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  1. Highlands

    Does Anyone Experience 'Spikes' in Their Tinnitus?

    I usually have two nice quiet days and the third day is a spike. My tinnitus has been following this pattern now for about 5 months. Nothing with diet or activity could be causing this one day spike. It's so loud and difficult to ignore. I got hearing aids in April and I have no problem...
  2. Highlands

    How Long Does a Tinnitus Spike Usually Last? Months? Weeks? Days? Hours?

    My tinnitus is spiking today and I'm trying to have a positive attitude. If it follows the same pattern then tomorrow will be a quiet day. Thinking of this helps me get through the day and evening. Why does it seem to get even louder later in the day? Maybe, because I'm tired. I'll do a...
  3. Highlands

    Habituation or Disappearing?

    I know what you mean. When my tinnitus spikes and is so darn loud it's difficult to think of something else and try to meditate/habituation. It's always there no matter what I am doing. Too hard to put it out of my mind. I need to find a way.
  4. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

    Thank you Dave. I will work on this as much as I can and hopefully I will have good results. Off to try it now.....
  5. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

    Thank you, I will do this. Sounds like a great plan.
  6. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

    Yes, I have. Thank you. I will look at it again until it sinks in. :)
  7. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

    Thank you Michael. I'm trying to accomplish habituation on my own. There are no Hearing Therapist nor is my Audiologist trained in tinnitus management in my area. So far, I seem to be able to cope with the bad days without medication - even though they are difficult. OTC sleep aids helps. I...
  8. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

    Thanks, I'm trying not to be so hard on myself. You're right, I've come across so many different meanings for habituation. The meaning of habitation to me is not noticing tinnitus as much as I am when I have a loud spike. This is my goal!
  9. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

  10. Highlands

    Habituation and Time

    What do I say to myself when my tinnitus is so loud and I can't help hearing it? What do you say to yourself? Is there one specific word or phrase you tell yourself to help you habituate to the spike(s)? To cope? I've been reading how to habituate but I'm not successful yet. I've read...
  11. Highlands


    Awww, thanks for the compliment on my dog. I have a tinnitus program for my hearing aids that have been programed specifically for my hearing loss. If I want to use it while having my hearing aids on I can just turn it on. Its been set lower than my tinnitus. Is this what you mean by 'duel...
  12. Highlands


    Thank you. I had no idea how to do this. Now I do.
  13. Highlands


    "The brain habituates to the white noise and slowly pushes the tinnitus in to the background so it becomes less noticeable." YAY!! This was what I had read in several articles when applied to TRT treatment(s). Thank you Michael for your time and quick replies. I will continue using the...
  14. Highlands


    I seem to be used to the white noise being on for 10 hours a day and I hardly hear it now after using it for about 3 weeks. It's definitely programed to be below my tinnitus. It used to be so annoying but no longer. I will stop using it now after reading your reply. I've had the hearing...
  15. Highlands


    Thank you Michael Leigh. My audiologist is not an expert with tinnitus which is too bad for me. He programed my hearing aids for my loss of hearing, moderate to severe high frequencies. He also programed the tinnitus program to my hearing loss. I had read in an article pertaining to TRT...
  16. Highlands


    I have a tinnitus program in my hearing aids. Should I use this program when my tinnitus is very low? Or all the time? I've been using it on both good and bad days for 10 hours. Is 10 hours too long? Or should I use it longer during my waking hours? I use the Oasis Sound machine at night...
  17. Highlands


    Thank you robHing.
  18. Highlands


    Thank you everyone. I'm looking forward to getting some helpful feedback. Sorry, didn't mean to sound impatient. I'm having a loud day and I'm trying my best to cope and be positive. I'm going to try some of the tips in the video when having a spike.
  19. Highlands


    Awww, no replies to my post? Am I looking in the wrong place for them? Thank you.
  20. Highlands


  21. Highlands


    Hello everyone. Thank you for letting me become a member and here is my introduction to the group. I’ve noticed a mild tinnitus in 2015 and it got louder March 2017 with spikes starting in September 2017. I have hearing loss. Moderate to severe high frequencies and I’ve been wearing hearing...