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  • Users: JSR
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  1. JSR

    Set back is kicking my butt. It has somewhat improved over the last 3 weeks but I’m not back to...

    Set back is kicking my butt. It has somewhat improved over the last 3 weeks but I’m not back to where I was before the party. I can’t sleep cuz my T wakes me uplouder than ever but than fades (wasn’t a problem before). Luckily now during the day I can only hear it in quiet room and can usually...
  2. JSR

    Did the eustachi give you instant relief or did you have to use it a while? Did you have to...

    Did the eustachi give you instant relief or did you have to use it a while? Did you have to exercise your eustacian tubes back to normal?
  3. JSR

    Did the eustachi give you instant relief or did you have to use it a while? Did you have to...

    Did the eustachi give you instant relief or did you have to use it a while? Did you have to exercise your eustacian tubes back to normal?
  4. JSR

    Thanks! This was my first real set back, especially considering I was starting to get T free...

    Thanks! This was my first real set back, especially considering I was starting to get T free days sometimes several (took a long time to get to that) and to have it come back was very discouraging and scary. Definitely learn from this experience and will be even more diligent at protecting my ears.
  5. JSR

    Got T from 10 min loud snowmobile ride Dec 2016. At one year mark started getting T free days...

    Got T from 10 min loud snowmobile ride Dec 2016. At one year mark started getting T free days. New years went to friends with a six peps and no loud music but few loud spikes (yelling). Didn’t wear plugs. Now, T is louder hiss that can’t easily mask. 24/7 first week but second week it’s becoming...