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  1. Strong Eagle

    Link Between Tinnitus Tolerance and Emotional Processing

    Short article in Science News Daily says that people who cope better with tinnitus process emotions differently than those who don't.
  2. Strong Eagle

    Study of Inner Ear Development Hints at Way to Restore Hearing and Balance

    This is not directly tinnitus related, and since it is hypothesized that tinnitus may be caused the the destruction of hair cells in the inner ear, maybe this article sheds light and hope on a way forward.
  3. Strong Eagle

    Thoughts About Large Increase In Tinnitus Volume?

    Doctor, After more than 30 years of living with tinnitus, this recent increase isn't going to make much difference... I'll live with it, just as I have lived with it in the preceding 30 years. It is what it is. What it has made me do is try to understand whether or not there might be a root...
  4. Strong Eagle

    Thoughts About Large Increase In Tinnitus Volume?

    Thanks for the idea... however, I have been wearing hearing aids since early 2005. When I took my first job in Asia and when on my first con call with people from Japan to India, I realized that I would be doomed without hearing aids. I'm now on my third set... ReSound... model that was...
  5. Strong Eagle

    Thoughts About Large Increase In Tinnitus Volume?

    I've had tinnitus since my thirties... for about 30 years. It was generally OK as the volume was not too loud and I had but a single frequency (7100 Hz). Over the last 4 months the level of my tinnitus has increased drastically, so much so that it is noticeable to me all the time and has made...
  6. Strong Eagle

    Scam?: Reverse My Tinnitus

    I am generally very skeptical of long winded streaming videos that go on and on before telling you what it is they want to sell you... and this one is bout a tinnitus cure. At the risk of putting you through the same long winded sales pitch, have any of you ever heard of this alleged cure...