Search results for query: reactive T

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  1. Sammy0225

    For never comers with reactive T, you may not notice but those brief moments of silence when you...

    For never comers with reactive T, you may not notice but those brief moments of silence when you say "if only it could stay like this"... well that's actually your baseline the goal is to keep it at that same level so you can go back to a semi normal life.
  2. A

    @Sammy0225 @ErikaS hey! my 2017 Tinnitus was due to noise trauma, it was very high at the...

    @Sammy0225 @ErikaS hey! my 2017 Tinnitus was due to noise trauma, it was very high at the begginning and then started loosing intensity and turned into a hiss, pretty habituated! Now i'm back due to sinus rinse which entered my ears, and it is very very reactive. But I am sure your T will...
  3. BrOKeN_1

    I'm sorry. I know how your feeling. Loosing sleep is absolutely the worst. T is hard enough to...

    I'm sorry. I know how your feeling. Loosing sleep is absolutely the worst. T is hard enough to manage with good/decent sleep. Since my T became reactive in May I've had to re-jigger my process. I hope you find something that works for you SOON! Don't forget to use your toolbox. You have some...
  4. Biaxca

    Hey, I have no idea how to reply to some of the messages couldn't find reply button on ur last...

    Hey, I have no idea how to reply to some of the messages couldn't find reply button on ur last post, I do have reactive T, which I really Hope can be helped by treatment. How long have u had T ? Any improvements for u? Do u get any treatments. I've got so many appointments booked just waiting...
  5. Hil

    What the Heck Is Going On? (New Reactive Sounds Developing)

    So I have had 4 separate diagnoses of eustachian tube dysfunction due to allergies. In November, I got ringing in my ears, that was the first tinnitus I got. In December, my right ear began having a low humming noise as well. In early February I got a single, high tone that flutters, sort of...
  6. Matt G

    Chirp is here to stay. Is incredibly reactive and the loudest, most shrill T I’ve ever had. I...

    Chirp is here to stay. Is incredibly reactive and the loudest, most shrill T I’ve ever had. I can’t escape this one.
  7. KoolKat

    im so anxious lets hope shores results are positive, as ive had this since 2014 and its not been...

    im so anxious lets hope shores results are positive, as ive had this since 2014 and its not been easy ,at all. I hope you dont have to suffer for as long as i have, you even got Hypercusis and reactive T, WTF thats so not right.
  8. ErikaS

    @AnthonyMcDonald I can appreciate your research and sharing as I know you yourself have dealt...

    @AnthonyMcDonald I can appreciate your research and sharing as I know you yourself have dealt with/deal with reactive tinnitus. I told her right off the bat I’m not going to be someone using white noise, I have learned what does “mix” with my T and what doesn’t, and I refuse to do the sounds...
  9. ErikaS

    @blamingeverything my ENT is offering to do up to 3, so we shall see. Glad to hear your T has...

    @blamingeverything my ENT is offering to do up to 3, so we shall see. Glad to hear your T has improved though. I feel like mine has made the TINIEST improvements lately, but so hard to tell from on moment to the next when it’s multi tonal and reactive.
  10. ErikaS

    @MindOverMatter I developed the T just over 3 months ago in R ear with ear infection. Started as...

    @MindOverMatter I developed the T just over 3 months ago in R ear with ear infection. Started as high electric hiss, now 5-6 tones with reactive hiss and distortions. I know it takes time to get better, but what I do not understand is why getting worse?
  11. S

    @ErikaS i try too keep a positive mindset but im not always so positive lol i just try to be...

    @ErikaS i try too keep a positive mindset but im not always so positive lol i just try to be more now especially the way the T acts up!! :) @Sammy0225 my T has been reactive lately without any rhyme or reason. sleeping without masking seems to be helping. Its damn hard and mentally taxing but...
  12. ErikaS

    Hey @DeanD sorry For delay.. it came on as pressure/fullness in the ears and like I couldn’t...

    Hey @DeanD sorry For delay.. it came on as pressure/fullness in the ears and like I couldn’t equalize pressure, always had to yawn to open e tubes. As uncomfortable as that was. I would take that long term over what I have now with reactive T. How are you doing?
  13. ErikaS

    Hey @Marshall ! I have read some of your posts about how working out has helped you immensely...

    Hey @Marshall ! I have read some of your posts about how working out has helped you immensely. Wanted to know what kind of workouts you did with reactive tinnitus? My T gets revved up by just my heart rate going up! But I know how important it is to maintain health.
  14. Charburchar

    After 2+ years T has finally spread to my good ear. A little reactive buzz that I can hear above...

