Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. victoria9273

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    Yes, you are doing great. Humans already have good earplugs, naturally. I thoroughly appreciate your comment. Can't wait to meet my teacher and the piano.
  2. Tweaker

    How Do Folk Handle Unexpected Loud Noises? deal with the anxiety and distress that I get when exposed to a loud noise unexpectedly. By loud noise, I mean a firework (firecracker), ambulance siren, fire alarm, horn, etc. I was on holiday last week. My tinnitus was slightly better as I was relaxed. I went for an evening walk with my...
  3. orbiter12

    School and Tinnitus

    ...them when driving, in my office or at home but when going somewhere with the potential to be exposed to loud noises I do. Just yesterday a ambulance drove 1m away from me with sirens on and 5 minutes later a car beeped it's horn. No emotional response as I knew I had earplugs in and that...
  4. Taw

    I Was Habituated — Nine Years Later, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Headaches and Ear Pain Are Back

    So it's different than me. I have the classical burning pain hyperacusis which lasts for days/weeks especially if I wear earplugs (they irritate my ears a lot). I also have tinnitus, but it is mild, I can tolerate it, it's a piece of cake compared to the hyperacusis. Hissing and high-pitched...
  5. P

    Constant Pain in the Left Ear

    ...too much. I don't have that. Buses that stop and the resulting screeching brakes bother me. Really loud performance mufflers, fire and ambulance sirens, train screeching and sometimes dogs barking and people talking loudly might bother me but it's mostly the previously mentioned loud...
  6. M

    First Post. Just Got Tinnitus One Week Ago Due to an Ear Infection.

    ...days later ER and they gave 4 day liquid steroid... Last night I cried out for help bc I was sick of the shit treatment and called 911 and ambulance took me to ER... They did basically nothing, except give me a shitty sleeping pill that had my ringing jumping all over my face like my ears and...
  7. ZFire

    Tinnitus After Some Noise (4-Stroke Engine, Compressor, Throwing Garbage Into Container)

    ...scare me as much anymore. One interesting thing I’ve noticed, when I had all my windows closed, I would always pluck my ears every time a ambulance siren or plane passes by. Now if all the windows are closed and an ambulance sirens come nearby, I barely plug my ears now. There are times...
  8. bill 112

    I Think This Is the End for Me

    ...blockers like Lyrica for example and see how that goes. Funnily enough a friend of mine arrived up to my house yesterday after he seen the ambulance in my garden, he rolled me up three joints and told me to smoke them before bed. At first I was reluctant to go anywhere near it, I haven't...
  9. Clinton Ross

    Hate and Distrust

    ...of unproven claims is no better. Oftentimes it is equally expensive and, hopefully, equally harmless. Other instances will plunk onto an ambulance stretcher where you will wind up in the Temple of All Surrender, the emergency room. Accompanying the chants physicians once bled us from the...
  10. Tweaker

    Man's Clever but Noisy Inventions

    ...inventions. I worry for my children. Examples of common sounds where hearing damage can occur very quickly are exposure to car airbags, ambulance sirens, gunfire, fire alarms, rock concerts, fireworks (firecrackers), jack hammer, to name just a few. It is well documented that sounds of 120...
  11. slc

    How Do You Handle Static-Hiss Tinnitus?

    The best I have found is pink noise devices, or hearing aids where I play ocean sound through Bluetooth, as well as engaging in a flow state activity: modern dance, tai chi, swimming etc. Also, sometimes watching a movie. But I get the brain fog. When the tinnitus is intense, it becomes very...
  12. Hunszi

    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    ...course after the ATV ride I started to measure my T and I jumped back to that neverending "now I hear it?" cycle. Sometimes I have a huge spike in my T when someone just claps his hands...and some days nothing happens when the ambulance car siren is turned on when I stand 3 meters from it.
  13. Blackbird26

    Tinnitus Causes Depression — Negative Cycle

    Tegretol itself is nasty. You need to have your liver monitored while taking it. Of course Anticonvulsants when you look at possible side effects, one would prefer not to take them. I say they should be reserved for those who absolutely need them. I luckily discovered clonazepam in lieu of...
  14. dan

    Why We Don't Hear Tinnitus in Our Dreams and Why It Is a Clue

    like i said i dont think its the actual t you guys hear but a memory from the daytime t, the t sounds like an ambulance siren or a high school bell or something like that, but its probably the brain's reaction to the daytime frustration with T....ergo ifs a dream about T, not the actual T.
  15. 2131e

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus glad to hear I'm not the only one plugging up down there religiously. This city really is louder than Australia - on my main street an ambulance/police car goes by about every 10 minutes so I've taken to plugging whenever I leave the house! @James White thanks for clearing up the...
  16. AZeurotuner

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB

    The best thing for you sanity right now would be to just forget that it ever happened. You had two layers of protection on, they noises you were exposed to with impulse in nature, lasting less than a second, there's just no way that you caused any damage. If your T is spiking right now I can...
  17. D

    Should I Protect Myself from Everyday Noises That Put Me on Edge?

