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  1. deanalewis

    What the Heck! High-Pitched Tone Comes and Goes Several Times a Second

    Hi Folks, On and off over the last year I have had tinnitus in my left ear. But it's a strange type of tinnitus it's a high pitched 14 kHz tone but what happens is it comes and goes several times a second it's a bit like a sweeping where it completely vanishes then comes back then vanishes...
  2. deanalewis

    The Importance of 8-20 kHz

    I doubt anything useful is above 12khz
  3. deanalewis

    Data Gathering Project

    I'm a programmer for the BBC sign me up
  4. deanalewis

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Question — If I Plug Both Ears, Tinnitus Is Almost Non-Existent, But...

    Think of T as the gain being turned up as it hears the missing frequency in your other ear hence if you plug both of them your brain turns it down I would expect hearing aids would probably help you
  5. deanalewis

    The Importance of 8-20 kHz

    Keiv Basically a child evolves from a single cell to a fully grown human we also find people who are savants.... What I'm saying is these frequencies probably are a new thing otherwise tinnitus would have been a bigger problem back thousands of years ago
  6. deanalewis

    The Importance of 8-20 kHz

    Possibly the protection is so that the lower frequencies are further down the choclea an less prone to damage so mother nature put them there to act as a buffer. Remember many wars have been caught without ear protection so how do we know the 8khz and above is not a more recent thing
  7. deanalewis

    Lying Doctors

    Dr Nagler, I am a programmer for my profession and if I dont keep up to date I get left behind so what gives a doctor the God given right not to study and learn more about a condition - I learned more about Tinnitus on this thread and the possible cures and studies being investigated than my...
  8. deanalewis

    Lying Doctors

    What I think my doctor is lying about is creating stories that are supposed to make me feel better then when I call his bluff e.g. I have a serious condition its met with - Just live with it. Even if the doctor had of referred me to ENT to hear the same thing that would be fine - I have been...
  9. deanalewis

    Lying Doctors

    Where is the proof its not the ears? If they can't fix the tiny hairs how can they further deduce that its the brain. Sounds like passing the buck! My own theory is that if there bent hairs or dead they still send a signal but since its skewed that's all the brain hears. Bit like mic...
  10. deanalewis

    Lying Doctors

    Just feels like they dont care and the older ones are the worst as I'm just cattle to them. I found a younger doctor far more helpful and they admit they dont know. Older doctors dont care I know more about T than my doctor yet he is the gatekeeper to treatment like what the hell. There are...
  11. deanalewis

    Lying Doctors

    My problem is this same doctor laughed it off when I thought I breathed in too much silica dust which can cause lung failure again got a story of how he's been exposed I suppose if I had cancer he would fob it off. I had a lump at the base of my spine and I told him about it and he said it will...
  12. deanalewis

    Lying Doctors

    Hey Folks, Is it just me or does it feel like the Doctors just try to fob you off. I went down to my Doctor 3 weeks ago just one day after hearing the ringing in my ear and worried that I could have tinnitus. He looked in my ears and said they look fine but there was 'Some' wax and prescribed...
  13. deanalewis

    Expose Ears to Sound -> Hear Ringing / Earplugs On -> Tinnitus Almost Inaudible — Why Is This?

    Hey I've had T for a week and its pissing me off I dont have it as loud as some people here but its annoying. I could live with it but its like having that barking dog outside I can adapt lol. But my big question is why when I put an ear plug in my ear with ,T I hear complete silence yet when...
  14. deanalewis

    Expose Ears to Sound -> Hear Ringing / Earplugs On -> Tinnitus Almost Inaudible — Why Is This?

    Hi Folks, I find that if I am at home and the TV is on low my T is made worse as my right ear which has hearing loss turns up the gain which increases the T in my left ear. But what I also find is if i put an ear plug in my ear with T the silence or sound of silence to me drowns it out. I am...
  15. deanalewis

    Expose Ears to Sound -> Hear Ringing / Earplugs On -> Tinnitus Almost Inaudible — Why Is This?

    Can anyone tell me why when I expose my ear to sound I can hear ringing but if I put ear plugs in my ears my T is very hard to hear over the sound of silence. When I plug my ears for example I can still hear various sounds which to me what I call silence. Anyone experience this
  16. deanalewis

    Help Please — Would You Classify This as Mild Tinnitus?

    Hi Folks, I went to this website and I found my tinnitus is around 13906 with the meter 1 quarter of the way from the lowest and windows master speaker volume on 1. Mine is slightly higher again but its this noise - Would you classify this as mild tinnitus...
  17. deanalewis

    Fullness in Ear

    Hey I think I've got tinnitus on sat past I was cutting 2 fencing posts on a table saw for 5 minutes now I've got a ringing in my ears. Doctor said it would probably go away does anyone think the same. It sounds like an old tv but I've noticed today that the sound is osculating were as the...
  18. deanalewis

    Hey Preparing Myself

    Hey Folks So there I was yesterday working out in my shed I needed to cut some timber on the table saw so I did the next thing I knew I had a really loud noise in both ears. I put in ear plugs and within an hour the sound had subdued but I now hear a perminant pitch which I would describe as...