Search results for query: reactive T

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  1. ErikaS

    Hey there, I am just about 3 months into my reactive T that started in R ear from ear infection...

    Hey there, I am just about 3 months into my reactive T that started in R ear from ear infection. T is in both ears now, but R ear is worse as far as number of sounds and reactivity. I found an ENT who said he would do intratympanic dex shot if I wanted to to see if it would help anything at all...
  2. SarahMLFlemmer

    @ErikaS I'm really not sure. I feel like when I have the fan on high that my tinnitus wants to...

    @ErikaS I'm really not sure. I feel like when I have the fan on high that my tinnitus wants to compete with it, like it raises louder, but that's the only time that I notice it. Do you think that sounds like reactive T to you or??
  3. Cmspgran

    So sorry you are feeling this way, I can completely relate I’m 40 and have wasted years with...

    ...40 and have wasted years with other health issues in the past and now feel like here I am again, life wasting away. Don’t be sorry for being negative I can relate and understand to how you feel, reactive tinnitus is ten levels above regular T and I would give anything just to go back to how I...
  4. Kritish Gooriah

    My T is reactive today i have an imagery scanner it's not loud and it's during a few minutes i...

    My T is reactive today i have an imagery scanner it's not loud and it's during a few minutes i don't need usually earplugs
  5. Cmspgran

    I work from home 90% of the time, if this wasn't the case I'd be well and truly screwed...

    I work from home 90% of the time, if this wasn't the case I'd be well and truly screwed. @SilverFox because my T is reactive/maybe even dysacusis then it locks onto any sounds and I'll then wake up in an even worst state with my left ear going crazy and roasting hot. I'd never have dreamt in my...
  6. pez

    So happy for you mate. I’ve got this T since last October I read yours was also like mine...

    So happy for you mate. I’ve got this T since last October I read yours was also like mine where its reactive to external sound as it happens. I’ve also got kinda like 3 tones Ones a ring ones a hiss and there other is chirps Iam hoping the reactive side calms down and I can live with what’s...
  7. ZFire

    @ErikaS Yup, those random fleeting T moments actually make my other tones (reactive ones) nearly...

    @ErikaS Yup, those random fleeting T moments actually make my other tones (reactive ones) nearly non-existent momentarily. Doesn’t last too long though
  8. ErikaS

    We have had some hot days here already and we have minisplits in our home since it doesn’t have...

    We have had some hot days here already and we have minisplits in our home since it doesn’t have duct work (mid century modern from 1960s) and they are basically like big fans blowing… awful on my reactive T, literally no idea what I’m going to do all summer.
  9. N

    Hyperacusis or Reactive Tinnitus?

    I'm really not sure about my issue. I'm pretty sure partly it's hyperacusis but on the other hand it's the sudden increase in my T which makes me doubtful. My T can suddenly rise with certain sounds even before I've had time to think about it. But trouble is I'm also on alert knowing certain...
  10. Samy

    10 months in. H is hell on Earth, and it comes with reactive T (or distortions? I don’t know).

    10 months in. H is hell on Earth, and it comes with reactive T (or distortions? I don’t know).
  11. gameover

    A Year of Reactive Tinnitus and Severe Hyperacusis

    No, he is promoting additional sound exposure without recognizing severe/reactive cases that will be harmed by it. His advice may be harmless but largely irrelevant for mild cases, as most mild cases will habituate with time. He brings negative value, in my opinion. The only shred of valuable...
  12. Forever hopeful

    @Nick23 started couple hours after I was out to dinner for my birthday a week and a half ago...

    ...but I used what I thought was pretty ample protection. But I also came off the heels of being sick for 3weeks. It’s so hard to know what causes a spike. And now evidently reactive T is a form of hyperacusis. My Audiologist said it could be that I’m overprotecting. All I know is I want it...
  13. Marshall

    My T gets irritated from certain noises usually higher frequencies like running water/fan/vacuum...

    My T gets irritated from certain noises usually higher frequencies like running water/fan/vacuum you get the idea. But it's never permanent and always short lived. I try not to think about it too much like i used to. But definitely less reactive than it used to be.
  14. MindOverMatter

    @SarahMLFlemmer I've had t for about 20 yrs, and I'm still here - even though I hear it anywhere...

