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  1. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    My dad has tinnitus, he has had it for 12 years, the 2nd COVID-19 booster shot made it go away. My mom though, she was telling me the other day, that when everything is off, she can hear the A/C working when it's clearly off. The first few days, she'd get out of bed to turn it off and it was...
  2. EddieMar

    My Tinnitus Is Gone — It Was Caused by Long-Term Noise Exposure

    I have bad anxiety and I've had it for years. Did you suffer from anxiety? I assume for someone like me, it would be a lot harder to just stop caring about it like you did.
  3. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Any others?
  4. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Bumping it, in case there any other people that would like to add. I find it therapeutic to read that others have it and seem to live a completely normal life.
  5. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Just bumping it in case there are others that would like to share.
  6. EddieMar

    Tinnitus and Diarrhea

    I'll be here.
  7. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Just wondering if there are other people that hadn't seen thread that would like to add to the thread. For almost 4 years I had tinnitus on my right ear only. For the last 11 months my tinnitus got so much better I felt almost normal and started going out more. A month ago, I woke up with loud...
  8. EddieMar

    Could Cuachalalate Be Making My Tinnitus Worse?

    Hi, did you continue taking Cuachalalate? Did it continue making it worse or better. My mom just gave me a bunch of branches thinking it could help by adding a layer of protection over my damage hair cells and protection those not damaged yet but after reading your question, I'm wary of trying it.
  9. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    How long after your exposure does your Tinnitus come back down to baseline? My tinnitus still bothers me a lot and I don't think it's super loud. I just can't cope. I cannot imagine getting it as high as you describe to the point you can't hear yourself.
  10. EddieMar

    Poll: How Long After Onset Did Your LOUD Tinnitus Take to Fade?

    I feel that just before I doze off, my T goes away, as if my brain is shutting down. It scared me when an ENT asked me if my T wake me up. I can't imagine having T strong enough that it'll wake you up from sleeping, or prevent you from sleeping.
  11. EddieMar

    Poll: How Long After Onset Did Your LOUD Tinnitus Take to Fade?

    How does it affect your sleep and work? Do you find pleasure in any outdoor activities?
  12. EddieMar

    Poll: How Long After Onset Did Your LOUD Tinnitus Take to Fade?

    You weren't wearing ear protection at the wedding? How many hours were you in the dance floor?
  13. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    How was it early on and what made it better and how long did it take to that level?
  14. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Sorry you had to quit your job. Mine is quiet most days but the days that it's not quiet, it affects me a lot, and I'm sure that people have it a lot worse than me. That's my biggest fear, that it gets louder. Were you able to get disability after you left your job?
  15. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Not even white noise helps you? How do you sleep? Does it affect your work?
  16. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    What would happen if you don't take the generic Xanax? You can't sleep? Not even with white noise?
  17. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    That's good to hear, err, read. I don't think I've habituated yet. I do have mostly good days but I don't think because I've habituated, just simply because it's not a loud day. My ears feel exactly like yours. It sounded to me like signs of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (mine crackle too) but...
  18. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    It's been 8 months for you, are you doing better?
  19. EddieMar

    Eating Cheese Spikes My Tinnitus

    I had a Panini with white cheese and I got my worse spike ever, it lasted for hours . The other day I order Nachos from a Mexican restaurant. They used white cheese and also, that night my tinnitus was the worst it's been in months. It's mostly white melted cheese though because I've had...
  20. EddieMar

    Tinnitus and Diarrhea

    30 + years with tinnitus? Does it get better, worse? Taking any medications? Sound therapy? Would you say you've lived a normal life?
  21. EddieMar

    Tinnitus and Diarrhea

    I've had tinnitus since last January, 2016. I have good days, so so days, bad moments and sometime almost perfect days. This year though, on two different occasions, I've had diarrhea. On these days, my tinnitus is at its loudest, like it is right now. Could there be a link? Is diarrhea...
  22. EddieMar

    Poll: Approximately How Often Do You Get Fleeting Tinnitus?

    I get it about once a week but recently, the volume of my fleeting tinnitus has done down, a lot, sometimes I can barely tell I'm having it. What could this mean? I've had tinnitus, the permanent kind for 18 months now. Before developing permanent, I don't recall ever getting fleeting.
  23. EddieMar

    When It Got Better, It Was Like a Miracle.

    How are you doing?
  24. EddieMar

    Why Does Tinnitus Spike?

