Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. Tommi_boi

    New Sound Exposure and Panic

    ...and scared by it, take it from me, this will go. Unfortunately for me my own story is that while my Tinnitus is okay at the moment, an ambulance went past me about 7 days and it decided to turn its siren on.. real loud when it went past me, which has now given me mild hyperacusis, in other...
  2. S

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    ...have experienced significant hyperacusis setbacks from sound that *shouldn't* have been anywhere near damaging. For healthy ears, sure it would be pretty improbable to experience damage when exposed to, say, ambulance sirens when inside but the consensus on already damaged ears isn't so...
  3. Dana

    Getting Over Panic/Anxiety That Comes with the Ringing

    ...a while to get used to meet my loud T whenever I woke up. I was flying into a huge panic attack every time I woke up and I was calling the ambulance very often. When the ambulance came my telling them that I have T was leaving the unphased, they were measuring my blood pressure, noticing...
  4. Per

    Medical Tinnitus Philosophy in China — Oxygen Levels

    ...asthmatic or anything. It's like I have to fight somewhat to breath in one smooth motion or breathe exercise. My stomach feels like it's holding in air. I received external oxygen one time in an ambulance and I remember I had an increase of strength. Have anyone tried a personal oxygen...
  5. P


    How long will it take for these to be available? I need it now. Normal people can listen to ambulance sirens and normal noise like garbage chutes etc. I can't tell if my current tinnitus volume is a spike or just usual loudness. It's fucking brutal either way. I wish I bought an exit bag...
  6. P

    Has Tinnitus Isolated You?

    How did things get so bad?
  7. P

    Encouraging Therapy Is Making Me Feel Worse

    ...pitched and loud. But, people here insist their tinnitus is loud and therapy helped them. But, when I go out, am I supposed to accept some ambulance with a blaring siren to pass me? Drive without plugs or should I wear plugs and muffs and take the severe pain they will inevitably cause...
  8. GregCA

    Ambulance Siren Caused a Tinnitus Spike — Am I Screwed Now?

    ...spite of being a loud rumble. It is draining indeed, but perhaps you could reconsider your constant use of ear plugs. Have your doctors recommended to put them in 24x7? If some loud noise occurs (let's say an ambulance makes its way towards you), you can always plug your ears with your fingers.
  9. J

    Can Mindfulness Be Useful for Hyperacusis & Associated Anxiety?

    In theory it is the role of outer hair cells (OHC) to enhance or dampen sounds, and maybe they are not working properly. This is typical with hyperacusis or noise sensitivity. Examples: - For instance, you can be sitting home with a clock ticking on the background and the sound is enhanced in...
  10. D

    Complicated Tinnitus Story That Started After Taking Clarithromycin: Seeking Advice on Next Steps MRI with minimal hearing protection, this did not give me a spike at all, but the next week I had an accident in a car with a passing ambulance parked right beside us with the sirens blaring and we had all windows down. The acoustics coming into the car were insanely loud. It put me into a...
  11. Kriszti

    Tinnitus Texture/Physical Feel in Addition to the Sound

    ...this when you said that you have a feeling to your T? Started 2 days after the low hum terminated last fall. I think it's due to cumulative noise exposure. Last one sounds like the lovechild of an ambulance and a cuckoo, that's just a sound, I think, this is pure tone and the quietest of...
  12. starrynights

    How to Cope with Prolonged Periods of Time at Home Due to Tinnitus Spike?

    ...anxious to begin with is because I live in a very noisy neighborhood in a noisy city and loud noises are frequent as well as unpredictable (ambulance sirens, loud car honks, etc.) I’m not sure if I am going about this the right way and I know its easy to just tell others that you can’t let...
  13. M

    My Posting Place

    That’s sucks, but I don’t want to pay for your bills, I have my own. I don’t want to pay for a non-citizen’s healthcare, I have my own bills. I don’t want your tinnitus...I have my own. :-P Breadline Bernie.... Bernie isn’t the richest therefore, he is one of us! Right. What was Bernie’s...
  14. RichardGuy

    Developed Acute Tinnitus Six Weeks Ago — Wondering What My Options Are. Thank You.

    ...away at my keyboard is bothersome. The only noise "trauma" I have sustained in the last week was an overly loud radio being turned on. Ambulance sirens outside my apartment bug the shit out of me. My hyperacusis seems to be worse than ever and my tinnitus has definitely increased above...
  15. AnthonyMcDonald


    ...just made me worse. Basically fucked by doctors and horrible advice. The only thing that they say when I am suffering is that I need to call an ambulance and go to a psychiatric hospital to "rest" and be sedated. Then they continue living their life and forget I exist. I'm sick and tired of it.
  16. dpdx

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches? me and I didnt wear earplugs when walking on the residential street. It was loud and I covered my ears quickly. I am not sure if that an ambulance, fire alarm, car alarm, police siren, metro/subway, busy road are normal sounds, to me they are hazardous, perhaps @fishbone can chime in and...
  17. Leila

