Search results for query: clonazepam

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  1. object16

    Suicidal know a physician from years before, when I lived in the same area 30 years earlier. He was an intern at that time. He prescribed Clonazepam for me, which I took for a few weeks before discontinuing because it started making me feel a bit loopy. Over time, my condition has progressively...
  2. Bart

    Clonazepam/Xanax for 1.5 Weeks — Is It Safe to Stop Taking It 'Cold Turkey'?

    I have been taking just a very small dose of 0.5 mg Clonazepam or Xanax before sleep for just over a week now, my doctor said at this low dosages I can take it up to one month without the need to taper down afterwards. Is it safe to stop taking it after 1.5 week 'cold turkey'?
  3. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...reactive Morse code beeps over white noise sounds, too @Nick47. It's a total nightmare, isn’t it? Have you found anything else medication-wise that helps? It saddens me to say this, but Clonazepam is definitely losing its effectiveness for me, and I take it three times a week max, usually twice.
  4. 3ri0w

    Klonopin (Clonazepam) Forever?

    If I find a doctor who will prescribe me and won't ever taper me off against my will, then at what point will I run to problems? Will it always work if I just up the dose? What to expect other than some amnesia?
  5. Cmspgran

    I’ve given the Gabapentin another go and it’s making me really tired. I hate work and want to...

    I’ve given the Gabapentin another go and it’s making me really tired. I hate work and want to retire to the countryside and live with pets and green spaces. Only clonazepam really helps and I limit myself to the weekends so the working week is worse than weekends .
  6. N

    Hi @xLuchiaaa there are a couple of medications (if necessary) that help some. You could discuss...

    Hi @xLuchiaaa there are a couple of medications (if necessary) that help some. You could discuss Clonazepam, Gabapentin, Cyclobenzaprine, Nortriptyline & Oxcarbazepine. CBT on top + magnesium glycinate for muscle relaxant properties
  7. DutchGuyMike

    Doing WAY better thanks to Clonazepam, it softens my tinnitus/reduces my anxiety. I recommend it...

    Doing WAY better thanks to Clonazepam, it softens my tinnitus/reduces my anxiety. I recommend it to those that need some relief sometimes.
  8. DutchGuyMike

    Doing WAY better thanks to Clonazepam, it softens my tinnitus and reduces my anxiety.I recommend...

    Doing WAY better thanks to Clonazepam, it softens my tinnitus and reduces my anxiety.I recommend it to those that need some help sometimes.
  9. V

    Doctors Saved Me from Crippling Tinnitus: Oxcarbazepine, Clonazepam and Olanzapine

    Why do you think the Clonazepam and Olanzapine are responsible for bringing the noise down?
  10. Cmspgran

    Where are you up to? Had to succumb on Friday and take a .5 clonazepam for some relief. Saturday...

    Where are you up to? Had to succumb on Friday and take a .5 clonazepam for some relief. Saturday wasn’t so bad - not sure if it’s hangover from Fridays pill. Today (Sunday) has been awful, left ear ringing buzzing like the clappers, had to lay down and take a half a clonazepam to see if I can...
  11. Wouter De Blaere

    Debilitating Tinnitus from Benzo (Clonazepam) Taper

    ...but I know that is easier said than done. In my case, I woke up on October 7, 2023, with extreme dysacusis and moderate overall tinnitus. Clonazepam (0.5 mg per day) reduces the dysacusis by about 95 percent and makes life bearable. It is hard, but at least manageable. I understand what you...
  12. Cmspgran

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    ...cochlear issue, from describing my symptoms to him. He wants to put me on Gabapentin for 6 months as I’d explain even just 0.5 mg of Clonazepam basically shuts the reactivity down. He didn’t have an issue with a low dose of Clonazepam either, stating he understands my concerns, but reminded...
  13. A

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Is Deanxit helping you? Do you take it as a one-off, and how long does it help you get rid of symptoms? Thanks!
  14. _Shoto_

    Hi @RunningMan. Thanks for the comment but don't worry. I use clonazepam only once every 30-60...

    Hi @RunningMan. Thanks for the comment but don't worry. I use clonazepam only once every 30-60 days, but at bigger dose. I want to keep tolerance as low as possible, but enjoy my T/H-free day as much as possible. Low doses do nothing and big ones upping tolerance very fast, so I would like to...
  15. Juliane

    Here is one...

