Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. jjflyman

    Tinnitus Went Away Completely

    Yeah, I would say that anything that makes you uncomfortable is too loud.
  2. Andrew01

    Can Overprotecting Permanently Worsen Hyperacusis?

    ...I don’t think it made my ears more sensitive as I actually biked home today and when I got home realized I forgot to put my earplugs in! Of course I really would have noticed sooner if a motorbike or ambulance went by. I went even so far as to protect in the shower at first but now I don’t.
  3. D

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    ...the part of the brain that, simply, tells you what to pay attention to. When someone is walking down the street, talking to a friend as an ambulance races with its sirens blaring, it’s the thalamus that prompts you to pay attention to the ambulance and figure out what’s going on. Martinez...
  4. Tweaker

    20 Seconds Next to an Ambulance Siren with Ears Plugged — Ears Now Crazy

    Ambulance sirens always finish me off. Most sirens/alarms mess up my already messed up ears for days, sometimes weeks. It's like the people setting them off are out to get you. I will be walking down the street and an ambulance will come quietly creeping up behind me and then suddenly blast off...
  5. st0rch

    Why We Don't Hear Tinnitus in Our Dreams and Why It Is a Clue

    The times I've heard it in my dreams, it manifests itself louder and more intense than an ambulance until it wakes me up. Tinnitus is so much fun.
  6. Jason C

    Hi Sorry only seeing this now. During my recovery I did experience loud noise from time to time...

    Hi Sorry only seeing this now. During my recovery I did experience loud noise from time to time, I was exposed to a ambulance siren, unexpected noise that happens in every day life and I think it did set things back a little bit overall Ondid recover from tinnitus but it did take a long time, I...
  7. starrynights

    Sorry to hear that, wishing you a speedy recovery! @aot Honestly, I didn't think it was...

    ...I didn't think it was possible. But its doable as long as I'm wearing either foam or high fidelity ear plugs while I'm out! Usually I'm commuting to busier parts of the city at least once a week. I can comfortably walk around but of course am cautious around loud sounds like ambulance sirens...
  8. P

    Ambulance Siren Caused a Tinnitus Spike — Am I Screwed Now?

    Do you wear earplugs in your car?
  9. AbeS

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    I have been hearing a new tinnitus sound for the past 3-4 days, it sounds very much like a siren. No real loud sound exposure I think. An ambulance drove by a week ago, I was inside the car with double protection. Dogs barking a few times, also with double protection. Can’t be that loud? Is...
  10. B

    Is This Hyperacusis or Reactive Tinnitus?

    IVe got exactly the same thing. The glassy sound you are describing and on top of that ambulance sirenes. The past months i only had it sometimes in the car and under the shower. But last week i worked for 3 days straight on my laptop. I noticed my ears were hurting because of the ventilator. It...
  11. X

    How Much Risk — Ambulance Siren

    Wow this is of interest to me. I have ambulance sirens in 10-20m range from me every 2-3 days at least once because I'm living in middle of large city.
  12. dpdx

    Poll: Has Your Tinnitus Increased Over Time?

    Yup, I went from Mild T to Moderate (baseline)/Severe, it fluctuates from Moderate to Severe. Reasons are caloric test, vemp, fire alarm (twice), walking on busy road, car muffler, motorcycles passing by, ambulance siren, etc
  13. Bill Bauer

    Why the World Around Us Is So Loud?

    Whenever I am outside of my home, I wear earplugs. I also carry Peltor muffs with me. If I hear an ambulance siren, or a fire alarm, it will only take a second to slip those Peltor muffs on.
  14. 3ri0w

    Emergency in Finland! What to Do?

    Call an ambulance or go to first aid and ask for the prednisone? Or if you have money then private doctor? Print some pages telling about steroids+tinnitus so they will believe and take it with you?
  15. Thomas_83

    DJ at Young Age, and Now Got Tinnitus from Loud Music at a Party

    @MindOverMatter, got picked up by an ambulance last night, therefore my late reply. Had a big panic attack and could not breathe. I'm now back home, and the hiss is almost gone today. This is very strange. I can now breathe and relax again with no medicine other than the SSRI I've been taking...
  16. Berik

    Pain Threshold (in dB)?

