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  • Does anyone else find super fast intense workouts make tinnitus worse? Such as running
    Yeah, even if just moderately intense for an extended time, like an hour, maybe half hour.
    100 percent.
    I wished I lived in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Nothing around no humans would be pure bliss.
    I think about this all the time but I'm a people person. Isolation is just as hard for me.
    I need to go get my cavity filled but I'm scared to go. it's not good to wait for this
    Joshua Macleod
    I haven't visited in years for this very reason. I'm going to bite the bullet soon, I suspect.
    Hi @Joshua Macleod I've been stalling for a month I'm gonna go soon though. Make sure you find a dentist that does laser dentistry, air abrasion or electric drill. If they have all three that's even better.
    It's hard to think positive when all I do is overthink and what bad things can happen in the future
    I hope Susan shore device comes out. Hopefully I can get euthanized. Wish I lived in Europe. Maybe I'll go travel there for it
    I am hoping n that too, as well as asking God to help me, maybe lower the intensity or even heal me completely.
    We may hear something by the end of the year. Maybe it will be the answer to reducing your T. In the meantime, you might adjust to it like a lot of people do.
    If it's not reactive and no pain you will be okay. I know this for sure.
    Life might get better hopefully. I'm young and optimistic but i overthink alot which causes immense mental pain
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