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  1. Sam T-G

    Tinnitus from Getting Slapped in the Ear — ENT Said I Have Perforated Eardrum

    I was slapped due to a slapping competition (it was a good idea late on a friday night in college), and I think it will be my last. I’ve been using headphones, but mostly just listening to podcasts and everything on very low volume. Should I stop doing that? Thank you for your response
  2. Sam T-G

    Tinnitus from Getting Slapped in the Ear — ENT Said I Have Perforated Eardrum

    I appreciate you taking the time to help ease my mind about this. I had never really put much thought into what it must be like for someone with chronic tinnitus, but now I realize how debilitating it could be.
  3. Sam T-G

    Very anxious

    Very anxious
  4. Sam T-G

    Tinnitus from Getting Slapped in the Ear — ENT Said I Have Perforated Eardrum

    About three weeks ago I got slapped in the ear and ever since I’ve had a ringing in my ear. I went to the ENT and was told I had a perforated eardrum. Has anybody had a similar issue or know someone who has? Should I expect this to go away or will I be stuck with this forever? The ringing...