    The other day an ambulance passed by and the siren actually hurt my ear. When googling I found quite some differences in the mentioned pain threshold of hearing, ranging from 120 to 140 dB. Typically, what is considered to be the pain threshold?
  17. Luman

    Poll: What Sounds Do You Protect From?

    I selected a few of the choices, but I am also very vigilant about protecting my ears from loud ambulance, police and fire sirens. I carry earplugs all the time. I wouldn't go to the movies, or a loud concert, even with plugs.
  18. AnthonyMcDonald

    Hyperacusis (and Tinnitus) Improved by 90%

    ...of how unusual it was. I actually got better after a huge noise exposure for no particular reason at all (my extended family called the ambulance with EMTs that shouted and dragged me to the hospital) so by all logic I should have gotten worse but I didn't, and got better over time. I think...
  19. Tommi_boi

    Siren at 60 Feet

    I got caught by an ambulance once as I stood next to it . I think it did do some kind of auditory damage as I caught some sound sensitivity out of it. Plugging your ears does work though as I do this and I haven't had any issues since.
  20. P


    Spike from ambulance siren. Can't take this anymore. I can't ****ing move! No money. Sirens are going by constantly. I hate these people. I don't think I have ever read anything here about the science of spikes. I don't care if anxiety leads to any. I think it's important to know about...
  21. M

    Fireworks Gave Me Tinnitus a Second Time — First Time It Went Away Completely

    ...shelter one day, a bus passed a few yards away and that was like a jet taking off in the street. Now, 20 years later, I just avoid anything that might produce loud, unexpected noises, which is hard to do when a fire truck or ambulance is near. I notice that now the firefighters wear ear...
  22. P


    I think the fucking ambulance caused a spike or whatever this is. I cried out loud last night and it is the same today. I thought it 'went down' somewhat when I woke up but it's back. I don't know how to describe it except as a spike. It's more intrusive and intense if that makes sense...
  23. P

    Is This a Panic Attack? Suddenly Felt Faint and Numb

    This is the 2nd time this happened. I was standing up and suddenly felt faint and numb. I decided to call an ambulance as I felt like I was going to pass out. I felt anxiety after the onset of symptoms not before. It passed but I don't know for sure how long it lasted. I would guess 5 min or...
  24. Pleasure_Paulie

    Shampoo Got Into the Nose. Dangerous for Tinnitus?

    Yep. Definitely. I’m surprised you didn’t call an ambulance and was not rushed to the emergency room for immediate surgery to have the nose removed. Also, I’m joking because laughter is good for tinnitus. PS. Next time keep shampoo for the hair only
  25. OnceUponaTime

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    So, so sorry, Ed. Praying for your family. It does feel like a terrible nightmare. :(
  26. T

    Tinnitus Emergency — What Can Be Done in an Emergency, When It Comes too Loud to Tolerate?

    what can be done in an emergency? when it becomes too loud to tolerate? sometimes you just feel like youve had enough of this ringing. i know that the ambulance wont be able to help me even if i called them
  27. valeri

    Strange Reactions

    The only person walking thought the city with fingers in ears, when an ambulance is passing by, is me! I have never seen anyone else in the last 4 years, but I don't really care! I'm the one living this nightmare:(
  28. J

    Kids Screamed — Now Hearing Damaged? — Can't Seem to Live a Normal Life, Can't Take It Anymore car for 7 hours one way and 7 hours back on highway in car right before and after incident? Also was in city too around large crowds and ambulance sirens and a few times people honking horn for two days straight? I had ear plugs in most times, but the times they held down horn for 5...
  29. Dana

    Should I Have Expected a Spike?

