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  • By the way, I have had tinnitus since 1991, you are light years away from knowing what I know. You have to make an effort to be more humble and respectful.
    And learn to read.
    @Lipshitz In hanging in there. My T has been very bad lately getting louder, nonstop I just hope I can keep holding on. How are you doing? I have been really stressed lately I was taking care of a family member and she passed Sunday so we had funeral today.
    Sorry to hear that , just try to change your mindset about it , being depressed n stressed about family member could be contributing to it increasing
    Lipshitz yeah I was thinking that also. Yeah I'm trying to it doesn't scare me so bad like it use to and make my anxiety so bad that my heart rate was so high all the time and I have gained 12 pounds back. So yeah I'm definitely dealing with it better. Ok yeah I'm trying to get things off my mind to help me also. Hope you are doing ok also.
    @Lipshitz I have had it since about May of 2023, but I had tinnitus in 2021 and 2022 both times with Covid, just ringing at night it went away both times. Thank you.
    @Lipshitz hello how are you doing. I'm ok. My T has been loud the last few days and today my head is buzzing so bad. I'm still trying to stay positive and busy, but it's so hard.
    How long have you had it ? Just keep telling yourself that everybody gets health issues and this is the disorder that God has chosen for you , I'm sure it's rough but there isn't anything you can do except pray it quiets down or goes away.
    Mine has been pissing me off sometimes but it seems like it always goes back down to barely hearing it . I talk to people that have had it for 20 plus years and they are able to live normally with only some irritating times so I just hope that it will be like that for me cause I guarantee I won't live 20 more years
    How are you doing
    @Lipshitz I listen to sound therapy all day And all night. Don't know what I would do without it. It does help block the sound of my Tinnitus. My anxiety use to be so bad and it is so much better now, I have been trying to except that I have T and quit thinking about it all the time.
    Accept it as a health disorder and tell yourself that it's normal to have health issues especially once we hit 50 , I can't speak on loud Tinnitus cause mine is mild but I can speak on two shoulder issues and also back problem so health issues are normal .
    @Lipshitz yeah I have bad disk in my neck c5 and c6, I have degenerative disk disease my mom also has it. My back hurts me so bad all the time and I'm going through menopause. I will be 50 this month. Mine is very loud my husband doesn't even sleep with me because I have to have so much noise at night to go to sleep. I havnt taken anything in a while. I was taking flexerill for my back.
    @Lipshitz I think it was making my T so much louder so I stopped even though it was helping my back, but after I took her to school just taking 1/2 I wanted to go back to sleep. I did take Trazadone a couple times and I was having bad thoughts and also quit taking that.
    Doing ok I work alot
    @Lipshitz ok I havnt talked to you lately. Just was checking to see how you were doing. I'm hanging in there,I've been staying really busy.
    I wouldn't know your situation and how you deal with it but staying busy is probably your best bet if your T is moderate to severe cause I don't know anybody deals with that just sitting around listening to it all day n night .
    @Lipshitz have you habituated with your tinnitus. How bad is your tinnitus? Do you sleep at night, do you have hearing loss?
    @Lipshitz you are very lucky yours is only a 2/10 and that it doesn't bother you and you can sleep at night and believe me waking up at night time after time and In the morning it's the first thing I hear and it's always nonstop I never get any silence. It has really changed my life. Yes protecting your ears is a good thing. I can't because it makes mine so much worse, makes my head sizzle.
    @Lipshitz so I try not to get around noises to loud that will make it worse and make my hearing loss worse.
    Nobody is lucky to have any health issue , just because it don't bother me doesn't mean I'm lucky . Anybody who has T is at a disadvantage in life and is at a extreme risk for it to get worse . There are people who are very bothered by 2/10 loudness Tinnitus is all how you perceive it . Nobody is lucky who has this condition regardless how mild it is .
    Broken_1 Yes it is so hard to get use to it. Most people just have it in their ears, but mine has always been in both ears and my head 24/7. It has been very debilitating for me. I'm dealing with it a little better now, but still being around a lot of people(noise) makes my anxiety so bad and I really need to start working again. How do you deal with it and work? I really need some help. Please..
    As far as work goes. I don't really have a choice. With 4 kids still at home I have to just push through and hope I don't get worse. I can't find it anymore but @4Grace shared a video once that really showed what a day with high pitch T is like. It's pretty wild.
    @BrOKeN_1 I believe I saw that video of the man that had very loud Tinnitus. Yeah I'm sure hearing aids would help. I have to listen to sound all day or a movie on my phone. I have my open ear ear buds I use to wear it just seems like it made my T louder. Yeah TV I can't do either unless I'm in my bedroom with my sounds playing also. I also try and stay busy as much as possible.Thank you.
