Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. Zugzug

    Suffered a Silent Heart Attack

    I strongly recommend you get as many tests as possible (that you can handle). Assuming you are young, none of your health presentations sound normal. I'm not trying to scare you, but your case doesn't strike me as classic tinnitus onset. Did you have a noticeable acoustic trauma that brought it on?
  2. FGG


    No one knows for sure but 2-5 years are the best estimates imo for when these drugs come out. It could be sooner if the drug companies allow for compassionate/expanded use while their drugs are on trial. Companies that regularly allow compassionate use (for instance: off the top of my head...
  3. ZFire

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    It’s so difficult to find an in-network provider with my health insurance. I end up paying out of pocket most of the time. As for labor, most unions have been demolished which is one factor that explains our trash labor protections. That’s why I didn’t even bother with TRT. @Juan, this is...
  4. LeQuack

    Here I Go Again

    So the average car windows are supposed to attenuate about 20dB of sound give or take. Ambulance/police siren @ 10feet/3 meters is supposed to be 123 dB, but I was closer @ about 5 feet/1.5 meters, so that's about 130 dB, with the windows up that's supposedly 110 dB. So if that's true how much...
  5. AnxiousJon

    Tinnitus Causes Depression — Negative Cycle

    ...nightmare. But that's true with SSRI's also. They have been a God-send to me, but @Andersson was just rushed to the hospital recently in an ambulance because of a reaction to an SSRI(make sure to give that guy a virtual hug). Just like everything else in this world, it's a poker decision...
  6. S

    Can Mindfulness Be Useful for Hyperacusis & Associated Anxiety?

    I have never had any issues with sudden noise like car horns or passing ambulance sirens since my hyperacusis started 4 years ago even when in a setback. It's more continual droning noise that's the issue. Yeah it definitely feels like there's some sort of distortion going on and certain...
  7. Kriszti


    ...for a month. They'd be much more understanding. Also, the newest sound irritates me so much. It's a cross between doves cooing, and an ambulance, but more vibrating. It's rhythmic and currently I find it even harder to deal with it than the constant high pitched flexing. Why do new sounds...
  8. Kriszti

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    ...of cases, if someone has a valid suspicion of having contracted the virus, we need to call the GP and if the doctor think it's reasonable, ambulance (in hazmat suits looking coveralls) takes them to the appointed central hospital to get "treated" and quarantined. I think this won't be...
  9. dfw

    120 dB at One Foot

    ...amd will take all of these for another day or so. I really have to work on my sound fear, as I’m sure this exacerbates these brief sudden exposures, which are typically no more than 120, as is the case with an ambulance last week. I am pleasantly suprised and encouraged by this event...
  10. A

    My Trip to the Supermarket Was UNBELIEVABLE. How Is This Even Possible?

    ...comes a point where the ear drum is so saturated with sound that it sort of goes numb to everything. Eventually, I can't hear one more low, rumbling noise because there's nothing left to register. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do at this point. Call an ambulance? Jump out the window?
  11. Michael Leigh

    Hyperacusis Recovering Process

    ...loud sounds but that doesn't mean I don't use hearing protection. When using my petrol lawn mower, strimmer, electric power tools I use ear defenders. When I'm out the street, Ambulance, police and fire truck sirens do not bother me, nor do I attempt to protect my ears from these sounds. Michael
  12. J

    Lecture ("Tinnitus: Ear or Brain") by Dirk De Ridder in Belgium on April 22, 2019

    ...the loud noise as much as possible. That's not easy living in a city. Every so often I would be subjected to something such as a police or ambulance siren, or a loud motor-bike or around New Year Christmas etc., a firecraker. If I had my hands free on time I would try and block my ears. But...
  13. SugarMagnolia

    I Feel So Dumb for Ignoring My Instinct to Protect

    The T isn't louder, but I had ear pain at first and a clicking sound when I swallowed. The ear pain has mostly subsided, but I still feel very sensitive to noise and lesser noises hurt. The clicking is still present, but not as constant.
  14. R

    Tinnitus from Baby Screaming in Ear, Possibly Made Worse by Dental Work and Stress

    ...Thank you. Roger PS. There are many times that I just don't know what is really considered an acoustic trauma (since my original one that started the tinnitus). There are constant car horns and ambulance sirens going by my residence (I keep windows shut) but I can't wear headphones all the time.
  15. Carlyi

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB

    Sorry, i can't asnwer your question unfortunatly, but in which hospital in Prague do they specialize in tinnitus? Thank you!
  16. AZeurotuner

