Search results for query: clonazepam

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  1. erthwyrm

    Debilitating Tinnitus from Benzo (Clonazepam) Taper

    ...for three years. Doctors were running out of tests and explanations, so I decided, based on what I had read in the Ashton Manual, that Clonazepam might be the cause. I had been taking it for seven years at varying doses. At the time of my decision to stop, I was on 0.5 mg daily. I tapered...
  2. Mirador

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper

    I took 0.5 mg of Clonazepam from November 2022 to March 2023. I came off it too fast and quickly developed appalling tinnitus. My doctor advised me to reinstate the Clonazepam and come off it more slowly. This seemed to work at first - after six weeks the tinnitus was right down and I started...
  3. sspencermo

    Intermittent Tinnitus and Taking Clonazepam to Prevent a Loud Tinnitus Day?

    ...some low-dose Remeron (Mirtazapine), which has worked like a charm for me - I sleep great now. She also threw in a prescription for Clonazepam, for occasional use. I tried it on a loud day -- it really did little to knock down the volume of my tinnitus; not really worth the risk of taking it...
  4. C

    Doctors Saved Me from Crippling Tinnitus: Oxcarbazepine, Clonazepam and Olanzapine

    I had crippling tinnitus and was hospitalized for 14 days about 3 years ago. The doctors gave me Oxcarbazepine, Clonazepam and Olanzapine. I believe the last two are responsible for bringing the noise down to a level that I do not require hearing aids with a masker. Essentially these drugs saved...
  5. Michael Leigh

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I live in the UK. My ENT doctor prescribed me Clonazepam in 2011. I still take it when my tinnitus is severe. If your tinnitus is severe and you are having difficulty managing it, then talk to your ENT consultant. Clonazepam shouldn't be taken too often as it will lose its effectiveness in...
  6. W

    Tinnitus from Short-Term Medication (Trazodone, Clonazepam)

    ...anxiety attack while on vacation. After barely being able to get on a plane home, I saw my doctor as soon as I could. I was prescribed Clonazepam for anxiety and Trazodone to help me sleep. From the first dose of Trazodone, my ears were ringing. But, since I had been an antidepressants...
  7. delta784

    clonazepam 1 mg daily

    clonazepam 1 mg daily
  8. vilebubbles

    Never used clonazepam. I had nox before any meds.

    Never used clonazepam. I had nox before any meds.
  9. delta784

    You got nox from clonazepam? or any other damage megatron

    You got nox from clonazepam? or any other damage megatron
  10. delta784

    you still on clonazepam?

    you still on clonazepam?
  11. delta784

    how old are you how long you take clonazepam?

    how old are you how long you take clonazepam?
  12. object16

    Metalworking, Noise Exposure, and Managing a Tinnitus Spike

    Thanks! I managed to suppress it with medication. The combination of Morphine and Clonazepam likely helped me sleep—it knocked me out for seven hours. I took half a Morphine tablet (2.5 mg), 1 mg of Clonazepam, and 75 mg of Quetiapine.
  13. Y

    Tinnitus Caused by Stopping Clonazepam Abruptly

    Dear Members, My doctor didn't support a gradual weaning off of Clonazepam: 0.5 mg am/pm. I stopped this medication abruptly, and during terrible withdrawal, I developed tinnitus, 24/7. I can oftentimes drown it out with background noise, but silence & sleep time, trying to sleep/go back to...
  14. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam is effective for approximately two-thirds of tinnitus patients.
  15. Cmspgran

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    This has been my exact experience with Clonazepam and distortions/reactive tinnitus as well. I believe your theory is true, and something that reinforces this is the fact that my reactive tinnitus can randomly switch ears over days or weeks. Some elements of the distortions behave the same way...
  16. object16

    I'm on 0.75mg Clonazepam I try to taper down slowly

    I'm on 0.75mg Clonazepam I try to taper down slowly
  17. Wouter De Blaere

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam only has an effect on me at 0.5 mg. At 0.25 mg, nothing. No, I do not take anything else.
  18. Wouter De Blaere

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    Weirdly enough, I was prescribed Clonazepam for tinnitus and dysacusis in October 2023. The dysacusis disappeared by about 95%. I had additional noises like echoes, whooshing sounds, metallic tones added to sounds like church bells, clapping (even on TV), cars passing by, running water, the...
  19. B

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Good luck! Clonazepam does nothing for my tinnitus either.
  20. Nes

    @Alberte also worth noting that I was prescribed clonazepam for my sleep issues and restless...

