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  1. C

    New to Tinnitus, Sleep Became Impossible

    There is a lot of truth in what GregCA said about the environmental noises, but sometimes the environmental noises can help you. I've had T since 2006 from Meniere's Dx. Whenever I would have an attack, my hearing would fluctuate and my T would increase. Due to a very stressful and sad period...
  2. C

    Removing the Human Cochlea — Would It Silence the Tinnitus?

    Oh, I forgot, CHEF: if you know any specifics on that MRI study, Please post it. I'm an MRI Technologist and we do that type of test (called a functional MRI <fMRI>) all the time for other research studies. No one I work with knew of any. Thanks
  3. C

    Removing the Human Cochlea — Would It Silence the Tinnitus?

    Makrohn: I've been diagnosed with Menier's Dx in my Rt Ear since 2006. I always considered myself one of the lucky ones. Only had "maybe" 5 attacks of Veritgo however the lingering T and hearing loss was just something I figured I had to get used to. That all changed this past March. I woke...