Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. slc


    I wonder why some acoustic traumas cause a lasting spike and others do not. For me, I seem to recover from lower pitched loud sounds more quickly than I do from high pitched ones. But in addition, if the body is in a calmer state, the parasympathetic nervous system might be better equipped to...
  2. delta784

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward?

    My tinnitus becomes severe and overwhelming at times, and I also experience distortions. Love from Turkey.
  3. LostinTX

    14 Months with Tinnitus So Far — History of Using Oxycontin/Hydrocodone Recreationally

    Did you get tinnitus previously from opiates? Did it go away after a few years?
  4. P

    Can an Ambulance Siren Damage Your Ears Despite Wearing Foam Earplugs?

    What about an ambulance siren, no earplugs?
  5. Jack Straw

    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    How do you know it was caused by the vaccine?
  6. Ilias T

    Ambulance almost passed near me. I took a fast turn and drove away. Damn that was cheap

    Ambulance almost passed near me. I took a fast turn and drove away. Damn that was cheap
  7. AbeS

    Experiencing “Siren” Tinnitus Sounds

    ...a new siren type sound and it’s starting to drive me insane.. I have heard this sound before for short moments after being exposed to an ambulance siren but it has always gone away in 30-60 minutes. When I was in the car maybe a week ago an ambulance drove by blasting its sirens. I had...
  8. D

    I'm so scared of loud noise worsening this that I carry sound blocking headphones in the car in...

    I'm so scared of loud noise worsening this that I carry sound blocking headphones in the car in case an Ambulance or Police siren is nearby.
  9. J

    Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea for Treatment of Chronic Disabling Tinnitus

    ...all night if I fall asleep and forget to turn it off. It has a lovely, soft sound and is an old-fashioned model from the 1960s or 1970s. A word of caution: be mindful of loud noises like chainsaws, 750cc motorbikes, ambulance sirens, and similar sounds, as they can be harmful. I hope this...
  10. P


    ...not muffling the loud noise enough now - I think earplugs only muffle around 20-something decibels? The latest spike was caused by an ambulance that went past me - I was wearing earplugs though. Is there any chance that my damn tinnitus will return to baseline? I suppose questions like...
  11. gameover

    My 3rd Success Story with Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    Some hearing aids can be fitted with "plug" tips. I don't know how efficient they are noise blocking wise - but should give some protection vs. open ear canals.
  12. jacob21

    My 3rd Success Story with Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    ...and today I have a tonal sound, constant, maskable, not reactive. And yes, if I find myself in a restaurant where suddenly they are going to play loud music, I always have a pair of earplugs with me. I do the same. If an ambulance or alarm starts suddenly, I protect my ears with my hands :)
  13. Bill Bauer

    Advice Please: Use of Earplugs Outside All the Time?

  14. Jammer

    2024 US Presidential Election

    ...I've ever had. With my gap insurance ($120/mo), I pay zero out of pocket and pay a $240 deductible per year. Everything is covered: ER, ambulance, blood tests, imaging, specialists, cancer care, hospitalization, etc. Medicare is what America needs universally and should not be just for the...
  15. ZFire

    If it makes you feel any better , I get hit with ambulance noise about 5-10 times a day whether...

    If it makes you feel any better , I get hit with ambulance noise about 5-10 times a day whether I’m home or walking outside. Live in NYC and near a major hospital, so I have to put up with it all the time. Nothing has come of it so far. The duration of how long you were exposed to noise matters...
  16. Joey72

    2024 US Presidential Election

    What exactly are the Democrats waiting for? Obama had plenty of time to get us Medicare for all when the Democrats had full control of the Senate and House. Instead, he gave us Romney Care.
  17. ColdHands

    i have fear. I always hear strange sound like ambulance siren...

    i have fear. I always hear strange sound like ambulance siren...
  18. Samwise_The_Loud

    Tinnitus Spike After a Combination of MRI / Head Injury / Loud Noise Exposure

    Agh, I live in London. I bloody hate the sirens and motorbikes. The bane of my existence. Do sirens need to be that loud? Not sure. @Gateway, stay strong. Probability suggests you will recover. Have a hot bath and relax, that usually helps me. Wishing you all well, Sam
  19. Ken219

    Has Prednisone Helped Your Tinnitus?

    Does anyone think that if @bellecooper77 wasn't on prednisone the ambulance wouldn't affect her tinnitus?
  20. dan


    Yes, there's a chance my friend.
  21. dpdx

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches?

    I need to cover my ears all the time when I encounter these sounds (ambulance, fire alarms, sirens,etc). It is way too risky and I just read that ambulance sirens are 120db and motorcycles are also 100db or so. Too dangerous :(
  22. Ilias T

    I still remember the times I drove my bike to school and have an ambulance come behind me. I...