    @Alberte also worth noting that I was prescribed clonazepam for my sleep issues and restless legs syndrome/muscle spasms. For those issues, the clonazepam is working perfectly fine
  21. M

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    You can still get Clonazepam if you find the right neurologist. Of course, it may take consulting with several doctors before one prescribes Clonazepam specifically for tinnitus.
  22. Wouter De Blaere

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms! taper down but went too fast, and all the distortions came back. Unfortunately, my central nervous system couldn’t handle it, so I increased the dosage again. How long did you take Clonazepam before it stopped working? According to Dr. De Ridder, it should work for dysacusis for a lifetime…
  23. HighleyTall

    Can Yokukansan Make Tinnitus Better?

    Interesting because it seems to be used for the treatment of epilepsy as well. Maybe this is a natural Clonazepam. 😉 I ordered it from
  24. delta784

    clonazepam made it worse for you? how long you took mate and how old are you let me know. i have...

    clonazepam made it worse for you? how long you took mate and how old are you let me know. i have generalized panic disorder ocd.
  25. A

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @Nick47, how easy is it to get Clonazepam and Gabapentin prescribed as a new patient in the UK?
  26. Michael Leigh

    Can Diazepam Cause Intermittent "Zaps"?

    Since 2010. I only take it when the tinnitus is severe. If Clonazepam is taken too often, one can build up a resilience to it. Fortunately, this hasn't happened to me. I wish you well, Michael
  27. Alberte

    Hello Nes! Does clonazepam help you?

    Hello Nes! Does clonazepam help you?
  28. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @ErikaS, I have taken both Clonazepam and Diazepam. In my experience, 1 mg of Clonazepam feels similar to 10 mg of Diazepam. However, there's no way it's equal to 20 mg of Diazepam, as 20 mg would knock me out. This conversion chart lists 1 mg of Lorazepam as equivalent to 0.5 mg of Clonazepam...
  29. Cmspgran

    How you getting on with the clonazepam?

    How you getting on with the clonazepam?
  30. slc


    Keep in mind that a general practitioner (GP), ENT, neurologist, or psychopharmacologist is qualified to prescribe Clonazepam. I had a good relationship with my neurologist, who prescribed Gabapentin for me based on a study suggesting synergistic efficacy when combined with Clonazepam. My ENT...
  31. Nes

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    You can’t get Clonazepam in France anymore. It’s now prescribed exclusively for epilepsy, and only neurologists are authorized to prescribe it to patients.
  32. ErikaS

    Hello! Little updates. Found out my thyroid went through a random hyper phase (I have Hoshimotos... adjusting meds and hoping that helps T. Yes, thyroid issues can very much exacerbate or even cause T. Also, switched back to Ativan from Clonazepam. Clonazepam is a heavy hitter and gave me side affects like memory loss and bad depression that I do not experience on Ativan at all...
  33. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Very difficult unless you have Epilepsy!
  34. Furetto

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Anyway, I discovered that Clonazepam completely kills my libido and affects my ability to have an erection. I found a study indicating that: Because of this, I started tapering off Clonazepam yesterday, reducing by one drop every three days (I currently take six drops a day) until I reach zero.
  35. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @Alberte, Clonazepam reduces tinnitus in 66% of patients. For most, it takes 12–24 hours to lower the volume when taken occasionally. It also helps reduce anxiety, typically within about 2 hours.
  36. MindOverMatter

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    I have no experience with the drugs you mentioned, but I have a lot of experience with reactive tinnitus. It’s mysterious, but you might be onto something regarding hyperactivity. When my anxiety is lower and I’m out of fight-or-flight mode, the reactive component of my tinnitus usually calms...
  37. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I believe you’ll find Clonazepam to be much more effective than Ativan. Many people who use Ativan report experiencing rebound anxiety due to its shorter half-life. In my experience, Clonazepam doesn’t cause that kind of rebound effect, and a single daily dose should be sufficient. Are you...
  38. streifzug

    @2049v clonazepam

    @2049v clonazepam
  39. Alex Senkowski

    Clonazepam Ototoxicity

    Is Clonazepam commonly ototoxic or is it just with a small % of users? Also, is ototoxicity reversible?
  40. Nes

    I finally got clonazepam prescribed instead of clorazepate! I really hope it will help spikes

    I finally got clonazepam prescribed instead of clorazepate! I really hope it will help spikes
  41. object16

    Failed Stapedectomy & Loud Noise Exposure — Profoundly Deaf & Unbearable Tinnitus

    You might need some Seroquel and Clonazepam for a while until you get into a new equilibrium.
  42. Supersix

    Debilitating Tinnitus from Benzo (Clonazepam) Taper

    I break my 0.5 mg Clonazepam into six pieces. Each half gives me three pieces, so a full tablet lasts me six days. That’s equivalent to taking 0.5 mg every six days, making it nearly impossible to taper off such a low dose. I even went seven days without it to see what would happen, and I never...
  43. RHL

    Debilitating Tinnitus from Benzo (Clonazepam) Taper

    My tinnitus has gotten bad enough recently, especially at night, and benzodiazepines like Clonazepam (0.1–0.2 mg, which I break into smaller doses) and Xanax (2–3 mg) are the only things that have helped me get a restful night. So far, I have avoided using them every night. However, I had no...
  44. slc


