Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. orenge01

    Exposed to loud ambulance siren again (which was right next to me). I'm so done with this...

    Exposed to loud ambulance siren again (which was right next to me). I'm so done with this condition. I'm so done with these possible worsenings always happening to me, it's so exhausting/tiring I can't catch a break. :(
  2. Vidarr

    Ambulance Sirens

    ...again became manageable and I was living a fairly normal life. In 2015, I was walking down the street in NYC and didn't notice an ambulance sitting right next to me in you can guess, the siren went off full pelt. I had no protection in and my tinnitus spiked to new intrusive...
  3. B

    Passed by an Ambulance with Sirens On — Now My Tinnitus Is Spiking

    Yesterday I was riding my bicycle when I was suddenly passed by an ambulance with sirens on. I was riding within a group so I kinda could not stop immediately to cover my ears. I was able to cover the ear facing towards the ambulance though. The ambulance was really close, like 1.5-2 m away and...
  4. boneman

    My Tinnitus Started to Flare Up This Past February from Slamming an Old Mailbox — Need Hope

    Thanks! I got hit by an ambulance not long ago and had a thought. Wouldn’t it be great if sirens started at a lower, less dangerous volume and gradually ramped up, so by the tenth repetition, they reached full volume? That would give anyone nearby a chance to react. There aren’t many noises...
  5. Z

    Muffled Hearing from Ambulance Siren

    I was walking down the street when a ambulance stopped parallel to my left ear and started the siren, I tried to get away as fast I could but now my hearing is muffled on that side. Have my ears been permanently damaged?
  6. orenge01

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    That truly sounds like a pain. :( For me, it hasn’t changed into anything else. Occasionally, it mimics other sounds, but the loud whistling is always the main one. And yes, you’re probably right about stopping the research. It’s harder to habituate when you’re constantly reminding yourself of...
  7. kingsfan

    Yes I had a few incidents with ambulance sirens passing me while walking down the street. Even...

    Yes I had a few incidents with ambulance sirens passing me while walking down the street. Even when they pass me while I'm in my car with earplugs it sounds extremely loud. I keep a pair of earmuffs on the seat beside me for these instances but sometimes they catch me off guard.
  8. Robb

    How Much Risk — Ambulance Siren

    Yesterday i was on my bicycle and had bad luck as an ambulance Horn went of a Couple of feet from me... Now my above 16Khz broadband noise T is More present, so having hopefully a temporary spike.. Took NAC 200mg once After. What You guys think? Btw i reacted quick to the sound By covering my...
  9. Z

    Really Scared My Hearing Has Been Damaged by an Ambulance Siren?

    I was on the pavement when an ambulance sped past me with the siren on leaving me with muffled hearing (it feels like partial deafness) and ear pressure people say ambulance sirens are around 120 to even 130 dB so I'm really scared I've had my hearing damaged.
  10. D

    What's Your Experience with Exposure to Police Sirens? fingers, or I even duck into an alcove or alley for some shelter. I ride my bicycle as my main means of transportation, so if I hear an ambulance coming, I pull over and cover my ears. Thankfully, my city is quiet. I couldn’t live in a big city with all the honking horns and sirens. When...
  11. crescentsky

    @tpj so true. It's like the ambulance, firetrucks, everything waiting for the moment you open...

    @tpj so true. It's like the ambulance, firetrucks, everything waiting for the moment you open your door to corner and assault you.
  12. Rhea

    DAMN AMBULANCE SIRENS — Ruining My Ears AND My Car :| to hear anyone else's opinions on that...can't find much help with it online... The reason I ask is (ok here comes the moaning) DAMN AMBULANCE SIRENS......I was stuck in heavy traffic yesterday on a narrow road, I could hear an ambulance coming and I had half plugs in as I always do...
  13. starrynights

    Can an Ambulance Siren Damage Your Ears Despite Wearing Foam Earplugs?

