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Sep 27, 2024 at 1:30 AM
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Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
Sask, Canada

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Member, Male, 35, from Sask, Canada

alright going to try to take a break from the internet T forums. no promises!! Sep 27, 2024 at 1:31 AM

cjbhab was last seen:
Sep 27, 2024 at 1:30 AM
    1. cjbhab
      at least we are living. so sad to hear about the Gaudreau brothers. RIP :(
    2. cjbhab
      tinnitus is absolutely insane. this is a living hell.
    3. cjbhab
      so many people i know just went to Metallica. nobody came back with tinnitus though. that’s just reserved for clowns like me.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
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      3. 4Grace
        @cjbhab - I was kidding to some degree. Mine was partially caused by noise. I know over 10 people in my life with T. They do not know about ear plugs. They do not know about being careful around noise. Honest. They live. Never get worse. Concerts. Construction. I think most people fall in this category.
        Sep 2, 2024
      4. Bob3382
        Dude, you're no clown.
        Sep 10, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
      5. cjbhab
        @Bob3382 it feels like i am sometimes because im the only one i know who managed to give themselves T like this.
        Sep 10, 2024
    4. cjbhab
      what are your biggest hobbies before and after T?
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      2. 4Grace
        Music was life. It put a smile on my face. Music be done for me :(
        Aug 31, 2024
        tpj likes this.
      3. Bob3382
        Before, weightlifting in a gym with many others. I can't anymore. THe music is to loud.
        Sep 10, 2024
      4. cjbhab
        @Bob3382 luckily the music at my gym is not loud , it is just quiet background noise. i’ve never understood gyms blasting music. Everyone is wearing headphones and wants to listen to their own music anyway.
        Sep 10, 2024
        4Grace and BrOKeN_1 like this.
    5. cjbhab
      i find it much harder to sleep when i have to wake up for work in the morning, way more pressure.
      1. BrOKeN_1 likes this.
      2. Lipshitz
        Saying the words I wake up in the morning to go to work correlates to your Tinnitus not being that bad , there are people that can't do either of those things sleep n work .
        Aug 31, 2024
        Yellowblue44 likes this.
      3. cjbhab
        @Lipshitz i have to go to work regardless of whether my T is 1/10 or 100/10 , that’s a no choice thing.
        Aug 31, 2024
      4. 4Grace
        @cjbhab - if you did not work at all… you would have an even harder time sleeping. You appreciate when you do not have to wake up for work because you work.
        Sep 2, 2024
    6. cjbhab
      why would i put funding into curing something that 4 guys have ? lol
      1. Pinhead likes this.
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      3. Bob3382
        You are probably right.
        Aug 27, 2024
      4. cjbhab
        @Bob3382 if 10% of people had what i have going on in my head there would be a global crisis.
        Aug 27, 2024
        Pinhead likes this.
      5. Pinhead
        That's exactly what I say. If even 2% of the 10% had it, I think it would be considered a catastrophic pandemic.
        Aug 28, 2024
    7. cjbhab
      how many of your friends and family have chronic severe T they can hear over everything? it’s unheard of.
      1. _Shoto_, Bob3382 and L along the way like this.
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      3. Utdmad89
        I don't know anyone else who has H and/or N, i think it makes it worse.
        Aug 28, 2024
      4. weehiru
        My half sister's father had tinnitus real bad when he was alive. Same with a friend's partner. More common than you think - the ones that struggle will be vocal about it, but not everyone struggles.
        Aug 28, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
      5. 4Grace
        @weehiru - you are so correct. I know 10 people with T. It’s just the noise, no H and no N. They do not care at all. They don’t worry about it getting worse. I would do that too….
        Sep 2, 2024
    8. cjbhab
      when i’m struggling i get into these moods where im stressed there is no solution and no one else has T.
      1. Bob3382 and L along the way like this.
    9. cjbhab
      it makes me sad seeing everyone go to concerts and have fun and enjoy themselves and never get T ever. T isn’t common.
      1. 2049v and L along the way like this.
      2. cjbhab
        seems half my facebook friends have been at metallica.. no plugs .. no mention of tinnitus
        Aug 25, 2024
    10. cjbhab
      tough tinnitus night . baseline higher today.
      1. Bob3382
        You may not believe in this, but I'll pray for you in church today. May the One we pray to show you mercy and give you some level of relief, if not fully. I don't understand why He doesn't heal when we ask.
        Aug 25, 2024
        L along the way and cjbhab like this.
    11. cjbhab
      i feel like my reactivity has declined slightly last couple months. my ears would go haywire when i open a pop can before.
      1. BrOKeN_1 and streifzug like this.
      2. streifzug
        just put a finger on the lid while opening it with your other hand. that way it's not so loud.
        Aug 24, 2024
        BrOKeN_1 likes this.
    12. cjbhab
      why don’t any of my other concert going friends have tinnitus? biggest mystery to me.
      1. NTV likes this.
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      3. lusiol
        @Bob3382 6 months is still quite recent, so there’s a good chance your situation will improve, even if the tinnitus itself doesn’t decrease. The first few months can be extremely confusing and it’s normal to feel like relief is out of reach.
        Aug 24, 2024
        Bob3382 likes this.
      4. cjbhab
        @Bob3382 i don’t believe you aren’t adjusting as well, i just think they likely have super mild T and yours is more severe.
        Aug 25, 2024
        Bob3382 likes this.
      5. Bob3382
        @cjbhab and @lusiol Thank you for the kind and encouraging words. When I wake up at 5am after going to bed at midnight and cannot get back to sleep, I feel totally helpless.
        Aug 25, 2024
    13. cjbhab
      i believe that quiet and silent areas cause spikes just as much as loud noise if not more.
