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  • you may be wondering how my hpv relates to T, well I was in the club that night trying to forget about that boyfriend so, sucks 2 b me
    L along the way
    Pfft.. kind of same story here.. i was traumatized and in adolesence, went to clubs and raves all the time with so called friends, and got the t.. pfft.. it totally sucks.. Only hope is that it goes better with time and healthy lifestyle (for me that's plant based diet + plenty of rest)
    Just found out i have the cancer causing hpv, got it from my first boyfriend 8 yrs ago. Parents teach your kids about sex, or it'll kill em.
    had a chest x-ray today, it was much louder than expected although my watch said it was only 63db.
    i need a lot of dental work, very nervous
    Dentist is always nerve wracking for us with the high frequency ultrasonics, I can't stand the noise at all but there never seems to be any damage or worsening after. You're gonna be okay Ash.
    I've needed a cleaning for the last year, but I'm far my regular dentist who has separate rooms. I can't be in some open office setting with all the super sonic tools.
    @kingsfan the one i went to today has a separate rooms and he has tinnitus but his doesn't really seem to bother him too much, he's pretty old and has only had it for a few years
    i'm very sad, i want my healthy ears and brain back. Feel like I'm being tortured and I'm trying not to fall into fear of it worsening.
    I have a hair appointment tomorrow, which will involve a blow dryer, I've avoided this for 4 years, scared but hoping for the best
    It's not worth it. Find a way to avoid the dryer or at the very least wear good earplugs
    Oh im in earplugs everywhere I go and it was a hooded dryer so it was about 65-68 db at the loudest point
    This condition is so isolating and depressing, I wish I had a time machine. Does anyone have any inspirational quotes that keep them going?
    "In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
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