    Dehydration? Someone told me that dehydration can causes Tinnitus to spike. Three days ago I had the runs, bad, and my tinnitus spiked the most it has ever spiked. I drank a lot of Gatorade, the next day it was slightly better, yesterday is was perfect but too day it's gone back up.
  25. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    Thank you for this.
  26. EddieMar

    Could You Have Hidden Hearing Loss?

    This is good news right?!? My audiologist thinks I have hidden hearing loss because my audiogram comes back normal, per her standards. Hidden hearing loss is devilishly sneaky. Those who have it may not even know it. The condition...
  27. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    This is what my audiologist responded to some of my questions: Based on my audiogram, (250 kHz – 8,000 kHz), would your professional opinion be that there is no reason to conclude that my tinnitus is hearing related? Your tinnitus is likely hearing related. We discussed sub-clinical hearing...
  28. EddieMar

    Typical Concert dB Level

    Hello, Maybe no one will know the answer to this. I'm getting married next year and my greatest concern is the music, on how loud it would be. For church and reception/dinner, there will be a mariachi. Outside church I wanted to get a tamborazo, typical of my hometown. For the main party, it...
  29. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    Can you explain how you have tinnitus due to high frequency hearing loss? What frequencies? I have T on my left ear. On my right ear, I can hear up to 20k and on my left only up to 16k. I was told that humans aren't supposed to hear at those high frequencies at my age, 38, so that high...
  30. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    Just curious. Do you know what caused your grandmas' T? Has the thought crossed your mind that your T might be hereditary?
  31. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    So your ENT thinks your T is due to ETD? What did he prescribe? How long did he say you'll have T?
  32. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    Daily noise doesn't bother me either, well, sometimes after driving home from work, if the radio is a bit loud, after I get home, my tinnitus is louder too for an hour or so. Last year I went to a wedding, I wore earplugs, they had DJ, I was dancing next to the speakers. The next four days, my...
  33. EddieMar

    Root Canal

    I had a root canal redone last year for my a right side molar, they did it in two sessions. Afterwards I had to see my regular dentist for the new crown etc. I wore earplugs the whole time. I had no issues with the root canal rework, I did have issues after the crown work. My tinnitus is on...
  34. EddieMar

    Just Need Some Guidance on Protecting My Ears

    I was told by an audiologist at UCSF that even though I have tinnitus, and even though they can't for sure say what caused it, having tinnitus does not mean your ears are easier prone to getting damaged. Thoughts on this? Ear protection is recommended but only as a safe measure and not because...
  35. EddieMar

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    I've always been told by audiologists that normal hearing is from 0 - 25 dbs, while ENTs tell me normal is 0 - 20. Does anyone who is correct?
  36. EddieMar

    Tinnitus and Anxiety Do Not Always Co-Exist — Study

    I was on Zoloft for anxiety for 5 years 10 years before my T developed. Not saying Zoloft caused it but I have a history with anxiety and dysthymia.
  37. EddieMar

    For Those Who Have Habituated... How Do You Control It?

    Thank you... gives me hope.
  38. EddieMar

    For Those Who Have Habituated... How Do You Control It?

    @erik Have you habituated? How long did it take you?
  39. EddieMar

    For Those Who Have Habituated... How Do You Control It?

    Whats' the BTS method?
  40. EddieMar

    Three Things I Do to Mask/Lessen My Tinnitus (I Hardly Hear It)

    Thanks for your reply. I have Relax Melodies, Ambience, Noise Generator, Tonal Tinnitus, Rain Rain and White Noise. I play white noises on me cellphone, I leave it next to me on my bed but throughout the night, sometimes I lose the phone, hides under the bed or under blankets and lose the noise...
  41. EddieMar

    Three Things I Do to Mask/Lessen My Tinnitus (I Hardly Hear It)

    Can you explain what headband headphones are? Do you use an app for the nature sounds? If so, which ones? What volume do you play it at and do you play it all night?
  42. EddieMar

    Can iPods Cause Tinnitus?

    I know a guy, he fell asleep with his headphones on. He woke up with T.
  43. EddieMar

    Can Anxiety Cause Tinnitus?

    @Telis My tinnitus is on my left ear. According to my 3 audiograms, up to 8kz, I'm within normal limits. On this last test, they tested up to 20 kHz. On my right ear, I was able to hear up to 20 kHz. On my left ear, I was able to hear only up to 16 kHz. I could not hear 18k or 20k. They...
  44. EddieMar

    Do You Have a Family Member or Relative Who's Also Got Tinnitus?

