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  • Users: Abby
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  1. A

    Transcranial Stimulation Treatments (rTMS & tDCS & tACS)

    Hi, what was the cause of your tinnitus? How long have you had it? Could you give me the name and contact of the clinic in Istanbul. Thanks.
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    My tinnitus started after I stopped taking Wellbutrin cold turkey. I don’t know if I could have avoided it if I tapered off it or not but it seems to be one of the drugs that causes permanent tinnitus. It did reduce a lot over time but taking another medication made it worse again. Your ears...
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    I checked all antibiotics for that particular bacteria and doxycycline came with the least chance of side effects. It was either I live with the bacteria that will cause worse symptoms over time or take the doxy. I didn’t really have a choice, I’m so happy it didn’t make it worse. Wondering why...
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    I actually ended up taking the doxycycline but I took it with NAC as another memberhere recommended that. Thankfully my tinnitus didn’t get worse and I think the bacteria is gone. I was supposed to go for a test today but fell ill so had to postpone and getting another appointment will take a...
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    True...I’ve fortunately made new friends and some are very considerate of my ears situation and our outings don’t involve very loud activities
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    Unfortunately my tinnitus has become reactive, so it competes with sound and gets louder. I don’t like complete silence either but it’s better for my ears.
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    Thanks Nanny, I've been reading that a lot didn't get affected by it but I seem to have been the 1% that did unfortunately. It wasn't so bad but my ears became super sensitive to noise after that and even going to the mall aggravated me. I have to go back on them again. I'm hoping this time it...
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    Thanks Michael, appreciate the links. I think I read on one about listening to some form of noise to mask it somewhat. That helped a lot before but it's gotten so loud that nothing masks it anymore and I can't increase the volume as I'm worried I'll cause more damage. I tried it last night again...
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    Unfortunately therapy for tinnitus isn't covered by insurance here and there are no therapists who deal with this issue. Not to mention how expensive they are. One session is about $180 to $200. i once went to a "tinnitus specialist" and he charged me $550 just to tell me that yes I have...
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    I was on lamictal for 2 years actually. Doctor told me I had cyclothymia which is mild bipolar. Turns out I was just in a very bad relationship. I stopped lamictal when I got out of it and I was doing so well until the tinnitus got worse. I'm just wondering how to ease my reaction to it. Plus...
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    Did Antidepressants Help You?

    Hi, I've now had tinnitus for a little over 2 years. I was habituating quite well towards the end of the 1st year but then had to go on doxycycline and ended up with worse tinnitus. It gradually started to get worse over time until now. It's as if the doxy started a snowball effect. I've learnt...
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    Tinnitus Caused by Prednisone

    My doctor knows and unfortunately all the antibiotics prescribed to treat my condition are ototoxic. The least is the doxycycline. She even told me not to take it if I can handle the symptoms but the symptoms are quite annoying and it can affect pregnancy in the future. Although lately...
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    Tinnitus Caused by Prednisone

    It's one of those conundrums, where I'm screwed either way but which one is worse , can't tell. Constant irritation and tinnitus or no irritation and worse tinnitus.
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    Tinnitus Caused by Prednisone

    Only after doxy, and now I have to take it again and I'm scared of how much worse it's gonna get again. I've had tinnitus for 2 years. The last 7 months have been bad and this December it's been terrible and getting worse for no reason. I'm always careful with noise but everything irritates my ears
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    Tinnitus Caused by Prednisone

    After prednisone, it took about 6 months for the tinnitus to go down significantly. However I had to take doxycycline and everything has gone to shit since then. It's been a year sine doxycycline. Everything affects my ears now, medicine and noise. I live in constant depression and anxiety that...
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    Hi Ajith
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    You'd have to both have a positive outlook on your tinnitus otherwise 2 depressed ppl with tinnitus isn't going to work out. Before tinnitus I was in a relationship with someone who was always so negative, he ended up bringing me down with him and I ended up with depression. Took me a long time...
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    looks are not a priority for me. I think men are more focused on looks than women. Even the ugliest men are sometimes so superficial. But I think this is the mentality of the people where I live.
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    easier said than done, not going to make 10 ppl change plans to accommodate me especially if they are looking forward to trying out a new place. They wouldn't want to anyways. I go out to less noisy places with much smaller crowds or one on one.
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    That's my next step when I save enough money. For now I wear earplugs in my car ;)
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    Your post gives me hope. And your words are very true. I hope one day I find a love like yours. Men like your man are very rare to come by where I live. There are many single girls without tinnitus in their 30's like me struggling to find good guys here in Dubai. I still have hope though :)
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately I live in a country that is all about nightlife and loud music. Even the malls play music. Life here revolves around music. Most singles come to live here because of that lifestyle. The summers reach a scorching 45 degrees celcius. So only option is...
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    Um I'm a female Paul :cautious:
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    Dating with Tinnitus

