Search results for query: clonazepam

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  1. Blue Crab

    Thanks - I can give those a try next if my new thing doesn't work. Doc gave me clonazepam 1mg at...

    Thanks - I can give those a try next if my new thing doesn't work. Doc gave me clonazepam 1mg at night and .5 in the morning. This will be with the Zolpidem CR.
  2. Cmspgran

    Hi @ErikaS id followed your story too, so can appreciate and relate to your suffering. Sorry...

    ...Sorry about your spiking, I’m certainly nowhere near on the straight and narrow either. I’ve stopped for now and mainly relying on clonazepam, the patches definitely were working but the drop in hearing really freaked me out. Probably something to do with conduction as Nick said but still too...
  3. _Shoto_

    Took 0.5 Clonazepam half an hour ago. So far no reduction in anxiety and tinnitus loudness, but...

    Took 0.5 Clonazepam half an hour ago. So far no reduction in anxiety and tinnitus loudness, but oh boy my eyes are heavy as hell. Will wait
  4. slc

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    I used Clonazepam, at a dose of 1.5 mg taken 1 hour before bed, for several years while concurrently doing acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, hypnosis, Ayurvedic herbs, and TRT with maskers. My catastrophic hyperacusis took over a year to diminish. The catastrophic tinnitus took several years to...
  5. BlueMoon86

    Sudden Hearing Loss Gave Me Tinnitus and Took My Life Away

    ...that. The lower the dose, the better. What's the point in trying to improve my mood if I can't sleep? I'm also considering 0.5 mg of Clonazepam next time I have some, but my anxiety and roaring tinnitus are both extreme at the moment, so I hope it's enough to take the edge off every now and...
  6. HighleyTall

    Xanax Quiets My Tinnitus — Are There Any Other Similar Drugs Without Psychoactive Effects?

    Because my tinnitus is so bad, I already switched back to Gabapentin. I will probably add Clonazepam (0.25 mg) in the evening, too, every other day.
  7. streifzug


    ...and unfortunately, I only have the worst news to share. I think I really need some support right now. Last year, I failed to taper off Clonazepam (0.5 mg). It was a very slow taper, reducing by 5% per month. I managed to get down to 0.3 mg, but that is when everything spiraled out of...
  8. Steve10608

    Spike in Tinnitus After Tapering Off Clonazepam (Klonopin)

    I've been on clonazepam 0.5 twice a day for the past three months to help cope with my T. I developed it four months ago. I am thankful it was available when this started. It helped me get through some really rough days. I am at the point where I would like to taper off the drug if possible. I...
  9. SharonBell

    Michael Leigh put a post about clonazepam helping him and it helps habituate faster.

    Michael Leigh put a post about clonazepam helping him and it helps habituate faster.
  10. _Shoto_

    Hi @Tryn2BHopeful, I hope you are right and it's just a side effect of Clonazepam. I want to...

    Hi @Tryn2BHopeful, I hope you are right and it's just a side effect of Clonazepam. I want to believe this is all just anxiety in my head and nothing serious
  11. marqualler

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    My tinnitus is unilateral. My biggest issue initially was how my tinnitus sound would react to external stimuli. After about three months and about a month of the nutriceutical protocol, the reactivity issue seems to be getting better. It is not resolved by any means, but it is more manageable...
  12. Foamearplugssuck

    likely need a root canal soon and my nox is pretty bad rn. torn between taking nitrous oxide or...

    likely need a root canal soon and my nox is pretty bad rn. torn between taking nitrous oxide or 1 mg of clonazepam beforehand. any input?
  13. Cmspgran

    Hi Andrew, sorry for delay the only thing that I have found that makes any difference for...

    Hi Andrew, sorry for delay the only thing that I have found that makes any difference for reactiveness is clonazepam.
  14. N

    Doctors Saved Me from Crippling Tinnitus: Oxcarbazepine, Clonazepam and Olanzapine

    @chris a, thanks for your story. Have you been on this cocktail daily for 3 years? I have suspicion only the Clonazepam is beneficial. Have you tried the Clonazepam on its own?
  15. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    How are you getting on with the Gabapentin/Clonazepam thing? I'm in discussion with my doctor's surgery to trial Carbamazepine or something similar.
  16. Supersix

    Sudden Hearing Loss Gave Me Tinnitus and Took My Life Away

    Have you tried taking Remeron (Mirtazapine) and Klonopin (Clonazepam)? If not, I highly recommend taking Remeron at night to aid sleep. It will take a week or so for your body to adjust and stick with it.
  17. DutchGuyMike

    Clonazepam in combination with Tramadol (for my lower back pain) does WONDERS for calming me...

