Search results for query: reactive T

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  1. Farida

    Ugh yesterday my dad yelled not too far from me. I'm so mad at him, because I think my T became...

    Ugh yesterday my dad yelled not too far from me. I'm so mad at him, because I think my T became reactive. I'm so sad and heartbroken now
  2. Danny Boy

    How Much Risk — Ambulance Siren

    Reactive t is horrible, much worse than normal t.
  3. Emgee

    Could there be a correlation between Reactive T and TMJ?

    Could there be a correlation between Reactive T and TMJ?
  4. Bill Bauer

    5 Months of Tinnitus and Now I'm Here for Help

    My T hasn't been reactive, and I confess to not paying enough attention when reading posts by people with reactive T. Hopefully someone with this type of T will be able to answer your question. You might also consider avoidance.
  5. beemovie

    Reactive Tinnitus Is Real

    I have reactive tinnitus. When you hear a sound you will hear an attachment sound a second later.
  6. Jebbis

    I think my T may be slightly reactive as it seems to become very stable and modulates less if I...

    I think my T may be slightly reactive as it seems to become very stable and modulates less if I am laying still in silence
  7. M

    Could Protecting Ears During the Day Ease Tinnitus at Night?

    I really can't say if it can or can't make things worse. I only know that it is your why of coping.. I think t also can worsen out of the blue...
  8. IntotheBlue03

    Hey there just filled it at the compounding pharmacy and waiting for it to be delivered. I ended...

    Hey there just filled it at the compounding pharmacy and waiting for it to be delivered. I ended up starting Propanolol last night it’s at least calmed down my reaction to the T & seems to lower it a bit. Still reactive tho.
  9. J

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Please tell me what's AED. And, does reactive tinnitus get solved by itself with time? It sucks to hear it everywhere. Is reactive tinnitus any form of T + Hyperacusis cocktail?
  10. Freerunner

    I am not oveprotecting. Flipping a switch and flushing the toilet actually hurt my ears. T...

    I am not oveprotecting. Flipping a switch and flushing the toilet actually hurt my ears. T consists of 7-8 sounds, loud, reactive. I think I am spending my last money on hookers and other stuff and then I am done.
  11. Bill Bauer

    Another Success Story

    According to her, at one point you said that as long as T is not reactive, one ought to be fine. This seems to imply that if T Is reactive, one might not be fine. Her T is reactive...
  12. RockyDoctah

    Ringing Seems Louder Every Time I Hear Other Sounds

    Will reactive T ever go away? Or at least get a little bit better? It's really annoying. :(
  13. JasonP

    If You Have Tried Residual Inhibition, Did It Temporarily Eliminate Your Tinnitus?

    Oh yeah, reactive T would be bad news I would think! :(
  14. LeQuack

    Reactive Tinnitus vs. Hyperacusis, Which One Is Worse to Deal/Live With?

    I have reactive T along with the normal T and I'm really struggling with it. While the normal T could be masked with background noise, it makes my reactive T noise go nuts, it sounds like a jet engine. So makes it near impossible to habituate to.
  15. M

    I have reactive T where it goes up with outside noise. I was never really in pain.

    I have reactive T where it goes up with outside noise. I was never really in pain.
  16. Flyingsheep

    5 Months of Tinnitus and Now I'm Here for Help

    Thanks, I appreciate all of the information and links you shared.
  17. Emgee

    This reactive T is torture. I feel like I’m not even alive.

    This reactive T is torture. I feel like I’m not even alive.
  18. Ava Lugo

    I am so fucking tired of living with reactive T. im trying stuff too like gabenpentin but only...

    I am so fucking tired of living with reactive T. im trying stuff too like gabenpentin but only works for a few days...
  19. dipp


    I´m going to give myself another month. If I continue like this, I will try the antidepressant route. I haven´t tried them because I´m afraid of making things worse, but I´m at the end of the path and I have to do something. Then, if the antidepressant route doesn´t work, it´s game over for me...