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  1. C

    Tinnitus from Mild Concussion

    Update: My tinnitus has been consistently about a 2 or 3 for nearly a month now. I’m optimistic but also cautious given that it has gone down for extended periods of time before. I’m hoping it gets better from here, but I think I can live with this if no more improvement. I am scared of it...
  2. C

    Nearly 5 Months In. Should I Give Up Hope of My Tinnitus Going Away?

    Why does tinnitus fluctuate so much for some? I have had entire weeks where it was barely audible but it seems to always come back. I’m walking around my dead quiet house right now and it’s like a 2 and has been for about 3 days.
  3. C

    Nearly 5 Months In. Should I Give Up Hope of My Tinnitus Going Away?

    So back in December I had a concussion and the tinnitus set in a few days later. I’ve been to 2 ENTs, had my hearing checked and they said that it was in the normal range. I’ve never had a hearing test before this so it’s hard to know if I have any hearing loss. I’m nearly 5 months in now, and...
  4. C

    Tinnitus from Concussion

    Was wondering how you are doing. Any updates on your condition? I’m now 5 months out from my concussion and the tinnitus is still here, although it varies a lot. Also, how long did it take for yours to consistently stay quieter. I’m freaking out a little because although I have a lot of quiet...
  5. C

    Unsure If Tinnitus Is Fading or I’m Habituating

    I’ve had it since I got a concussion in December. I mainly hear it in my head.
  6. C

    Unsure If Tinnitus Is Fading or I’m Habituating

    Hey everyone, For the past week it seems that my tinnitus has been more quiet than usual. I still have the occasional spike but it has always gone back down. I can still hear it when I look for it but usually I don’t notice it that much. Is this habituation or am I actually getting better? I...
  7. C

    Tinnitus from Mild Concussion

    3 month update: My tinnitus for the past week has been reduced to almost zero. I’m hoping I’m in the final stretch and it gets better from here.
  8. C

    Poll: Is There a Time of Day Where Your Tinnitus Is Harder to Deal with?

    Usually can’t hear it at all in the morning. Bothers me in the evening when I want to relax
  9. C

    Tinnitus Is Impacting My Life — It's Not Getting Better and That's Causing Me a Lot of Stress

    Hey Everyone, I’ve been having to deal with a lot of anxiety recently. My tinnitus seems to be lower than most people’s on this website, thankfully; however, it still causes me huge anxiety and stress. I hit my head in December and developed it a few days later, and it’s been constant ever...
  10. C

    Tinnitus from Concussion

    Are there any updates? My situation is extremely similar to yours
  11. C

    Tinnitus from Mild Concussion

    Hi, I recently had a mild concussion in December 2018 and after about 4 days the ringing started. I’ve been to several doctors and an ENT, who found no hearing loss or earwax etc. It has been about 2 months, and it seems to have faded from the onset. I was wondering if anyone has contracted...