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  1. Yo-Han

    If You Have Even a Slight Hint of Suspicion That Your Tinnitus Is Noise Induced Don't EVER Do an MRI

    Arseny, Its been quite the ride handling my condition over the years. I can tell you that you have a lot of chance for recovery within a few weeks or months if you take care of your ears now. I've had spikes like this happen too in the past, and some of them lasted 6 weeks to go down (not from...
  2. Yo-Han

    If You Have Even a Slight Hint of Suspicion That Your Tinnitus Is Noise Induced Don't EVER Do an MRI

    For ex. 120Db peak at 1 meter(about 3 feet) is about 114 at 2 meters (about 6 feet). But you're in a very confined space, room. So not much attenuation there... the further away from the ear the better of course, as like with speakers vs headphones.... The 120Db peak is not constant off course...
  3. Yo-Han

    My Posting Place

    MPP lured me in too ... But what with the hate against Turkish Radio and Television. President Erdogan better not read this!
  4. Yo-Han

    Was It Hard for You to Find a Suitable Hyperacusis Friendly Apartment?

    Hey @Marc22, I read your story about your bad housing move and wanted to reply a few months ago. Severe burnout has made me so tired the last months and i'm not able to work for a while and out of my normal doing, i couldn't find the energy to post ... And i'm in a pretty bad T setback now...
  5. Yo-Han

    If You Have Even a Slight Hint of Suspicion That Your Tinnitus Is Noise Induced Don't EVER Do an MRI

    Some youngsters call them DubStep machines. If they only had volume control ... Sound level will vary from manufacturer, bore type: open or closed bore. Coil field strength (0.75- 1.5 or 3tesla) and scan duration and sound sequence types may vary from the type of scan: brain, torso, spine...
  6. Yo-Han

    If You Have Even a Slight Hint of Suspicion That Your Tinnitus Is Noise Induced Don't EVER Do an MRI

    Thx @Jack Straw. I already had the CT scan today. Less waiting time for them and i know like there's 99% chance my head -skull-brain will be fine. I had some bad T spikes in 2012 and the MRI then showed out ok. But it spiked my T for a while (i geuss a week or 2), even wearing -30DB protection...
  7. Yo-Han

    If You Have Even a Slight Hint of Suspicion That Your Tinnitus Is Noise Induced Don't EVER Do an MRI

    @Arseny I feel bad this had to happen to you! Your posts are so well written and nicely detailed, asking for the right things to do, seek out the help you need ... And then this happens! It makes me very sad, and a bit angry MRI operators don't seem to know the sound risks for us with pre...
  8. Yo-Han

    'Winding Up' Tinnitus... Does It Settle?

    Here's a good read about the so called reactive tinnitus wich is a description of symptoms experienced by 'us' poor souls (In my opinion) It gets real interesting from the yellow marked part, if you scroll down a bit ... I can agree with...
  9. Yo-Han

    A Device Similar to Sound Oasis S-650 That Would Also Support Playing YouTube Videos?

    How about a cheap CD - Blu-ay player with USB support? Feeding that into a Bose companion set of small speakers? Price would be about 200€ if you find a 100€ cheap Blu-ray player. It doesn't need to meet all modern cinema audio specs. If it plays .wav and mp3 and .mp4 and most common audio...
  10. Yo-Han

    Can Anyone Tell Me How Loud My MRI Was?

    You found this link? I had a minor spike from an MRI when my Tinittus was very mild and about 3 months in, i had hardly any Hyperacusis then. T spike went down after a few days luckely. I wore plugs and the headphones i got. They were playing the...
  11. Yo-Han

    How Much Would It Cost to See Dirk De Ridder?

    @Bart. Thx. I wasn't planning on going. I knew the results from Antwerp for years now due to online investigation.
  12. Yo-Han

    How Much Would It Cost to See Dirk De Ridder?

    They state 40% success rate at their Facebook page. So that seems fair in informing people before they dish out their cash. 3x the price might be the 'top doctor' premium... or to pay for that villa.
  13. Yo-Han

    How Much Would It Cost to See Dirk De Ridder?

