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  1. Yuri_ol

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    Hi everybody. Since 02/2019 I have tinnitus after an acoustic injury. For now my ears are still sensitive to loud sounds (I don’t know for sure, but I guess that after exposure to sound over 90 dB I can immediately or the next day get fullness in my ear). After the x-ray of my teeth, I have a...
  2. Yuri_ol

    Fullness in Ear After Acoustic Trauma

    I like the thought of snail inflammation. Unfortunately, there is no medical information about this. What kind of medicine or dietary supplement can I try?
  3. Yuri_ol

    Fullness in Ear After Acoustic Trauma

    I would like to understand the principle of its occurrence; psychological, physical or is it stagnation of the lymph or if the reason is in the pillow or in nutrition. It's the 21st century, and we are so primitive and have not investigated simple things.
  4. Yuri_ol

    Fullness in Ear After Acoustic Trauma

    Update. Yesterday was better. This morning the fullness was in left ear but now it is again in the right and makes me crazy.
  5. Yuri_ol

    Fullness in Ear After Acoustic Trauma

    No. Would it help?
  6. Yuri_ol

    Fullness in Ear After Acoustic Trauma

    I'm 9 months into tinnitus after loud noise. Now I have fullness in right ear which makes me crazy. Fullness in right ear was from first day. There is no hearing loss or any problems with my ears. Any advice on how to get rid of the fullness?:cry: I take NAC and magnesium but they do not...
  7. Yuri_ol

    What Online Tool/Service Do You Use to Test for Hidden Hearing Loss?

    Where can I read your story?
  8. Yuri_ol

    What Online Tool/Service Do You Use to Test for Hidden Hearing Loss?

    I understand your concern. I also tried to diagnose latent hearing loss. On the Internet there are tests where they say numbers during noise, but I think it is a stupid test. As I understand it, the main way to check is our subjective interpretation of speech in a noisy environment (the...
  9. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    What do you mean? I always wear earplugs in noisy places (shops, on the street) I avoid headphones and loud sounds. I take a lot of supplements, I work in a quiet office.
  10. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    Thanks for your interest in my topic. Fullness comes and goes (a couple of days ago a door slammed loudly). Trembling is constant. Now (for about a month) a new symptom is ear pain, not much dull pain. I cannot say it has become quieter or louder, there have been quite a few spikes (they went...
  11. Yuri_ol

    Introduction, Tinnitus Situations While Flying and on High Terrain and MRI Experience

    A couple of weeks ago I got a spike (after listening to music at a picnic). Which caused pain in the ears and increased the noise. Now it is better, the pain is almost gone... Maybe in two weeks you will be better.
  12. Yuri_ol

    Burning Pain Sensation in the Ears After Loud Music

    4 months ago I had an acoustic trauma. A few days ago I was at a picnic. I wore earplugs. Not far from me, the company listened to music at a loud volume and danced. I was there for about 5-10 minutes and immediately left as it was loud, even with earplugs. My tinnitus did not increase right...
  13. Yuri_ol

    Hi Everyone, Here Comes a French Fellow!

    In a couple of months my tinnitus almost disappeared, but a loud speech caused a huge spike. I would advise to be more careful.
  14. Yuri_ol

    In a Loud Bar for 10 Minutes — Tinnitus Now Spiked — Is This Permanent?

    @secc do you have pain in the ears or head? After a few days of my tinnitus spike I can feel it. My pain is like a fire.
  15. Yuri_ol

    Hi Everyone, Here Comes a French Fellow!

    Recently, one guy wrote that after going to the dentist his tinnitus increased and he scolded himself very much for it. Although some tolerate dentists fine, there are cases of tinnitus spikes after dental brushing. The degree of damage to your ears is not very strong. You have described almost...
  16. Yuri_ol

    Hi Everyone, Here Comes a French Fellow!

    My English is also not native. I dare to assume that you had an acoustic trauma. Do not worry because you allegedly did nothing wrong. The effectiveness of steroids is questionable; there is no guarantee of results. But you can get huge side effects up to the loss of vision or ulcers of the...
  17. Yuri_ol

    Flying & Tinnitus

    I got a spike from putting in an earplug. I would not risk it.
  18. Yuri_ol

    Increased Tinnitus After MRI

    All cells in our body have experienced a huge dose of radiation. Try high doses of NAC.
  19. Yuri_ol

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    From my own experience, I can say that modern equipment shows unrealistically good audiometry results compared to the old Soviet ones. I had the test on both the Swiss device and the old Soviet one. The ancient Soviet device found a hearing loss of 10 dB, and the Swiss one did not find anything...
  20. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    Two days ago I went to a picnic with earplugs. Music was playing quite loudly nearby. Now two days later I have ear pain, I don’t know if it is connected... But what should I do? I take NAC and magnesium.
  21. Yuri_ol

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    We are indifferent to doctors. As far as I know bone conduction from 8 Hz is not measured. Only air. I have good audiograms up to 14,000 Hz, but I still confuse the noise. I cannot say that it has become quieter during this time, of course, it changed from a high squeak to the sound of sand...
  22. Yuri_ol

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    What do the square brackets (blue) mean? Do you have test results from 8 Hz to 14 kHz (16 kHz)?
  23. Yuri_ol

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    My pain is same - randomly triggered for 1-5 seconds. Can you show photos of your hearing test results?
  24. Yuri_ol

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    Do you have ear pain? I am on 120 day and still have it.
  25. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus from Unnecessary Noise Exposure at Work

    How do you feel now? Any changes?
  26. Yuri_ol

    ‘Wait and Watch’, My Doctor Said... Haha.