    After 2+ years T has finally spread to my good ear. A little reactive buzz that I can hear above most noises. Feeling blessed :)
  15. Luvkitties

    A Few Questions (Reactive Tinnitus?)

    I am new to T for about 4 months now. It was giving me good days and bad days but suddenly I am not getting the days when it lowered to low's been four days now and it's screaming away like a tea kettle with no relief. My question is it common for it to "not like" something like...
  16. IntotheBlue03

    Im going down another rabbit hole but have u heard anything regarding the effectiveness of...

    Im going down another rabbit hole but have u heard anything regarding the effectiveness of keppra for reactive T? (Not T volume, just reactivity exclusively) Considering it @Wrfortiscue
  17. pleasejuststop

    Did your muffled hearing ever resolve? The exact same thing happened to me and the muffled...

    Did your muffled hearing ever resolve? The exact same thing happened to me and the muffled hearing and reactive T are making me unbearably anxious
  18. Matt G

    How am I supposed to live the rest of my life like this? Honestly would take more pain H if...

    How am I supposed to live the rest of my life like this? Honestly would take more pain H if reactive T would just fuck off.
  19. S

    2) not very helpful in my opinion my hearing therapist as they just don't know much other than...

    ...very helpful in my opinion my hearing therapist as they just don't know much other than sound therapy and white noise generators. Figuring it out myself, well trying too. :-( my T had been reactive this week so sleep has been limited but learning to tune it out which takes a lot of mental...
  20. IntotheBlue03

    Hey Raphael did u ever find any masking sounds good for reactive T? I’m going through that...

    Hey Raphael did u ever find any masking sounds good for reactive T? I’m going through that struggle now
  21. Ela Stefan

    Hi, JPGL! How are you? May I does your t sound? Is reactive, just in the ears, can you...

    Hi, JPGL! How are you? May I does your t sound? Is reactive, just in the ears, can you mask it? Thank you!
  22. Sammy0225

    @ErikaS Ah I see, so your T is reactive to things such as showers, fans, AC, and cars which will...

    @ErikaS Ah I see, so your T is reactive to things such as showers, fans, AC, and cars which will immediately react to the noise when heard. This usually calms down for most people as time goes by. If you are hearing distortions of a added sound like church bells or wine glass humming this...
  23. M

    My T is very reactive!!! to music, AC, fans, cars sound ect... is it normal to have...

    My T is very reactive!!! to music, AC, fans, cars sound ect... is it normal to have pulsatile/somatic/reactive T at same time!!??
  24. ErikaS

    @Eliska wow glad to hear of your improvements and a much needed vacation! My T is so so reactive...

    @Eliska wow glad to hear of your improvements and a much needed vacation! My T is so so reactive and I’m having a hard time figuring out how to rehab it. Not only does it react/spike to sound, but to my blood pressure/heart rate increasing. I don’t over protect, but that doesn’t seem to help...
  25. IntotheBlue03

    Hi how is your T doing? Is it reactive? Mine is and around the same high frequency, struggling...

    Hi how is your T doing? Is it reactive? Mine is and around the same high frequency, struggling currently but looking to see how others with similar T have done long term.
  26. IntotheBlue03

    Hi are u habituated now? Do u or did u have central reactive T that sounds like electrical buzzing?

    Hi are u habituated now? Do u or did u have central reactive T that sounds like electrical buzzing?
  27. Foamearplugssuck

    @ZFire thanks man. think I may have developed some slight loudness H as a result of the fire...

    @ZFire thanks man. think I may have developed some slight loudness H as a result of the fire alarm and my tolerance is definitely lower. my reactive T came back but I think my symptoms are slowly improving. hope you're doing well yourself.
  28. aot

    Reactive T, as far as I know, has the same causes as normal T. I don't see why it wouldn't work...

    Reactive T, as far as I know, has the same causes as normal T. I don't see why it wouldn't work on Reactive T. Don't give up hope! *hugs*
  29. ErikaS

    @SarahMLFlemmer and because I have that sudden hearing loss/damage, I most likely am stuck with...

    @SarahMLFlemmer and because I have that sudden hearing loss/damage, I most likely am stuck with some kind of T, but it’s the reactivity and super high frequency (12k hz and up) awful whiny piercing pitches that I need to diminish over time. I have other tones in the 2000-3000 hz range but they...
  30. P

    How loud is your baseline? I understand you have quite high pitch tinnitus? The thing with high...