    ...20 yrs, and I'm still here - even though I hear it anywhere and everywhere. Over time, and with work (CBT or the likes), you can train the brain not to focus on t. Even with fluctuating and reactive t. Its still there, but the brain process it differently, and it often fades into the background.
  15. ZFire

    Hi @Ava Lugo. It’s been a while. been wondering how you are doing? Kinda felt like your mentor...

    ...been wondering how you are doing? Kinda felt like your mentor at one point lol, what have you been up to? I hope your inactivity here has meant you’re finally managing relatively okay with reactive T and life is becoming enjoyable once more especially in these summer days. Wishing you the best.
  16. ErikaS

    Entering 2023 with all middle fingers up to my reactive T! TRT eval on Feb 3rd. Grateful to be...

    Entering 2023 with all middle fingers up to my reactive T! TRT eval on Feb 3rd. Grateful to be in city with a top rated TRT specialist.
  17. Sammy0225

    @Jackson Brady I firmly believe a big part of what feeds reactive tinnitus is our emotional...

    @Jackson Brady I firmly believe a big part of what feeds reactive tinnitus is our emotional response to sound. Think about it, ppl with reactive t are almost always in a state of panic and despair. Is it going to ever go away? “Is this my life forever? Omg what was that sound? My life is over!”...
  18. Stayinghopeful

    Beat COVID-19, Until Tinnitus Had Other Plans

    Hi, I’ve had really awful reactive tinnitus that spiked and fluctuated after both of my bouts with tinnitus, following 17 years of mild tinnitus. The first spike, after my initial infection, took 18 months to calm down. The second spike, after the second infection, took a few weeks. I...
  19. Sammy0225

    Early on my T was highly reactive so masking was never a option unfortunately. So I guess my...

    Early on my T was highly reactive so masking was never a option unfortunately. So I guess my brain just naturally adapted to not being able to mask. Which Is really sad in a way.
  20. M

    It's hard to explain.. I think my tolerance has gone down after each setback and it takes a bit...

    ...I think my tolerance has gone down after each setback and it takes a bit longer to heal, to be honest. I have loudness H with discomfort/burning and aural fullness. Symptoms fluctuated a lot - my last setback actually brought up some new symptoms that really scared me (dysacusis and reactive T)
  21. B

    What is reactive T?

    What is reactive T?
  22. Gothmog

    New Sufferer with Reactive Tinnitus. Advice, Please.

    3 weeks into a this whole tinnitus thing. After reading some, mine is clearly the reactive type. Echoes my daughters music at a higher pitch. Wavering tones compete with sound machine, tv etc. Rerely a single tone. Constantly varying in tone & pitch. Co-occurring TMJ. Around the time it...
  23. ErikaS

    3 mos. since T onset, R ear is very reactive. I have ENT willing to do intratymp. dex shot. Any...

    3 mos. since T onset, R ear is very reactive. I have ENT willing to do intratymp. dex shot. Any case known where this made it worse?
  24. SmallRonnie

    Ordered long cables so I can put this PC in another room and stop this reactive T

    Ordered long cables so I can put this PC in another room and stop this reactive T
  25. J

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    ...reducing until it became masked by my usual 6 and 12 kHz tones. I don’t notice it anymore at all. The same thing didn’t work for my other tones, though, unfortunately. I am very reactive to residual inhibition. I can play any frequency, and my tinnitus will disappear completely for half a...
  26. PennyCat

    @Sammy0225 Following your story has been giving me hope along the way, I have T, H, TTTS, and...

    @Sammy0225 Following your story has been giving me hope along the way, I have T, H, TTTS, and now new reactive/distortion tones as well and I know you’ve been seeing improvement lately so that gives me some encouragement to keep going. Thank you for the kind words :)
  27. ErikaS

    @DeanD so I have only had two sessions, the sound involved doesn’t make my reactive T worse or...

    @DeanD so I have only had two sessions, the sound involved doesn’t make my reactive T worse or anything. Can’t speak on improvement yet, nor would I expect to.
  28. ErikaS

    @Amv honestly since onset my T was always lower at baseline. However I gained more tones as time...

    @Amv honestly since onset my T was always lower at baseline. However I gained more tones as time went on when I got sick, and it is sound sensitive/reactive, especially my ultra high tones/electric hiss, so that will become more intrusive with constant running sounds or like watching TV. My T...
  29. Matt G

    Don’t want to jinx anything, but H & Severe reactive T are definitely healing. A few weeks ago I...