    Here is one:
  16. RunningMan

    Unlikely Ativan. I only took 3 low dose 0.5mg over 2 weeks. Half potency and much shorter half...

    Unlikely Ativan. I only took 3 low dose 0.5mg over 2 weeks. Half potency and much shorter half life compared to Clonazepam. I don't know if it helped with softening it to a hiss when I took it yesterday, either, because it cycles between those sounds regularly. The hiss continues today which...
  17. N

    Tinnitus from Sensorineural Hearing Loss Has Become Very Reactive

    Hi @andrew israel. You have almost identical timeframe and story as mine. It could be withdrawal from Clonazepam. What dose did you taper from and how long did you taper?
  18. N

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    No worries, I've read all your posts regarding your experiences :-) It was Clonazepam.
  19. N

    Intermittent Tinnitus and Taking Clonazepam to Prevent a Loud Tinnitus Day?

    Benzos can sometimes cause tinnitus if abruptly stopped. Two benzos (Alprazolam & Clonazepam) reduce tinnitus in most people, but not all. The rest do nothing. Gabapentin can reduce tinnitus in 20-30% of patients, with most responders having acoustic trauma-precipitated tinnitus.
  20. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...I've read on benzodiazepine use and the reality of the severe symptoms people face, weighed against the benefits that medications like Clonazepam can provide. For many, the choice comes down to being unable to function or go to work, which was certainly the case for me. I realize that at some...
  21. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    I use this combo once a week or so for 1-2 days. It seems to work better and last longer when Gabapentin and Clonazepam are taken together at the same time.
  22. streifzug

    My T started 12th of Dec 2019 and only ever got worse. In Dec '22 after a dental procedure it's...

    My T started 12th of Dec 2019 and only ever got worse. In Dec '22 after a dental procedure it's gotten so bad that I caved in and started taking clonazepam daily... I hope that once I tapered it off my T will heal some, but given my luck I highly doubt it :/ Stable T would be nice though!
  23. RunningMan

    Well, there's some people on here that take a pretty small dose most days or just part of the... that take a pretty small dose most days or just part of the time. I take Lorazepam myself but limit my usage to every third day so far, even when my anxiety is bad. I don't know if my Dr. would even ok going to Clonazepam which is more potent and has a much longer half life than Lorazepam.
  24. RunningMan

    1.5 mg of Clonazepam would be equivalent potency to at least 6 of my Lorazepam 0.5 mg tablets...

    1.5 mg of Clonazepam would be equivalent potency to at least 6 of my Lorazepam 0.5 mg tablets! That's a pretty big dose. Be extremely careful. I won't even take one of my Lorazepam with short half life more than once every three days due to tolerance and dependency issues that build quickly...
  25. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) it’s just another GABA-modulating drug I’d risk becoming dependent on. Twice a week before bed is probably my limit. You can imagine the response if I went back to my GP, requesting to stay on Clonazepam indefinitely and, oh, by the way, asking to add a 300mg dose of Pregabalin to the mix...
  26. Furetto

    From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums

    ...the evening and go to sleep, only to start over again the next day. The slight improvement I noticed in month 3 turned out to be due to Clonazepam, which is known to lower tinnitus. However, I stopped taking it because it completely killed my libido (which is still low, though not entirely...
  27. BlueMoon86

    Sudden Hearing Loss Gave Me Tinnitus and Took My Life Away

    I reduced the Mirtazapine back down to 15 mg, but it's not working now. The tinnitus blares and fills my whole head (I need 60+ dB level sound to even match it now when sound therapy in the 40s dB was enough before), and sleep just doesn't come unless I drink alcohol or take Clonazepam.
  28. SamRosemary

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) a time at first, and now it’s down to seven. I only call for a refill about once every 3-4 months now, and every single time, he tries to give me a lecture. I tried to ask about Clonazepam, and he dismissed me with, ‘It’s the same as Lorazepam; they all work the same.’ I would love to...
  29. N

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I take Deanxit for a couple of days, with Clonazepam and Gabapentin. I don't take it on its own. I use this cocktail on a low-maintenance dose, so if I'm struggling, I take the medications for a couple of days and then stop. I do this a few times a month.
  30. Michael Leigh

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    My tinnitus got worse in 2008. In 2010 I was prescribed Clonazepam. My ENT advised me to take 2x 0.5 mg tablets everyday for one week, then reduce the dose to every other day the second week. Afterwards, I have only taken Clonazepam when my tinnitus is severe - usually for just a day. I have...
  31. N

