Search results for query: reactive T

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  1. Kiyomi

    So what I'm worried about isn't the pain, it's more the reactiveness. I think exposing to sounds...

    ...worried about isn't the pain, it's more the reactiveness. I think exposing to sounds is working for H, but at the other hand it means the reactive T is going wild. So I would also like to go into complete silence and see what happens to the T. Obviously I can't do both but from what I've...
  2. Kiyomi

    Apart from the reactive T which permits me from any artifical audio now, music sounds broken...

    Apart from the reactive T which permits me from any artifical audio now, music sounds broken. Not distorted but it just lacks something. This broke me. The most nostalgic and important thing of my life gone. And it was my fault. I don't know how to forgive myself...
  3. Tryn2BHopeful

    As in plug with your fingers? My T tends to be like this, but it also tends to be reactive to...

    As in plug with your fingers? My T tends to be like this, but it also tends to be reactive to broadband sounds. It used to be when I was in the sound proof booth for my hearing test my T was pretty quiet. I have honestly given up trying to figure it out.
  4. ErikaS

    If my T was not reactive/sound sensitive, I would have gotten maskers a long time ago and wear...

    If my T was not reactive/sound sensitive, I would have gotten maskers a long time ago and wear them when needed. However if your T worsens/exacerbates to sound at all, you have to be very careful with maskers.
  5. ErikaS

    My T just becomes more and more sound sensitive/reactive. With nothing on the near horizon plz...

    My T just becomes more and more sound sensitive/reactive. With nothing on the near horizon plz share anything that has helped desensitize.
  6. ErikaS

    My reactive T is a direct result from ear infection going into inner ear & causing nerve damage...

    My reactive T is a direct result from ear infection going into inner ear & causing nerve damage, inflammation, & SSHL. I never had loudness hyperacusis and there was no noise trauma or noise event at onset.
  7. Street Spirit

    Yes, Reactive Tinnitus Again

    ...Easter eggs together, you know, those plastic ones, and in my worsened ear that now has tinnitus, guess what? there is a "ring" coinciding with the simple " snaps" of a plastic egg. Very low on the db scale, yet it REACTS to that. This IS reactive T. This is IMO, a part of H. Happy Easter!
  8. MindOverMatter

    I will also add that my t is variable pretty much every day - both in tone and pitch - and...

    I will also add that my t is variable pretty much every day - both in tone and pitch - and reactive to many frequencies. Although the reactiveness is much more controlable now than what it used to be - over the span of the last 4 years. Also with many less reactive days. What makes a great day...
  9. 4Grace

    I have pain H and reactive T. At this point it’s just a label on a problem that I just have to...

    I have pain H and reactive T. At this point it’s just a label on a problem that I just have to indure. Only God can change my heart and make me endure even though I don’t deserve it.
  10. Marshall

    Reactive T = It gets louder to other sounds and/or rides over other sounds instead of being able...

    Reactive T = It gets louder to other sounds and/or rides over other sounds instead of being able to be masked. H = When things sound too loud. It's a physical sensation like it almost hurts, but doesn't actually cause pain, unless you have NOX which causes stabbing/burning pain.
  11. cjbhab

    I think my T is pretty bad yes. It is sound reactive most days. I can sometimes mask, I can...

    I think my T is pretty bad yes. It is sound reactive most days. I can sometimes mask, I can sometimes not. depends on the day. They help by providing my brain that masking noise input, I believe it somehow turns down the volume of my T.
  12. ErikaS

    Mutli-sound reactive T with sounds ranging from 1k Hz to 15k Hz. An oscillating chaos of alarms...

    Mutli-sound reactive T with sounds ranging from 1k Hz to 15k Hz. An oscillating chaos of alarms & beeps with 15k radiating at all times.
  13. gameover

    Relationship of H to reactive T is not understood. A tinnitus researcher from Harvard told me H...

    Relationship of H to reactive T is not understood. A tinnitus researcher from Harvard told me H is not really understood, much less interaction with T. Don't listen to @Michael Leigh chatbot.
  14. BellaMia

    @RunningMan Mine has gone down in volume since the incident but it changes tone now into more of...

    ...Mine has gone down in volume since the incident but it changes tone now into more of a solid eeee instead of an hiss noise; it also brought back some hyperacusis and reactive T. I'm sorry you had a horrible day. Mines spiking today too. How are you holding up? I'm hoping your squeal went down.
  15. 4Grace

    However I can say that I know a few people with extreme T and live normally. They are a...