    I still remember the times I drove my bike to school and have an ambulance come behind me. I would rather fight off some wild dogs.
  23. Sammy0225

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    I've experienced something similar called palinacousis. Whenever I heard noises such as a cellphone ringing or a distant ambulance passing by, the sound lingered in my ears and repeated itself until it faded away from my consciousness. It's like having a song stuck on repeat in your head, which...
  24. Taw

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    Both. But I meant symptoms improved, because there is no cure for any of these. It also helped me a lot in the bad days, the alternative was to call the ambulance.
  25. BrysonKingMe

    My Entire Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Story — From Hell to Paradise

    Mine only became reactive after I got the hyperacusis.
  26. Stuart-T

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    I have always plugged my ears when an ambulance or police car goes past - and loud motorbikes - ever since I was a child - and I did not get tinnitus until 57. It is just instinct to protect your ears from excessive loud noises.
  27. Tezcatlipoca

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Why are you people talking about lawyers and stuff? Look up the definition of ambulance chaser firms, nothing ever materializes out of this stuff. Just forget about it. This is a research thread, not a legal speculation one.
  28. B

    Need a Little Support — New Sounds

    First of all i feel good no anxiety and so but i hope it all Goes away. I have t and h . The t were 3 sounds and Some times i heard an ambulance sound and another sound triggerd from sound outside( the shower and car). Recently i worked on my laptop for 3 days straight and i noticed my ears...
  29. dpdx

    A List of Places Where You Could Be Exposed to Loud Noises. Places to Watch Out for.

    Vacuum Cleaner, Ambulance, Fire Truck, Police Siren, etc
  30. Kriszti

    Older tinnitus is sh.t as well, but having this rhythmic, cooing/distant ambulance like sound...

    Older tinnitus is sh.t as well, but having this rhythmic, cooing/distant ambulance like sound which is really hard to explain, is terrible.
  31. Chezten

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    ...hearing rattlesnake noises around 4 PM. One morning, the noise was so intense, like a machine gun, that I had to go to the hospital by ambulance. Unfortunately, doctors often look at you as if you're crazy. Currently, I take a Valium when I wake up and two Endep tablets in the evening. I'm...
  32. A

    2024 US Presidential Election

    I didn’t blame immigrants for anything, so back the fuck up, Chuck. I said we need to close our borders to EVERYONE because, eventually, we won’t have any resources to support who is already here. Look at the wider picture beyond the end of your nose, dumbass. There are also rules to follow, and...
  33. D

    What Sounds Can You No Longer Stand? For Me, the Aluminum Foil Is the Devil Incarnate

    A high pitched tea kettle High pitched static on the radio A dentist's drill A fire engine / ambulance siren
  34. Anomalous

    2024 US Presidential Election are free. You can see a doctor, a therapist, a physiotherapist, an ENT, or any healthcare specialist, all for free. If you need an ambulance to drive you to the hospital in an emergency, that is free, with no exceptions. Apparently, just being picked up by an ambulance in the US...
  35. Rhea

    Passed by an Ambulance with Sirens On — Now My Tinnitus Is Spiking

    ...on quite a few occasions, it has never given me a permanent tinnitus increase. Remember, exposure time makes a huge difference, so an ambulance passing by at high speed would have only been seconds and really not long enough to have any long lasting impact on your tinnitus x I'm a big NAC...
  36. Chad Lawton

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    And they only want $100,000+ clients so they get fatter commissions, they don't care about the little guys.
  37. Bill Bauer

    Door Slammed Near Ear, Scared of Damage

    Did you recover after being exposed to the fire alarm and ambulance siren?
  38. SilverSpiral

    Went Out After Years of Protecting and Got an Acoustic Trauma/Shock

    ...find a sound too loud... it's probably damaging, especially in a club environment. I mean "normal" people hearing dont shrug when an ambulance parks near them blaring it's siren. And let me tell you, a clubs normal volume can be as louder than an ambulance siren. If "normal hearing" people...
  39. T

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    ...75 mg for 7- 8 weeks, 37.5 mg for 7- 8 weeks, and approximately 15 mg for 4 weeks. I was about to stop taking Clomipramine, but then an ambulance drove past me. My tinnitus spiked (luckily hyperacusis was not affected), so to help me sleep I decided to take 112.5 mg for 2 weeks, 37.5 mg for...
  40. Romano

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    There is a hospital in the neighborhood where I live and ambulances pass by with sirens all the time. Honestly, I have never seen anyone in the street plugging their ears when an ambulance with a siren shows up. I believe the sound is 110 dB when you are standing right next to the ambulance...
  41. Jazzer

    My Hero — Sam Price

    ...making some strange noises in his throat. He got Terry to stop the car, got John out onto the pavement, told his grandad to phone for an ambulance, and started CPR on his uncle John at the roadside. Using cardio compression and mouth to mouth, he managed to revive him twice before the...
  42. slc

    My 3rd Success Story with Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    In an emergency situation, I plug my ears with my fingers. It's not ideal, but I find I can leave the white noise generators in (and they sound louder) and still block some of the noise. At times, I've had to walk several blocks away from the noisy area (e.g., fire alarm, construction noise)...
  43. Stuart-T

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    ...I never plugged my ears at classical concerts, even Mahler. Maybe the pitch of sirens is a problem for me. There is a good article here on ambulance sirens and noise induced hearing loss: Hearing Loss in EMS ( Here is an extract: So it definitely is a good...
  44. S

    Ambulance Siren Caused a Tinnitus Spike — Am I Screwed Now?