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    ...evidence of effectiveness. There are only a few treatments with substantial evidence or numerous case reports, such as Cochlear Implants, Clonazepam, Alprazolam, Cyclobenzaprine, Carbamazepine (for those who respond to 50% lidocaine), Nortriptyline, Acamprosate, and CBT. That's about it...
  32. N

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    ...5% patches at once. If this proves effective, it will bring enormous relief and offer a better way to cope than relying on daily Clonazepam or experimenting with more challenging options like Trobalt. Maybe, over time, this will help stabilize these hyperactive nerves...
  33. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    How much of that did you attribute to Gabapentin? Do you think the addition of Gabapentin makes the Clonazepam more sustainable? It seems those that reach tolerance quicker are on Clonazepam only as opposed to Gabapentin + Clonazepam.
  34. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    Good to hear from you, @linearb. Did the reduction in Gabapentin and Clonazepam affect your sleep or general anxiety? It looks like you're planning on tapering right down in anticipation of Auricle in 12-24 months' time.
  35. Cmspgran

    Anyways I’m sorry to hear that, have you got to go in every day? I’m in maximum once a week...

    Anyways I’m sorry to hear that, have you got to go in every day? I’m in maximum once a week sometimes less, the way I’ve been handling it is taking clonazepam on the days I’m in, would never want to recommend medication to anyone but it’s truthfully what’s kept me going!
  36. M

    Tinnitus from Using Headphones at the Gym: What Can I Do for Some Relief?

    ...good I think. Have not yet mustered up the courage to return to the gym though. Just got prescribed Gabapentin 300 mg x 2 per day and Clonazepam 0.5 mg before sleep by another ENT. Questions: - I don't want to use the Clonazepam everyday like prescribed as I am scared of addiction to...
  37. A

    Does Deanxit (Flupentixol/Melitracen) Help Tinnitus? Share Your Experiences still take Deanxit from time to time? I was prescribed it by Dr. De Ridder but I am scared of the tardive dyskinesia side effect as it is irreversible. Were you also taking Clonazepam every day when taking Deanxit? I also have Flunazirine with Catapressan but am unsure if that is any...
  38. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Your situation is almost identical to mine. I also find Clonazepam lowers the tinnitus intensity and volume, although it can take 24 hours to work. I take it once or twice a week.
  39. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @Cmspgran, I’m thinking of following suit. My concern is that if I take it at night, I might start to feel agitated by the afternoon. Since I tend to suffer more during the day, it seems like a better option to take it then. Could @linearb chime in and explain why they decided to take it during...
  40. Michael Leigh

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam can be very effective at lowering tinnitus for some people but it should not be used regularly, as dependency is likely to set in which can cause problems. Providing Clonazepam is used with caution, I see nothing wrong with it if a person finds it helps their tinnitus. The only...
  41. Nic B

    Even One Dose of Clonazepam Can Cause a Spike

    ...on long term/daily use. I am here to tell you with absolute certainty that in my case, any time I take even a single 0.5 mg dose of clonazepam, my T will be worse a few days later, and this will continue for a few days before going back to baseline. I have had T for close to 5 years now and...
  42. R

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Hi, you say that Clonazepam lowers your tinnitus down. What is your baseline tinnitus like? 24/7 loud?
  43. Cmspgran

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    At peak concentration, it is probably just as good, yes, but bear in mind this was the rigmarole of applying patches with tape for weeks compared to popping a pill and then two hours later getting relief. I’ve felt nauseous on and off recently. It could be related, but it might not be. Who...
  44. object16

    meds like mirtazapine, clonazepam, Seroquel can help with sleep issues, I find that if I manage...

    meds like mirtazapine, clonazepam, Seroquel can help with sleep issues, I find that if I manage to sleep, my brain does a bit of recovery and recuperation. Meds are Band-Aid, I know, but can help cope and promote sleep.
  45. gameover

    Flupirtine — Another Potassium Channel Opener

    Loudness hyperacusis?
  46. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I understand. Can you take a low dose of Diazepam + Gabapentin on the off days? Or even Pregabalin? How often are you taking Clonazepam and what dose? Was it you who had the meeting with Dr. Bance, who suggested Carbamazepine if the Gabapentin does not work? I've been close to your thoughts...
  47. _Shoto_

    So, I took another 0.25 and still nothing. Unfortunately, I think I'm not one of those 80% of...

