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  • Too much doom and gloom on here. If I get better I'll post a recovery story. If I get worse, I am sure i will be back. I hope not though.
    Some days, I mean...just fuck it.
    Honestly couldn't taste the alcohol. So I'm feeling fine & order another. At this point I don't realize I'm starting to get drunk. Alcohol is weird with me I go from 1 min of being fine & the next straight plastered.
    I go to the jukebox thinking I put dollar bills in but nope I put $20s in and about $100 worth. So that thing will be playing music for the next year and then I immediately got sick. Then someone told me that long island ice teas were infact all alcohol.
    Haha. Oh @Mo8409 That's too funny. How many people can say that they accidentally got drunk on long island ice tea? Sneaky bowling alley bartenders!
    Probably some jerk who never had tinnitus found the right mix of supplements to cure it and just didn't know. Just frustrated right now.
    Reconnected with my friend! Found out he has had tinnitus for decades and in the past 6 weeks, it has gotten worse. WTF?
    It has to depend on their situation and person because my brother and father have had T for 30+ years and no worsening. Brother got it from hearing loss from a concert and my father has no hearing loss with unknown cause.
    @Mo8409 I think so, He mentioned he had some hearing loss. He is going through a bunch of medical examinations right now. I hope it goes away for him.
    Do you feel like you are on your way to recovering? I believe I am,, but it is still hard. Anyone else getting better days?
    @ECP I am so happy for you! I read your story and I couldn't believe what you have been through. The way your hearing was injured was so personal, and so unwarranted. Bless you.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Secretly, I am in a race with you to see who recovers faster. Smart money is on you.
    @RunningMan I am sorry to hear that. Insomnia is a beast along with all of the other stuff. Hoping you can find some comfort soon.
    Sometimes, I find a song that soothes my ears. One of them is TLC's No Scrubs, lol. Why not?
    If the whole world had to listen for just one day, would we have a cure? Or would the world just let the day pass?
    Interesting idea. I've thought many times that if certain family members experienced my tinnitus for an hour, they would better understand my suffering. But making them suffer my tinnitus for even a hour would cause me distress for them.
    I think they would just move on tbh... a week, a month, a year... maybe that would get some attention. Problem is nobody would get anything done!
    Wouldn't need the whole world, just the billionaires.
    Still a little scared; still a little sad; but most of all, this whole situation is just plain weird.
    I got my Tinnitus last week of March from a low dose medication for anxiety. What brings you here? It can be scary but it's okay you're not alone.
    @Mo8409 Pretty well the same story, except December last year. It's unbelievable isn't it? You're not alone either! Cheers!
    Agreeable.... it makes me mad, sad, and everything in between. Escitalopram did me in and in just 2 doses... So much for helping my anxiety??!
    The day after a good day isn't always a bad day, but it's always a hard day. Here's looking forward to a better tomorrow!
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