    ...My favourite example is a guy I know that installs tiles for a living. Uses a tile grinder no hearing protection daily. T must be so different between people. Mine is extremely reactive to everything. My ears hurt after exposure to noise. He tells me his ears don’t hurt. Thats a big difference.
  16. Tryn2BHopeful

    No sleep apnea, but I slept crappy last night. Also not sure on the WNG's myself because my T...

    No sleep apnea, but I slept crappy last night. Also not sure on the WNG's myself because my T tends to be reactive to broadband sounds like white noise.
  17. Josh59

    My nerves got the better of me last week My T, including somatosensory tinnitus, is stronger and...

    My nerves got the better of me last week My T, including somatosensory tinnitus, is stronger and more reactive to sound. What do you think?
  18. Wrfortiscue

    Yeah sorry man living our life with reactive t bites us in the butt.

    Yeah sorry man living our life with reactive t bites us in the butt.
  19. MadeleineHope

    Those with non-reactive T will be able to mask their T more easily, assuming it is not very...

    Those with non-reactive T will be able to mask their T more easily, assuming it is not very loud. That's my take on it at least!
  20. Kiyomi

    @TheCapybara I don't really have distortions/dysacusis anymore. It's just reactive T that reacts...

    @TheCapybara I don't really have distortions/dysacusis anymore. It's just reactive T that reacts to every static sound (car, white noise, shower, bedsheets etc.) and digital audio. So I would like to use sound enrichment but it gets really bad after 5 minutes. I'm also very scared to listen to...
  21. Tryn2BHopeful

    I don't wish reactive T on anyone. I was doing ok with it and it's back with vengeance today...

    I don't wish reactive T on anyone. I was doing ok with it and it's back with vengeance today. Even my voice makes it react. It's like the first month all over again.
  22. RunningMan

    I never had reactive T other than I could get residual inhibition, but it never got louder due...

    I never had reactive T other than I could get residual inhibition, but it never got louder due to external sounds. With hyperacusis, many sounds seem normal, but at some threshold in volume, they sound uncomfortably loud. I have to adjust my TV volume more often due to hearing loss combined...
  23. Tryn2BHopeful

    Seems like "reactive" tinnitus. I have never been able to mask without getting higher T. Once...

    Seems like "reactive" tinnitus. I have never been able to mask without getting higher T. Once the sound source is gone it goes back down.
  24. L

    @Eleanor89 Did you have reactive T along with your H?

    @Eleanor89 Did you have reactive T along with your H?
  25. D

    @Kiyomi I had a permanent t spike in late Jan last year. 2-3 weeks later loudness h begins and a...

    @Kiyomi I had a permanent t spike in late Jan last year. 2-3 weeks later loudness h begins and a week later reactive t as well. I wasn't fully homebound at first but severely restricted in what I could do. I had to quit my job but I was still able to move freely around the house and take some...
  26. Juliane

    @gameover Yes correct. My worsened T is so much more terrifying because it is louder, changes...

    @gameover Yes correct. My worsened T is so much more terrifying because it is louder, changes and is highly reactive. All sound including normal conversation makes it worse. It is life shattering
  27. Wolfka

    Kinda scared from flying with ETD. I can blow my ears, but I still feel uneasy about it. My T is...

    Kinda scared from flying with ETD. I can blow my ears, but I still feel uneasy about it. My T is non reactive so that would be fine
  28. Cmspgran

    Try to keep working in some form, I know it's hell but having some meaning is important even if...

    Try to keep working in some form, I know it's hell but having some meaning is important even if part time. How is the reactive side to your T?
  29. HearingHell

    My T isn’t loud, but I have another hearing condition called dysacusis (sound distortions). You...

    My T isn’t loud, but I have another hearing condition called dysacusis (sound distortions). You may not be familiar with it, but it’s like reactive tinnitus, except the reactivity sounds like it’s coming directly from the sound source, and not in the ears. It’s so much worse than my T. And it’s...
  30. Sointu

    I want tinnitus that is easy to mask, stays the same, that can be forgotten. Not this constantly...

    I want tinnitus that is easy to mask, stays the same, that can be forgotten. Not this constantly changing T, sound distortion, reactive T BS
  31. 4Grace

    @HearingHell - I have reactive T. Much worse when I get out of the shower. Walk on a windy day...