    How loud is your baseline? I understand you have quite high pitch tinnitus? The thing with high pitch is that althoug not that loud it can be heard over almost everything, I often wonder if mine is reactive as it seems the louder I turn up fans, white noise, AC etc, the more prominent my hissing...
  31. O

    @Eleanor89 Hi there. I also had background T for 12 years, totally adjusted to it and didn't...

    @Eleanor89 Hi there. I also had background T for 12 years, totally adjusted to it and didn't notice it. My T in my left ear is now reactive to sound and certain positions. Sometimes it ramps up and I can hear it over the sound of the car on the interstate.
  32. Brians81

    Are there anyone that has there reactive t improved want information on how to deal with it...

    Are there anyone that has there reactive t improved want information on how to deal with it please any information at all
  33. MindOverMatter

    @ErikaS You seem to be doing "what you should", in my humble opinion. T winding up while in the... humble opinion. T winding up while in the car is, unfortunately, very common for many with different versions of sound sensitivity and reactive t. "Feeling" it, yes. I know what you mean. It will get better with time, 3 months is not a long time. There is a good chance for you to feel at...
  34. IntotheBlue03

    Hey Drone have u habituated? Newbie here struggling 2 1/2 mo in. High Frequency reactive T that...

    Hey Drone have u habituated? Newbie here struggling 2 1/2 mo in. High Frequency reactive T that I can physically feel. Thanks
  35. AverageJoe12

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    ...necessarily change before and after, but their tinnitus levels drastically did. I'd have to try it for myself. Maybe my tinnitus is so reactive that it constitutes hyperacusis. Why would a leading hyperacusis-educated audiologist out of Portland, OR tell me she doesn't recommend Lenire for...
  36. Kayla L

    Intermittent Buzzing / Static / Reactive Noise

    Hi I've been having intermittent "static/electrical" noise that comes and goes all day.. Seems to be really bad when I first wake up and progressively get a little better throughout the day. Then I go to bed it it restarts again the next morning. It seems to be triggered by noises like bottle...
  37. D


    Well, bud, if there ever is a jeopardy game for tinnitus sufferers, you just upped my game. T sucks
  38. Owlero

    I'm actually doing quite a bit better these days. I still have a moderate T and H baseline, but...

    I'm actually doing quite a bit better these days. I still have a moderate T and H baseline, but it's tolerable and much less reactive. I'm counting my blessings, but I know you're never truly out of the woods when it comes to this stuff. I do really appreciate you checking up on me. It means a lot.
  39. BrOKeN_1

    Having one of those nights.. T is being reactive. Refuses to be ignored. Ignorant SOB! *let it...

    Having one of those nights.. T is being reactive. Refuses to be ignored. Ignorant SOB! *let it pass*
  40. Sammy0225

    @Jackson Brady For now I have left the silent protocol I recovered to a somewhat more stable...

    @Jackson Brady For now I have left the silent protocol I recovered to a somewhat more stable form of reactive tinnitus that has become predictable on a daily basis. I've gone back to activities with my kids and frequent walks to the park. Sound therapy seems to be helping the reactivity. It's...
  41. Cmspgran

    Suicidal financially get back afloat and they are the best parents anyone could ever wish for yet feel so alone with this current unbearable spike/reactive T from an MRI. Have never known daily mental torture like this, wish I had some advice for you but know you’re not alone in feeling this way.
  42. Freerunner

    H is brutal, T changed sooo much in the wrong direction. Intermittent tones became constant and...

    H is brutal, T changed sooo much in the wrong direction. Intermittent tones became constant and louder, reactive.... And they are many... :(
  43. Brittany95

    Hi all, cant believe Ive been gone a month! New job is amazing & super quiet! T is better & less...

    Hi all, cant believe Ive been gone a month! New job is amazing & super quiet! T is better & less reactive too. Hope youre all doing well :)
  44. 1

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    For reactive T is very bad to try residual inhibition protocols at sleep this is from my experience. Reactive T improves with silence total silence or very low sounds. If you have reactive T and expose yourself to sounds T will become unmanageable. My T is reactive and i have found that only 0db...
  45. Samy

    If you try, be careful and pay attention to any increase in tinnitus intensity. We, with...

    If you try, be careful and pay attention to any increase in tinnitus intensity. We, with reactive tinnitus, won the lottery omg. I think the TRT help «decrease» the T for some people because it helps them to habituate, they stay calmer and consequently the brain stops focusing so much in the...
  46. InfiniteLoop

    Can My Tinnitus Turn Reactive?

