body to wake me. Couldn't sleep for 4 days. Current BP today is 124/90 - a little high but not in the serious hypertension range.
    Doctor thought this medication may settle the adrenalin rush and allow me to sleep. I took yesterday with sleeping tablet and managed 10 hours sleep.
    @DeanD oh,I see okay the reason I ask is cause I have high BP (inherited) but okay I was wondering. I had something similar to that but I think was panic attacks, cause I suffer from bad anxiety
    Increased again! 100db+ siren. No triggers or noise caused. Maybe med withdrawal. 15 tones. Lost hope now. Just not liveable anymore.
    Hang in there Dean! Don't do anything drastic we are here for you, keep fighting! I remember I had a time when I couldn't hear ppl cause how loud it got I was told I was experiencing something called exploding head syndrome I felt borderline seizure. Your in my prayers
    @Leila - thank you for your kind words and positive energy, I need all that I can get :)
    @Sammy0225 - thanks for reaching out again, it is appreciated. Yeah, I had the exploding head syndrome too which is partly why I had to give up Mirtazapine. I really think it was the meds that took the ringing in to the mess it is now. Tbh it's in part the story of your noise reductions that give me some glimmer of hope - so thank you for that
    Tinnitus no longer a 'sound' but ultra high intense tuning fork sound pressure. Head pressurised. Extreme intensity. WTF. Think this is it
    Think I'm done. Lived like a recluse for month, tried my best, random coke can exploded out of nowhere 1m away. Catastrophic now. Game over
    Sorry to hear, just let it pass.
    I had a soda release a huge amount of pressure after opening it yesterday, and I'm paying for it today. for us having sensitive ears I always considered setbacks like this a form of shock to the ears. Like NYCguy mentioned give it time. Your ears should heal from the setback mine typically take 7 days to relax again magnisium and NAC might help while it settles
    @DeanD I read somewhere you can't sleep (at all). I think you should discuss with your GP to short-term try a mild benzo instead of Zopiclone. Hopefully it could help you both fall asleep AND stay asleep (at least for a couple of hours).
    Hello, im suffering from the hum tinnitus aswell. Did your hum still exist?
    It's there, but it probably is one of my 'easiest' tones to deal with and don't often notice it.
    Does it fade with time?
    I have all Ur symptoms which I also got from microsuction. I'm also in survival mode I have had this for now 35 days idk how this can be happening, Ur like the 7th person this week with these symptoms after microsuction that I know of
    Hi @Biaxca - I'm so sorry you're also going through this. I've seen so many people on forums who got this through microsuction. Unfortunately there just aren't enough of us getting it this bad to make enough noise for the practice of microsuction to be banned.
    Do you have hyperacusis, as well as tinnitus?
    How was your hearing before and after the microsuction?
    It saddens me to know a treatment causes tinnitus and the procedure is still performed.
    Happened to me 7 years ago. Microsuction by ent caused hearing loss, hyperacusis and chronic tinnitus. I've struggled for so long now. Completely ruined my life.
    Thought I'd let you know I had a random but bad ETD bout hit me over the summer (before Tinnitus came along) and I will still get random swelling but it has significantly gone down. I take a DAO supplement product before I eat to lower histamine in the body, which I really think helps as histamine reaction often plays a part in ETD.
    Hey @DeanD sorry For delay.. it came on as pressure/fullness in the ears and like I couldn't equalize pressure, always had to yawn to open e tubes. As uncomfortable as that was. I would take that long term over what I have now with reactive T. How are you doing?
    Hey @ErikaS - mmmm ok, seems a little different to what I have. Unfortunately not too good as of late. Medical system here is not only useless but damaging too. Trying to fight, but the reactivity beats you down and hits you over the head with it - literally. How are you, is the neuromodulation still going in the right direction?
    @DeanD makes me so angry how non responsive the medical system is with regards to this. I am so sorry. Do you have anything on hand to help like an as needed anti anxiety?
    The Neurofeedback clinic was closed last week and this week unfortunately, so I will be going back again next week.
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