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB

    77 decibels @ less than a second each... No way. You'll be okay man.
  17. Ed209

    Dropped a Toilet Seat — a Bit Worried

    I understand that Jazzer; sirens are legitimately loud though. The original poster is talking about a toilet seat falling. No one should have to feel scared or threatened by such things, regardless. Each time somebody validates her fear, by saying she should be afraid, will only add to the...
  18. GBB

    Tinnitus Texture/Physical Feel in Addition to the Sound

    I think these are all valid although I can’t say any of them are similar to mine. My tinnitus feels like when someone plays something high pitched next to your ears and your nerves kind of itch for a second. I guess as people with physiological feedback we are in a rare subtype overall.
  19. J

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB that logic I have a permanent spike now Great. Just great. Somebody shoot me please. Yes, ofc, I asked him even BEFORE I got in the ambulance. I was somewhat hoping that he'd allow me to sit with him in the drivers cabin front seat. He had just so much stuff in there on the seat...
  20. Michael Leigh

    Deciding Whether to Have Children

    ...unnecessarily in my opinion. There are people in this forum that go to ridiculous lengths. Disabling airbags in cars and wearing earplugs at the slightest hint of hearing a car horn or ambulance siren. This is not good and if one isn't careful they can develop phonophobia. Fear of sound...
  21. Adaś

    Tinnitus After iPhone 12 Speaker Phone Sound Blast Into My Right Ear

    ...worried about. We live in environment that 105-110 dB sounds are everywhere, inevitable and obviously not everyone gets tinnitus each time ambulance comes by. Unfortunately back then I was also seriously lacking of good sleep/rest and I was overall going through very stressful period, hence I...
  22. Krish230

    Poll: Have You Experienced a Permanent Worsening of Your Tinnitus?

    Wow that's pretty impressive, to say the least! Even one of those events, with earplugs, would spike my T significantly. Sometimes even permanently if it's loud enough. You have a pretty solid set of ears :) look after them!
  23. Bill Bauer

    Traumatic Experience with Children Screaming

    ...I am outside of my home. I also carry Peltor ear muffs with me. In case I am present when a fire alarm is set off, or if I see an ambulance with its siren on approaching, it will take me a second to slip those muffs on. What you are describing sounds like what the doctors refer to as a...
  24. Tweaker

    Damn Fire Engines! Can They Permanently Damage Already Fecked Ears?

    I feel the same if an ambulance has caught me off guard or a fire alarm at work. I get very stressed, anxious and angry about these things at the time. I don't think they have done any permanent damage though. If you look up the safety guidelines the ears should be able to tolerate 110 decibels...
  25. Phillip Briganti

    Tinnitus Is Fluctuating Wildly and Is Very High Pitched. Struggling.

    It is in your brain, not your ears. Your ears hear the noise the brain produces.
  26. racerfish

    20 Seconds Next to an Ambulance Siren with Ears Plugged — Ears Now Crazy

    That's not how the ratings on ear plugs work. Just because it says -25db does not automatically mean you subtract 25 from the sound you're protecting your ears from. According to the calculator I linked to below, if the siren were 120 db, the sound that reached your ear would be reduced to 111...
  27. Rust

    20 Seconds Next to an Ambulance Siren with Ears Plugged — Ears Now Crazy

    ...based on your advice. They're great. Though I only use them around the house and think they're huge for going out with. Usually when an ambulance goes past sticking my fingers in my ears is enough. Though this time it was a horrible situation of being trapped next to it for 20s. So annoyed...
  28. Stacken77

    Acoustic Trauma — Dealing with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    ...sound, which is impossible to escape in our society. This means that your recovery could be completely ruined by a fire drill, or an ambulance siren. That doesn't necessarily mean it will happen to you, but this forum is staggering repository of such testimonies; doesn't it make sense to...
  29. Michael Leigh

    Should I Be Worried About Car Horns or Loud Motorbikes at This Stage?

    @CDNThailand I don't believe there is any risk to your hearing by a passing motorbike, ambulance or fire truck. As I mentioned in my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it - I suggest you read it again: last summer I went to a venue...
  30. John Meyers

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus — I Live a Normal Life Now.

    I'm at 9 months since one very loud concert. While I don't freak out about loud kids and ambulance sirens anymore, I still take precautions like an ear plug in my right ear (where I have my T) during loud movies, ear plugs when I use the blender, eating healthier, and exercise (I didn't workout...
  31. InfiniteLoop

    Does Having Tinnitus Mean That You Have to Be Shy Around Normal Noises?

