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  • I'm seem to be doing better while trying a 6 day tapered Methylprednisolone. I had to try something as I was doing terrible with tinnitus and also arthritis pain.
    Hi, glad to read you're doing a little better. Were you prescribed the Methylprednisolone for your arthritis?
    Thanks @Fields. I was desperate with the tinnitus in my left ear. I asked an ENT if I could try the steroid and they said okay. I just finished my last dose today. I'm going to try to taper off Lyrica. My nervous system is not good today and left ear is noisy.
    So far my tinnitus hasn't gotten better since my Total Jaw Replacement. It does hurt in my left jaw/ear when using an EarPopper.
    I keep napping during the day all the time and awakening to distressing static noise mostly in left ear.
    I'm having the same exact problem going on here lately. I've had tinnitus for over 7 years, but the last 3-4 years it haven't bothered me at all. 3 weeks ago it went haywire out of nowhere, and each time I wake up it sounds like I have a old TV inside my left ear. Usually it chills out a bit through the day, and at nighttime its down to a 2/10. Next morning tho? Back to 7/10 for several hours.
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