    A short while ago I was taken with the ambulance to the hospital. On the way there, they turned on the siren. It is very loud on the inside too, of course. Although I begged them to turn it off, telling them about my tinnitus problem, the wouldn'T. The siren was not necessary, not at all, I was...
  30. LeQuack

    DAMN AMBULANCE SIRENS — Ruining My Ears AND My Car :|

    Hey I know this is an old post but it's relevant to me since the same thing happened to me today, except that I didn't even have ear plugs. How are you doing lately?
  31. N

    My Entire Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Story — From Hell to Paradise

    ...I won't expose myself to loud venues. Nor will I be gaslit by MDs waffling crap about misophonia. Never covered my ears unless a loud ambulance went past, and then used my hands. I took Gabapentin for a couple of days for back pain and it brought my tinnitus down considerably by about 30%...
  32. jazz

    DAMN AMBULANCE SIRENS — Ruining My Ears AND My Car :|

    @Rhea I would definitely take NAC (at least 1200 mg) for a week along with magnesium. It never hurts to be proactive in case you did get damage. I agree with @valeri about always having ear protection available. I keep my earplugs on me whenever I leave the house. Sometimes, I will rest...
  33. ZFire

    Mild Tinnitus Got Much Worse + Developed Moderate to Severe Hyperacusis & Distortions

    ...the time is the biggest hurdle I am currently facing. I am in a tough spot because there is so much noise everywhere where I live. Apartment buildings nearby all have their air conditioners blasting from the outside, ambulance sirens constantly every hour and than planes/helicopters passing...
  34. Wrfortiscue

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    I have the hissing high pitched noise right now when it spikes. Sucks bad.
  35. Shera

    Hello My Name Is Darlene — Can Tinnitus Sound Like It's From Blocks Away from My Home?

    Yep. My mom sometimes gets it where she thinks it a jet flying over, an ambulance outside the house, and so on. I don't envy her.
  36. Kriszti

    What Frequency Is Your Tinnitus?

    ...periodically. The dentist drill/ electric wire type is around 12000 Hz. The third one is much lower both in frequency and volume, but it's intermittently repetitive (can't find the right English word, sounds like a cuckoo clock and an ambulance in the distance), and I haven't measured it yet.
  37. J

    Ridiculous 4 Days (Firecrackers + Ambulance Siren) — Advice Needed

    I wish hard you were right. If it the ambulance flew right by you at high velocity, then yes. Happy for you. I was just stuck at one place and moving fairly slowly.
  38. B

    Sound Reactive Tinnitus Is Fading Away at Night

    ITS an old post but maybe you read it. IVe got the same i have normal tinnitus 3 sounds. And when i'm under the shower or in the car i hear the noise of an ambulance. It seems Like it reacts from sound from outside
  39. dpdx

    Is Tinnitus Becoming More Common?

    Can it go up when an ambulance passes by or when a fire alarm suddenly comes on?
  40. Michael Leigh

    Ear Protection All the Time?

    Well said @Ed209 I have read posts in this forum, where someone heard a door slam or an Ambulance siren and contemplating going to a doctor to ask for a prescription for prednisolone - unbelievable.
  41. Jason C

    Muffled Hearing from Ambulance Siren

    Ambulance sirens are so loud in the uk, they always annoyed me, why do they need to be that loud especially when driving threw a crowded city street slowly with the sirens blasting away. Since getting T I have been exposed too this about 3 times now.
  42. aura

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    Hey! It's more like a painful discomfort. I can't stand loud traffic sounds (I have to plug my ears when an ambulance passes by) and I feel a discomfort even when someone is talking next to me these days. It also exacerbates my tinnitus. My tinnitus isn't that bad (there are people here with...
  43. Candy

    Best Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Tinnitus Sufferers?

    ...guys, I’ll check them out Martin. I have ear muffs but there is no way I’m picking up the kids from school in those!! I already look a bit over the top with my ear plugs:) Shame about the higher frequency noise. But does it cancel it a bit or not at all? Say a screaming kid or an ambulance?
  44. dm222

    Tinnitus Went Away Completely

    I'm asking for him who has been 1.5 years since the problem, not us who are at the beginning...
  45. Tezcatlipoca

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Please, we already went through this months ago. Those are not lawsuits. Ambulance chaser law firms put ads seeking people in the trials, no one is suing FREQ.
  46. Rust

    20 Seconds Next to an Ambulance Siren with Ears Plugged — Ears Now Crazy

    Yeah, I feel the same, almost like they abuse and overuse their sirens in unessessary situations. Do your ears usually recover to baseline days/weeks after siren exposures, or is it ever permanent?
  47. dpdx

    Ear Hit with Fire Alarm 6 Days Ago. Tinnitus Now Very Loud Hiss...