    I’ve had bad timing this week and today while waiting outside to enter a funeral home, an ambulance siren decided to blare its horn. Luckily I had -29 dB foam earplugs inserted and was about 15-20 feet away from it but I panicked and am afraid that my tinnitus will permanently spike. I’m...
  14. AbeS

    Some Sounds (e.g., Ambulance Siren) Get Stuck in My Head After the Fact

    Whenever I have been exposed to an ambulance siren as an example, from a distance, and then I put on earmuffs and it feels like the sound gets stuck in my head. I'm hearing it right now, it's like a loop of the sound I heard going over and over and it is slowly fading. The same thing happened...
  15. OceanSound

    Ambulance Siren — Potential Risk?

    Hi all, I was recently exposed to a somewhat loud ambulance siren, I'd say about 50 feet away from where I was standing. The sound originated from our street while I was still inside of my home, though our windows were open. I was only exposed for a split second before covering my ears, but...
  16. Bobbie7

    Any Firemen and/or Ambulance Drivers Here?

    ...with ear protection.. I can only imagine what tinnitus they have to suffer! I was just curious to see if there are any firemen and ambulance drivers posting on this forum? If so, what have been their experiences with tinnitus and the long range effects upon them. I have great respect...
  17. Jupiterman

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    Do you double-protect when out in the city?
  18. ColdHands

    Strange Tinnitus Sounds Out of the Blue: Beeping, Ambulance Siren, etc...

    ...habituated. But last month a strange sound appeared out of the blue. At first a strange beeping like a telephone and later a sound like ambulance siren. At first these sounds occurred principally when I play white noise, like bathroom heater or in the traffic but now the situation is worse...
  19. cyberspace

    Was walking outside and an ambulance with sirens on drove right past me, was wearing Peltor X4A...

    Was walking outside and an ambulance with sirens on drove right past me, was wearing Peltor X4A but it’s probably over.
  20. xLuchiaaa

    How can I handle this.. My aunt got lung cancer and my grandfather is going on the moment with...

    How can I handle this.. My aunt got lung cancer and my grandfather is going on the moment with the ambulance to the hospital
  21. Rust

    20 Seconds Next to an Ambulance Siren with Ears Plugged — Ears Now Crazy

    Hi all, I was standing on a bus two days ago with all the windows open, and we got stuck next to an ambulance blaring it's siren. It was literally 3 meters from me, and as the windows were open I may as well of been standing outside next to it. I was wearing silicone earplugs, and I also...
  22. in_the_shadows

    Hyperacusis and Tinnitus Following Acoustic Shock: How Can I Continue My Life?

    I haven’t experienced voices stuck in my head, but I do get repetitive sounds and simple tunes, like a phone ringing. I’ve had an ambulance siren stuck in my head for about three months now. I’d take that any day over more disturbing sounds, like whistles and screeches, which I hear during spikes.
  23. cyberspace

    Is there something wrong with where I live? Everytime I go outside for even less than an hour I...

    Is there something wrong with where I live? Everytime I go outside for even less than an hour I run into multiple sirens, fire and ambulance
  24. CDNThailand

    SBUTT (Sudden Brief Unilateral Tapering Tinnitus) Triggered by Tiny Noises?

    ...Nighttime Sounds: If I am sleeping in my room with the window open, a distant dog barking, possibly a mile away and under 30 dB, or an ambulance siren far off can trigger an SBUTT. Motorcycle Rides: While wearing 32 dB earplugs on my motorcycle, the roar of a very loud Harley passing by can...
  25. B

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    ...resolve. My advice is to make sure you avoid any exposure to loud noises during this time—wear earplugs if you're in a situation where an ambulance or other loud sounds might occur. I was going to say to try to remember that it will probably go away soon, but I know that's easier said than...
  26. Kraazy

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    ...for everything you've written; it will really help me. It’s not easy, but I’ll get there. A few days ago, I heard what sounded like an ambulance siren while I was driving. I looked behind me, but there was no ambulance. Now, unfortunately, this siren noise reacts to any white noise, like the...
  27. P

    Ambulance Siren Caused a Tinnitus Spike — Am I Screwed Now? city downtown. It was annoying before I got tinnitus. I will cut to the chase. I couldn't sleep and sitting on the couch last night. An ambulance went by with the siren on. I didn't have much time for reaction. I covered my ears as fast as I could. I am really worried now from this. I...
  28. Sammy0225

    The other thing is I’m associating sound to more pleasant thoughts instead of negative ones. So...

