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  • Wow, I did forget my T Anniversary in 2024. 8.5 years now. I'm so used to it now, it's like an old friend.
    have you had it 24/7 since it started? Is it severe?
    Yes, well 99.9% of the time. If I get really, really shitfaced drunk on red wine, it'll turn it off, but at that point I'm too drunk to appreciate it. lol. I haven't tried that in a long, long time! My T sounds exactly like a boiling tea kettle screaming, but I don't notice it anymore unless I intentionally choose to listen to it. My mind habituated and tunes it out of my awareness....but it's always there.
    Wow that's great. Was it severe?
    You sound like someone who could write a success story. Please do.
    Learn to live with it. The first year is brutal, but it gets easier. Don't manage the T, manage yourself—your focus, your attention. Accept it, don't fight it, and keep doing everything you used to, even if you have to relearn. It's tough but necessary. Thinking about T makes it worse. Over time, you'll barely notice it, and mine's as loud as a tea kettle. Spikes fade too—I even go to loud concerts now.
    Happy belated anniversary T. I damn near forgot about you again, that's good. 7 years now. Life doesn't stop for you, neither will I.
    Hope if mine doesn't go away that I can at least get to this point
    @BLane I'm experiencing everything you had except the H pain but I'm experiencing buzz/zaps ear what did you do to heal yours? Did you avoid sound for 6 months did you work?

    When T strikes, we all want to pretty much roll over and die....we stop doing what we did prior because it's too hard to do much of anything with T. I believe the fastest route to habituation is to continue doing everything that we did prior. It is damn hard, sometimes nearly impossible and requires learning how to do everything all over.
    If you stick with it, it will shift your attention away from the T and back to your life. In time the T won't even matter and you'll have your life back.
    I tried to avoid sound. I used ear plugs, noise cancelling headphones, avoided people and places that would aggravate it, but doing that only forced my attention towards the T and makes it worse in the long run. I stopped avoiding sounds and the T fell away into the background where it can be easily ignored.
    I nearly forgot my 6th year T anniversary, that's probably good! It's not any better, it just doesn't get any of my attention anymore.
    Hi are u habituated now? Do u or did u have central reactive T that sounds like electrical buzzing?
    Yes, I did, VERY strong for the first 6 months. It not only sounded like electrical buzzing, it literally had a vibratory component to it within the brain. I am pretty well habituated now.
    @BLane Wow this is so encouraging thank u so much for responding. It is that vibrating/zinging component that is SUPER distressing for me along with the reactivity. I hope u rarely have either of these now. I came so close to being hospitalized over this.
    Has your vibrating/zinging component calmed down yet? It went away after 6 months, the hyperacusis went away another few months after that. Fullness feeling in my ears is gone now. Just a steady boiling tea kettle ringing that I only become aware of when I come on here or someone asks me about my T. It doesn't even bother me....not like the first 6 months when I couldn't imagine living with this. Hope all is well.
    5th year anniversary with T. Accept it, do not resist it, do not identify with it and it loses it's power over you. Acceptance is key.
    Cada tinnitus se sufre diferente llevo casi 6 años y a esto no hay quien se acostumbre,maldito jastreboff y toda su mierda de trt-jodete,si este lastre de personaje para la investigacion del tinnitus no hubiera existido estoy seguro que ya habria una cura o tratamiento verdadero.
    lol, see you next year then (..unless we get lucky).
    4 years now. I've forgotten what life was like pre-T, which is a good thing...less regrets.
    Just dropping in for my 3 year anniversary with T. Still no cure yet I surprise there.
    I have the ear fulliness everyday ato the moment. The one ent said it will go in its own time just deal with it the 2nd I saw was basically like I don't know but has reffered me to someone who deals with hearing and balance and I have had mri and mra and all is normal
    I'm gladoing you are doing better ? Do you want the started the problems for you? My tinnitus isn't to bad thankfully at night maybe I hear it but it doesn't keep me awake like it was at first for me it's the ear fullness that is annoying and distressing. I have booked in to see another ent on Friday this will be the 3rd I'm paying private again but I need help with it
    I've yet to read a story where an ENT actually helps someone with these conditions. Finger's crossed that it goes better for you. I think mine was brought on by a combo of hearing loss and stress.
    How are you feeling ? I read your post about h and t and also about ear fullNess do you still suffering from this has I have bad ear fullness which is worrying
    I'm alright, how about you? H went away a few months after initial onset. T has reduced slightly, still loud but not vibratory anymore. It can annoy me, but doesn't cause distress like it used to. I do still get fullness in my ears a couple times a week, can be painful. Thanks for asking. =)
    This Sunday is my 1 year anniversary with T. I wish divorce was an option. T has not improved, only my ability to deal with it has. Cheers.
    Spent a long weekend in a rustic cabin. T went ballistic. Returned to work and routine, T back down to the normal tortuous level. Sad. =(
    Day two of this spike registering on the Richter scale. Habituation goes right out the window when it's this severe. Uugh.
    I agree. We need better meds for the spikes. Or another solution?
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