    @HearingHell - I have reactive T. Much worse when I get out of the shower. Walk on a windy day. Foods, movement, clenching my teeth pressing on the right side of my head. It sucks. Some people have T and it’s just steady. It seems that for some people it never gets worse? I mean the tile guy...
  32. erik

    Fluctuating (Reactive) Tinnitus Questions

    I am curious to how many here have fluctuating (reactive) tinnitus as I do or perceive that I do. If you do, please answer a few questions? You can just copy the questions and add answers to each. Thank you ahead of time. 1) How long have you had tinnitus? 2) Has it always fluctuated? 3)...
  33. S

    Do I Risk Making My Reactive Tinnitus Permanent? said. So I find myself in a dilemma... My question boils down to this: If I expose myself to levels of sound that repeatedly prompt my reactive T and H (but that would not normally be deemed loud enough to do harm to ears) is that actually likely to worsen my T and H long term? Is it...
  34. 4Grace

    I was feeling one percent better, just a moment ago my iPad fell of the bed and caused me...

    ...Isolated for so long only to get worse. I love your idea about getting back to some sort of life. I tried so hard to do some of the things I loved. Loved protected walking but now that destroys me. No rules for improvement seem to apply to true chronic reactive T, H and N. God bless you.
  35. Mark K.

    Hyper Sensitive Ears and Reactive Tinnitus

    ...I've had T for about 4 months now, the first 3 months I just had T, but the last month I started H, and my T just recently began to be reactive to sounds now. Yesterday I put on my Widex Zen Hearing Devices and turned on the Hearing Aid Feature, which seemed to lessen my H and even the...
  36. L

    Hey @Moni97 how is your reactive T and H now? Any improvement?

    Hey @Moni97 how is your reactive T and H now? Any improvement?
  37. 4Grace

    That’s good news. So happy for you. I’m the negative on this forum. :( I have Nox and reactive...

    That’s good news. So happy for you. I’m the negative on this forum. :( I have Nox and reactive T. I have some hope but cant see it getting better. It’s an 11/10 and my ears hurt at the smallest of sounds.
  38. ErikaS

    I actually kind of enjoy a random fleeting T moment. One sound that’s not reactive. Only those...

    I actually kind of enjoy a random fleeting T moment. One sound that’s not reactive. Only those with multi tone reactive T could relate!
  39. Ava Lugo

    @ErikaS, I’m not saying I don’t believe you have reactive tinnitus cause I do , I just never...

    @ErikaS, I’m not saying I don’t believe you have reactive tinnitus cause I do , I just never experienced hissing reactive T, only tonal reactivity. I heard from a few people that sometimes they don’t hear their hissing reactive T reacting but they can “feel” it reacting? Is that how it is for u?
  40. ErikaS

    @Cmspgran my tinnitus is still sound reactive. I honestly cannot say if the reactivity has...

    @Cmspgran my tinnitus is still sound reactive. I honestly cannot say if the reactivity has objectively lessened, but I feel like tinnitus may calm to baseline faster now. I can say that I focus way less on the reactivity now, and therefore do not fixate on its ever variable status. What seems to...
  41. ErikaS

    Those next mornings, my T seems quieter in the AM, quieter during the day, and maybe not as...

    Those next mornings, my T seems quieter in the AM, quieter during the day, and maybe not as reactive. Idk. Maybe we are at a point in our recovery where we are ready for the constant low level background noise.
  42. Juliane

    @Cmspgran I agree and do intend to keep working for as long as I can. My T is super reactive. It...

    @Cmspgran I agree and do intend to keep working for as long as I can. My T is super reactive. It spikes even from online meetings although I am not wearing a headset. Part of the reason why I need to go part-time. My ears can´t deal with all the meetings. How are you? Has your T improved at all?
  43. Mark Beehre

    How Do Your Treat Sound Reactive Tinnitus?

    My profile describes my story with T & H if you are interested. :) I have sound reactive tinnitus in my right ear. My T is quietest first thing in the morning when I wake up after the long silence of sleeping. However, once I get up and start doing things it tends to wind up. It doesn't get...
  44. L

    @Diego LR I had mild T and no H for about 9 months and and it became severe reactive T and H...

    @Diego LR I had mild T and no H for about 9 months and and it became severe reactive T and H about 3 weeks ago
  45. KoolKat

    @AvidReader when did u get H and reactive T? how long into your tinnitus did you get it.

    @AvidReader when did u get H and reactive T? how long into your tinnitus did you get it.
  46. 4Grace

    @SarahMLFlemmer - hello - sorry to hear too. my T is at least a 9. Honest to God. It bothers me...

