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  • Today there was a "heated meeting" for like 20-30 min where ppl where raising their voices alot talking about some issues at my workplace. i sat there like an idiot without earplugs and got stressed in this 4X4 metre room with like 10 people. Should just have put my earplugs in. Got a spike. Hopefully just because of the stress of being in that enviroment. Just use ur normal indoor voice god damit....
    Haha yeah thats weird! Only them who have the most trouble are welcome 😅 All i got was the intruduction day with some people and a tinnitus "expert", then a meeting with a doctor specialst on tinnitus. And then they start to decide which person in the groups who are welcome 😆
    Sounds like you are better off without that group I think :LOL:
    Yes screw that tinnitus group 😆
    Been a really hard week with a loud spike that seems like it came after the change of wheelbearing on my car. Im also very tensed and i feel abit more sensitive to sounds. Im also VERY tired. on saturday its childbirthday...... Hate those birthdays with 7 hours of intense screaming children running around me......
    Had no "spike" after doing all that work on the car yesterday but today its a little bit elevated (more hissy). Think i have been abit stressed under the night and tensed myself. Will see how it goes.
    Yes. It so hard to be trying to live your life and not get tinnitus get in your way or just stop doing everything becuase of the tinnitus. its a very hard life to navigate in. My main issue is that always freak out over these thing that it "might have been to loud" then i get nervous and stressed out.
    It is difficult to navigate through, no doubt about that. The "might have" and "what ifs" is pure fuel for this condition. They are like reminders for the brain. Reminding about the trauma many of us had after getting this, or getting worse at one point. Therefore I think positive affirmations is an important tool to use to navigate life with this, and not give the fear too much space.
    @MindOverMatter Exactly those thoughts it's just feeding this condition, the key is to not even let it get that power. Don't let it have any bit of it and stand your ground. It's definitely so much easier said than done though.
    Any car mechanics in the group? I hade to change wheelbearing in my old car and i was force to use alot of "hammering" to get it out. I was wearing both Earplugs 35 DB AND Peltor 35 DB. Just looking for some reasurance because it was abit uncomfortable when there was metal on metal hit. I also manage to drop a giant ironbar when i remove the earmuffts (still earplugs in tho thank god........
    You're good. You took great precaution (double protection) beforehand
    @ZFire The thing i dont understand is that i got in from the garage and the tinnitus actually felt more silent then normal and i had no earfullness after that event. The day after i woke up (after being very worried earlier after what ive done) to a bit more "hissy" tone. and today after 2 days of worrying its very "hissy" in my ears. It must be a spike from worrying or am i wrong?
    I actually "forgot" about the incident below and i didnt spike... Weird. Last 2 days i been feeling energetic and in a good mood! :)
    Urk. Was out in the factory and had a conversation with one of the workers, he didnt know the question so he yelled at the top of hes lungs straight into my face on hes coworker like 15 metres behind me for hes attention.... I could litterally feel my peltor earmuffs vibrate from hes scream. Thank god i had both earplugs and earmuffs in. I hope this wont spike me...
    Actually found this intressting find. My earplugs are 23 mm long and i always insert them fully into the ear (so much that i have problem getting them out)
    . So in this case it would mean that i dont get any occlusion effect i guess?
    I was out in the factory and had to "talk loudly/almost shouting" for like 30 seconds with earplugs deeply inserted. Im currently under at spike and abit anxious about all this "occlusion" effect. I always use Foam earplugs and it sound "quiter" when i speak then without them.
    Foam earplugs is the best of hearing protection . Best noise reduction, less occlusion when properly inserted, well hidden, etc.

    The only drawback—they can get quite painful after wearing for a long time.
    @BrOKeN_1 I work at Volvos Engine manufacturing. I Work as a Quality inspector so i am only out in the "loud factory" like 1-2 hours each day. It is a challenge but im happy im not out in the factory 8 hours per day. I work evening shift so i got the office all for myself so i dont have to hear people yelling and stuff in the office area :)
    @ZFire I also prefer the "foam ones" best. Got some costume molded but the occlusion in those just insane. Only downside is that it can be hard to hear with foam earplugs so i prefer EAR EXPRESS if i wanna be able to talk (like at birthdays, out in the store etc). They are also extremly fast to insert which is a big plus! I use Moldex "spark plugs" 35 SNR whenever i dont need to talk to someone.