    ...most people. Personally, I avoid situations that I know that are going to be very loud like concerts or very busy restaurants. If an ambulance passes by or I walk near a noisy construction site, I will just ear plug with my fingers, and I do not care what people might think. One of...
  32. Tommi_boi

    Wisdom Tooth Removal Advice quite nervous about Anything aggravating my tinnitus (noise induced). I've recently been exposed to a little hyperacusis thanks to an ambulance siren.. While it's getting better I don't like the sound of dental drills: I know that in some cases a drill may be needed to cut out any...
  33. bill 112

    Is There Anything That Can Be Done from Increased Tinnitus Due to Bad Cold/Bronchitis?

    What was your additional trauma do you mind me asking?Yep the world sure is a noisy place unfortunately,it's the reason I'm the way I am today:(
  34. N

    Struggling to Habituate for a Second Time

    ...Poor sleep is making my recovery so hard I don't feel I can habituate at all. I'm facing normal noise as best I can fingers in ears if an ambulance with sirens goes by etc. Plugs for hairdrying and no hoovering. But I don't know what else I can do. Trying affirmations but struggling. I'm in...
  35. MichaelM

    DAMN AMBULANCE SIRENS — Ruining My Ears AND My Car :|

    ...reasons not a choice for every T-sufferer around. I dont like the sirens at all, no, so i know the feeling. i always cover my ears when an ambulance drives by. I dont think there´s permanent damage done in your case. I surely hope not. Internet gives decibels 110-120 for the sirens at a...
  36. Danny Boy

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    It's messing with my vision, I can tell you...
  37. Per

    OCD or Change in Behavior Pattern After Tinnitus

    ...I really struggled with it, at worst I was really ill and when I had the very first attack I remember being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance on vacation cause they all thought I was having a heart failure, pulse was very rapid. Even the emergency staff believed I was having a heart...
  38. DeanD

    Fluctuating (Pitch, Quality, Loudness) Unilateral Tinnitus — Part of the Challenge Is Sleep Apnea mouth, weak arms and maybe the thought of not breathing causing me to jump out of bed. I was in hospital yesterday (emergency through ambulance) for suspected heart attack after tightness of chest, throat, swollen tongue and difficulties breathing. ECG and blood tests came back fine. I...
  39. UKBloke

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    ...the rounds. If you'd gone back further you'd see I've also stated that we have neighbours who are frontline paramedics for the London Ambulance Service. We were on our doorsteps clapping for them last year. They have been on the bleeding edge of COVID-19 so yes, we too get an element of...
  40. aot

    Tinnitus Is Fluctuating Wildly and Is Very High Pitched. Struggling.

    ...sick, the split second of fire alarm exposure two days ago, although it was fluctuating before that, just not like this. The fire truck and ambulance, sirens blaring, that drove by the bus stop yesterday. I had 20 dB earplugs in and I covered my ears. I just don't know. I've taken just about...
  41. emmalee

    Encouraging Therapy Is Making Me Feel Worse

    You are not expected to understand how it well help, no one knows what to expect when they begin something that is new, and perhaps even a bit scary. The first step is the most important one. If after a couple of sessions you find it impossible and not helpful then you don't go back. This is...
  42. Z

    Punched in Ear. Will My Tinnitus Go Away?

    ...situation unless an ENT knows what’s up. Might have messed up my ears with this ototoxic drug. They’re pretty sensitive right now. Tinnitus is louder like an ambulance ....probably from ototoxicity. Dunno the ears were ringing for a while last...
  43. Snake

    Foam Earplugs — Best Quality / Price Ratio? day and stayed like it. The only time I will take my earplugs out outside is time outside the city, outside the environment where an ambulance can pass you randomly, car can horn at you randomly, people will shout at you randomly. These are NOT safe sounds, normal people just don't have...
  44. Lane

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    ...of physiology and neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He and Dr. Jacob believe that DMSO should be in every ambulance and emergency room so as to start giving it intravenously to stroke victims in the ambulance as soon as picked up or, at the latest, as soon as the...
  45. Vincent R

    The ENT Told Me Not to Protect from Everyday Sounds by Using Earplugs

    ...Lots of tinnitus sufferers have had their condition aggravated due to sudden noise exposure, caused by fire alarms, a kid popping a ballon, ambulance sirens and what have you. If I were you, I would keep using earplugs in environments that are unpredictable as far as noise goes. Save from...
  46. butterfly75

    Is It Possible for Spike from Possibly 150+ Decibel Truck Horn to Go Down?