    @SarahMLFlemmer - hello - sorry to hear too. my T is at least a 9. Honest to God. It bothers me but not as much as what I can no longer do. It’s reactive. Worried that h will get worse too. My T Is blasting but it bothers me less. So if your constant with T I’m confident you can get use to it...
  47. ErikaS

    @Wrfortiscue Ugh I’m sorry to hear! Did you have regular T for a while before it became...

    @Wrfortiscue Ugh I’m sorry to hear! Did you have regular T for a while before it became reactive? If so, what seemed to have caused it to go reactive ?
  48. GG_Ear

    Yes I'm glad I have some quiet hobbies that interest me...I literally get so bored of listening...

    ...of listening to my baseline T that my brain finds something else more interesting to concentrate on... I think it helps that my T is moderate though and I no longer care about it (must be the fight/flight response to it gone). My reactive T/Sound distortions though are more difficult to deal...
  49. ErikaS

    If you deal with reactive T/mild H w/no pain, I would appreciate any feedback in my support...

    If you deal with reactive T/mild H w/no pain, I would appreciate any feedback in my support thread “Just How Far Can I Push Reactive T”. TY!
  50. Sointu

    At the same time when my hyperacusis has improved my hearing feels a bit worse overall. I still...

    At the same time when my hyperacusis has improved my hearing feels a bit worse overall. I still have reactive tinnitus that is maybe a bit better, handle loud noises more poorly than the average people and have sound distortions and T.
  51. Blackbird26

    Please Help Me... Reactive Tinnitus Now Permanent

    I was doing fine. Had a major noise exposure on Monday and H returned. Experienced some other pain that I had to take percocet for which normally only spikes my T and H while on my RT is so bad that talking, swallowing, even touching! !! my ear and of course external noises makes it...
  52. D

    Hey Kiyomi I'm so sorry you're going through this. I also have reactive t and h. The first few...

    Hey Kiyomi I'm so sorry you're going through this. I also have reactive t and h. The first few months are the worst, but there is a chance you may improve if you are careful with your sound exposure this early on. I worsened daily for 4 months before I stabilized and slowly started improving. I...
  53. L

    No Debate — Reactive Tinnitus — I Need Help Please

    I’m begging all of you please do not make this a thread about “is reactive tinnitus” even real? If you have to ask that...this thread does not apply to you. Please do not prevent me from getting the help that I need from the people that will understand. I am 23 and I am at my wit’s end. I...
  54. Dorian Pilorge

    I can’t believe I managed to be sick at this time of year. I don’t even know what it is but it...

    I can’t believe I managed to be sick at this time of year. I don’t even know what it is but it sure makes my T insanely loud and reactive.
  55. BellaMia

    I know everyone is different. Hyperacusis is the brain saying "sounds hurt" so to retrain your...

    ...that noises don't hurt, is to slowly and gently reintroduce yourself to sound again. Do it at safe levels for you. Ginger tea and tumeric homemade tea for pain and inflammation. I had bad H and still have slightly reactive T. Simple noises can over do it. Do it safely and slowly. You'll be okay.
  56. L

    So you had catastrophic tinnitus and hyperacusis but didn't see any improvement until 6 months...

    So you had catastrophic tinnitus and hyperacusis but didn't see any improvement until 6 months? Was yours ever reactive T? Thanks
  57. ErikaS

    Add "sound distortions" under sound reactive T onto the list of "things I hope the SS device can...

    Add "sound distortions" under sound reactive T onto the list of "things I hope the SS device can calm down"! ;(
  58. ErikaS

    Just had a fleeting T that temp. knocked out my reactive high crap in R ear & only sound was the...

    Just had a fleeting T that temp. knocked out my reactive high crap in R ear & only sound was the soft fleeting T. Pick that pathway, brain!
  59. Mo8409

    There's a good thunderstorm going on over here. Why are you afraid? Does it hurt your ears? I...

    There's a good thunderstorm going on over here. Why are you afraid? Does it hurt your ears? I have mild hyperacusis and reactive T.
  60. MadeleineHope

    @Mo8409 Some people have reactive tinnitus, where the T gets louder/changes presentation with...

    @Mo8409 Some people have reactive tinnitus, where the T gets louder/changes presentation with sound/certain sounds. Steady broadband noise tends to cause this type of T to react, & that's why some people can hear their T over these types of sounds (e.g., shower, white noise generator) even...