    ...- anything over 80 dB is likely to be risky - but also the length of the noise exposure. So, for example, a brief exposure from an ambulance siren going past may produce a tinnitus spike but is unlikely to produce any lasting damage, whereas loud noise from a concert lasting for a hour is...
  18. L

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    Don’t waste your breath. They have already made up their minds that COVID-19 is a hoax. Until a close family member gets it and dies or they catch COVID-19 themselves and suffer the effects from it they won’t understand. Those that think COVID-19 is a hoax will continue to show a lack of...
  19. HootOwl

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    You would be surprised what can damage an already inflamed cochlea. 3 years ago when I had my first worsening I was in the hospital and someone shouted down the hall to a nurse while I was a good 100 feet away. Couldn’t have been more than a split second of 60 decibels or so. It should be...
  20. AbeS


    Your situation sounds horrible, I'm so sorry. I am fortunate to have understanding parents. Of course they can't understand what I'm going through but they don't show any annoyance and really believes me when I say that many low sounds hurts my ears. I also tried to ”push through the pain” and...
  21. dpdx

    Need to Get Back to Chainsaw Carving

    Loud places as in clubs, concerts, cinema. I would also refrain if I were a newbie from doing ear tests as well. All those things I mentioned can do damage. As a result my T has increased triple fold. Police Sirens and Ambulance are OK, they didn't to anything to me when I had Mild T.
  22. Ed209

    Poll: What Sounds Do You Protect From?

    ...I was going to be there a while then I will put my plugs in without question. If the noise is well above 80dB and fleeting like a passing ambulance or something I cover my ears. Noise is damaging as more time is spent in it, when it’s borderline - like 81dBA for example - it takes a lot of...
  23. billie48

    Woke Up to No Hearing in Right Ear, Room Spinning & Tinnitus — Labyrinthitis & SSNHL

    ...2020. Like you, I lost hearing in one of my ears waking up one night. I also had bad vertigo, so bad that I had to crawl my way into the ambulance. The ER doctor checked that I didn't have stroke so he just sent me home with some Prednisone. Then I saw an ENT and got about 2 weeks of...
  24. Ed209

    Defining "Everyday Noise"

    ...the same, but again, the things you are referring to are obviously loud. Covering your ears is a good idea in this instance. If you see an ambulance right next to you, or approaching, cover your ears if you’re concerned that it’s too close; that’s what I do. Most of the time, passing...
  25. Autumnly

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches?

    Hoping I can get back to such a level of stable tinnitus... I feel like since I developed severe hyperacusis (which is luckily slowly getting better) I'm back to square one as my tinnitus spikes all the time.
  26. fishbone

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches?

    Ok I am chiming in :) Had some cereal and ready to help out. I feel that normal noise, would be something like 60DBS to possibly 80 DBS. Those sounds/elements mentioned could be louder than normal sounds in my opinion. I am not a person to over protect or even wear ear plugs outside. If I...
  27. dpdx

    Is My Hearing Getting Worse?

    ...Test -Fire Alarm -Walking next to a busy road -Three helicopters over the house February -Muffler of a car at parking lot -Fire Alarm -Ambulance -Motorcycles -Vaccum cleaner It could be all of those that contributed to the mild hearing loss. I am going in for another hearing test next...
  28. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis — Should You Avoid Noise in the Beginning?

    I never had the pain symptoms but I did develop sound sensitivity from standing next an ambulance before it started blasting it’s sirens. I woke up and noticed that sounds would make me literally “jump” . Admittedly Ever since then I struggled with high pitched sounds, car brakes were the...
  29. Jazzer

    Dropped a Toilet Seat — a Bit Worried

    @Ed209 Generally speaking I would agree with that. But some noises create pain for me. The ridicilously loud Police/Ambulance/Fire alarms coming down the street: * We are not all deaf.....but we bloodywell soon will be. * The supermarket porter, pushing a metal cage for 30 yards, down a...
  30. Codaz

    A List of Places Where You Could Be Exposed to Loud Noises. Places to Watch Out for.

