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  • 3 months in. We got hissing, shrieks, long lasting pure tones, static, wind, rattling like a snake. It's all just chaos and all the sounds take turns every few seconds / minutes. Never the same. Hard to get used to but I'm getting better at not reacting/ignoring. Volume wise it's hard to tell because some sounds are louder than others and some days it all seems louder/ quieter.
    Week 9. I'm pretty much tired of caring, but I still do. I have so many different sounds. They come and go and change ears/head. I have a static, an old car idling, a squeak, a hiss, an almost beeping sound, a saw sound cutting through a tree or an old porch swing, and a high pitch EEE. I'm tired. Don't know my baseline, it ranges from 2-5/6 maybe? Idk. What's wrong with my brain. What did those meds really do to me?
    Officially two months with Tina. She's unpredictable. She's quiet in the morning, all kinds of sounds In both ears that change like the wind. She ramps up a little around 2pm and bothers me for the rest of the afternoon. She keeps me guessing. I can't even describe the sound in my left ear rn. It's like your grandmas squeeky porch swing. Back and fourth.
    Week 7. We got static and an occasional hiss or EE that fluctuate in my left ear. Lower volume than it has been for a while. But still annoying. Right ear is wind. It's obnoxious. How did we go from fire alarm in my head to faint jingle bells in my right ear to this!? Doing all the things to better myself all but my sleep is very broken, I'm just sleeping so lightly. blaming the prednisone. And the bout of insomnia.
    for me its high pitched ee, but it also started with a fire alarm sound which was really loud in my head, that first night with tinnitus was devastating to say the least. I hope yours improves further. Best wishes.
    Yes. I will never forget that first week. I lost all sleep, 5 lbs, and could not stop shaking and crying. This whole thing has been very traumatic. I hope you heal too. I hope we all do.
    Wind in right ear static somewhere (maybe left) and EEE or Ewwwa EWwwwah in left ear that both come and go.

    It changes so much still 😩 last night wasn't great. Wine is not my friend.

    Taking more hydroxyzine than I'd like. :/ don't wanna make it worse but I need help sleeping still I guess.

    Can make it louder when yawning or bending head forward.
    Wind and static today. So weird. Occasional pings an Eeeeees. had a fairly quiet day other than the gym and kids wrestling practice yesterday and didn't mask last night, took 50mg of hydroxyzine to sleep and got a lot of sleep. Been taking ginkgo and iron again. Lots of variables. Staying positive.
    With the help of a little sleep meds (think the insomnia was due to high levels of B vitamins) and stress reduction, I'm back to sleeping and my T had been lower @ week 5-6

    Still hissing, ringing squeaking? and occasional pure tone for a minute or two
    Got some sleep last night, not a ton, took a Benadryl around after trying to sleep for hours @ 11 and fell asleep around 2-3 and slept in until 9 Still very tired but T seems less loud. I just want my normal sleep habits back.
    Yesterday was such a good and quiet day. I worked out and walked the dog and cleaned the house.. so why was I awake ALL night? T is louder today. Took a Benadryl that didn't work last night so don't know if it's from that or no sleep.
    Had lots of trouble sleeping last night. Both ears were making noises, idk if it was louder than normal or just more bothersome. Had to take melatonin and a Benadryl to sleep around 1:30 am. So tired this am. Merry Christmas Eve.
    Still having headaches. I think my T switches sides depending on how I lay my head at night? Idk. Wake up to a headache every morning. Yesterday was a relatively normal T day, mostly in my right ear. This morning the left is hissing more. Praying it stays quiet and doesn't ruin Christmas break with the kids
    Last night was one of the worst. The craziest noises to date. Like a firework show of tinnitus in my ears.

    Today has been pretty normal. Hoping and praying it stays this way or better yet gets better and goes away soon.
    Going to use this to journal since I have literally zero people who understand what I'm going through. those super loud spikes this morning scared the shit out of me. Back to the hissing and the occasional EEEE and the dog whistles. Can hear the hiss over my son watching Lilo and stitch, on the couch with pneumonia. Have had nonstop headaches.
    @elPuritan ugh. Yeah. It's pretty terrible. Mine fluctuates sounds and swaps ears so I it's really hard when I think it's getting better or I'm getting used to it and then bam! New sound!
    Last night was one of the worst it just started going crazy with sounds for no reason!

    I hope you get better too. Wouldnt wish this on annnnnyone.
    I know what you mean. I may not know exactly but i understand. I have 3 high frequency tones in my left ear all competing for a level 10 volume and a single EEEEE in my right that changes frequency and usually hangs out at a level 6-7 volume. This all started in June of this year.
    Crazy to think that modern medicine has not figured out a remedy for this. My doctors can't figure out why this is happening and although my ENT is amazing, he is still left with guessing. Sorry to be chatting your eyes off. Anyways, hope today is somewhat better for you.
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