    I Got Tinnitus Right After My Wife Said She Had Ringing in the Ears

    I'm still fairly new to Tinnitus Talk myself. I signed up because I developed a third tinnitus noise in my so far unaffected ear and it made me feel rather down. Reading that you are affected by five tinnitus noises breaks me heart especially since all of them seem to be so different that...
  18. dpdx

    Severe Tinnitus

    its crazy how it just went up since Jan 17 after all the stuff i mentioned. i assumed to get severe t i have to expose myself to a loud sound like going to a club, these minor sounds are causing damage, like an ambulance passing next to me.
  19. kingsfan

    Dealing with Loud Noises and Hearing Protection

    ...though I know, logically, many things that should or should not be. I know a train horn in close proximity or the siren of an oncoming ambulance should be avoided, but what about the crashing of shopping carts in the cart carousel or the dog barking inside the veterinary office? What about...
  20. Forever hopeful

    Do Sudden Loud Noises Always Lead to Hearing Loss and/or Worse Tinnitus?

    ...time because that will lead to hyperacusis. But you just can’t avoid all possible loud noises. If I’m out and about in a motorcycle or an ambulance or firetruck is coming. I can hear at the distance and cover my ears. But I could not have anticipated this. I am usually pretty levelheaded...
  21. Dmitriy

    Concussion Like Symptoms from Loud Noise

    Jason, so did you habituate or is your T actually going away?
  22. Screamin Ears

    Advice Please: Use of Earplugs Outside All the Time?

    Speaking of blasting sirens i was on foot yesterday and a bloody fire truck blasted my left ear with it's 100 db siren, i managed to get my finger into my right ear but was holding something in the other hand so left ear copped it, my ear is ringing even louder than what is my new normal i hope...
  23. Michael Leigh

    Buzzing Ears After Being Several Hours Outside in Traffic Noise etc?

    Yes, they are Bill, but I don't think they are as frequent as some people in this forum lead others to believe. I do not think the way to address hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound) is to be wearing: foam earplugs, noise reducing plugs, earmuffs at every opportunity as I have seen what this...
  24. Mike Allman

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting much it was but I don't took it seriously and it disapeared spontaneously (it keeps on some strong noises like a baby crying, or an ambulance), or maybe my ear adapt to it, so if this has happened before it will be this time. Thanks for the recomendation of making excercise and...
  25. iAzra

    Went Out After Years of Protecting and Got an Acoustic Trauma/Shock

    ...some signal.. The problem is that I can not compare it to any sound so I don't really know how to deal with it. It was not louder then an ambulance going buy, but that is way to loud too.. And the sirens have ups and downs, this was stedy lound for a ~10 sec.. I really can't tell how much I...
  26. M

    Should I Have Expected a Spike?

    ...there. just got home and i feel like a spike... its louder and the pitch is a little more strong. Just when i was used to almost "no tinnitus"... a few seconds of this could damage more what ive already achieved? on my way home, i also heard an ambulance for a few seconds too :( damn noisy world
  27. A

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    ...seems very low though. Read into that what you will. And apparently now the president's press secretary has come down with it. I saw an ambulance going by with the driver in all his protective clothing, yet many normal citizens seem to still be quite blasé (or too uneducated to understand)...
  28. Shizune


    I wear muffs and plugs pretty much 24/7 as is. They've begun to wear and tear so I'm going to get some new ones. I had no issue with road noise before, although I haven't driven much since my hyperacusis worsened. Who knows now. I have gotten contradictory advice about driving with protection...
  29. Mandalay

    Bagpipes — Panic and Serious Problems their work well. Maybe it's worth a try for you...? Try to calm down, I can imagine how it feels like. I remember being hit by an ambulance siren under a bridge, passing by. I had no time to plug my ears because I did not see it coming, in the beginning. It scared the shit out of me, but...
  30. Starthrower

    Proof That Some Really Do Listen

    ...inner ear. So there she is all dressed in expensive attire with the handbag and this wire stuck in her ear. The flight crew called for an ambulance to take her to the first ER hospital in New Jersey. She had to sit there for hours with GSW patients and very sick people who of course were...
  31. exguitar

    Guy Yelled Near Ear — Can It Permanently Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Loss?