    ...can be particularly beneficial when used with a good scalp massage. I've read at least one study suggesting a synergistic effect between Clonazepam and Gabapentin that may help with tinnitus. I believe there's already a discussion thread on this site about the combination of Clonazepam and...
  45. erik

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam quiets tinnitus: a randomised crossover study with Ginkgo biloba Abstract Objective To assess the effect of Ginkgo biloba and clonazepam, a γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-receptor agonist, upon tinnitus. Methods This was an open-label, randomised, crossover study. 27 men and 11 women...
  46. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Switching to Lorazepam, then? There was a comment a while back in this thread about Dr. De Ridder saying Clonazepam doesn't build tolerance. And apparently, he contradicted that earlier in a podcast speaking to @Hazel, saying, "The body ignores it."
  47. M

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    That would probably depend on your doctor. I am over here in the Colonies, and Gabapentin is very easy to get prescribed. Clonazepam, unless I am mistaken, belongs to a different class of pharmaceuticals. Most of us end up seeing several doctors to get what we need. Gabapentin can actually make...
  48. Frédéric

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    See my ancient post. To be more precise: I had been taking 8 drops of Clonazepam for over a year, following the advice of my oto-neurologist, without any noticeable effect. So, with my oto-neurologist’s approval, I decided to gradually increase the dosage. At 21 drops, I began to experience...
  49. Bart

    Clonazepam (Tapering?)

    I have been taking clonazepam (rivotril) for a week now, and before that I have been using it occasionally on and off for a couple of weeks. I take one 0.5 mg pill before I go to bed, the ENT at the hospital said I can take it up to one month without any problems and without the need to taper...
  50. object16

    Metalworking, Noise Exposure, and Managing a Tinnitus Spike

    I took another 5 mg of Clonazepam. I don’t want to take too much at once; I’m just taking small amounts until it has an effect. I even took 2.5 mg of Morphine, but getting to sleep feels impossible.
  51. N

    Is Sertraline (Zoloft) Safe to Take with Tinnitus? (Trigger Warning: Mention of Suicidal Ideation)

    It increases GABA and puts the brakes on cell firing. Just be grateful there’s something that works for some patients.
  52. MrRing

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I am surprised Clonazepam has any effect. When I tried taking it at 0.25 mg, I did not feel any different. Maybe it is because I stopped after two days since I saw no benefit. I did not take it to reduce tinnitus. I was using it to calm anxiety at the onset of tinnitus and for sleep assistance...
  53. A

    Clonazepam for Palatal Myoclonus

    ...of palatal myoclonus because of Amoxicillin (within an hour of taking it). So now, the twitching is still here, and I have been prescribed Clonazepam. I hope it helps. Has anyone tried Clonazepam for myoclonus? I'm not sure how well it works for stapedial/middle ear myoclonus. Thank you...
  54. ellees

    The Regimen of Gabapentin + Lorazepam (Ativan) + Lipoflavonoid Helps My Tinnitus

    @Cmspgran, how much Gabapentin do you take? Are these medications part of your daily routine? Have you ever tried tapering off them? If so, what was your experience like?
  55. C

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I have a prescription for Ativan, but I find it does nothing for my tinnitus. Is there a possibility that Clonazepam could have an effect? I have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday, so I can ask my doctor about it then.
  56. Cmspgran

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    ...hearing drop was just related to channels and not causing permanent damage, I would have continued. I’m in an awkward predicament now because I felt that Gabapentin helped me by complementing Clonazepam and improving my sleep. However, I know if I go back to the GP, he’ll take me off Clonazepam.
  57. object16

    How to Stay Positive with Severe Reactive Tinnitus?

    ...spike that just builds on itself. It gets to the point where you start wishing you’d never been born. The problem is that you can’t always avoid a spike. When I do get one, I rely on my Clonazepam supply. It helps me suppress the spike, and with Clonazepam, I find it much easier to manage.
  58. ErikaS

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...and control necessary when using a benzo. I hear what you’re saying; time will tell! I’ve read several articles comparing Ativan and Clonazepam, and what I noted is that Clonazepam is not only more potent but also more widely used as an anticonvulsant than Ativan because of the specific...
  59. Michael Leigh

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @Nick47, as you know, we are all different, which also means no two people will experience tinnitus the same. Clonazepam affects people differently. For some people, Clonazepam has no effect, while others find it helpful. Last year, in February, my tinnitus changed dramatically, and I have no...
  60. Cmspgran

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    ...working. Regarding Dr. De Ridder, I respect him—he’s well-informed, articulate, and knowledgeable. However, he does have a habit of contradicting himself at times. With this in mind, I take much of what he says with a grain of salt. His advice and opinions on Clonazepam are all over the place.