      1. Zigs likes this.
      2. Karolina
        Quiet areas cannot cause any damage tho
        Aug 23, 2024
        aab likes this.
      3. cjbhab
        @Karolina maybe they can’t cause damage, but can they change the character of your tinnitus permanently? i’m not so sure the answer is no.
        Aug 24, 2024
      4. BrOKeN_1
        Complete silence does not work for me. I will in turn hyper focus on the T. And it will get horribly intrusive and create awful anxiety.
        Aug 24, 2024
        cjbhab likes this.
    14. cjbhab
      wind can be an issue. apple watch picks up some blasts of wind at 90 dB.
      1. RunningMan
        Of course. Biking, motorcycles (especially with no helmet), even more wind noise.
        Aug 22, 2024
    15. cjbhab
      life is one big competition and one day my tinnitus is going to be cured. when that day comes , that competition won’t even be fair.
    16. cjbhab
      it seems like there’s 2-3 treatments sitting on a shelf that could cure me tomorrow but i’m not allowed to touch them.
    17. cjbhab
      Simple yes no survey: Do you believe you will still have tinnitus this date in 2034?
      1. streifzug likes this.
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      3. crescentsky
        I think I need a new brain and probably a new body to cure this shit T.
        Aug 24, 2024
      4. lusiol
        I think we have a good chance of being largely relieved of tinnitus in 10 years, though maybe not for all subtypes. On the other hand, I’m afraid that hyperacusis will remain a lifelong challenge. If my tinnitus could be alleviated, it would be one less torture; I’d be able to sleep better, and life would be a bit easier.
        Aug 24, 2024
      5. SimonRK
        I will have quite loud tinnitus for the rest of my life, and I have accepted it 100%. What I haven't quite accepted yet is hearing loss and potential worsening of tinnitus. But I'm sure I can learn to live with that too, eventually.
        Aug 25, 2024
        2049v likes this.
    18. cjbhab
      ordered pizza .. the delivery guys car is shaking and i can hear his music from inside my house haha
    19. cjbhab
      my ears are so messed up today
    20. cjbhab
      sometimes it feels like i’m the only one who’s ever gone to a concert and i’m an idiot.
    21. cjbhab
      it makes no sense that guys are driving around on 130 db motorcycles and i’m the one with tinnitus. it’s starting to piss me off.
      1. gameover and 2049v like this.
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      3. Juliane
        @crescentsky I am so sorry. These events sound horrible:-( It in a way confirms what I expected. For many of us, T is what happens when the last straw on the camel's back break. I too developed T after stress from travelling for work (more like anxiety than stress), Covid, dental work, surgery, sorrow due to a close one having a serious health scare and then a firecracker to make sure I finally broke.
        Aug 21, 2024
        tpj, gameover and crescentsky like this.
      4. Bob3382
        I have a cycle but it needed work, so hadn’t driven it since my T started. Got it back and drove it home, and it spiked horribly. And it’s not a really loud bike.
        Aug 21, 2024
      5. Bob3382
        On another note, the why question, why me and not my wife or friend. That one will drive us mad. It’s like asking God, “Why did you make LeBron 6’8” and me 6’2”?”
        Aug 21, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    22. cjbhab
      is there another more common ailment where more people go to the doctor and are given no explanation and no relief?
      1. gameover, Bob3382 and L along the way like this.
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      3. crescentsky
        Chronic pain is probably the closest? Maybe some nerve issue...
        Aug 20, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. 4Grace
        Aug 20, 2024
      5. Juliane
        ME (chronic fatigue)
        Aug 21, 2024
    23. cjbhab
      it’s so wild people’s cars are literally shaking their music is so loud and i’m the one with tinnitus lmao.
      1. Sansa and NTV like this.
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      3. BrOKeN_1
        My dumb ass in the late 90s early 2000s. Nothing mattered through the haze of smoke and beer goggles! I probably deserve this more then most.
        Aug 19, 2024
      4. Bob3382
        Before Tinnitus I never noticed loud music, now I want to scream, “If you know what I know, you wouldn’t do that.”
        Aug 19, 2024
        gameover and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      5. cjbhab
        @BrOKeN_1 i disagree that you deserve it though. There’s plenty of people who did the same and have no idea what T is.
        Aug 19, 2024
        BrOKeN_1 likes this.
    24. cjbhab
      I truly don’t know why this is happening to me and 6 other people and that’s it. That’s the hardest part of T for me.
    25. cjbhab
      got my earplugs ready …. RINGGGGGGGGGGG
    26. cjbhab
      have 2 of last 3 days with no SBUTTs but wake up with Bad TTTS in left ear this morning.
    27. cjbhab
      have you ever found that most doctors look at you like you are speaking a foreign language when you use the word “ototoxic”? concerning.
      1. 4Grace
        Aug 13, 2024
    28. cjbhab
      “all this stuff can’t affect your tinnitus. it’s in your head it’s just coincidence” .. actually yes it can.
      1. crescentsky
        ah the gaslighting that we love
        Aug 13, 2024
      2. Bob3382
        gaslighting is so regular we think it is truth. I have had at least 3 Doctors basically tell me there is nothing I can do.
        Aug 13, 2024
      3. 4Grace
        This is so true.
        Aug 13, 2024
    29. cjbhab
      i’m determined to find the reasons why some days i have massive SBUTTs all day with dizziness and other days are fine. science isn’t random
      1. Sansa, _Shoto_ and snizzleberry like this.
    30. cjbhab
      ears really calm tonight, T is such a mystery. Last night screaming off the hook.
      1. 4Grace
        Wow - that’s nice. I have never had that
        Aug 13, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
      2. Bob3382
        Funny thing for me is when that happens I forget to thank God. I almost forget that I have T.
        Aug 21, 2024
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  • About

    Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
    Sask, Canada
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Sinuses, Ear infection