    Were other men in the basement wearing headphones? How old are you? Show your audiogram result?
  27. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus for a Few Weeks — Changing

    I hope you have carried on and in a couple of days everything will be as it was. I have, for example, pain in my ears after loud noises (mostly glass and dishes) that I try to avoid. Anyway, take NAC. Yesterday I read a story about taking NAC for one year and it made the tinnitus go away.
  28. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus for a Few Weeks — Changing

    Take NAC, a big dose. Maybe someone knows which dose is optimal? I read about 500 mg/kg. But I think 5*500 mg for a day will be ok?
  29. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus for a Few Weeks — Changing

    I constantly monitor your reports as I am in a similar situation. I sometimes have a passing ringing for a couple of minutes or seconds. I hear my tinnitus mostly in the morning and in the evening. Do you avoid loud noises?
  30. Yuri_ol

    Hello Everyone!

    In 2018, scientists found noise levels of modern MRI machines are extremely high. MRI machines have average noise like a jackhammer or chainsaw loudness (110 to 115 dB), and peak or max noise as loud as gunfire (130 dB). International noise exposure limits recommend no more than 15 minutes of...
  31. Yuri_ol

    New Here, Five Weeks In. Life Completely Changed.

    Can you show audiogram results?
  32. Yuri_ol

    electric sound

    electric sound
  33. Yuri_ol

    Hey All

    Is your tinnitus loud? Does it depress you?
  34. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus from Unnecessary Noise Exposure at Work

    "May be associated with a lower risk of hearing loss" They are not sure!
  35. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    How can I check for hidden hear loss?
  36. Yuri_ol

    pain in right ear

    pain in right ear
  37. Yuri_ol

    what sound of your T ? some like ?

    what sound of your T ? some like ?
  38. Yuri_ol

    I Was Around a Crying Baby for a Few Seconds. My Tinnitus Is Twice as Loud Now!

    27.03.2019 was... now T in louder in right ear when I take it again I didnt know that I need to protect ears/ doctors said do nothing and eat betahistine i feel left ear feel much better than right. very bad post but it can be with everyone
  39. Yuri_ol

    I Was Around a Crying Baby for a Few Seconds. My Tinnitus Is Twice as Loud Now!

    No it's still here. Also a door closed very loudly and now I have a feeling of warmth in my right ear.
  40. Yuri_ol

    I Was Around a Crying Baby for a Few Seconds. My Tinnitus Is Twice as Loud Now!

    I never thought about how loud people speaking can be and it can hurt my ear. When I was into my second month of recovery, when my tinnitus was almost gone, loud speaking made my tinnitus in the right ear become louder.
  41. Yuri_ol

    I Was Around a Crying Baby for a Few Seconds. My Tinnitus Is Twice as Loud Now!

    Sorry, but no. What is your tinnitus like? Mine is like brown noise.
  42. Yuri_ol

    I Was Around a Crying Baby for a Few Seconds. My Tinnitus Is Twice as Loud Now!

    I got a tinnitus spike (after exposed to loud talking) 40 days ago. Tinnitus in right ear is louder than in left.
  43. Yuri_ol

    Fullness in Ear After Acoustic Trauma

    I have fullness in my right ear after an acoustic trauma. I don't have hearing loss, but the fullness and tinnitus are still with me. I hear well in both ears. Has anyone got any advice on how to get rid of the congestion / fullness feeling? I have cracking in my ears (possible ETD in my both...
  44. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus for a Few Weeks — Changing

    Audiogram from 8 kHz above is a legacy of the Soviet Union (in my city it cost $4-$8 capital of UA). My tinnitus is like some sand dropping on a plate or some electric sound - it is a bit difficult to explain.
  45. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus Started Recently — I Need to Know How Others Are Living with This?

    By the photo I can say that your tinnitus is very loud... Elena speak Russian?
  46. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus for a Few Weeks — Changing

    @Ivkopivko On the second month of my tinnitus mornings were quiet time. But now on the third month mornings are the loudest time in a day. Level of 1-2/10. My hearing is also good.
  47. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus Started Recently — I Need to Know How Others Are Living with This?

    Where are you from? How loud is your tinnitus (on a scale of 0 to 10)? What is the cause of your tinnitus?
  48. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    Is speech discrimination in noisy places a mandatory element of hidden hearing loss? I just cannot fully establish my diagnosis (have I got hidden loss or not?). I have excellent results from the audiological tests and I perfectly understand speech in noisy places. i just read: Thus...
  49. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    I had a tympanometry test, all was ok (twice!). But I feel fullness (in one ear) and cracking in head when I swallow (on both sides). Do you know what might help?
  50. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and Ear Pain After Very Loud Music in Studio

    Fully agree. But what to do? Only time can help us?
  51. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    I think yes. I read about it on this forum. First it was the fullness which drove me crazy.
  52. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    Yesterday I heard one clatter of dishes - today I have pain and fullness in right ear :grumpy:
  53. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and Ear Pain After Very Loud Music in Studio

    How do you feel about your tinnitus now?
  54. Yuri_ol

    Screwed Up at a Concert — Recommendations for My Early Stage of Tinnitus?

    thank for your post. It helps me to understand that your and my T is appear the same. The human body have alike (same) reaction for loud sound in identical conditions? Today is 84 days for my T. Now it like (not loud like on video but looks the same)
  55. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    maybe.... first was fullness in ear ETD come after 30 days....
  56. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    ball lightning...sorry for my english...
  57. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    few minutes ago the fireball has flown and blown up near me (in my home).I worry about my T. before it happened I took magnesium and vitamin B. Hope all will be ok