    Just the staff it seems, and the location. Antwerp has a large hospital connected. Ghent has now more or less original starter staff of the old Brain clinic in Antwerp. When Dr De Ridder left for NZ he supervised the Antwerp part over the internet I guess. Now it's probably running on its own...
  14. Yo-Han

    How Much Would It Cost to See Dirk De Ridder?

    That was about 5 years ago according to a Dutch hearing forum. Seems he might move again. Their new clinic is just about in my back yard in a big renovated landhouse/villa. It's a 5 minute walk from the central station in Ghent. Ghent - Brussels airport is about 30 minutes by train (if you are...
  15. Yo-Han

    The Driven Soul

    Maybe for both? That's what i'm gettin out off this ;) How are you going to take care of the world or others if you don't take care of yourself? @fishbone.. quite the story. I agree with an earlyer poster ... if there's any form of karma, it'll come round for you. (i hope it's a nice woman for...
  16. Yo-Han

    Speaker Recommendations?

    @Red. Sadly most of all loudspeakers. Of course, crappy tinny sounding loudspeakers, are more fatiguing to listen to in general. But bass heavy(er) speakers are just not doable for me anymore. I don't have pain H but i get this unpleasant pressure in my ears from low freq. Like the low rumble of...
  17. Yo-Han

    Speaker Recommendations? I own a pair of these. Not bad at all and not tinny sounding. They sound pretty OK on lower volumes. ps. i also own a pair of tannoy prestige speakers and a tube amplifier...
  18. Yo-Han

    Probably the Worst Thing That Can Happen!

    Then we are back at my first reply here. Nothing but a little bit of suction caused by the water and you removing or moving your finger or that ear lobe. I can not add anothing more to this topic. My opinion on low level(loudness wise) frequency tests is that it doesn't harm you at all...
  19. Yo-Han

    Probably the Worst Thing That Can Happen!

    Ive read all your reply's. If you really think there's fluids behind your ear drum, you should visit a doktor to check your ears and eardrum. He'll shine a light in there and tell you its nothing 99% out of a 100! Or you might be right and it might be caused by an infection or eustachian tube...
  20. Yo-Han

    Probably the Worst Thing That Can Happen!

    I can REASSURE you this pop is NOTHING. Its just some minor suction effect that 'seems' loud. Sometimes the ear drum while move a bit outwards cause of this. Your ears are designed to do that! They just try to equalise pressure. What your fingers do here is minor compared to pressure changes in...
  21. Yo-Han

    Head Buzz Tinnitus Completely Gone in the Mornings

    @Telis I feel sorry for you man, that you have to go trough what looks like a pretty bad setback. I too can confirm that you had to tolerate a whole lot for years! I mean being part of the H graveyard section (ass i call it! no insults meant here ;) ) ... and still trying to live life and go...
  22. Yo-Han

    Thought My Tinnitus Was Better, Now It's PULSATING!?

    I hope i can ease your mind a little with this example Last year around this period i had sudden bursts of pulsatile T too, above my H and regular T. Out of nowhere this came. The one that wooshes along with your heartbeat. I panicked off course. The PT went away after 2 episodes lasting about...
  23. Yo-Han

    Need Help with an Ongoing Hyperacusis Project

    Another one done ;)
  24. Yo-Han

    Got Captured in Hospital

    All the best, and get better soon. I'm mostly just glancing around here , but that's been enough to see how supportive you are around here Glynis.
  25. Yo-Han

    Ear Plugs or Ear Muffs?

    Hello Bobby B I'm just trying to help and bosch has a real silent one somewhere at 59 db's. Factory measured. I guess brands use A class (+- 1,5 Db) Db meters and not iphones. I sure hope so :) That article is just a guideline. The db levels on the manufacterors site should be more accurate...
  26. Yo-Han

    Ear Plugs or Ear Muffs?

    Maybe the above recommendations combined with a silent vacuum cleaner?
  27. Yo-Han

    Hyperacusis in ONE Ear Only??