    No, I've been in my car and ambulance pass right next to my car, it's probably anxiety, or if it's a spike, it'll subside :)
  45. Vincent R

    How to Protect Ears at a Carnival?

    ...and custom-made silicon ones have similiar effectiveness against low-frequency sounds. But against higher frequencies - fire alarms, ambulance sirens et cetera - foam is much better. Not sure what plastic earplugs is, but if they don't enter the inner-ear canal, I advice you to scrap them...
  46. P


    My tinnitus is just screaming in volume. I don't know how to describe it. Is it the usual or due to an ambulance siren? It's hard to tell. I so fucking hate life.
  47. E

    Can an Ambulance Siren Damage Your Ears Despite Wearing Foam Earplugs?

    In my opinion, the chances of hearing damage from momentary exposure to an ambulance while wearing earplugs are slim to none. If you're having a spike, I think it could be from anxiety over the event, rather than from the sound itself.
  48. Rubenslash

    Tinnitus Wins

    Even with the windows down, an ambulance is still very loud. I would recommend to wear ear plugs as of now.
  49. Ed209

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    My mom was admitted to hospital last night via ambulance. She is still waiting for a bed 9 hours later. Nobody can visit her and her phone is switched off. The whole situation is a nightmare.
  50. Blackbird1016

    BII (Breast Implant Illness) — Has Anyone Experienced Tinnitus Due to This? the medical community/surgeons. I used to work in a law firm and while I did, two of the girls with implants had issues where an ambulance needed to be called. One had hers "pop" and another had it shift out of place (24 and 32). There was another girl who had butt implants and was...
  51. Ray552

    Can Loud Sounds Cause Brain Damage?

    Can loud sounds actually cause brain damage? Any exposure to loud sounds by accident such as a passing by ambulance etc, horns make me feel brain dead and emotionless.
  52. B

    Does This Sound Like Reactive Tinnitus?

    I have the same. I have normal tinnitus and on top of that i hear exactly the noise of an ambulance at times. I hear it when i'm in the shower and in the car. And now for 2 or 3 days more often because i had very few sleep. It looks Like if the ambulance sound is triggerd by noise from the car...
  53. B

    My Story Started 2 Months Ago

    ...I wish it will not be permanent. Because this will be a suffering. Yesterday was almost on zero level.Aa bit of beeping (I call it ambulance siren). During night I woke up because I had a HUGE hissing with a secondary hissing and the ambulance siren... then it calmed down for a bit...
  54. J

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection with Pre-Existing Tinnitus

    I had very bad COVID-19 a few months ago and made a couple of trips to a hospital in an ambulance. I was worried the tinnitus would spike but my whole body was so messed up that nothing really mattered at that stage. It took me about 2.5 weeks to recover. I had a weird heavy feeling in my head...
  55. S

    New Siren Sound. Unsure If It's Tinnitus or Not. Extremely Worried.

    I get this also, when an ambulance or police siren passes by, it stays in my head, it goes away eventually. Tinnitus has a mind of its own.
  56. dpdx

    I did do a caloric test and then exposed myself to some loud sounds like electric razor...

    I did do a caloric test and then exposed myself to some loud sounds like electric razor, hairdryer, ambulance, muffler of a car, fire alarm twice.
  57. ZFire

    From 0 to Debilitating Tinnitus in 2 Months

    ...If I hear a car honk from a distance, the noise gets added to my tinnitus ringing. It can last to 30 minutes. Car honks, truck reversing beeping sounds, and ambulance sirens are some examples of sound that lingers with me. It’s beyond bizarre. I have hyperacusis and tinnitus that’s reactive.
  58. dpdx

    Can New Tinnitus Go Away?

    I was walking outside one winter day (before severe tinnitus) and there was an ambulance that passed by. I quickly covered my ears and nothing happened, no spike nothing.
  59. aura

    Chit Chat and All That...

    Not at all. Well I had to take a break from work when I experienced the headaches at the beginning of the year. The only problem I have at work is that when an ambulance passes by I have to plug my ears.
  60. E

    Bagpipes — Panic and Serious Problems

    Hi. I had pretty big spikes from unprotected exposure to fire alarms, ambulance sirens etc. but none of them gave me long lasting spikes. In fact my longest spikes are usually from anxiety