    Clonazepam in combination with Tramadol (for my lower back pain) does WONDERS for calming me down, improving sleep, reducing anxiety greatly AND softening the tinnitus (there's several studies that indicate that Clonazepam is quite effective against tinnitus, and that tapering off should be done...
  18. D

    Can Diazepam Cause Intermittent "Zaps"?

    How long have you been taking Clonazepam? What dosage are you on? My doctor mentioned that you might build a tolerance after about six weeks. Did that help reduce your tinnitus? My doctor won’t prescribe it because he says you can build a tolerance to it. However, he’s fine with prescribing...
  19. RunningMan

    Sudden Hearing Loss Gave Me Tinnitus and Took My Life Away

    1 mg is pretty potent for Clonazepam. That's 4 times as potent as my 0.5 mg dose of Lorazepam, plus it has a much longer half-life, resulting in a higher concentration of the benzo in your system longer. I avoid taking Lorazepam much because it can build tolerance and dependency quickly, plus...
  20. Travis Henry

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    You will regret it...
  21. streifzug

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper The only difference is my (severe) tinnitus was noise induced and you are further along with the taper. I've been wanting to quit Clonazepam since summer last year, but the tinnitus got worse while trying to and I got really scared so I put it on hold for many months after my initial...
  22. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...bad the day will be, so I decide between 0.025, 0.5, or 0.75 mg in one go. If I take it the night before, I don't get as good of an effect. FYI: if you're really struggling, 0.5 mg just before bed, followed by the same dose upon waking, works well. Clonazepam also bioaccumulates, as I...
  23. N

    Dysacusis — Will It Subside?

    ...tinnitus, while taking Prednisolone. This made me wonder what specific inflammation it was targeting. I experienced similar effects with Clonazepam and Zopiclone. However, I avoid Zopiclone because I disliked how it made me feel. Although it was effective in helping me fall asleep, it didn’t...
  24. Supersix

    Sudden Hearing Loss Gave Me Tinnitus and Took My Life Away

    1-2 mg of Mirtazapine and 0.25 mg of Clonazepam at night is the perfect cocktail for me.
  25. RunningMan

    Intermittent Tinnitus and Taking Clonazepam to Prevent a Loud Tinnitus Day?

    I've seen others report a delayed effect between taking Clonazepam and a reduction in tinnitus, so I'm not surprised you had better results by taking it the night before. 0.25 mg every 6 days doesn't sound like it would be a problem. 0.5 mg doses are not uncommon and are sometimes taken more...
  26. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Just debating whether to get on Clonazepam full time now as the off days are giving me quite severe depressive symptoms when the reactive tinnitus catapults back.
  27. streifzug

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper

    ...after that (except for two small cuts). The tinnitus kept getting worse and I thought that I am lucky that I still have the 0.4 mg Clonazepam, because imagine how the anxiety would kill me if I didn't. I kept taking the pills and it's been downhill with my tinnitus really fast for the last...
  28. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Yes, that's how I've taken Clonazepam. I've taken in the past a low dose (0.25 mg) for a week, then none for 7-10 days, then for 2 days in a row, then 5 days later for 1 day. I also vary the dose (0.5 mg - 0.75 mg - 1 mg) and basically take it to my needs. I have no set pattern. On days I don't...
  29. SergioN

    Could a Cracking Finger Next to Ear (1-2 cm) Have Caused Damage? Currently on Clonazepam Withdrawal

    ...So I got afraid instantly, and tried to think if that noise was loud enough to hurt my fragile ears. I want to specify that I'm on a Clonazepam withdrawal... And my tinnitus is worsening every week: I took 0.5mg Clonazepam for 3 months and I'm following a tapering plan for another 3 months...
  30. StoneInFocus


