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  1. Pumpkin

    Enjoying being off work in this lovely weather!!

    Enjoying being off work in this lovely weather!!
  2. Pumpkin

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    It's taken me a while to get my head around writing this. Just like many others on this site Danny Boy was one of the first members to reach out to me when I developed tinnitus 3 years ago. I have since habituated and it barely bothers me these days, but that is a whole other post. However, if...
  3. Pumpkin

    Got Captured in Hospital

    Hope you are on the mend Glynis! Thinking of you and sending out lots of love to you. Xxxx
  4. Pumpkin

    Tinnitus Acting UP

    Go to the doctors to rule out any type of ear infection. You may be run down with everything you're coping with at the minute which may leave your immune system a little low. I used to experience numbness in my right ear whenever it would get infected. Hope you're managing to get some rest. X
  5. Pumpkin

    Are Earplanes Any Good?

    I've used them on a few flights....worked for me!
  6. Pumpkin

    New Tone After Music Festival (with Earplugs)

    Do you have a phone charger plugged in anywhere near your bed? Similar thing happened to me and turned out it was the plug buzzing....
  7. Pumpkin

    To My Dear Tinnitus Family

    Lots of love to you Glynis.....we're all here for you. xxxxxx
  8. Pumpkin

    What Kind(s) of Tinnitus Does This Sound Like?

    Hi Hil, Your morse code sound tinnitus sounds exactly like mine. I developed it in June after a bout of severe ear infections that perforated my ear drum. Mine has steadily improved over the 7 months that I've had it and I still hope that one day it will disappear altogether. I'm suspect I...
  9. Pumpkin

    Feeling Proud!

    Just taught my first Yoga class in 7 months since developing tinnitus....never thought I would be able to do that again. Feeling well chuffed with myself! Things can get back to normal!! It's been a slog, but so worth it. Anyway....just thought I'd share!
  10. Pumpkin

    Something That Might Help...

    Hi folks.....I have finally had a chance to update my blog this week. Focusing on how we can practise Savasana (relaxation) with tinnitus. Apologies for any grammar, spelling mistakes etc, but really wanted to get this published for people sooner rather than later. The lovely @glynis gets a...
  11. Pumpkin

    Something That Might Help...

    Hi @eve88 Sorry for my late reply....I've been away for a few days. Thanks for your lovely words and sharing your experience with me! I do believe Yoga has helped me in reducing the volume of my tinnitus and has certainly helped me overcome the anxiety around it. Yep, savasana can be a...
  12. Pumpkin

    Ear Infection?

    I reckon once the fluid clears you will begin to notice an improvement in your spike. Ears can take a looooonnnngggg time to heal. Since my last infection I still have days were it feels full then the next day it feels clear again....very unpredictable! I think you're best bet is to focus on...
  13. Pumpkin

    Ear Infection?

    Thanks Logan! Good luck with it and keep me posted!
  14. Pumpkin

    Something That Might Help...

    Hi lovely Tinnitus Talk folk, So I have had tinnitus now for 6 months caused by an ear infection. Since developing tinnitus I have been through the usual loop of anxiety and depression, but thankfully seem to be heading in a more positive direction now! I am a Yoga teacher and have relied...
  15. Pumpkin

    Ear Infection?

    Hi Logan, Sorry to hear that you are still having a nasty spike. Mine did eventually calm down and I'm pretty much back to baseline now. I had to go a couple of rounds of some pretty strong antibiotics though to eventually shift all the infection. My ear still doesn't feel quite right...
  16. Pumpkin

    Questions About Your Tinnitus

    Hi @Kay86, 1. Had my T for 6 months now. 2. Got my T from an ear infection which perforated my ear drum. 3. It's a fluttering mid/high pitch beepy sound. It's very odd and I've not heard anyone describe theirs as similar on this site. It's very's like some sort of alien morse code...
  17. Pumpkin

    Co-Amoxiclav — Can It Increase Tinnitus?

    I've just finished a course if this for yet another ear change in my T. I think Atlantis is right....sometimes the anticipation of a T increase is enough to make us perceive it that way!
  18. Pumpkin

    Ear Infection?

    I'm now in my 6th infection in 6 months. The initial infection triggered my tinnitus, however the later infections had no lasting effect on my tinnitus (thankfully)!! I think we'll be OK kiddo, but the infection I have right now is a pretty hefty one so I'm far from relaxed about it!! I'm...
  19. Pumpkin

    Is Tinnitus in the Genes?