    Don’t want to jinx anything, but H & Severe reactive T are definitely healing. A few weeks ago I never guessed T & H could be this tame.
  30. A

    2 months ago. Include reactive t, dysacusis.. my tinnitus is nuts till then. A lot of new tones...

    2 months ago. Include reactive t, dysacusis.. my tinnitus is nuts till then. A lot of new tones etc. H started after valsalva maneuver, I guess.. my t got loud and I panicked..
  31. A

    anti inflammitory diet for the reactive t and the h. my body will heal and i will lose it. For sure.

    anti inflammitory diet for the reactive t and the h. my body will heal and i will lose it. For sure.
  32. Travis Henry

    I love you brother, I am suffering through every second of everyday with reactive t and loudness...

    I love you brother, I am suffering through every second of everyday with reactive t and loudness H . T is so so sooooooo loud.
  33. billie48

    @lostyruck, I am doing fine, enjoying my life as much as I can. Yes I had 2 episodes of...

    @lostyruck, I am doing fine, enjoying my life as much as I can. Yes I had 2 episodes of hyperacusis and reactive tinnitus. I become less bothered by T when H faded, and so habituation kicked in. I didn't have intense aches from H but when sound was loud I felt discomforts as if my ears got...
  34. Moni97

    @Sammy0225 Ive been doing alright. Trying to live some kind of life while balancing the ever...

    @Sammy0225 Ive been doing alright. Trying to live some kind of life while balancing the ever present fear that I have ticking time bombs in my head. Ya know, the usual. My T&H seem to really feed on my TMJ, so that’s nice haha I’m sorry the reactive is back. Are you back to sound isolation or...
  35. sakrt

    Have something like this. Have mix of autophony, hyperacusis which immediately ramps up reactive T.

    Have something like this. Have mix of autophony, hyperacusis which immediately ramps up reactive T.
  36. J

    My T is also reactive, figuring out if stress is the major big cause, with use of earplugs...

    My T is also reactive, figuring out if stress is the major big cause, with use of earplugs. Seems that after wearing them your ears cant cope with louder sounds.
  37. Rockman

    Fellow reactive t people. Sounds drive it crazy but you know aren't harmful. Do you listen to it...

    Fellow reactive t people. Sounds drive it crazy but you know aren't harmful. Do you listen to it or run for the hills?
  38. seanab2616

    Slight Hearing Loss and Tinnitus from Ear Irrigation

    I’ve had T since November last year, and since then, it has only gotten worse. Sleep has been such an issue for about six weeks. I’m very lucky if I get 6 hours, maybe 3-4, of lousy sleep on average. I’ve always only been able to sleep in total silence and am very sensitive to sounds when I...
  39. Kazue

    Anyone Else with Reactive Tinnitus?

    Yooo! I've had T for 3 weeks now. I've accepted that this will be a permanent condition so eh. Please do not tell me it will get better because I'm young. I have abused my ears during healing to cope with this. I've went to a loud ass IMAX theater and I've played music very low through my...
  40. Sammy0225

    Damn really for years!? Yeah same mine thumps like when something like a pen falls on the ground...

    Damn really for years!? Yeah same mine thumps like when something like a pen falls on the ground thankfully it doesn't do it to things like conversations but it's still annoying. Do you have loudness H or reactive T? Life has been limited these past few months
  41. A

    T is the first time after relapse a little bit calmer and not so reactive. I try to stay away...

    T is the first time after relapse a little bit calmer and not so reactive. I try to stay away from electronic sound since three days.
  42. M

    Is you're T reactive??... Sorry you're feeling like shit. What caused ur T again?

    Is you're T reactive??... Sorry you're feeling like shit. What caused ur T again?
  43. ErikaS

    I just feel like if very “important”, well known people dealt with the debilitation of severe T...

    I just feel like if very “important”, well known people dealt with the debilitation of severe T, reactive T, hyperacusis, we would hear more about it. I would just think they would try all the TMS or stem cell type things, or, they would find a doctor willing to do something for them that hasn’t...
  44. ErikaS

    Hey friend, you’d think I know this answer by now with how much we have conversed over the past...

    Hey friend, you’d think I know this answer by now with how much we have conversed over the past months, but I want to confirm just given your improvement. When you speak about your reactivity that is improving, is this the reactivity characterized by T spiking/winding up to those constant sounds...
  45. CRGC

    @Nadia231 Of course, I always still protect in noisy situations and avoid very loud situations...