    The other thing is I’m associating sound to more pleasant thoughts instead of negative ones. So if I hear a distant ambulance out side I don’t immediately cover my ears but I associate the sound with maybe a movie I saw that involved a ambulance so my brain input is shifted to a memory of a...
  29. 4Grace

    @L along the way - I got the courage to get back on my bike only to be blasted by an ambulance...

    @L along the way - I got the courage to get back on my bike only to be blasted by an ambulance. I come home and can’t say anything to my family because I am supposed to be working on getting better. However I’m dealing with a worsening I cannot put in words. My condition honest to God is a new...
  30. J

    Ridiculous 4 Days (Firecrackers + Ambulance Siren) — Advice Needed

    ...way from the hospital, right after I left it and got on the road tb exact, I got stuck in a four lane highway traffic jam. Seconds later an ambulance that was flippin RIGHT behind me turned its siren on and it felt like forever till other cars and I allowed safe passage for it. Exactly what...
  31. TomK

    Last night, foghorns and ambulance sirens blaring in my head. It sure as hell seemed like it...

    Last night, foghorns and ambulance sirens blaring in my head. It sure as hell seemed like it. I've slept 2 whole hours in the past two days.
  32. 4Grace

    Tryn2Bhopefull. Love the name. I can’t believe the irony in that I need the med that caused you...

    Tryn2Bhopefull. Love the name. I can’t believe the irony in that I need the med that caused you tinnitus and sent me to the hospital in an ambulance to survive. That’s insane.
  33. DeanD

    Hi @ErikaS - I saw a private neurologist last Tuesday. He did basic brain damage tests, and sent...

    ...Tuesday. He did basic brain damage tests, and sent me for extended blood tests (still waiting results). Been to hospital twice, even had ambulance sent out based on health service advice. They see me, realise its tinnitus and just don't know what to do - and all tests come back clear. UK NHS...
  34. Christiaan

    Dat is ook een logische reactie, na alles wat je hebt meegemaakt. Zulke dingen gaan niet over...

    Dat is ook een logische reactie, na alles wat je hebt meegemaakt. Zulke dingen gaan niet over een nacht ijs, zo leert ook mijn ervaring (al duik ik bv. snel een zijstraatje in als ik een ambulance hoor aankomen).
  35. kingsfan


    ...for no apparent reason, though. No matter how careful I am, acoustic traumas find me. Not all of them cause setbacks though. I got caught in a drum line at Venice Beach followed by an ambulance walking back to my car a couple years ago, and didn't have any problems except a spike that evening.
  36. Kraazy

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    Okay, I’ll wear protection when I’m on the street, but I’m avoiding the city at the moment since I live in the countryside. Otherwise, I use my Sony XM4 headphones with noise cancellation, though I’m not sure if they actually protect my ears. Regarding music, should I continue listening to it...
  37. Forever hopeful

    Ambulance was about 200 feet away. Scared the heck out of me. Hope no damage.

    Ambulance was about 200 feet away. Scared the heck out of me. Hope no damage.
  38. Kraazy

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    Okay, I'll follow your advice, but I can't stay in my room with zero noise—I feel like I'm going to go crazy. When I play video games, I keep the volume very low; my speakers are set to 20 or 10 on Windows, and the sound doesn't exceed 60 decibels. The speaker is about one meter away from me...
  39. T

    I Got Exposed to a Fire Truck and Ambulance Siren — Tinnitus Worse Now, How Long Will This Last?

    ...It freaked me out. Then at around 3:15 pm I was driving home and stopped at an intersection at a red light, and across from me was an ambulance and it had its siren on for 10-15 seconds and it was 25-28 meters away from me. This time I was in my car with my headphones and hearing protection...
  40. Forever hopeful

    Exposed to ambulance siren. Getting out of my car with my back to the street. Plugged my ears...