    accidentally screamed when playing videogames a loud "F**K!". Ear feels abit full but hope i will be okey :)
    Dont think i got a spike from the incident posted below. (more then the anxiety from the incident). Got alittle bit "frustrated" playing videogame and "yelledish" which made me abit irritated in one ear so kinda got a "fishbowl" over my head atm but im pretty sure thats from tension. Other then that it actually feels pretty OK atm :cat:
    Part 2
    Ran as fast i could into the office again so was exposed to like 10-15 seconds but man that was loud! ive heard those airguns can reach up to 120 DB and very high Hertz!!! :( Kicking myself i didnt inserted the earplugs better and felt like a idiot when i came back with earmuffs to resume the conversation...... Having a "panic spike" and earpain in one ear but hopefully it will resolve after the weekend.


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    PART 1
    I have been feeling "okeyish" for about a week now with no new spikes. Had to go out and talk to someone quick and just inserted earplug express 3M like 50% into the ears to talk to a person in the factory (all machines were off). Ofc when i was talking some idiot took the air gun to "clean" the floor with like 6-8 meters away from me.
    Trying to care more about my posture now, Stretching the SCM muscle and neck ALOT which sent my TT ballistic but i keep doing it in hope that it will calm down when i get all the muscles "stretched and calm". Hope everyone is doing good! :)
    Im still in this UBERspike. I start to think more that its my reaction + tension from the incidents that spikes me, makes no sense that dropping a catcage door that made like 100-120 DB send my TT from 4-5 to a solid 8/10. Its crazy. Anyone got tips how to adress the jaw and neck? :) Tried to go for a walk today but felt more like i was running away from people with dogs so that didnt make me more relaxed.
    I keep myself busy as much as possible so i'm excausted in the evening and sleep well (VERY important). I don't answer phone calls, attend meetings or whatever. I avoid going to shops as much as possible. My wife is very caring and understanding. She goes to visit friends and family. But it always breaks my heart when she sends pictures at a dinner table in a restaurant f.e. It could have been us two together...
    I feel you! ill hope we will all see an improvement soon! :) I also sleep very well in silence even tho i got loud tinnitus. Have hard time sleeping when im in a spike and anxious tho
    Seems i can't reply on previous messages to answer your questions. I have mild T and H since 2004 but this escalated 2018. I have had periods of improvements but basicly this is just a roler coaster. But lately symptoms just have increased. I'm lucky I'm self employed (IT) and work from my home office. But I noticed a lot of computerwork is not good so i help my daughter in her art studio.
    Why is alot of computer work "not good"? Is it because it makes you get tension or do your ear handle the computer sound poorly? Maybe your symptoms "increased" bc sitting at the computer (i think that is atleast alittle part in my case since almost all my sounds are extremly somatics and i sit at a desk ALOT (around 10-15 hours a day).
    I really don't know but I have the feeling. Maybe it is a bad posture? My neck? The screen? In my case facial nerves are definitly involved (tingling in face and on skull). My T is somatic sensoric too (neck, jaw...). I notice when a reduce screentime and do more physical work i'm usually in better condition.
    its a hard thing becuase since im scared of all other things i sit like 90% of my awakening time at the computer and i seems to get spikes from it aswell (also think its the posture since i got speakers on supppppperlow). But at the same time since its my only "safe space" its hard to get away from it.
    Today my boss "rewarded me" for my hard work by taking hes palm and smash it on my shoulder 5-6 times really hard and said "GOODJOB *name*!". This is the EXACT same person i said that i have very hard for people talking loudly close to me or clapping their hands. Its make me so frustrating and sad. Cant tell if im spiking since im already in a spike from the catcarrier incident....
    Even now, on one of the few occasions when I go anywhere, I still catch myself talking at normal volume to people and pretend that everything is normal with all the consequences that entails. If a conversation in a room is at 50dB, how much dB would that make at your vocal cords? 70 or 80db? This is enough for me to suffer from burning ears, facial/skull sensations and migraines for days.
    @HighleyTall How long have you had it? Have you improved? Is it "hard" to live with another person and having this condition? I cant imagine having a girlfriend with this condition, dont seem fair for her to live the same isolation i live in atm.
    @HighleyTall i understand what you mean. At my last worsening 2 years ago i couldnt hold meetings or have conversations before getting "tired" in my ears. Now i can handle that pretty well if its just a 1 on 1 conversation. Cant handle multiple people talking at once tho.