    Here is a list of people I know or met that have it, or have heard of that have it. 1. My ex-girlfriend's father has it on one ear. She says he lost partial hearing and doesn't like multiple sounds at the same time. He does enjoy earphones as he can control what sounds he hears. 2. Another...
  45. EddieMar

    My Hearing Test Results Are In...

    I've had the same experience with 3 ENT's I've seen, and 2 of them supposedly had Tinnitus too.
  46. EddieMar

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    @InfiniteLoop Hello, I just received my results. Any advise would be helpful. I will only copy my audiogram results, Bio-Logic Otoacoustic Emissions Report, my high-frequency serial audiogram, results page, distortion-product otoacoustic emissions impressions, impressions and recommendations...
  47. EddieMar

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    Bilateral tinnitus? In 2008-09, how did you 'cure' yourself? What caused the 2nd onset?
  48. EddieMar

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    Hi, the audiologist is not done with her report. I will get the information once she is done and I will upload it along with my other two audiograms and see what advise or observations you or anyone else might have and would like advise me on. Thank you.
  49. EddieMar

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    Ok, well,what she said was since there was a difference between my right and left ears, 20k vs 16k, that might mean that the left ear has some sort of damage, but of course, nothing they can really know.
  50. EddieMar

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    Hello, I've had Tinnitus for about 15 months now, 99% of the time on my left ear, occasionally I can sense some very minor ringing on the right ear. I got my third audiogram done yesterday at UCSF Medical. The previous two were done at a local audiology center and at Stanford. The first two...
  51. EddieMar

    Bilateral Tinnitus May Be Hereditary

    Sorry, barely saw this. They didn't mention a timeline on curing T. I saw another ENT from Sutter Gould, super old man, not sure why he's still working, it took him 5 minutes to sit down. Turns out he's one of the founding members of the American Tinnitus Association since before it was called...
  52. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    I feel you, my dad has it, very mildly, he thought I was exaggerating on how bad I had it. The only thing he told me was, "You need to accept life in whatever manner it presents itself, and just go forward with it." But he's been very good in protecting me from loud noises.
  53. EddieMar

    Do You Know Other People Who Have Tinnitus?

    Hello, I'm fairly new to Tinnitus and still dealing with the emotional aspects of it, so I wouldn't like this thread to turn into a thread that would freak me out or scare me with sad or scary anecdotes, please. I'm just surprised on how many people I know, or know of that have Tinnitus...
  54. EddieMar

    Not Much Left (Not for Those Wanting to Feel Uplifted)

    Can a cochlear implant help you? I saw this young buffed kid refilling our vending machines, he had a cochlear implant. He said it was a pretty easy and quick surgery, but he was born deaf in that ar.
  55. EddieMar

    Tinnitus After Excessive Masturbation

    Well, let me add what happened to me, which was kind of like the opposite. I had been hearing very minor ringing for 2-3 days the week of January 18, 2016. I would hear it in the morning when I would wake up but it'd be gone most of the day. Friday night, around 1am, I was alone in bed watching...
  56. EddieMar

    Does Tinnitus Get Louder Throughout the Day?

    Mine is calm in the morning, at one point, it would get really strong right after lunch, no matter what time I took lunch, as soon as I got back in the office, it would get very loud. For the greater part of last year and this year, it's pretty tame in the morning, starts getting strong around...
  57. EddieMar

    Tinnitus Caused By White Noise App on iPhone 6? (One Ear Only)

    What was the diagnosis?
  58. EddieMar

    Let's Talk Netflix / Amazon Prime / etc. Binge Watching

    Shows I've watched on Netflix are: LOST Breaking Bad Sons of Anarchy Santa Clarita Diet Narcos My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Black Mirror Jericho The 100 Better Call Saul Stranger Things Club de Cuervos Ingobernable is next!
  59. EddieMar

    Bilateral Tinnitus May Be Hereditary

    Hi, I'm sorry, I'm new here so maybe you already answered this question. Can you explain how and why you think stress caused your Tinnitus?
  60. EddieMar

    Bilateral Tinnitus May Be Hereditary

    Well, the actual diagnosis was bilateral tinnitus but because I told him that it started just on my left ear and then about two months later I started feeling it on my right, but my right ear Tinnitus only lasted about two weeks and it was a lot lower than my left ear. My dad has bilateral...