    Exposed to ambulance siren. Getting out of my car with my back to the street. Plugged my ears but was exposed one maybe two seconds
  41. Jammer

    Tinnitus Spike After a Combination of MRI / Head Injury / Loud Noise Exposure

    ...a bit. I'm currently in a month long spike from a Harley slowly coming by within three feet while rev bombing my wife and I. I also just got blasted by an ambulance while picking up my MIL at the hospital. It really sucks and it's difficult to evade random acoustic trauma. I hope you recover.
  42. N

    My Hyperacusis Recovery Story

    Wtf is that, have you had an explanation?
  43. Luman

    2024 US Presidential Election Georgia show that Fani Willis, the district attorney who is prosecuting Trump, hired her boyfriend, attorney Nathan Wade, who is an ambulance chaser from Georgia. This Bombshell today: The pair went on romantic vacations together, which were paid for by using his business credit card...
  44. Damocles

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    Nah mate, you definitely don't want to call the ambulance. Ambulances are noisy as f*ck. No, calling the ambulance is the last thing you want to do; that's only going to make things worse. Trust.
  45. J

    My 3rd Success Story with Noise-Induced Tinnitus have time to take out the white noise generators and put in the earplugs. But how did you deal with the sudden loud noises, e.g., ambulance, police, fire brigade sirens, motorcycles with little or no silencers, fireworks, Halloween, etc? It's either one or the other; the white noise...
  46. ZFire

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    ...It helped with desensitization and regaining sound tolerance. It also definitely helped overcome phonophobia as well. Now, anytime an ambulance or plane flies near my home, I don’t even cover my ears anymore. It doesn’t alarm or bother me like before. Hyperacusis seems to stabilize over time...
  47. Romano

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    I didn't mention it to shorten the post, but ever since my tinnitus started, I've had problems with ambulance sirens, underground / metro riding in the underground, driving a car etc. I have to plug my ears whenever an ambulance with a siren passes by. In the underground the noise is unbearable...
  48. Elmer B Fuddled

    2024 US Presidential Election

    Fani definitely messed up that deal. Trump saved again.
  49. Romano

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    Well, my experience is different, I didn't mind ambulance sirens for 55 years. I started to perceive the sound as extremely unpleasant only after I got tinnitus. The same about riding the metro, never ever had I problem with the noise inside a subway car until my tinnitus started, so I think...
  50. J

    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    An ambulance had to take a colleague of mine to hospital today due to a sudden heart problem, caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.
  51. Shelbylynn

    @Barry098 Can you still hear general traffic or if a ambulance or emergency vehicle is coming?

    @Barry098 Can you still hear general traffic or if a ambulance or emergency vehicle is coming?
  52. Gateway

    Tinnitus Spike After a Combination of MRI / Head Injury / Loud Noise Exposure

    Do you think I should take Prednisone or could it be a contributing factor?
  53. object16

    14 Months with Tinnitus So Far — History of Using Oxycontin/Hydrocodone Recreationally

    ...I was out shopping at the store, the tinnitus was so overwhelming I sat down on the floor in the actual store, they asked me if I needed an ambulance, I said no, just please leave me alone, last thing I need is an ambulance trip and go to hospital, where they will do nothing except expose me...
  54. J

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    That sounds more like hyperacusis. With severe hyperacusis one cannot even move a chair without lifting it... or close a door without turning the handle and very softly closing it.
  55. Fields

    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    ...I went on a 1-week holiday to Italy and experienced 0 discomfort. The flight back and forth went fine Noises in crowded areas (including ambulance/police sirens) didn't bother me My sister accidentally putting the car radio on blast wasn't an issue Etc Save for my tinnitus, I had an...
  56. D


    I am sure nerves are the underlying problem for most of us. Nerve damage and the subsequent hair cell loss. Nerve damage is the doozy for tinnitus. Love you brother, wishing you relief.
  57. Kraazy

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    ...noise when I speak or do anything. Some of the distortions I used to hear, like the vacuum cleaner or car exhaust, have lessened. The ambulance siren sound is still there, but it's more distant. I think I may have several reactive tones at the same time—a high one and a low one—which...
  58. Taw

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    I agree. Also in the ER they cannot do anything except give me neuroleptic drugs. I have plenty of those at home. :)
  59. slc


    I wonder why some acoustic traumas cause a lasting spike and others do not. For me, I seem to recover from lower pitched loud sounds more quickly than I do from high pitched ones. But in addition, if the body is in a calmer state, the parasympathetic nervous system might be better equipped to...