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  • I am *this* close to writing a success story. Tinnitus hasn't reduced in the slightest, but habituation is real.
    The only reason why I'm still on TinnitusTalk is to read up on updates from Dr. Shore or TU Delft, lmao.
    I actively avoid the Auricle thread. Way too much speculating for my liking. It feels similar to the hockey forums I frequent, a lot of armchair assessments.
    My T is so f'n loud when I'm laying in bed trying to sleep. I luckily can still sleep but my anxiety is through the roof.
    I use crickets/cicadas sounds from phone to pair of bluetooth speakers to each side of me to sleep. Just partial masking. But I still have a lot of difficulties sleeping for long and often use sleep med when I wake up overnight and can't sleep. Anxiety very high at times through the day.
    Sounds about right. Like @RunningMan I use crickets to add ambient noise. It doesn't even come close to masking anymore but the chirping keeps me from putting all my attention on Eeee. Full masking is a fools errand anyways I think.
    Aside from other obvious health advantages, is cutting sugar out of your diet good to combat tinnitus? Has it been proven?
    No it hasn't been proven. But everyone has a different experience to tinnitus
    Apparently I won free tickets to a concert which I registered for a couple of months ago, before I decided I wouldn't go anymore. Unsure!
    What type of concert? I almost went to a Smashing Pumpkins concert someone bought tickets for, but decided against it. Worst case, you could sell the tickets.
    Give them away. Don't take the risk.
    My hyperacusis is fully gone but there is still 1 sound which I just cannot ignore: sizzling during cooking. Very sensitive to that sound.
    I forget my T for most of the day until I put on my noise cancelling headphones. Then it sounds like laser beams are crossing each other.
    Hello, do you have any actual hearing loss? Or instead, the Tinnitus is that bad it kinda interferes with hearing normally?
    Anyways, hope it calms down soon.
    @TindalosKeeper, according to the hearing tests at two different hospitals my hearing is "perfect". I have no difficulty hearing/understanding someone or something.
    I've heard too many bad things about noise cancelling headphones - wouldn't risk it.
    In what timeframe can tinnitus heal completely? It's been almost a year for me with little to no improvement, maybe even worsened (slightly)
    @tiniturk What do you put in "heal"? Habituation can happen any where from 6 months to 3-4 years. Possibly even longer. Meaning, even if you dont feel better/habituate after a long time, there is still time. For most people it doesn't heal in such a way that it will go completely. But what matters is how you feel! Not if its there or not. You can have t and still live a good, fulfilling life.
    Never count on healing, if there is such a thing. I'm well over 20 years into tinnitus, and it has only gotten worse, then add on hyperacusis and TTTS more recently. And it affects my anxiety/depression quite a bit still, some days more than others. Just protect without overprotecting and hope for the best.
    I've heard anywhere from less than 6 months, to 2 years, to 4, 6, and even 11 years!
    Just got back from vacation. A week in the village of my parents. I haven't felt so peaceful for a long time. T still there, unfortunately.
    Just had a hearing test at another hospital. Hearing is still "perfect". ENT told me to not pay attention to T, lol.
    I love how they test you with beeps at, like, 8 different frequencies out of thousands, then go on and say you have perfect hearing.
    You know... right from ata.org

    Do not accept "no options" diagnoses

    Yet... T sufferers still get told to suck it up and deal...
    @tiniturk Yeah just ignore the loud noise consuming your life haha
    Something that bothers me more than my T is ear pain. I don't thinks it's nox., what can I take to relief me a bit from this pain?
    I used an icepack and it really helped!
    Icing my ear helps a lot as well !
    I have been having a lot of ear pain lately too. I wonder what causes a good or bad day to result with regards to pain. Oddly enough my T is much worse in my right ear but the left ear is the one that hurts. The right ear feels normal.
    I don't know why but when I wake up, I am experiencing near-silence. Like the T is just almost completely absent. Comes back after 10 mins.
    @gameover - of course I don't know the severity of your T but based on your comment I really, really would like to trade places with you. Falling asleep is so f'n hard.
    @kingsfan Yes, though the hours are wacky. I can sleep 7-8 hours.
    @tiniturk I am not so sure. I have hard time falling asleep anyway. And waking up is a nightmare. It's been fluctuating over the last couple days. Less of a flare after waking up but also no so quiet late at night. WTFK what this things is going to be.
    I have decided to not visit loud events (like concerts, raves, etc) anymore. Just not worth the risk. I have moderate T, let's keep it so.
    how is your spike from the rave? I recently did a music fest and I'm having some ear pain. I'm thinking the same thing as you. Gonna take a break for at least a year. Last summer I did 3 concerts with no issues though. Gotta stop testing my luck.
    This is the wisest thing to do. Since onset 2 1/2 years ago, I've stopped going to loud places entirely. I'm going to a wedding in a few weeks and will just attend the ceremony, I declined staying for the meal and party as I know there's gonna be 200 guests and insanely loud music. My mother thins I'm being stupid, but I couldn't care less. We have to protect our ears as much as we can.
    @cjbhab Luckily, the spike already subsided. However, it very well could have been permanent. I now realise I threaded on thin ice and I won't be making the same mistake again. I have a good life right now and I will do everything I can to not lose it.
    Went raving for the first time after my T onset. Loved it. Have a small spike atm but no emotional reaction to it.
    Sounds like you want to make it worse.
    @gameover I really don't! I had my molded earplugs in, took very regular breaks from the music, did not stand anywhere near the speakers (average volume was like 85-90 db) and my aforementioned spike has already subsided and I am back to baseline. I won't party every weekend or something like that, but once every 5-6 months should be OK imo.
    Back again. Tinnitus still there, as always. Stable, but at times very loud. 0 improvement. I absolutely detest this condition.
    @tinniturk, Is your tinnitus in both ears or just one? I detest my noise today in my left ear.
    @just1morething, my tinnitus is the loudest in my left ear. I even have trouble sleeping on my left side because that just increases the volume.
    Taking a break from TinnitusTalk. Found out that this site influences my mental wellbeing more than I want it to. Stay strong everyone!!
    Joshua Macleod
    I wholeheartedly agree. Keep well!
    I does help having breaks from here. I need to do it more often.
    Agreed. If humans knew how to fix auditory damages, we'd never have this site and nobody would be suffering, yet here we all are.
    One day, this all will be over for everyone.
    Stay all strong, if you read this.
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