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  1. Flamingo

    Advice Please Guys, Due to Fly This Afternoon and So Scared...

    Get your facts straight dude...
  2. Flamingo

    Hey Y'all, I've Been Completely Habituated to My Tinnitus for Around 2 Years Now

    @Marie79 He has had minor T for as long as he can remember. In 2010 it went up a level, but he learned how to ignore it and eventually forgot about it. In 2014 it reached intrusive levels after riding go-kart with his friends without wearing earplugs.
  3. Flamingo

    Tinnitus So Long Ago — Forgot I Had It

    @Bill Bauer, you're referring to a lot of posters who are new to T and H - early days are horrible and T can spike just by breathing. Have you read @CDNThailand's last post...? He's fine nowadays. I agree that one should be careful and always use earplugs when needed, but living a life being...
  4. Flamingo

    I Got Over My Tinnitus, And You Can Too...

    Wonderful post, but I agree with @vermillion - please write a more detailed story of your journey with T. Thank you!
  5. Flamingo

    Hoping for Relief

    Any certain high frequency sounds you recommend?
  6. Flamingo

    Hoping for Relief

    What kind of sound enrichment with higher frequencies do you use?
  7. Flamingo

    Hoping for Relief

    Sorry to hear about your situation. How much hearing loss do you have according to your audiogram? You can try some supplements like magnesium and NAC and see if that helps. All the best
  8. Flamingo

    Emerging Treatments for Acoustic Trauma

    20 years man, you're a real champion. Has your T been stable during the years, or did you do anything to make it worse? How old were you when you got it? Sorry for all the questions, I hope you don't mind. Me and many others on this forum got T from acoustic trauma and are still clinging on to...
  9. Flamingo

    Did Anyone Else Have Ear Fullness Last for Months After Acoustic Trauma?

    Do you experience more fullness in that ear as well?
  10. Flamingo

    Did Anyone Else Have Ear Fullness Last for Months After Acoustic Trauma?

    I think somatic T is reversible, even when it's connected to HL. Sometimes it just takes time for the nerves to figure things out...
  11. Flamingo

    Did Anyone Else Have Ear Fullness Last for Months After Acoustic Trauma?

    I only had intermittent ear fullness, which has completely gone away. Right after my acoustic trauma I had a sensation of mild fullness for a couple of days. Then after visiting the local indoor swimming pool (sometimes noisy) I had some fullness after leaving the place. If the fullness persists...
  12. Flamingo

    Dental Work Ruined My Progress

    How loud is your T now @NimQ? Can you hear it when you're outside doing things? It's crazy that simply procedurs like dental work, ear syringing etc can cause a worsening in T. So scary. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  13. Flamingo

    Who Wants to Guess What's Wrong with Me?

    Lyme, isn't there a test for that? Anyway, I think your healthy as a horse...
  14. Flamingo

    Who Wants to Guess What's Wrong with Me?, anxiety/stress. I mean, if it were ALS or MS or something like that it would show up on a test...
  15. Flamingo

    Feel Like I Am Getting More Sensitive

    Personally I got more sensitive when I protected my ears from daily normal/moderate sounds. Concert, clubs, pubs are however still out of the question for me.
  16. Flamingo

    Who Do You Think Has the Best Avatar on Tinnitus Talk?

    Me. Just look at it. Flamingos are awesome animals. I like @Vidarr's avatar too. Anything with an animal really. But that pic is just hilarious.
  17. Flamingo

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    How loud is your T @Rick Brewer?
  18. Flamingo

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    You should write a success story @jjflyman, since it seems a lot of people have questions for you ;)
  19. Flamingo

    Are There People Completely Healed After Many Years of Tinnitus?