    ...standing at a bus stop (not in America right now) and a construction truck passed by. The horn went off and it was so loud. Louder than an ambulance siren. I was wearing earplugs but it was so uncomfortable I felt my whole face wrinkle up. I immediately noticed the spike. I've been trying...
  47. S

    Sizzling/Hissing Noise in Head general, spirits (beer seems to be ok in moderate quantities), stress, lack of sleep. It seems it's not affected by sounds at all. I did not expose myself to anything too loud in particular, but ambulance sirens, bars / pubs, hair buzzer, vacuum cleaner, etc don't bother me nor make it spike.
  48. GBB

    Anyone Else with "Pfff Pfff Pfff or Tchh Tchh Tchh Atonal Tinnitus?

    I'm sorry you also have a non-continuous noise. I am finding it is indeed very hard to deal with. Re my own noise, it doesn't sound to me like what is described as a muscle issue. It's more like the pfff or tchhh is a muted crash of cymbals. The best way I can describe it is, imagine a drummer...
  49. lifeisover

    Door Slam — How Many Decibels?

    I will try not to worry but my ears feel clogged and the tinnitus is definitely louder.
  50. J

    Natural Safe Alternatives to Anti-Inflammatory Steroids? Prednisone or Methylprednisolone? When your tinnitus starts to spike due to a noise exposure (like clanking plates close to your ear, ambulance siren, a train horn etc.), where I live GPs sometimes prescribe a course of a steroid treatment. I had two Methylprednisolone (Medrol)...
  51. Tweaker

    How Do You Handle Static-Hiss Tinnitus?

    COVID-19 followed by that Acoustic Reflex test back in October 2022 made my tinnitus more reactive and much louder overall. I'm still working on trying to habituate. You have my empathy.
  52. J

    Ridiculous 4 Days (Firecrackers + Ambulance Siren) — Advice Needed

    ...the roof too. I will definitely need to take some anxiety medication else I won't sleep tonight. Sigh, they did an audiogram before the ambulance siren and it looked just fine to them (only up to 8 kHz). I talked with people after the incident and heard them ok.. I can't tell what's right...
  53. Brian Newman

    Mild Tinnitus Got Much Worse + Developed Moderate to Severe Hyperacusis & Distortions

    Have you tried Prednisone? Have you seen an ENT? Have you gotten an audiogram? All my shit is normal. My distortions are the same from running water and stuff like that. I got into a car accident 3 months after the deadlift and that’s what made my hyperacusis horrible.
  54. Flet

    Long-Term Tinnitus Recently Worse (Or Am I Imagining Things?)

    Oh no, I did not intend it to imply that at all. Sorry if that's how it came across. No no, but you did answer below. This above, is what I was and am looking for from most people as I navigate this new, uh, journey? As I've said, I've had this for 25 years, but back then, no way of getting...
  55. Ed209

    A List of Places Where You Could Be Exposed to Loud Noises. Places to Watch Out for.

    I’ve been going back and forth to London for a different issue with my chest, so I know exactly what you’re talking about. London isn’t the quietest of places, but I find I get on ok nowadays when out and about. If you go back in time I’d be a total mess going anywhere; I just feared anywhere...
  56. Taw

    Had a Setback After Being Exposed to Music at a Record Store and I'm Starting to Get Nervous

    ...they got a bad setback for no apparent reason. The fear that every single event can make me worse it's horrifying. A dental drill, a car horn, an accident which needs an ambulance... I try not to think about it, because it won't help. Btw, did you try any pills? For many of us Duloxetine helps.
  57. dpdx

    A List of Places Where You Could Be Exposed to Loud Noises. Places to Watch Out for.

    ...T 4) Malls T 5) Certain supermarkets or stores where music is loud 6) Busy Roads (walking next to a busy road) T 7) Fire trucks, ambulance, police sirens 8) Playing music in the car or too loud on laptop T 9) Caffeine (Green Tea/Coffee) T 10) Sweets T 11) MRI 12) Leaf Blowers...
  58. ZFire

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    ...In the last month, it has morphed and changed a lot. Lots of stuff going on. )t’s a waaaahhh waaaahhh waaahh sound. When an ambulance siren comes nearby I swear that ahhh sound gets mixed into it. I get weird vibrating sensations when I lie down along with a pulsing whooshing/thumping sound...
  59. Vincent R

    Overprotection and Avoiding Most Noise — Yay or Nay?

    ...significantly worsen your hyperacusis in case you are accidentally exposed to a harmfully loud noise. (Fire alarm, a kid popping a balloon, ambulance sirens and so on.) That's one aspect you may want to consider. Save from that, constant protection will most likely make your ears more...
  60. Krish230

    Is It Possible to Avoid Loud Places for a Lifetime?

    ...where nothing in your power could have protected you from a loud sound. I've had this countless times - balloons popping out of nowhere, ambulance sirens suddenly turning on, children screaming/crying, the sound of a loud car/motorbike going past etc. All these things can be seriously loud...