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  1. jesseslash

    Cinema... Opinions Please

    Hey Rhea, Here's my take: go! If you're worried about sound exposure, take plugs. If you let tinnitus control how you live, it's harder to move on. I've been through this too. I used to wear plugs to the theater early on as well. I don't any longer, normally; but, if I know I'm going to an...
  2. jesseslash

    Hey All!

    Hi Rhea, I developed T over the years in large part due to lots of heavy metal concerts and lots of ear infections because of all the time I spent in the ocean. Until '08 it was minor. I had ear surgery in August of '08 and had an ossicle prosthesis placed behind my eardrum. My T went...
  3. jesseslash

    Just Another Day in Hawaii

    I'd call some of those: Rabbit Island, Sandy Beach (maybe?), ono grinds from some local joint in Waik's, Bellow's with the red flag, and Jeff got Waimea.
  4. jesseslash

    Hey All!

    I'm new to the TT board, but certainly not to T; stumbled upon a reference to it while lurking over on the Yuku site, where I've been a member since '08. Used to be very active on that site when I was really suffering. It's just weighing on my heart to see so many suffering. My .02c - you...