    I absolutely have to do an MRI and I am very scared.
  31. MattS

    Today Was the Hump with My Daughter's Bat Mitzvah

    ...But it's still important for people to know that their ears can still take a bit of a licking. The board abounds with messages like an ambulance just went by, I went to a movie and now have a spike - or even the burglar alarm post that just went up. People can take some space in knowing that...
  32. Jammer

    How Do You Handle Static-Hiss Tinnitus?

    There was nothing that I could do to protect my ears from random acoustic trauma and once the brain fog became permanent, I had to retire from my job as I could no longer focus; this was six years ago. After going through the five stages of grief, I've accepted my tinnitus as a part of my...
  33. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    ...this to the letter since my accident don't believe it's gotten any worse . I really really really wish I hadn't walked next to that damn ambulance though, as this is how it all started for me.. Now I literally put my fingers in my ears even if one drives past because you never know when...
  34. fishbone

    How Do Folk Handle Unexpected Loud Noises?

    You cannot stay in your house 24-7. Live your life, things happen in life. I live my life. An incident might happen, but that's the keyword "might". I will not worry about possible sounds/situations that might happen. This type of stress, really doesn't help with tinnitus at all.
  35. Bill Bauer

    Driving Car with Earplugs — Is This Necessary or Am I Being Overprotective?

    ...have been doing. Why take a risk with your recovery? Your car might not be too loud, but a truck/motocycle accelerating next to you, an ambulance siren, or having to wait at a traffic light next to a loud construction site can all do the trick and cause a setback in your recovery process. I...
  36. GregCA

    Does Having Tinnitus Mean That You Have to Be Shy Around Normal Noises?

    ...and do not "walk around on egg shells", but I do head out if I enter a room that feels "too loud". Also unexpected noises happen (an ambulance siren, some motorcycle, a guy sneezing next to you, etc), but I don't particularly worry about it. You'll also find people who'll recommend you use...
  37. bill 112

    I Think This Is the End for Me

    ...right side of my face feels like I'm having a stroke with extreme pain and pressure followed by extreme migraines! My mother even called an ambulance for me as she was that worried about the extreme pain I am in. I can't tolerate any sound, even just my breathing causes my face and ear to...
  38. H

    2 Days with Tinnitus After Night Club — What Should I Do? focus on it or in bed, or do you hear it when outside? Like what Kane mentioned, from this point forward: 1. NO LOUD MUSIC or SOUNDS (ambulance, construction workers using machines like drills, etc) indefinitely 2. Rest and do your best to eat healthy (lots of vegetables, fruits, limit...
  39. slc

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months, a neighbor's air conditioner seemed like a Mac Truck coming through my window. Even a year or two on, I had an incident where an ambulance started its siren just as it passed me in the street. I was about 30 feet from my craniosacral practitioner's office. My sight went dark. I...
  40. Snake

    Has Tinnitus Isolated You?'s necessary like a hospital and only with plugs + muffs and being cautious about the environment, I have to run if I see any dog or an ambulance in my sight. Today my tinnitus is A LOT worse and reactive than it was, my hyperacusis is bad too. I'm crying every day and I'm heart broken...
  41. P

    When to Run for the Hills in Noisy Environments?

    ...ear canals here? I'm using muffs for the time being. I live downtown and I can't help being anxious. I hear traffic outside including ambulance sirens and the odd fire truck siren. I don't know what to do about this. I applied to move to a different apt location but have to wait for a...
  42. Jazzer

    My Days Are Getting Better

    ...He was thrown out on the track immediately after this crash. The crowd on Druids all stood up and gasped as he writhed on the track. The ambulance took him away. A couple of hours after the prang an announcement was made over the tannoy. “Ladies and gentlemen - Jim is alright. Multiple...
  43. Michael Leigh

    Long-Term Tinnitus Recently Worse (Or Am I Imagining Things?)

    ...about the tinnitus it no longer takes over their life. They begin to feel less afraid of it and slowly it is pushed into the background of the mind. Regarding decibel sound levels. I can listen to my HI-FI quite comfortably at 70 decibels. Police or Ambulance sirens don't bother me. Michael
  44. Kriszti

    After Habituating to Tinnitus, When Did You Feel Comfortable Going Out with Friends Again?

    ...worse. I hate that I have to be always vigilant and never for a minute can ease up. I have panic when someone shuts the door, I hear an ambulance, etc. And in the recent months I snapped at my family a lot of the times. I'm afraid I'm ruining their life as well. They want to, but they can't...
  45. starrynights

    How Do You Cope with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis While Living in a Loud City?