    I know my Dad had it but he never really spoke about it. Didn't seem to bother him at all....I only recall having one conversation about it and even that was short and sweet. I think he got it from hearing loss. He was given a hearing aid but he never used the thing....he said he could hear...
  20. Pumpkin

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    When you say "was" a weird click....does that mean it's now gone away?
  21. Pumpkin

    Advocacy Campaign for Research on Trobalt and Tinnitus

    @Onnie WOW!! An animation would be amazing!! Something that could be shared easily by maximum number of people!! Yes thinking big sounds good!! If there's anything I can lend a hand to please let me know!
  22. Pumpkin

    Advocacy Campaign for Research on Trobalt and Tinnitus

    Do we know if anyone on tinnitus talk has made any sort of short film/documentary? This may be something I can help with if its not already in progress.
  23. Pumpkin

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Unfortunately @undecided tinnitus cannot always be avoided!
  24. Pumpkin

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Just had a peek on the autifony website and there is a notice there saying "recruitment closed".....nothing else is mentioned at present.
  25. Pumpkin

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    As a newer member of this community I am still getting to grips with all the various treatment research that has been going on and openly admit I have only touched the tip of the iceberg....however I will offer my support to the cause in any way I can. Do let me know if there is anything I can...
  26. Pumpkin

    Struggling to Come to Terms with Tinnitus

    I know there are many posts like this but I feel like I've hit a wall. I'm 4 months in with tinnitus and was so sure it was going to go....of course as time goes by I'm beginning to see that this is not necessarily the case. I really can't believe that this could be forever and trying to hold on...
  27. Pumpkin

    Tinnitus — Does the Cause Make a Difference to Recovery?

    I have no medical background at all so this is purely opinion but I think it's more to do with the extent of damage done as opposed to the cause. Unfortunately that seems like a difficult thing to assess!
  28. Pumpkin

    Do You Believe in God/a Higher Power? Does Prayer Help You Cope?

    Karen that is beautiful....what a comfort. X
  29. Pumpkin

    Yet another ear infection!

    Yet another ear infection!
  30. Pumpkin

    Struggling today.....

    Struggling today.....
  31. Pumpkin

    Singing as a Distraction!

    Ha!! Yes I don't think my poor cat was too impressed with the free concert!
  32. Pumpkin

    Singing as a Distraction!

    I've just found a little gem of a trick for my tinnitus.... I find masking can do my head in sometimes as it feels like a forced environment. I was just doing some housework in silence (with only my t for company) and started to have a little sing to myself whilst I was busy cleaning. It was...
  33. Pumpkin

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    Whether it's the oil or not I'm just really happy that you're finding some relief @Drecul . Here's to a peaceful future!! Good luck!
  34. Pumpkin

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    Sounds very intriguing! Do keep us posted....might invest in some of this myself! Just read that it is also being trialled as a drug for epilepsy which is interesting as that is what Trobalt is used for also.
  35. Pumpkin

    Stay Strong You Wonderful People...

    I am 3 months in with tinnitus after an ear infection which perforated my eardrum. To say things have got easier would be a lie, I'm just better at faking it!! This forum has been a wonderful support to me, knowing that I am not alone in this struggle. Every day when I wake, I hear the T and...
  36. Pumpkin

    A Lot of Guilt and Worry Right Now

    As long as he feels supported I think that's the main thing and it sounds like you're doing that for him. As for you, try to go easy on yourself. You'll be better equipped to help your brother out if you're in a good place yourself. This site has a great supportive community who are here to help...
  37. Pumpkin

    A Lot of Guilt and Worry Right Now

    Happy to help! The best thing you can do for your brother is exactly what you are doing. Have you showed him this site? It's been a blessing for me since my tinnitus started.
  38. Pumpkin

    A Lot of Guilt and Worry Right Now

    Try not to be too hard on yourself. You obviously didn't intend for this to happen and you're doing the right thing by looking at ways you can support your brother. There is lots of things that can be done to provide relief from tinnitus but it's different for everyone. Has he been to see a...
  39. Pumpkin

    A Lot of Guilt and Worry Right Now

    Hi Kevin, Have you spoken to your brother about the guilt you're feeling?
  40. Pumpkin


    How did it go with the ENT?
  41. Pumpkin


    You have such a good outlook. Keep me posted on your progress! I'm seeing an ENT in 2 weeks so hopefully will know a bit more then. Go well!!
  42. Pumpkin


    Thanks for the words of encouragement Tamika. Did you have tinnitus while they were healing?
  43. Pumpkin


    Hi, I feel your pain. I perforated my eardrum 6 weeks ago due to a nasty ear infection and have had tinnitus since. I'm being referred to an ENT by my GP as there is still quite a lot of dried blood on my eardrum which they want to look at. All the doctors I have spoken to seem quite confident...