    ...endure it leaving outside. On the way home, I took out the Kleenex thinking things were over. At a stop light turning left, suddenly an ambulance appears needing to get thru. His siren wasn't on so I did not hear him coming, but he turned it on about 6 Ft. from my car. My ears are...
  32. PennyCat

    Complications from Jugular Bulb Diverticulum Stenting and Coiling

    ...the ER doctor discussed things with my surgeon, they decided I needed to be transferred back to the hospital where my surgeon works via ambulance and be admitted overnight for observation and further testing. When I heard this, I had another very bad panic attack. My ICU stay was so...
  33. Andrew01

    Visual Snow Syndrome, Tinnitus, & Hyperacusis — Looking for Support & Advice I have these earplugs that can be adjusted and it's great as I can have more protection streetside but less on my girlfriend's side so I can hear her. When an ambulance comes by I just put the shields fully up in a second. So little improvements on some fronts, have to stay positive.
  34. RichardGuy

    Developed Acute Tinnitus Six Weeks Ago — Wondering What My Options Are. Thank You. the possibility that the solution being jammed in my ear may have some long term effect on my hearing? I had to plug my ears when an ambulance rode by earlier. I have a doctor's appointment in 3 hours and am praying they can remove what is in my ear. Obviously suction is out. Sorry, I'm...
  35. dpdx

    Learn from Others' Mistakes

    ...Severe H and Severe T I also developed dark eye floaters ( never had that before in my life), and I got High blood pressure which causes me balance issues. DONT MAKE TROUBLE. also dont overprotect your ears, you can walk outside without earplugs but make sure to cover them up when ambulance...
  36. R

    I Got Tinnitus Right After My Wife Said She Had Ringing in the Ears

    ...Then a few days later I started hearing a weird chimney whistle type of sound. A week later, I woke up to what sounded like sirens from an ambulance or something. That kind of subsided but a couple of weeks later while shopping for couches, and there was Xmas music playing, I heard the weird...
  37. Ed209

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus don’t go on YouTube, you call the damn fire department. If you have a heart attack, you don’t check your Facebook group, you call an ambulance. If 9 doctors tell you you have cancer and need to treat it or you will die, and 1 doctor says the cancer will disappear, you should always side...
  38. dpdx

    Caloric Test

    ...was barely noticeable. I haven't seen any improvement since Jan 17 after the caloric test. I also keep exposing myself to hazardous sounds (ambulance siren, motorcycles, car muffler, fire alarm), which are not really helping in the healing process. My hearing is also fluctuating on the left...
  39. dpdx

    Is My Hearing Getting Worse? my room. Motorcycles drove past me when i was walking on a residential street without earplugs. Lady who cut my hair used a hair dryer. Ambulance passed me when i was driving. I didnt attend any loud venues at all nor did i listen to music on earbuds after that accident. I hear less in my...
  40. dpdx

    Miss Reading a Book So Much

    My T is very reactive. It goes up when there is a ambulance passing by, hand dryers in restroom, hair dryer, etc etc. Its very hard to cope with, but the fact that I have bad Hyperacusis on both ears limits me. It hurts me when I talk and when other people talk.
  41. J

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB

    ...sounded like it was somewhere between 80 - 90 dB and you're not allowed to wear ear protection inside, just pyjamas. And today, yes that ambulance door slamming. No matter what I do or how much I try to protect my ears these things just keep happening to me... like what th is going on? What...
  42. Tommi_boi

    Music-Induced Trauma

    ...up with a muffled ear and tinnitus. I quit the band after that.. toughest thing ever to do as I loved playing in a band. A year later an ambulance siren blasted righ next to me and I caught sound sensitivity. Like u, no tinnitus now but slight sound sensitivity. It’s been a tough 2 years...
  43. LoBo


    ...prophetic dreams. I have returned to life by walking threw The Tunnel and I have been following light, so much that I have walked into an Ambulance, which took me on the second stage of my recovery. And from that day I do percieve Tinnitus. I will finish this in time, becouse there is...
  44. Vincent R

    How Are You Guys Able to Avoid Sudden Loud Noises...

    People should listen to you after they've been exposed to a loud noise and are freaking out, and to me before it happends.
  45. Jason C

    Concussion Like Symptoms from Loud Noise

    ...I had almost like positional vertigo has gone. I will always be very aware of loud noise and I won't be taking risks. If a police car or ambulance screams by I cover my ears. The thing is, it can and does get better, it's not a few months but many many months or years. It does get...
  46. Tommi_boi

    Have I Stupidly Worsened My Ears? does seem to help and I definitely improved my tolerance over time :). I still struggle with things like main roads though as it was an ambulance that caused this in the first place for me.. Moving forwards , just when your using things like a strimmer wear some sort of protecting and...
  47. Faizaan A.

    Habituation or Healing?

    I honestly don't know, myself. My ringing started a little less than a month ago after an ambulance passed me by on a city street (where the echoes from the surrounding buildings intensified the siren). The next week, I had my final exams and that didn't help make the situation any better. After...
  48. Benjaminbb

    DJ at Young Age, and Now Got Tinnitus from Loud Music at a Party

    Hey Dude, I really need you to pay attention here. As you mentioned, you do not have BAD tinnitus comparatively. You have very minor tinnitus, it's actually amazing. What you are experiencing is very similar to what I had, I was completely stressed like you for months, paying a lot of attention...