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  • I carry Benzo's in my pkt everyday. Sooner or later I'm going to give in.
    @2049v I wish I had never taken them.
    @streifzug, i'm so sorry man :(
    Some people say this about benzo's and AD's. Can you tell me why you regret? How was the effect?
    @2094v - I carry them because there is not a moment that goes by that I don't think about taking them for the rest of my life.
    Hey - I see your on … man I'm having a bad two days. I found a place to be happy. When I find it, I live a little more then boom! Gets worse. How are you?
    I fight. I get a couple of OK days. Then it gets even worse than before. T is winning.
    @streifzug - I feel like I have a chance when I'm living a little. So I handle the volume, I do a little more in life, still the basics then worsen. Once again I habituate to some degree, live a little more, worsen. I can hear mine clearly in the shower no ear plugs. Honest. Loud. I tell my family if you heard this level all at ounce … you would die of a heart attach.
    @streifzug - you know when I feel better. When I try to do simple things. Ride my bike. I'll ride for a few days thinking at least I can do that…. Then worsen. A lot. Honest. I've been worsening constantly.
    i'm so so tired..
    benzos stop working after a while and like you say, you might not be able to come off ever if you're unlucky
    Then I'm done. I getting frustrated with family that think if I take meds I can get back to life. I have reactive T, N and pain H, Bad. Tried meds everything they kill my ears. I get worse. So I don't blame them but what can I do.
    I also feel absolutely helpless and desperate
    my benzo taper is failing
    I see you began Benzo's. I want to do the same daily. Why are you tapering? If I go on there would be no coming off.
    T changes parallel to sound therapy/masking and music now. It does not feel immediate, though. Comes about slowly. (1)
    to top things off a store alarm went off next to me 2 days ago. fml. i can't anymore (2)
    another small (5%) benzo cut and an entire month of worsening after. (1)
    @streifzug - why are you coming off. Did they stop working. After how long. Hoe much did you start and did you ever tapper up?
    Sorry I see you answered below. Too bad everything that helps creates new problems and is short lived,
    I once took lorazapam. Those few hours were heaven.
    Hi I'm also schizophrenic so I feel you. What antipsychotic do you take?
    clozapine. and you?
    quetiapine. before that i had also taken olanzapine and risperidone.
    does it also help you sleep?
    i was on quetiapine before clozapine. it's a good med. clozapine and 2mg of melatonin usually help me sleep.
    down to 2/3 of 0.5 clonazepam after 1 1/2 year everyday use. only small cuts (5% every 2 weeks max), but T seems to worsen every time. (1)
    50 trophy points. at least I am getting something done.
    hah... you know the trophy points actually upset me.. because it makes me realize that I am still here on this site.
    "Tinnitus is a rare but potential side effect primarily most associated with long-term use."
    @streifzug - I could of written the above myself. I think the same. I am not sure how long you have been suffering? I can tell you that I know people with extremely bad tinnitus and have an excellent life. It does happen. I am 1 year and a month in. If you are stable not worsening you will be okay in time.
    My T started 12th of Dec 2019 and only ever got worse. In Dec '22 after a dental procedure it's gotten so bad that I caved in and started taking clonazepam daily... I hope that once I tapered it off my T will heal some, but given my luck I highly doubt it :/ Stable T would be nice though!
    :( I am so sorry to hear this. I know how it feels.
    wake up 3:00 am. toss and turn for hours. dark thoughts. get up and make coffee. cry. it's gotten so fucked.
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