    Hello @PatrickG, do you know what caused their T?
  20. Flamingo

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    Very hopeful! I'm young myself, but this sure proves that noise induced T can go away even if you're over 40! Everyone should have hope, age doesn't matter! Best wishes - I hope your T goes away soon!
  21. Flamingo

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    @jjflyman, I'm curious. How old were you when you got T the first time? Would you describe your T as mild, moderate or severe when you first got it?
  22. Flamingo

    Spontaneous Recovery Stats: Many Recover (3 Studies)

    Maybe "what caused your tinnitus?"
  23. Flamingo

    Ambulance Sirens

    Thank you for your answer. Yes time heals... It's true. Can I ask you how loud you're T was at onset? You say moderate, but would you like to explain a bit more? Did you experience spikes during this time as well?
  24. Flamingo

    Ambulance Sirens

    I'm sorry to hear about your current relapse, but I really don't think that any damage has been made since you wore earplugs with headphones on top. You seem like you're a very calm person, so I definitely think this spike will pass! One question about your first bout with T. You wrote that it...
  25. Flamingo

    Noise Exposure When You Have Tinnitus Related to Meniere's or Other Ear Disease

    I'm curious. What kind of earplugs did you use when you had your relapse? Where you standing close to the speakers or far away from them? All the best.
  26. Flamingo

    T is fading. I would say 6-12 more months until it's gone!

    T is fading. I would say 6-12 more months until it's gone!
  27. Flamingo

    Should I Go and Watch the Fight Tonight?

    Nah... Just be careful in the beginning but don't let anxiety rule. T can spike from low-moderate sounds in the beginning (mine did). Now I can be in a busy restaurant without having a spike. It's a relief. I plan to get back to concerts and clubs, just not right now.
  28. Flamingo

    Should I Go and Watch the Fight Tonight?

    Newbies with T often come here for advice like: "T for 6 weeks, can I go to a bar/club?" It surprises me that people with experience says it will be okay "just bring earplugs". Sigh... The ears need to rest, and yeah it sucks. But you can do all those loud things later, with custom made...
  29. Flamingo

    Should I Go and Watch the Fight Tonight?

    Are you referring to my post? If so, I didn't propose doing "nothing" for 6 months. By avoiding loud sounds for 6 months I mean no bars, clubs or gigs. I takes time for ears to heal, and 6 weeks are way to early to go to a noisy bar (even with earplugs). I don't believe in over protection, but...
  30. Flamingo

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    @Rick Brewer, thanks! 16 is indeed very young. I'm glad that it finally went away for him!
  31. Flamingo

    Should I Go and Watch the Fight Tonight?

    It's too early for you. Stay away from loud sounds for at least 6 months, then go and get some custom plugs for loud events.
  32. Flamingo

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    This is very hopeful. Can you please tell us more about this? How old was your dad, How severe was the T? Thank you in advance!
  33. Flamingo

    My Tinnitus Is Unbearable and Getting Worse

    @Mike TerMaaten yup, but you still have T and you can't do anything that involves moderate sounds without your T reacting badly to it. How does that feel? Sorry for being harsh, but you don't make any sense to me. I know a musician that got noise induced T, and after onset he just continued...
  34. Flamingo

    Vaping, Cups of Tea, Chocolate — Allegedly These Can Spike Tinnitus?

    Cacao (in chocolate) and theine (in tea) both have a stimulating effects on the nervous system, so for some people these things can increase T temporary. If I where you I would stop vaping since vape juice is ototoxic.
  35. Flamingo

    Getting Extra Ringing Sound with Other Sounds? Tinnitus or Hyperacusis or What?

    I had this for 3 months after my noise induced trauma. It went away slowly. It's horrible I know, but it will pass. I got this weird symptom because I injured my ears, but as months went by I recovered from it. Have you taken ototoxic meds or do you listen to music through earbuds?
  36. Flamingo

    My Tinnitus Is Unbearable and Getting Worse

    What do you mean by 99% gone? What do you think is the reason why it hasn't left completely? I know of people that got 100% rid of their noise induced T by just being careful around LOUD noises - never going to a club or a concert. These people still watches TV.......... 99% gone but then not...
  37. Flamingo

    Little Tinnitus Survey

    Since when do you have tinnitus? Since November 2016 How loud is your tinnitus? Can only hear it in a quiet room. What's the frequency of your tinnitus? I don't know. I can't determine the frequency. It's not high pitched at all, more like a low hiss/sometimes whistling. Rate your...
  38. Flamingo

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting

    You don't have to worry. I don't listen to music loud, and I'm not using earbuds. I never put myself in loud situations, so I've been resting my ears for sure. By listening to music through my hi-fi speaker system I've been able to adjust to normal sounds, which has been my goal :)
  39. Flamingo

