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  1. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    I don't often use noise machines other than a quiet TV as I'm falling asleep, I probably shouldn't ask but do I need to be careful for the sake of not damaging my hearing? Or is there something I should be keeping an eye on?
  2. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    @Greg Sacramento Thanks for your advice, having had a rough few days of neck stiffness I'm more confident that the noise and discomfort is indeed cervicogenic, looking back to it having started during a very stressful time during my final year at university where self care and really anytime...
  3. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    Okay, following a tense day of work (neck tension and right jaw numbness/pressure) I've managed to make my vertigo worse, the movement is up and down and seems to be triggered by moving the head and possibly changes in blood pressure, (I felt like i was sinking in to the floor slightly as I...
  4. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    You might be on the money there, I have significant health anxiety that leads into muscle tension, immobility and fatigue, I've also got significant jaw tension but my TMJ checked out fine when I had it looked at. I've re-started my yoga routine and will be starting a chronic pain management...
  5. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    Also @Greg Sacramento what you said about the parotid gland seems to be a pretty good fit, would there be any way to verify that this is related?
  6. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    Hi everyone, thanks a lot for all the advice you've been giving, it's good knowing that I'm not fighting this alone. Having met with my GP again she's agreed that there's no doubt my tinnitus is somatic, however she won't refer me for an MRI for the time being as I've only just started a...
  7. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    Hey everyone, I've just had possibly my worst episode of pulsatile tinnitus today, I've been doing more anxiety and muscle relaxation exercises and it seems that as a result my episodes of pulsatile tinnitus are briefer but more intense. Today as I was walking of a particularly stiff neck I got...
  8. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    One thing I have noticed more recently is that I can cause the noise to "spike" suddenly NY yawning particularly deeply, at this point I'm still not sure if that indicates a cervicogenic cause or eustachian dysfunction, but it does seem to be muscular in some way.
  9. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    Hi SilentQ, thanks for your reply, I normally get tinnitus around the same time, wheni stick to the same routine, on weekends the time and severity can vary but It always shows up at some point. I've tried various experiments, staying in bed all day or staying on my feet all day for example...
  10. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus on Standing, Stretching, Straining

    Hi Gaz, it sounds like you have very similar symptoms (and lifestyle) to me, I've had it for about 5 years and while the PT hasn't gone away, (I still encounter it daily) my anxiety and physical health are a lot better than when the noise first cropped up. (I was also very afraid of leaving the...
  11. John3D

    Pulsatile Tinnitus That Comes and Goes with a Daily Pattern

    Hi everyone I've had pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear for the last five years now, it sounds like tv static and gets louder if I bend over or climb stairs. When it's particularly bad it can be extremely loud and sounds like it has a lot of force behind it. It's not constant but it tends to...