    ...stayed the same since you are wearing ear protection? I feel like I have developed some sort of PTSD since my last spike was caused by an ambulance siren and it just sucks to be on constant high alert, I don’t even want to leave my home but life has to go on somehow. And its great that you...
  46. Jazz drummer

    First Post — Jazz Drummer with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    Thanks, @Juan! Would you say this is just until my ears (hopefully) calm down a bit, or for the rest of my life? As I'm sure many on this forum have found, it can be so difficult to find answers and understanding. I have had headaches for years which I thought were migraines, but I think could...
  47. J

    Poll: Driving. Earplugs, Earmuffs or No Protection? against to a bumpy road etc.). I know similar topics has been discussed before but since I got caught off guard in a traffic jam by an ambulance siren which resulted in a bad tinnitus spike later and a course of Pred. I need to ask again. It is not just sirens. It could be a car...
  48. Michael Leigh

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches?

    Of course three motorcycles near you is not normal everyday sounds but I'm sure you wouldn't be in such close proximity for too long? I believe it is fear, anxiety and listening to people on this forum that promote the overuse of hearing protection that is the cause of a lot of your problems...
  49. Ambassador

    Looking for a Reliable dB Meter (Sound Meter)

    ...with no protection except for when it's appropriate to protect, lawn mowers, power tools, shooting guns, etc.. You will survive the passing ambulance and passing car with a loud boom box stereo. Obsession leads to anxiety and that's the NUMBER ONE factor in causing tinnitus to be a problem...
  50. linearb

    How Are You Guys Able to Avoid Sudden Loud Noises...

    ...time, period. So is your vision, and cognition, and muscle tone. I think that people who wear earmuffs when they're operating chainsaws are being sensible, and that people who obsess over an ambulance blasting past them on the street have some kind of anxiety disorder which they should work on.
  51. D

    Constant Pain in the Left Ear

    Try a new mouth guard... I know of a member here whose tinnitus is gone as a result of one... if you can try one, do it... nothing to lose.
  52. J

    Noise Cancelling Headphones for Car / Bus Engine Noise

    ...trucks driving by, having to pass a building site where there is one of those circular saws operating, road works and pneumatic drills, ambulance sirens etc. My 3M hearing protectors (€20) are good for the higher frequencies but not for the lower ones such as motorbikes. Today I went into a...
  53. Sam Bridge

    Poll: Have You Experienced a Permanent Worsening of Your Tinnitus?

    My experience is similar to yours, no spikes from loud places.It's just that i am now scared to go to gigs/ very loud places after reading this forum. Its like the big IF is permanently in my mind if i consider going somewhere loud. Whereas before I read this forum I didn't realise it was...
  54. victoria9273

    Traumatic Experience with Children Screaming

    I don't know if 'numbed' was the correct word. My digital piano sounds just slightly smaller, solid. And I don't feel the heaviness and the dynamics of the lower register. When one's ear is troubled, these kind of insensivity to sound if quite common; but with this state of mind, everything...
  55. Lorac

    I Hear You Tinnitus, Loud and Clear

    ...I thought it was coming from somewhere in front of me but when I stopped at an intersection and looked in my rearview mirror, I saw the ambulance right behind my car. I felt so bad for having failed to get out of their way. That was a valuable lesson though. If I hear a noise, I cannot...
  56. Starlord

    Is This True? Tinnitus Becomes Chronic After 3 Months?

    ...Maybe they weren't in the best health to begin with. If it wasn't him, it could have been a future fire alarm that would be set off, or ambulance that is rushing past you, or even a kid (maybe even your own kid) screaming or crying next to you, or an action movie you see at the theater. Then...
  57. CDNThailand

    Went Out After Years of Protecting and Got an Acoustic Trauma/Shock

    So what hapenned? Did it ever go back down?
  58. HomeoHebbian

    Discordant Dysfunction Theory

    ...the loss of input from the ear and, as a result, their network activity is inherently unstable. One little shove, the siren of a passing ambulance, a leaf blower without ear protection etc. and your car begins to 'fishtail'. Excitation and inhibition are shifting up and down rather abruptly...
  59. lolkas

    NYC Support Group

    ...and raise awareness. I think this is going to be big, specially in NYC because there is A LOT of noise even for normal person. NYPD/FDNY/Ambulance using their sirens on FULL ON right next to human crowds. I am sure there are people almost on daily basis getting this condition and guess what -...
  60. linearb

    DAMN AMBULANCE SIRENS — Ruining My Ears AND My Car :|

    ...through some combination of behavioral change (not exposing yourself to loud sounds to begin with) and cognitive change (recognizing the obsessive thinking when it arises, and not pandering to it to the degree where you're trying to find someone who mentioned ambulance noise two years ago).