    @wishingluck You might want to look for "central gain in the auditory system" @AnxiousJon Been living with general anxiety disorder for 20 years now. I know the feeling of dread when theres' no need for it. I'm on xanax XR 0.5mg for the last 15...
  28. Yo-Han

    Hyperacusis in ONE Ear Only??

    hello @Reinier I'm not shure if its the ET in my case. It's more a wild geuss of mine. The tensor veli palatini affects the opening and closing of the ET i thought From wiki: The tensor veli palatini tenses the soft palate and by doing so, assists the levator veli palatini in elevating the...
  29. Yo-Han

    Hyperacusis in ONE Ear Only??

    I have simular experiences. My worst ear is my left (T and H wise). I have to say that i have TMJ and neck problems too. The left side is the worst for both conditions. I do feel the right side too and have T and H there also, but not as bad. But if i plug my left ear only, i still hear many...
  30. Yo-Han

    Investigating the Impact of Sound Sensitivity in Tinnitus

    There you go, good luck and take care.
  31. Yo-Han

    Constant Ear Pain

    I'll try to focus on treatmens and strategy's for H and ear pain and not hijack this thread for myself. I'm sure this discussion has been held in many topics and other forums too. I've read many of them ... An important part to me is the personal connection with your therapist: wether it's TRT...
  32. Yo-Han

    Constant Ear Pain

    @Telis Thx, take care too! Hopefully we can see some better days in 2016. @Michael Leigh Thx for the advise. The TRT centre is 3 miles from my home in my hometown! I am defenatly going to contact them again the following week for a new appointment. Last time i was there was early June i geuss...
  33. Yo-Han

    Constant Ear Pain

    @Telis About the same here... After work (have an IT office job wich is getting harder and harder at times - music, phones, 4 collegues in a tiny space, people walking in, off desk interventions) my ears just feal exhausted and i want a bit of silence. When at home i try to find the balance. I...
  34. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    I'm not sure. It may be the very mild effect trobalt has on the KCNQ1 channel. One research project found it very weakly inhibited this channel. Its indeed been discribed in the MOA of Retigabine. It seems to be more of a minimal risk at the higher or maximum daily dosages...
  35. Yo-Han

    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    I've read carols story a few months ago on the hyperacusis chat forum. I remembered that the surgery wasn't very invasive and only abot 30-45 minutes and was reversable. Nice to hear pain(only an aspirin nedeed occasionally) and side effects seem to be good too... typical for minor invasive...
  36. Yo-Han

    Auditory Fatigue

    I got this definitaly This question was part of a T questionaire i filled in for a TRT group session. Too many sound sources in a room stress my hearing. Long day exposures too. I mostly ache for a bit silence after longer exposures or a working day ( a just do-able desk job for my H level...
  37. Yo-Han

    Questions About My Symptoms

    Hello Nathalie During pregnancy elevated levels of certain stress hormones can really stir things up for you and many pregnant woman. Heres a good read about it. Since you react good to masssage and relaxation(your other...
  38. Yo-Han

    Brai2n Tinnitus Clinic in Belgium

    Christian, I do not dare to say that the clinic is not worth it for people who don't have to travel very far. But i never heard it being a T miracle place or even have high rates of succes with T. A complex problem it remains, wether you have a brain picture of it or not... that's why i - if I...
  39. Yo-Han

    Brai2n Tinnitus Clinic in Belgium

    Hello Soulstation, The TMS treatment might also be obtained elsewhere. You could indeed start from the qEEG and then decide to look further into it like Nills said. Good luck with it. ps. I've read some stories about brain and their T treatment on Dutch forums but i'd rather let the people...
  40. Yo-Han