    We all agree about what reactive tinnitus is, except @Michael Leigh. It does not matter whether it is a medical condition or not. This term simply helps to communicate a very specific flavor of the tinnitus experience, and not a very nice one by the way. I don’t understand the persistence and...
  47. CarloZ

    Man, This Reactive Tinnitus I Have Is Just Getting Worse. Last Night Was Horrible...

    If you all have seen my recent post, I've acquired reactive T. After being habituated for a year and a half now to my hissing tone, I've gone back to my dark days. A month and a half ago I woke up to this mild high pitched sound that reacted to stuff like running water and ceiling fans and such...
  48. R

    I found this calming guitar melody on youtube that helped a lot. But now I sleep without any...

    I found this calming guitar melody on youtube that helped a lot. But now I sleep without any masking sound since i do not have Reactive T anymore
  49. Ava Lugo

    @Freerunner, I have no idea as i suffer from reactive T everyday and still havent gotten use to it.

    @Freerunner, I have no idea as i suffer from reactive T everyday and still havent gotten use to it.
  50. I

    I Have Reactive Tinnitus — Am I Making It Worse with Pink / White Noise?

    Hi all, I've had reactive tinnitus for 2 months and a week. Sometimes I think I might have hyperacusis because the tinnitus itself is so mild. In quiet / normal settings, it's a 1-2 max (sometimes I even have to plug my ears to hear it). Oh, and it's irregular / intermittent - changes every 1...
  51. SD7

    Wish reactive T wasn’t a thing then I could mask T and desensitize H with white noise. Until...

    Wish reactive T wasn’t a thing then I could mask T and desensitize H with white noise. Until then crickets I guess.
  52. HCR123

    Reactive Tinnitus or Hyperacusis? Unsure

    I haven't posted in awhile since I first joined because I was feeling comfortable with tinnitus and got over some early hyperacusis. I've only had tinnitus for a month. I was exposing myself to ordinary sounds and just telling myself this could be temporary or permanent but just live your life...
  53. ErikaS

    @Guywithapug unfortunately this is what it sounds at it worst all the time. I only hear all of...

    ...all the time. I only hear all of this mostly in silence, but it is still SO overwhelming. I can literally feel the buzzing in my ears. Only good thing is it’s lower volume, so I can use certain sounds to help mask or mix in with it, but cannot yet use normal fan as I still have...
  54. Bill Bauer

    I have had hyperacusis for about two years after the onset of my T. My t would also spike...

    I have had hyperacusis for about two years after the onset of my T. My t would also spike following inadvertent exposure to noise. But I don't think it was reactive T, as it is my understanding that with reactive T, T gets louder the louder one's environment...
  55. L

    Tinnitus Maskers? Are They Helpful or a Waste of Money?

    That’s the thing. My reactive T used to react to pink and white I never used it. Now my reactive T doesn’t react to white noise. HUGE accomplishment that took 4 months. But now white noise aggravates my baseline T......or maybe it always did but now I’m noticing it because the super...
  56. O

    Hi @Josh59 , sounds like we have a very similar experience. I have H and T, the T is reactive...

    Hi @Josh59 , sounds like we have a very similar experience. I have H and T, the T is reactive but also effected by various positions (jaw, head to the side, bending over, etc.). Mine came on in January, how about you? Hae you seen any improvement yet? My H has improved quite a bit from its worst...
  57. IntotheBlue03

    Yes very much so I know this isn’t a competition but I keep reading how my T drives people nuts...

    Yes very much so I know this isn’t a competition but I keep reading how my T drives people nuts because it’s constant central electrical hissing/crickets T that’s hard to mask & Reactive to everything including my own voice. What’s urs?
  58. Sammy0225

    The ringing did drop substantially low around the 5th month…around that time I also noticed the...

    ...low around the 5th month…around that time I also noticed the reactiveness fading away with the multiple tones. Some ppl argue that reactive t isn’t hyperacusis but I think they are one in the same. Please keep me updated on any progress from the doc visits? And I never lost taste but I...
  59. Zugzug

    I completely agree about reactive tinnitus. I have more severe H than T, and I get god awful...

    I completely agree about reactive tinnitus. I have more severe H than T, and I get god awful reactive tinnitus.
  60. Flowergirl

    @sakrt. I agree with climate change but either way you said "mix of autophony, hyperacusis which...

    @sakrt. I agree with climate change but either way you said "mix of autophony, hyperacusis which immediately ramps up reactive T" I'm going to pay more attn to. Not that it would lead to some great breakthrough but just mentally prepare myself.