    Louder Tinnitus After Flight, No Improvement Even After a Few Weeks

    80 db during one hour is not damaging. The fact that you brought earplugs + headphones as protection is an indicator of anxiety and stress. On the flight back you felt much better when you were able to cancel out the noise. My guess is that your subconscious is telling you that damage has been...
  40. Flamingo

    From Dehabituating Myself Into Getting Tinnitus to Total Silence and No More Tinnitus

    I think that if we distance ourselves from T, stop researching it etc, our brains may have a chance to forget about it. Doing nothing seems to work best for me, so I think I will try that again. For you and me @JurgenG there's clearly a psychosomatic feature to what we're experiencing. Goodbye...
  41. Flamingo

    From Dehabituating Myself Into Getting Tinnitus to Total Silence and No More Tinnitus

    Same with me, wtf. My cousin told me about her T. Went to a concert one week later. Bam! Got T.
  42. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    Maybe don't drive for hours and hours. Do what feels right. I don't drive myself, so it hasn't been a problem for me @Casper
  43. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    In my opinion you should expose yourself to these sounds. You're ears will figure it out eventually @Casper
  44. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    D3 5000 ug a day. E and magnesium one pill a day (recomended dosage) @SilverSpiral
  45. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    In my opinion you need to stick to your supplements. Some people try a supplement during 1 week and then stop because "it didn't work"... it takes time.
  46. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    I take b12, b6, vitamin C, vitamin E, omega 3, vitamin D3 and magnesium (good quality vitamins).
  47. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    Sometimes I thought it was getting better, and then it got slightly worse again. But I would describe it as a two step forward one step back kind of process. It slowly improved until it was gone. I think it is common with noise induced T. It will go away, but you shouldn't compare yourself with...
  48. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    Yes, I would also describe it as a sound distortion and for me it began 2 weeks after my noise induced onset. It started notice improvements about 2-3 months in, until it gradually went away about 4 months in.
  49. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    May I ask how old you are? Also do you have any other medical underlying conditions that may contribute to your symptoms? I understand your frustation, but give it some more time. Improvements will come.
  50. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    My 2 cents - don't avoid sounds. That's how I got better. I really hope you'll see some improvements soon!
  51. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    I had it with white noise sources (fridge running, rain sounds, traffic, shower etc).
  52. Flamingo

    Low-Pitch Tone in Right Ear When I talk, Hear Any Sound, Bend Over, BUT Goes Away When I Plug My Ear

    It went away for me. I had a mild/moderate case, and it slowly got better over the course of 3-4 months. @SilverSpiral if you search the forum you'll find threads about this, and it does go away for a lot of people! Your distortions seem to be quite severe (?), so my guess is that it will take...
  53. Flamingo

    What to Take for the Period Pain That Is Not Ototoxic?

    1/2 tablespoon tumeric in warm milk (plant-based milk works too).
  54. Flamingo

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting

    I think I totally used the wrong term for it, haha. But what I mean is music pieces with a lot of variations in the different frequency ranges (retraining the ears). Classical music is good! I also listen to music that I really like because I've read that it's therapeutic and good for your ears...
  55. Flamingo

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting

    Thank you for sharing your positive story! A lot of doom and gloom on this forum. I'm 5 months in with noise induced T, and I'm making improvements every month! Edit: The thing you mention about resting-retraining is very important! This truly works for me. I no longer have any sound...
  56. Flamingo

    Does Anyone Else's Tinnitus Sound Like This? (I Made a Video to Show Example)

    I had this during my first 4,5 months of T (not as severe as in the clip though). It disappeared gradually. Plain T is nothing compared to that shit. It made me feel so low. You have injured your ear, and this weird reactive metallic echo is a symptom of that. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  57. Flamingo

    Bell Tower Chimes

    This is your mind playing tricks on you.
  58. Flamingo

    [Reddit Success] I Went to a Concert a Week Ago and My Ears Are Still Ringing

    Thank you for this one. Noise induced T can go away, it's actually pretty common. To bad people don't report back when their T disappears after a couple of years. Guess they're being busy living their lives.
  59. Flamingo

    Sudden Low Frequency Hearing Loss??

    Maybe it could be delayed endolymphatic hydrops caused by the acoustic trauma you had? Did your symptoms lessen, or are they still the same? Do you feel dizzy? Edit: Or maybe some kind of TTTS causing the weird distortions and autophony?