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  1. M

    Growing up with Tinnitus

    Interestig it is the same with me, if I block my nose and apply pressure to my ears it stops but continues immediately if I stop doing it..I dont know why ..
  2. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    That would interest me too :)
  3. M

    Evening Static Noise?

    I think it is normal to be honest and everybody has it? :)
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    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    I see thanks! 500hz seems like a lot though...
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    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    And what does that exactly mean?:) Thank you anyways :)
  6. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    I'm struggling to get my tinnitus frequency exactly right, but can manage to get it approximately right..(I think the difference can be maximum about 10 hz, but each te feels a bit different..) Do you think the treatment could still work in this case or you need to get it exactly right?
  7. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: a New Treatment for Tinnitus

    Well mine feels like it got louder...i dont know whether its because i pay more attention to it...
  8. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: a New Treatment for Tinnitus

    Thanks both of you! :) Did you start feeling something right after the beginning of treatment btw? I've been listening to this for 3 days now 4 hours a day but not much happened so far :)
  9. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: a New Treatment for Tinnitus

    Hi, Could someone who was on the trial answer my question? if I only have tinnitus in one of my ears should i still listen to this in both ears or just in the one with tinnitus?
  10. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    I know this has been asked before, but are you sure that I supposed to listen to this in both ears even though I only have tinnitus in my right? Is it not gonna "screw" up my good ear?:unsure:
  11. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    Hi could you tell me what capture software did you use? Thanks!
  12. M

    Ear Wax, Is This the Cause of My Tinnitus?

    Yes earwax can cause tinnitus.
  13. M

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    I did 19 sessions of this after 5 months of the onset of my tinnitus...maybe it was already too late, but it didnt do anything unfortunately..For some of us its just a waste of money unfortunately...
  14. M

    I Can Stop my Tinnitus by Doing Valsalva Maneuver / by Increasing Pressure in My Head

    Yes my tinnitus disappears completely as long as I'm upside down, or as long as my ears are popped out... I am aware that many people can do the same thing, that's why I was asking :) Thanks anyway!
  15. M

    I Can Stop my Tinnitus by Doing Valsalva Maneuver / by Increasing Pressure in My Head

    I have seen an ENT, but they didn't find anything... However I have chronic sinusitis due to bad tooth... I don't know if there is any connection, the dentist said it's unlikely...
  16. M

    I Can Stop my Tinnitus by Doing Valsalva Maneuver / by Increasing Pressure in My Head

    Hi all, I've had tinnitus for nearly 6 months now, more than likely due to noise exposure, but who knows, I don't have hearing loss. The interesting thing is that I can stop my tinnitus by doing Valsalva maneuver or by increasing the pressure in my head, i.e. hanging upside down. Anyone else...
  17. M

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    hello! I carried on till 19 occasions...No significant improvement though..yes I felt like that in the beginning but that feeling dissapeared..
  18. M

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    Hi everyone! I did 12 sessions of this after 5 months of the start of my tinnitus...I think it went a bit quieter, but still there. Now my doctor suggests to do 12 more sessions. Do you guys think it worths it?Can it still improve after 12 sessions? its very expensive here so Im not sure I wanna...
  19. M

    Can a Bad Tooth Cause Tinnitus?

    Hmm thats interesting..Mine is more like a whistle and its pretty much there alla the time..
  20. M

    Can a Bad Tooth Cause Tinnitus?

    Hello, Right I have a bad upper right tooth(6th one), which also caused a chronic sinus infection.I had a root canal filling, but the symptoms didnt go away.. Do you think that there could be any relation between that and the whistling in my right ear? I am wondering because it is my right ear...
  21. M

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    Hello everyone! Im relatively new to tinnitus, and i find this thread very interesting. is that mean basically that if I get my T frequency right, I could possibly have the same effect as with the device or is there a bit more to the device? :) thanks!