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Sep 28, 2024 at 10:31 AM
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Member, Female, from UK

If you aren't going to take antidepressants, and stop crying about it and go away is generally the attitude of my family. Sep 21, 2024

BlueMoon86 was last seen:
Sep 28, 2024 at 10:31 AM
    1. BlueMoon86
      My tinnitus is very loud but I have to be honest, no level other than zero would have ever been acceptable to me.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        Aug 5, 2024
      3. MiaVIL
        I would take a 1-2/10
        Aug 11, 2024
    2. BlueMoon86
      I put a portable fan to my working ear and didn't hear my tinnitus. I put said fan against my decibel metre. 82.8 decibels. I want to die.
      1. 4Grace and _Shoto_ like this.
    3. BlueMoon86
      I remember when 40ish db sound therapy would sort of cover it. Up at 60-70db these days, T towers over that.
      1. 4Grace and streifzug like this.
      2. LukeYoung
        This is my levels during spike's it's TOUGH, hope it comes back down for you. usually 30-40db covers it, 20db more makes a difference
        Jul 17, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
      3. Pinhead
        Mine is only covered by 68db now. It used to be 63. I can measure it increasing, and with each increase, it's like watching my life slip away at the hands of some sadistic monster.
        Jul 17, 2024
        4Grace and streifzug like this.
    4. BlueMoon86
      Audiologist tried to say that is normal but it's not. Tinnitus has been way worse as well, sounds like a bi-plane is flying next to my ear.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    5. BlueMoon86
      My hearing has now dropped 15db into the moderately severe range at 250hz. From 45db to 60 in a few days.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    6. SharonBell
      @BlueMoon86 mine was caused from Covid. I had Covid twice and tinnitus both times just ringing in ears it went away both times. Came back the next year 10 times worse. Buzzing, static electricity both ears and my whole head. I went to ENT and tinnitus clinic. I have extended high frequency cochlear sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. They said my hairs inside are damaged.Mine is never quit always 24/7.
      1. 4Grace and BlueMoon86 like this.
    7. SharonBell
      @BlueMoon86 I know how you feel so sorry you went through that. My LULU died at home with my husband and I was at work. She had been to vet a few days before and was giving her medicine then she almost quit eating so I had to quit medicine. I was devastated when I found out.
      1. BlueMoon86 likes this.
    8. BlueMoon86
      Of course when I woke up again 2 hours later it was the usual hellish 10/10 nightmare level.
    9. BlueMoon86
      For about 5-10 minutes, it was like it wasn't there. That hasn't happened since December last year.
      1. Juliane likes this.
    10. BlueMoon86
      Had a drink last night before bed. Woke up at 6 in the morning because I was thirsty and oh my god my T was virtually silent.
      1. Juliane likes this.
      2. Juliane
        I have also tried this after drinking alcohol
        Jun 19, 2024
    11. BlueMoon86
      Jet just flew over my house. I COULD HEAR THE T OVER IT. I don't know why I'm still here at this point.
      1. Stayinghopeful
        Probably just because your tinnitus is a higher freqency then the jet. Can you clearly hear it over a fast running tap or high pressure shower?
        Jun 11, 2024
        _Shoto_ likes this.
      2. BlueMoon86
        My T is low frequency. I hear it over everything.
        Jun 11, 2024
    12. BlueMoon86
      I'm going to try and sleep now. I hope I don't wake up.
    13. BlueMoon86
      Blue Moon came from a blue glass moon ornament a family friend gave me. She died of cancer and I miss her. This noise is so loud.
    14. BlueMoon86
      I love dogs. My drinking problem started when one of them died her name was Lulu and I loved her.
      1. Juliane, SharonBell, weehiru and 2 others like this.
      2. SharonBell
        @BlueMoon86 aww I m so sorry about LuLu I had a hunting dog that my daughter and I picked up one day she was starved by and had her for years and her name was also LULU we lost her about a year ago. I like to drink also it helps me deal with it and yeah sometimes I drink too much. Do you know what your T is caused from?
        Jun 13, 2024
        BlueMoon86 likes this.
      3. BlueMoon86
        My Lulu was 17 and had dementia. I wasn't always so patient with her towards the end and she was shying away from me. I had to have her put down because she stopped eating for 2 days. When they took her away to place a catheter they brought her back in and when she saw me her whole face lit up and she wagged her tail thinking she was going to go home now but I couldn't take her home this time.
        Jun 14, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
      4. BlueMoon86
        The guilt just ate me alive and I drank a lot to cope. Unfortunately the drink also takes the tinnitus down so I have double the reason. My tinnitus is caused by a sudden hearing loss I had last year.
        Jun 14, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
    15. BlueMoon86
      I have had a lot to drink. Too much. It's not helping. No one will be around tomorrow. My name is Vikki.