    I got exposed to two fire alarms and did caloric test. This all happened in a week or so and BAM Severe Tinnitus. I think you will be fine honestly. When I had Mild T back in Dec I stood next to an ambulance siren and covered my ears. No Spike nothing.
  48. L

    Anyone Else Mainly Sensitive to Digital Bass Noises?

    ...Not just bass for me though. In general, any form of digital sound I find to be intolerable, whereas 'organic' sounds are much more doable. I can tolerate an ambulance passing by (with earplugs in though) a lot better than 5 minutes of music through my speakers at low volume. It's so odd...
  49. B

    Preaching Sound Avoidance — How Can You Permanently Limit Exposure to Sounds?

    ...cause was most likely pepto Bismo and aspercreme. The answer is that you try your best to stay away from obvious threats like ambulance sirens, construction sites, fireworks, loud public events,and headphones. Always carry ear plugs for when something comes up unexpectedly. That is the...
  50. Stuart-T

    What's My Situation? After Getting Tinnitus, Unable to Experience the Perfect Peace I Used to Enjoy

    Emergency sirens are 110 dB. This is a very dangerous level and I always found it unpleasant, no more nor less so since I got tinnitus. I am fine with most other everyday sounds though. I have no problems with road noise and the metro. I also plug my ears if loud motorcycles are roaring past. If...
  51. AverageJoe12

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    Thanks for coming back to share an update and I'm happy to hear you're still doing well on the hyperacusis front! Is Clomipramine the first thing you tried that helped with hyperacusis? Did you specifically take it for the purpose of treating the hyperacusis? How long did you suffer with...
  52. N

    Been Doing Great for So Long Until Now

    Hi recently thought I was hearing an ambulance siren when really it was coming from my tinnitus. Gets louder when I’m louder environments? I’m so stressed and worried I don’t know what to do! I have had tinnitus for 3 years and have been doing so good up until now. Has anyone ever...
  53. Jammer

    2024 US Presidential Election

    I watched the whole hearing today. Shameful fishing expedition, both Wade and Willis came across as completely credible. Not a single specific assertion of wrongdoing. I was very impressed with Willis' candor, answers and demeanor. There is absolutely nothing she said that gives legal credence...
  54. A

    Feel Like Noise Is Attacking Me...?

    ...don't think they are really that effective for high-pitched noises like sirens, plus I wasn't wearing them unfortunately on the day of the ambulance..). I think something serious is going on too...I've had at least 6 incidents in three months of symptoms of temporarily reduced hearing, pain...
  55. dfw

    Siren at 60 Feet

    Well, I experienced the dreaded 60 (approx) feet away ambulance siren complete with air horn. Plugged my ears with the flaps, about 20 seconds of noise, seemed longer of course and my tinnitus flared and headache, etc. Anxiety has skyrocketed. Any thoughts or words of wisdom? Thanks—When I am...
  56. starrynights

    Working as a Receptionist? The Right Move with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis?

    I didn’t make this clear on my post but what I meant was that it is a clinic under an accredited hospital in my city but I won't be working in the hospital itself.
  57. Bill Bauer

    Buzzing Ears After Being Several Hours Outside in Traffic Noise etc?

    Would you say that slamming doors, ambulance sirens, and motorcycles accelerating are "normal everyday sounds"?
  58. dan

    Why We Don't Hear Tinnitus in Our Dreams and Why It Is a Clue

    It is impossible for you to hear tinnitus in your dreams since the thalamus goes into low gear. The reason you hear it is because you are very upset about your tinnitus during the day so in your dreams it manifests itself as things like an ambulance siren or other "real" noises.
  59. Tezcatlipoca

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Ambulance Chasers. Notice that the firm is "encouraging" people to contact them (they're fishing for clients).