    Ever tried Gabapentin?
  31. RunningMan

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    You have to be disciplined with those benzos. I have 0.5 mg Ativan (Lorazepam), which is equal to 0.25 mg Klonopin (Clonazepam) but with a much shorter half life. I've managed to hold myself off to one dose every third day on average, but that's for anxiety, as I don't think it helps tinnitus...
  32. Cmspgran

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    I’m going through a rough patch at the moment, mate. Clonazepam has lost some of its effectiveness, and I’m hesitant to increase the dosage. I have a question you might be able to help with. The original study mentioned that after a certain number of weeks, the TFI (Tinnitus Functional Index)...
  33. object16

    Tinnitus Worse After Tooth Drilling

    ...2013, and it was really, really bad—I was sure I was going to end it all. But now, 12 years later, nothing that drastic has happened. Plus, I’m 68, and my wife has a 100% survivor benefit on my pension. Sure, my family would prefer me to be alive, so I think I’m just going to stick with...
  34. AverageJoe12

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    ...morning with a pain management physician to see how that goes for hyperacusis. So far, there is not much to report, but I took 0.25 mg of Clonazepam for the procedure and have had little to no hyperacusis this morning coming off my Gabapentin dosage last night + this morning's Clonazepam...
  35. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam has been useful to me since April 22. It can reduce both my hyperacusis and tinnitus in 12-24 hours. Some take it regularly, I have not. I take 0.5-1 mg for 1-2 days about once a week. The effect can be enhanced when taken with Gabapentin. Like many medications, some people...
  36. Jombi

    Worse Tinnitus After Klonopin (Clonazepam) Taper

    300 mg Gabapentin and 0.5 mg Clonazepam for 3 months.
  37. G

    After Stopping Clonazepam, Where Was Your Tinnitus Loudness Level?

    ...a few days it was horribly loud the majority of the time. Probably like 8/10 on a 1 to 10 scale. After going to a psychiatrist he gave me Clonazepam which has quieted the tinnitus completely at times, lowered it in general to when it is occurring to a level of about 2-3/10 and made my...
  38. DutchGuyMike

    Doing better due to Clonazepam, it softens my tinnitus and reduces my anxiety greatly!

    Doing better due to Clonazepam, it softens my tinnitus and reduces my anxiety greatly!
  39. N

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    You're on Clonazepam buddy. Forget that list.
  40. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...a benzodiazepine. It's not without its own tolerance and possible side effects, though. Hopefully you can continue to get a benefit on that 0.25 mg Clonazepam dose while taking it every day. That's equal potency to my Lorazepam 0.50 mg dose, but I don't take it daily in trying to avoid...
  41. DeanD

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    ...I took Diazepam this weekend at 5 mg (2 ml) to help get through a medical test, which I understand is meant to increase GABA the same as Clonazepam, but this seemed to send my tinnitus through the roof, so I guess the combination of Clonazepam and Gabapentin may be ineffective for me. Great...
  42. AverageJoe12

    Xanax Quiets My Tinnitus — Are There Any Other Similar Drugs Without Psychoactive Effects?

    What dose Gabapentin are you taking? Do you have hyperacusis?
  43. RunningMan

    0.125 mg Clonazepam is probably the lowest dose I've seen mentioned, maybe excluding weaning...

    0.125 mg Clonazepam is probably the lowest dose I've seen mentioned, maybe excluding weaning off, although my Lorazepam every third day averages even less for potency & much less for half life. So, did your T seem to get louder when you tried the higher dose of Mirtazapine?
  44. L along the way

    I use diazepam, a benzo like clonazepam. I never been a fan of pharmaceuticals, however, if i...

    I use diazepam, a benzo like clonazepam. I never been a fan of pharmaceuticals, however, if i really can't get to sleep, i use it, and it has helped me at times
  45. streifzug

    Sounds like you are doing ok. That is good to hear! I've waited far too long with my taper. I...