      1. Juliane, weehiru and snizzleberry like this.
    16. BlueMoon86
      What do you do when the thing that makes your nightmare a bit more bearable also kills you bit by bit?
      1. Juliane and snizzleberry like this.
      2. Juliane
        If alcohol helped my T, I know I would drink too.
        Jun 15, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
    17. BlueMoon86
      When I say I can hear my T over something it's because my T is the bigger noise, i.e the chainsaw from yesterday. Is that what others mean?
      1. RunningMan and Sansa like this.
      2. RunningMan
        When I say I can hear my T over things, I mean the sound doesn't mask the T, and I can still hear the T. My cricket/katydids sounds I listen to at night don't mask mine, but they help keep me from focusing on T when trying to sleep.
        May 29, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
      3. Varda
        Its a way to objectively compare the severity in the suffering contest. Like if you can't hear yours in the shower that means you have mild T and have to bow your head and show respect to people that can hear it in shower.
        May 30, 2024
      4. 4Grace
        @verda - I can hear mine in the shower with no protection. 5 water heads going. I don’t even have to look for it. I do have to bend my neck just an inch. If I don’t bend my neck it’s still loud but moments of masking depending. This is my worst unimaginable nightmare.
        Jun 3, 2024
    18. BlueMoon86
      I've started to wonder what people mean when they say they can "hear their T over something".
      1. AfroSnowman
        I think it means, does an external sound drown out the internal sound. Some lucky souls can’t hear their T over the shower or when they are in a noisy environment.
        May 29, 2024
    19. BlueMoon86
      Someone next door is cutting down a tree with a chainsaw. I can hear the T over it despite having sound therapy noises playing.
      1. 4Grace
        @BlueMoon86 - what I find interesting. My T is very loud. However I can still hear the smallest of sounds. My hearing test was almost perfect. I could hear those small sounds despite my T blasting.
        Jun 3, 2024
    20. BlueMoon86
      My T currently sounds like a sped up, distorted, and of course obnoxiously loud version of the "duh-nuh, duh-nuh-duh-nuh" sound from Jaws.
      1. Sansa likes this.
    21. BlueMoon86
      No one wants to come near. Don't blame them. I've always been a coward but I'm not feeling so cowardly these days. These nights....
    22. BlueMoon86
      I had habituation and I can tell you my original T was not mild. At all.
      1. 4Grace and dipp like this.
    23. BlueMoon86
      To think I was once able to sleep with no sound around, now I cling to it like a lifeboat even though it's useless.
      1. SharonBell and Sansa like this.
    24. BlueMoon86
      Another night of horrible pulsing roaring hairdryers in my head. Clonazepam really does do nothing now, even when I drink.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        How long have you been taking clonazepam?
        Jun 3, 2024
      3. BlueMoon86
        For almost 2 months. No more. It is making me scared and giving me auditory hallucinations even at .5mg. It also doesn't work anymore. I never took it every day but I will still try and taper off it.
        Jun 4, 2024
    25. BlueMoon86
      I don't even have spikes anymore. "Spike" has been my baseline volume since March.
      1. 4Grace and Pinhead like this.
    26. BlueMoon86
      Had acupuncture yesterday at my mum's behest. Did fuck all aside from force me to listen to my hairdryer loud tinnitus for like an hour.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. Pinhead
        Yep. Like therapy, or a massage, or a doctors appointment. Just useless moments of total immersion in this auditory hell. Let me stay home and blast my water noises instead.
        May 17, 2024
        4Grace and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      3. BrOKeN_1
        I was talked into trying cupping during those early months. Also did fuk all besides leaving big stupid hickeys on my ass. Lmao!
        May 17, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
    27. BlueMoon86
      Just had a 20 minute bath and HOLY SPIKE FROM HELL. Can't even have a bath now.
      1. 4Grace
        We are alike. What a nightmare.
        May 12, 2024
        BlueMoon86 likes this.
    28. BlueMoon86
      I've had 2 seemingly permanent increases since March and I'd say it's about 4 times the volume it was.
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. RunningMan
        Sorry to hear that. I went through a sudden multi-fold increase in tinnitus 27 months ago. Any suspected cause for your recent worsenings?
        May 5, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. Hardwell
        Mine seemed to increasingly get louder and more volumes in the first 6-8 months of worsening. I’ve had quite a few stretches of quiet tinnitus since, ‘quiet’ being subjective
        May 6, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. BlueMoon86
        My problem is some kind of inner ear fluid issue, not just hearing loss. I didn't just lose hearing and that's it, dead ear. I often have this full, clogged feeling where everything is muffled. Sometimes it even hurts.
        May 7, 2024
    29. BlueMoon86
      It's my 6 month tinniversary. God, the level I had then was a blessing and I didn't even know it.
    30. BlueMoon86
      2 days later, silence and inner peace was lost to me forever.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Sudden Hearing Loss