    @BrOKeN_1 so when you wear your hearing aides you can turn off the amplification and just listen to the white noise or music just like tinnitus maskers? Do you have hearing loss? I do, but ai hear fine mine isn't in the low frequency. Mine is in the higher frequency so they said, I couldn't use hearing aids because mine is to high and the hearing aids don't go that high.
    @Lipshitz yeah but mine started out ringing that's been over. Mine is a buzzing-static electricity in both ears and my whole head 24/7. I think I could deal better if it wasn't in my freaking head. Not sure if you understand when I say in my head. Some people don't.
    @SharonBell Mine is forefront in my head as well so I totally get it. You never truely get used to it. Sorry your dealing with this crap.
    @Lipshitz I still havnt been able to get a full time job yet, but I'm working on that. It just depends on how bad your T is because everybody's T isn't the same.
    @Lipshitz my T does affect my life, but I'm dealing with it a lot better than before it's still really hard though. I don't like being by myself because that makes it worse. A lot of times I do get enough sleep, but I have to sleep with so much noise and night and then some nights I have to take a half of flexerill to sleep good, it just depends how bad my T has been.
    Your right depending how bad somebody's ringing is will dictate what kind of job they are able to do.
    Try to accept it and move on no matter how difficult it is cause as we age there will be health problems for everybody and Tinnitus compared to some other issues isn't that bad but that comes with some level of habituation. Accepting it helps the habituation process.
    I know people with some bad T and they've learned coping mechanisms to help them get along and live their lives but just like every health issue there are difficult times .
    Hello how are you doing. I'm ok. My T has been really loud lately. The weather has been back and forth.
    I'm doing ok my Tinnitus doesn't effect my life at all so I don't ever complain about it , in my opinion there are two types of T the kind that effects your ability to sleep and the kind that doesn't . If people are still able to get 6,7,8 hours of sleep consistently than T shouldn't effect your life too much cause people should be busy enough working in waking hours to deal with it .
    Yeah aim married I thought you knew that. Have you ever been married? I have an 11 yr old daughter and a 30 yr old son. do you know what it's like to have a family?
    I'm 50 have a 23 year old son , was a truck driver for 18 years and that's where I believe I got my Tinnitus cause the decibel levels is a consistent 85 to 90 for many hours a day but we're not educated on this until it's too late .
    Now I just do a local sprinter van driving job where I wear ear plugs for some of time behind the wheel but the decibel levels are not quite as loud as a semi but I'm being cautious anyway . And no I didn't know you were married I don't know much about anybody on here except they complain about their health disorder constantly
    @Lipshitz isn't living in Chicago very loud? Sometimes when people complain about there T and talk about it, it really helps them to feel better. I sure wish I could where earplugs but it makes it so loud and makes my whole head sizzle.we can be friends on here and talk about our problems and lives if you want to.
    @Lipshitz you know
    You know I was married. I have a 12 year old daughter and a 30 y at old son. I'm 49 will be 50 this year: what in the world are you getting at? I have told you about me and l havn heard your . Life story. Spit it out if you want to continue talking to me if not I'm done It's
    @Lipshitz hey I wasn't trying to be ugly. I was asking questions trying to see how your T is and just talk and find out more about you and your family.If I wasn't married I might would take you up on your offer.you did make me feel good about taking me on a date and I really appreciate that. I know me talking to my friends on here has gotten me through a lot.In sorry I was drinking when I put those posts up here.
    @Lipshitz you know when you first were on here and answered me I thought you were the biggest asshole. I was like how can you comment like that, your T must not be as bad as ours is and you also drive a big truck. I can't even hardly ride in a car every day , twice a day to take my daughter to school and pick her up. Please answer me back. I guess you are gone a lot and don't check this page a lot.
    You hardly have anything on here. How bad is your T? How do you deal with it and working and social life. Just tell me a little more about you and your T.
    How are you? Havnt seen on here lately. How is your T? Mine has been bad the last 2 days.
    How bout you come to Chicago and I take you on a date
    @Lipshitz Chicago are you serious. I'm from the country. I'm a southern girl born and raise I have never been to a big city. I live in Belhaven NC so you could imagine how far that is. I can even ride in a car for 30 minutes for my T getting worse. Bet it is very loud there. How old are you? Do you have children?
    @Lipshitz and I don't fly. I have never flown , but have been on a crop duster spraying our crops, but that is totally different. I don't fly and never will. Tell me about you and your life.
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