    @Nadia231 Of course, I always still protect in noisy situations and avoid very loud situations, but I feel more in control when I frame it this way. I'm also lucky that my T has been stable and (mostly) non-reactive.
  46. IntotheBlue03

    Hi was your T reactive as well?

    Hi was your T reactive as well?
  47. A

    I didn't really knew, how good I was with only tinnitus. Reactive t with h is so much more to...

    I didn't really knew, how good I was with only tinnitus. Reactive t with h is so much more to handle. I am early in, but still
  48. Travis Henry

    I love you and so sorry you are suffering. Sounds like your t is as reactive as mine.

    I love you and so sorry you are suffering. Sounds like your t is as reactive as mine.
  49. ErikaS

    Just saw this now, @Samy .. Wow, it sounds like you have made some improvements?? To be able to... have H/T is a big step! Do you think this comes from the brain retraining? Yes I did do a stem cell procedure 3 weeks ago. No improvement as of yet, struggling mentally. I started a brain retraining therapy too, however I find it very hard to do with multi-tone reactive T. Nothing is easy.
  50. LostinTX

    Is my T reactive? When I lay down to sleep my T goes down as I burrow my head between 2 pillows...

    Is my T reactive? When I lay down to sleep my T goes down as I burrow my head between 2 pillows, no sound gets in. Second awake it's louder
  51. Marcuso22

    Slight Hearing Loss and Tinnitus from Ear Irrigation

    ...white noise during the day & night. The level should be at a level just lower than your tinnitus. This is very difficult for people with reactive tinnitus, which I suffer from. You have to find a 'sweet' spot where you're not having a large reaction to the sound. So, depending on how bad your...
  52. Marshall

    Never realized how much white noise is out there until I got reactive T holy shit

    Never realized how much white noise is out there until I got reactive T holy shit
  53. Mal25

    @Nadia231 yes I have been spiking pretty bad lately and have worsened tona horrible place I...

    @Nadia231 yes I have been spiking pretty bad lately and have worsened tona horrible place I don't know how to fix it my T is buzzing and reactive it reacts to everything
  54. ErikaS

    Hi @Samy , just wanted to send you love and support as I know we both are dealing with...

    Hi @Samy , just wanted to send you love and support as I know we both are dealing with multi-tone reactive T, and I know you’re dealing with an H setback. Here if you ever need to vent ! We can improve and overcome this :)
  55. ErikaS

    @Strawberryblonde I think you’re right. I completed a big part of my DNRS training today, and..., and it’s just solidifying more and more how impaired my limbic system is and how it can absolutely exacerbate all my symptoms, from the vibrations to reactivity/spiking tinnitus. I’m determined to use DNRS how Marin did and hopefully reset Limby and have more stabilized, non reactive T!
  56. B

    Does Sound Reactive Tinnitus Ever Change?

    This question is for people who have t that gets louder with sound...does the sound reactiveness ever stop? I get it that maybe t will or will not go away, but does the kind that gets louder with noise ever settle down to a steady sound with no reaction? It is so hard to go anywhere anymore.
  57. ErikaS

    To only have a hiss. That’s how my T started out 10 months ago. Now I have electric reactive...

    To only have a hiss. That’s how my T started out 10 months ago. Now I have electric reactive hiss along with 4-5 other lower level noises that are mores code and like random car beeping that get faster with noise exposure and overwhelming in quiet, it’s beyond chaotic. I didn’t have any hearing...
  58. ErikaS

    @Strawberryblonde thank you for sharing! I really do think it’s the cold as I held it off pretty...

    @Strawberryblonde thank you for sharing! I really do think it’s the cold as I held it off pretty well but woke up this morning to much sorer throat and congestion. So maybe just inflammation driven. I have reactive T so it’s always tricky to know what can cause a change!
  59. sakrt

    It's an alien concept like T/H in the medical field. Sound bounces, booms around inside my head...

    It's an alien concept like T/H in the medical field. Sound bounces, booms around inside my head which immediately ramps up reactive T. Torment. Relieves me so much when you said be understood a bit. Thank you
  60. S

    My T seems to be reactive at times. My morse code becomes louder and competes with my masking...

    My T seems to be reactive at times. My morse code becomes louder and competes with my masking noises then sometimes it doesn't and the morse code dissappear aswell. Tbh I've no idea what to do and not what too do with this. @ErikaS its more complicated the second time around:(