    So I've had tinnitus for over 2 years now. Got it when I was 33. Now 35. It was improving in the first year and then had to take doxycycline and things went down from there. Just found out I have to take doxycycline again and dreading it so much. Back to the main issue though, how have the...
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    Have to Take Doxycycline for One Week, Previously Made My Tinnitus Worse

    Hi, I have just been told I need to take Doxycycline 100mg for one week. 2 pills the first day and then one each day for 6 days. I had to take it a year ago and it made my tinnitus worse. I read that many took it and it went back down. The mistake I made after taking the meds is that I went out...
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    HPV Vaccine and Tinnitus?

    Hi, has anyone had the HPV vaccine? I want to take it but I'm scared it's going to rev up my tinnitus. It's been getting worse for the past year and really can't handle something else increasing it.
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Sorry to hear about what you are going through Christian78 ...hope your doing better now
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    I've been away from this post but will update if anyone would like to know. A year after Wellbutrin and prednisone, my tinnitus got very low that it didn't bother me anymore at all. I could even go clubbing with earplugs and I was ok. I got sick in December and had to take a very strong...
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    Success with Laser Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    Hi Dodo, glad to hear the laser acupuncture worked for you. How are you doing now? Would you mind giving me the details of the doctor you went to. I live in Dubai.
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Thanks Mikie_Mike. I'm glad to hear yours is getting better. I finally got off lamictal after a 6 month really slow taper as I was on it for 3 years. At first the tinnitus spiked and then it went back down. I'm not sure if it's better than when I was on lamictal but it seems to be less...
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    I'd also like to add, I don't use anything for my tinnitus anymore. I.e. No more background noises. I'm living my life exactly the same before I had it except I don't subject myself to extremely loud noises anymore.
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Hi Gosia, I'm much better now. The whistling is still there but I've gotten used to it and try not to focus on it. I don't hear it anymore when I'm distracted and busy doing things. It's there when I go to bed and when I wake up. But it doesn't affect me like it used to thankfully. There are...
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    Tinnitus due to Head Trauma or Ciprodex

    Hi @Ricky81 Any news on the NAC? Did it help? How are you doing now?
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Tried to sleep without Xanax last night. 2 hours in and I was going to tear my head off. Even the rain and thunder outside couldn't mask the horrible whistling in my head. Masking doesn't help either. My tinnitus conpetes with the masking noises. When will it get better? :(
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Hi @michaelbio, Thanks for replying. Do you remember how long it took for the ringing to go back to what it was before Wellbutrin?. It's horrible that doctors refuse to believe that it causes tinnitus. Glad to hear yours went down. :)
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    Tinnitus Caused by Prednisone

    Hi russiancarl, How is your tinnitus now? Did it go back to its original level? I also experienced a big increase in my tinnitus after prednisone. I'm on day 5 of stopping and it hasn't changed a bit. Best, Abby
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    Thank you Soul Reaver. You are so kind.

    Thank you Soul Reaver. You are so kind.
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Hi dboy, thank you for your kind words and support. I have been scouting the Internet for answers and I came across a medical site that states the following: Glucocorticosteroids can cause tinnitus. Among them are prednisolone (Prednisone) and adrenocorticotrophic hormone or ACTH. - See more at...
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    Prednisone Made My Tinnitus Worse :(

    Hi everyone, I'd like to introduce myself and my story so far, in the hope that someone may reassure me that what I am experiencing is just a spike and not an increase in my tinnitus. I was prescribed Wellbutrin in November of 2015 for depression. After 10 days of horrible side effects and...