    Are im the only one stuck in this cycle? Loud noise ---> anxiety and louder tinnitus for like a day to some weeks ---> i forget about the incident or calm myself ---> Tinnitus back to baseline (or gets better) ---> new loud sound etc etc.... Is my reaction my problem for my spikes? happens like 1-2 times a week.
    You're not the only one, I'm stuck in that same cycle as well but it's between months, not really weeks but yeah its annoying :/
    @HighleyTall it might be but its weird it always seems to "go away" at the same time as i calm myself.
    @orenge01 yea. Just wished wished i could "not care" and not freak out everytime i hear a loud sound.
    Was feeling like my spike and anxiety calmed abit so i took my cat for a drive in the car (to get him used with it). When i came home and took hes cusion out of the cage the giant metal door fell down 1,5 metres and hit the wooden floor with two bing BANGS.... Not sure if its pure shock or im having a "new" spike now. Feels like so many stuffs happens so cant tell what spikes me and what not lol.


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    I just wanna hide in my bed for 1 year. Im going thru a really though spike. Meet someone when i was in the garage so i took out the earplug in one ear to talk to her. Then from NOWHERE a dog comes like 6 meters away 10 seconds after i removed my earplug and barks like a god damn maniac. I just stood there for 10 seconds baffled and frozen in respons before i put my finger in my ear.
    I hope it can still subside.
    That's unfortunate that a dog came so unexpectedly barking like that, it's annoying when unexpected loud noises happen like that and you can't do anything about it :(
    Wishing you the best for the recovery of this setback.
    Was on a board game day for 8 hours. Everything started of good but it was alot of yelling when things happened at the board game. Not super loud but more like "NOOOO THATS MY STREET!". Been exposed for like 30 min-1 hour combined maybe. I thought i could handle it without earplugs. Today im spiking loudly (already was in a spike tho). Any tips are appreciated
    Wow I was also at a family gathering for like 8 hours. And it wasn't super loud, I was able to get breaks. Funny how similar situations can be.
    I wish you can recover as soon as possible from this setback, and remember to bring earplugs next time even if the event doesnt feel like it can be super loud. It's definitely good to take precaution still. Wish you the best. :)
    Yes i will definitly do that next time!
    Today i let a truck go past me while i was waiting at the crossroad. He honked at me as "saying thanks". Instant anxiety attack.... Man that thing was loud. Heard the truck horns can be 150 DB. Hope i dont get louder tinnitus from this, was inside the car but the honk was only like 4-5 metres away and superloud. :(
    Always these meetings.... Everyone is polite and behaves until some random person 1 meter away from me starts to clapping hes hands like a maniac while someone talks for 5-8 seconds. I couldnt plug my ears since i was trying to listen to the other person 3 meters away that was talking. It was a small room 2x4 meters so it echoed very loudly. I hope this wont cause a spike, i was doing so good this week.
    Today i was using my riding lawnmower. Thought it was a bit more loud then usually. Check after i was done and the muffler had come lose....
    Well as long as it didn't cause a spike...
    It did go back to normal! :)
    @Soldin That's awesome! Glad to hear that! :)
    Seems like my police siren "incident" has given me a spike with extra "buzzing" i am still anxious and tense so it might just be muscles.
    I try to stop myself having negative thoughts about it each time I catch myself. Then give myself a set time to ruminate and complain on here, then go back about my day. It probably gives the impression that I do nothing but complain about my tinnitus. Sometimes I just come here to procrastinate =)
    Haha i feel you! When something like this happens it takes over my entire world and ruins my week, my main issue is that i cant eat when i get anxious so i turn up just getting weak and useless for a week. I have been getting better tho these "incidents" only happen each 2-3 week now. Before i was having 2-3 of them each day. Feels good to not be in constant panicmode.
    Yesterday i was struck by a police siren 5 metres behind me, he drove past me and into the horizon, Had 35DB earplugs. Hope i will be ok.
    Have you gotten spikes from these event and have they subsided for you? day 3-4 of my spike and it still intrusive and annnoying, not as anxious tho which is a good sign.
    Yea I've gotten spikes from them but I don't remember anything being permanent
    Thanks for the info! :) Today the "buzzing" seems to have morped into some other "tonal" sound, T sure is weird. i Do prefer the tonal much more tho since its way easier to mask and almost blends into other sounds
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