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  1. F

    VNG (Videonystagmography) Test Anyone? Did It Affect Your Tinnitus?

    I have had a VNG and caloric test with a rotating chair test, total test time of 2 hours to check for vestibular damage. Scheduled for VEMP test tomorrow with a neuro audiologist hoping to identify the cause of T which is only in my left ear and is pulsatile. I have had angiogram of brain to...
  2. F

    Tinnitus Originating From Back of Head?

    I was diagnosed with vestibular neuronitis/labrynthitis in September after experiencing dizziness,ear pressure, nausea and vomiting as well as pulsatile tinnitus to my left ear ( two hospitalizations to diagnose) A virus damages the 8th cranial nerve with damage being permanent. I am currently...
  3. F

    Tinnitus Originating From Back of Head?

    I developed tinnitus 4 months ago possible viral damage to cranial nerve. My tinnitus moves all over my head @ times will have occipital headache when T is loud. Occipital nerve or neuralgia symptom can include tinnitus. Tinnitus can originate in the brain the auditory system picks up the...