    So, I took another 0.25 and still nothing. Unfortunately, I think I'm not one of those 80% of people who find Clonazepam to be very good for their anxiety and tinnitus symptom relief. Still anxious and still tinnitus is screaming in both of my ears. It's like placebo pill. I was expecting more...
  48. Michael Leigh

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I agree, opinions on Clonazepam are quite mixed. Fortunately, it has helped whenever my tinnitus is severe and doesn't reduce after 2 to 3 days. Taking 2x 0.5 mg Clonazepam tablets usually reduces it over 12 hours to a more comfortable level or complete silence. I take it once or twice a month...
  49. Ben Winders

    can you tell me what you have layin around? I'm Belgian/Dutch and here I got Deanxit , Rivotril...

    can you tell me what you have layin around? I'm Belgian/Dutch and here I got Deanxit , Rivotril , Clonazepam (all prescribed by De Ridder at Brain clinic in Ghent) - I'm currently not using them anymore, but i keep them on standby in case of emergency.
  50. N

    Tinnitus After Concert: Intratympanic Dexamethasone Injections for Ringing and Amitriptyline for Better Sleep?

    ...Products like Lipoflavonoid, Cortexi, or other promoted supplements will not provide any benefit and, in rare cases, could cause harm. Clonazepam or Gabapentin may help some people and have some supporting evidence, but they are not effective for everyone. Hyperbaric oxygen, LLLT, and...
  51. N

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    Could you do two weeks on Lidocaine patches and Gabapentin, followed by a one-week break with Clonazepam and Gabapentin, then repeat the cycle? Currently, I'm on 60 mg of Prednisolone and took 900 mg of Gabapentin last night, along with wearing a Lidocaine patch. I woke up with the lowest...
  52. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    Diazepam is ineffective for tinnitus. The problem is if I use them daily, I will become entirely dependent on them.
  53. N

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    ...the third month. In the studies, they used 5% Lidocaine patches. If you decide to try them again, I suggest wearing them for 16 hours rather than 24. If they work, you can start tapering off Clonazepam once you feel the effects. After that, take a break from using them. I bought them on iHerb.
  54. N

    Does Deanxit (Flupentixol/Melitracen) Help Tinnitus? Share Your Experiences

    ...Deanxit on the way. I know you have not taken Deanxit but have taken Flupentixol. 1) Did you experience side effects? 2) Did you take Clonazepam or another benzo as suggested with it to reduce side effects? 3) How long after taking it did you notice a reduction in intensity? Someone not far...
  55. AfroSnowman

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I don’t use these medications frequently (less than once a week), and I find them of limited value, but I’ve tried both Clonazepam and Alprazolam over the years when I’m truly miserable. Maybe they reduce the suffering by 5% or 10%, which is well within the placebo effect range, and sometimes...
  56. object16

    Tinnitus Worse After Tooth Drilling

    ...this, I have a tiny amount of morphine from a very old prescription. I just took half a tablet (2.5 mg). I have been down to 0.25 mg of Clonazepam, but I took an extra 1.5 mg along with an extra 50 mg of Seroquel. If that does not work within another hour, which I doubt it will, I will take...
  57. object16

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I find Clonazepam helpful to suppress a spike. Right now I'm on 0.75 mg. If needed, I can go up to 2-3 mg. You can't keep taking that amount continuously or you will get really hooked and won't be able to get off. Plus the next spike, you will have no resource.
  58. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    That Pregabalin dose is quite high. It's equivalent to about 1200 mg of Gabapentin.
  59. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...which was prescribed for their back pain, and it seems to work just as well. I take a 300 mg tablet of Pregabalin before bed and 0.5 mg of Clonazepam when I wake up. One other thing to note: I’ve suffered from low-level anxiety all my life and just put up with it. It’s incredible how much of...
  60. N

    I spoke with De Ridder yesterday. He recommended Flupentixol, Aripiprazole, LDN + Clonazepam. He...

    I spoke with De Ridder yesterday. He recommended Flupentixol, Aripiprazole, LDN + Clonazepam. He was straight talking saying fFupentixol can cause tardive dyskinesia, which can be very hard to get rid of and kept emphasising I must take Clonazepam. Have you had any side effects from Flupentixol?