    Brai2n Tinnitus Clinic in Belgium

    @SoulStation I agree with Nills, not worth flying that far to Belgium Antwerp for EEG qEEG. I would be surprised if New York or other US clinics couldn't do that! I do not know about the cost of course in the USA. The former leading force of Brain clinic, Dr De Ridder, works in New Zeeland...
  41. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Ateos, Valid points, especially about the mix of trobalt with benzo's. It's also a 'gaba a' modulator And also a weak sodium and calcium channel blocker besides the kv channels it works on. Like any med...
  42. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Ateos, Nearly dying from expirimental meds or being suicidal is serious bussines. More serious then my problems at the moment (they are pretty serious and life altering to me, many should know here what it means - i’lm talking hard to mask reactive T and hard to treat and frightening H). I...
  43. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Dear ATEOS now we are truly finished discussing. I suffer from pretty severe T, TMJ pains and level 3 H if i got to give that a score. I'm not here to insult. You seem te have taken something like an insult in my post considering your very immature reaction (the image). I'm not trying to insult...
  44. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    ATEOS i do too, so many opinions and people, the whole damn world. That is an official article of the US government (or am i wrong). Combine it with the official FDA warnings about RTG and we know that it is a fact that RTG is not a very safe drug and quite a bit risky for some. AND the effects...
  45. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    A bit off topic but ... Depends on how you look at it Paragraph 2 form the abstract says it all! I rest my case. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are psychotropic agents; that is, they act on the mind and can positively or negatively influence...
  46. Yo-Han

    Custom Earplugs (ACS, Elacin, Etymotic, Westone, etc.)

    This link explains NRR standerts and double protection is the effect of dual protection 30Db + 30Db = 33Db -30 db muff + -30Db plug = -33Db (theory) These numbers are from electronic engineering: 3 dB = twice the power (Power respectively intensity - mostly...
  47. Yo-Han

    Autifony's CLARITY-1 (Age-Related Hearing Loss) Phase II Study for AUT00063

    For your information phase1= pre clinical= still no results (expected december 2015, see tab study results) phase 2= recruiting stage, so looks like a go next year In other words, hardly any human tested on subject yet.
  48. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Christian Hang on there... i hope your wishes may be granted one day: love and the sea Maybe the trobalt is having a negative effect on your metabolism and the stress your body endures due this is making your T spike? Those side effects aren't mild anymore... I know you are using because it...
  49. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @grate_biff This article will explain more then the short exerpt posted before a few pages back (too small of a bit in the big picture) -Hardcore link- Chapter 2 is about gaba turnover...
  50. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Sorry to hear that. I had kidney surgery (mechanical problem) and i know i was freightened then and sometimes in very serious pain. The pain from my problem was caused by hydrophrenosis (obstruction of urine leaving the kidney beacon) and was indeed nothing to be compared about ... even to H and...
  51. Yo-Han

    Hyperacusis on 20/20 TV In US

    Hi Suer A blanket itself won't do much, unless they have double or sound insulating glass. They might damp reflections inside cause glass is kinda reflective. Acoustics in those modern houses with many stone floors and lots a glass or mostly not so good: very bright and reflective. Carpets...
  52. Yo-Han

    Hyperacusis on 20/20 TV In US

    Hi @Geo I'd like to shed some light on acoustic isolation. I'd go nuts in a town like LA or NY (and move). Easyer said then done... I live in a 200k people town with hyperacusis level 3 and i'm allready having a hard time adjusting ... I wish you strenght and getting better soon. Battling H in...
  53. Yo-Han

    Hi Everyone, I'm Nick (One Month of Tinnitus)

    Hi Been a drummer too (about 15 years, happy T-less then). My T came 5+years after i stopped playing drums in bands (focused on DJing and dance music later) My T is possibly TMJ related (or stress or maybe meds) cause years after i quit regular DJ ing i had no chronic T. But i have to say i...
  54. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    My respect for both the guinea pigs and the people who kinda took the forum info (not the form that researchers like) and molded that into usable data for them researchers and get their much valued attention. I'm not a big fan of big pharma, but at least there's attention to the T and H problem...
  55. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @Danny Boy oh so no more T.... I thought you still had minor 't' like a 1. Well one can call that 'cured' yes. Its not always clear what cured you doh, im not gonna elaborate on that here. I understand your sometimes bit exctatic mood to help. You had it bad enough with T+H .... and the good...
  56. Yo-Han

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Hey dannyboy. My 1st reply! I've been reading here since december 2014 (and way longer on other forums like yuku, stringplayer and hyperacusis chat)... and i sure could post some sharp hooks on neurology even if i'm no neurologist... but i won't do that ... I'm no neuro, who is here? Only...