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  1. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Benjaminbb, to tell the truth, I cannot remember exactly where my hearing loss was on the frequency spectrum. I certainly should. If I remember correctly, it was somewhere on the higher end of the threshold between 11-15 kHz. It is only slight and occurs in both ears. So sorry to hear you have...
  2. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @ECP, my apologies for the late reply! I am so glad you found it helpful friend! Best of luck with your recover and I'm truly sorry that you are struggling with noxacusis. Wishing you only the best.
  3. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @ECP, so sorry to hear you recently developed tinnitus and hyperacusis. I'm also so glad this post was helpful for you! Thank you again for reading.
  4. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Shizune, I see! Thank you for clarifying, I am very glad the hyperacusis does not cause balance issues for you. I wish you the best of luck with recovery.
  5. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Jerad, I'm not sure if your question regarding ear stabbing pain was for me. However, I do not want to miss it in case it is! Yes, I did have stabbing pain during major setbacks. This was almost always a sign of a major setback. I would get sharp and electric jolts of pain when I tried to...
  6. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @ECP, it is very interesting you make that comparison. I agree entirely. Tinnitus and hyperacusis can be incredibly tiring. They both demotivate and act as weights on the psyche, although for different reasons. Strangely, I had chronic fatigue for a considerable part of my life. I was simply...
  7. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @NBH, thank you for reading! Luckily, I did not have sound distortions through the process of recovery. However, I did notice after a minor or major setback, my hearing would sound muffled and noticeably different than usual. Perhaps most notably, I have lost the ability to sense the location of...
  8. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Shizune, you have quite an interesting case. I have not heard of anyone losing balance due to hyperacusis flare ups. I am very sorry that a medical professional gave you wrong advice. Are you sensitive especially to artificial noise as well?
  9. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @volterra, very sorry to hear you are new to hyperacusis. Overall, the condition is complicated. The main thing above all is to simply avoid making it worse. However, I included a series of other ways in which I felt progress was accelerated and minor setbacks were alleviated.
  10. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Jupiterman, I am able to live my life almost as I did before hyperacusis. I am still conscious of my environment but am even able to go to occasionally attend be in loud environments (85-90 dB) provided I wear ear protection. I typically refrain from doing so often and would most certainly...
  11. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Taw, thank you for the kind words and I will be sure not to push it! Thank you for reading.
  12. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @volterra, this is definitely true, I will always be grateful for the progress I have made. I do wish I had simply taken the condition more seriously at first but am beyond happy to be where I am. Thank you for the kind words.
  13. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @David Vance, it is the least I can do and I have always looked forward to the day I could write this post. I will try and keep everyone updated in case I make any further progress in the next year. Thanks again for reading!
  14. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Ben Winders, thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing whether my approach applies to your case of hyperacusis as well.
  15. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @CRGC, I would be happy to answer a few more questions. I am in now in my mid-20's and have minor hearing loss. I was tested for hearing loss and hyperacusis during my journey and was medically diagnosed in October of 2020. This was during my 2nd visit with a doctor. I was in my early 20's at...
  16. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Jerad, we certainly do have a similar recovery time and writing style! That is quite interesting actually. Thank you for reading!
  17. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Nick47, my tinnitus is only loud or particularly irritating if I am in a quiet room. While I am mostly habituated, it still bothers me from time to time. I developed multiple tones and slightly louder tinnitus over the course of my condition. These days, I still drink occasionally or have a...
  18. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Nick47, I am only loosely referring to nicotine and alcohol. I noticed that vaping and smoking cigarettes seemed to agitate my hyperacusis. This was a major reason I stopped vaping or smoking. Additionally, alcohol gives the illusion of a numbing effect only to potentially give you a setback if...
  19. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @Jupiterman, indeed, 30 months is a long recovery time and had I been more careful and known what I do now, I could have recovered far sooner. I healed to about 75-80% after the first 2 months of hyperacusis only to have a major setback and start all over. Perhaps this demonstrates just how out...
  20. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @CRGC, this is a great question. Luckily, much of my progress was fairly linear. I always knew what caused the minor or major setback. I acknowledge hyperacusis can vary across different cases. Based on my experience, I would recommend assessing why you may be having a more down week even more...
  21. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    @volterra, thank you! I would also be happy to answer your questions. 1. I have had tinnitus since March 2017. At the onset of my hyperacusis, the tinnitus was twice as loud as previously and drove me crazy at first. However, after some time, my tinnitus died back down to fairly normal levels...
  22. windwalker

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    After 2.5 years, I am finally 90% recovered from hyperacusis and can consider myself a success story! I was once a musician and have not returned to music, but can live my life almost as I did before. I am still mindful of my environment always carry earplugs. Additionally, I will never again...