    Sounds like you are doing ok. That is good to hear! I've waited far too long with my taper. I believe long term clonazepam made my T much worse. I just started tapering again and I am scared, but it has to be done!
  46. kingsfan

    Doctors Saved Me from Crippling Tinnitus: Oxcarbazepine, Clonazepam and Olanzapine

    I'm assuming they tried each alone with the statement, "The weird part is the Clonazepam and Olanzapine have to be taken at the same time. If I remove one, the tinnitus comes back." And I believe this because benzos don't seem to affect my tinnitus at all. Wish I had had my Gabapentin and...
  47. HighleyTall


    I had an appointment with Dr. De Ridder last summer. He prescribed: Clonazepam Aripiprazol Deanxit But back then my condition was not as bad as it is now.
  48. T

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Yes, still on 1.5 mg Clonazepam/day.
  49. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) helps more than 10%. I can go from feeling high anxiety to low anxiety, and that dosage is half the potency of an equal size dose of Clonazepam and Alprazolam (Xanax). I tried other recommended supplements that didn't work. Neither did TCA or SSRI antidepressants. Placebo effect doesn't...
  50. Stayinghopeful

    Intermittent Tinnitus and Taking Clonazepam to Prevent a Loud Tinnitus Day?

    I agree. Mirtazapine is unreal. 7.5 mg knocked me out when I went through my spike.
  51. N

    Xanax Quiets My Tinnitus — Are There Any Other Similar Drugs Without Psychoactive Effects?

    Yes but it's variable with each patient. Clonazepam Gabapentin Cyclobenzaprine Retigabine Nortriptyline Amitriptyline Acamprosate Oxazepam
  52. RunningMan

    Be very careful with that high dose benzo. I limit myself to 0.5 mg Lorazepam once every 3...

    Be very careful with that high dose benzo. I limit myself to 0.5 mg Lorazepam once every 3 days. And that Clonazepam dose you took is 6 times as potent and a much longer half life. People report tolerance building pretty quickly, even when taken only 2 or 3 times per week at a lower dose.
  53. Zigs

    I No Longer Leave the House — Things Got Worse Overnight: Ear Pain and More Intense Tinnitus

    Thank you. I previously tried Nortriptyline, but it caused a significant spike in my tinnitus (at least, I believe that was the cause), so I didn't continue with it. I'm planning to speak to my GP tomorrow about getting some Gabapentin.
  54. Tweaker

    Clonazepam: To Take or Not to Take, That Is the Question.

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I had read that Clonazepam can reduce tinnitus sounds and GP prescribed for me. I took 0.25mg the other day and for about 3 days my tinnitus seemed really good. Wake up on the fourth day and it is back with a vengeance. The question is whether I should take it...
  55. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    ...My GP prescribed, reluctantly, 300 mg/d in 100 mg doses. Neither ENT at Chesterfield, Derby or Nottingham would prescribe Gabapentin or Clonazepam, so it's interesting that an ENT in the same country at a well known centre is willing to. What dosage of Gabapentin has he prescribed for you...
  56. Furetto


    You have everything a person could wish for. Take Clonazepam for anxiety until the Susan Shore Device comes out in a couple of years, and live the rest of your life feeling blessed. You can do it!
  57. iliya

    Working Tinnitus Treatment for Me (Sulpride, Clozapine, Clonazepam, Paroxetine, Amitriptylin)

    ...and they gave me daily therapy that was so much better than everything I tried before.. Sulpride caps 50 mg 3x2 / Clozapine 25 mg 3x1 / Clonazepam 2 mg 2x1 / Paroxetine 20mg 1+1/2+1/2 / Amitriptylin 25 mg 2x1. Now, I can peacefully sleep, eat and enjoy my life l do not take Xanax at all and...
  58. Curadh

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    That's interesting. A multi-pronged attack on it, but yet no permanent changes? Or are there any success stories? I am not sure what caused mine; I was given a few treatments all at once by a dodgy old medical doctor who specialized in "naturopathy." I feel it was a combination of far too many...
  59. Ben Winders

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    It's been a little while but pretty sure I dropped the Clonazepam early on and only took Deanxit, but I'm not certain anymore.
  60. Brian P

    Worse Tinnitus After Klonopin (Clonazepam) Taper

    I was on Klonopin for 1 month at 1 mg a day, then 2 weeks at 2 mg before starting a taper of .25 mg a week. I was on it only 6 weeks total before starting to taper. Tapering went OK until I got to .25 mg and my ears started to ring with a louder electrical tone. Got to .125 mg and ears went...