Search results for query: clonazepam

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  1. Travis Henry

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Tinnitus Worse During Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) Taper Spike in Tinnitus After Tapering Off Clonazepam (Klonopin)
  2. Gb3

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Both those people posted once and never mentioned it again. Clonazepam Quiets tinnitus: a randomised crossover study with Ginkgo Biloba
  3. Nettles

    Devastating Tinnitus After Valium Taper: How Will I Survive?

    ...success stories like his can remind us that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I can't give any advice or experience on benzos, but I wanted to...
  4. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    It's not easy. Ideally I would not take any medication, however this situation is not ideal. I find the Clonazepam needs to be judged after 24 hours. For me (and many others) there is a delayed effect. First couple of hours a reduction in anxiety but not tinnitus. Somewhere between 12-24 hours...
  5. Cmspgran

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam has been the only drug for me that has remotely moved the needle so to speak, with no real side effects other than minor lethargy. I take it in a similar fashion to @Nick47, no more than twice a week; GP agreed this is the best way to take it.
  6. Liam_Cairns

    Taking Clonazepam as Opposed to Prednisone for Noise Exposure: I've Had Good Results

    ...previously mentioned scenarios which would likely result in a loss of hearing. What I have found is that by using one-off high doses of Clonazepam I am able to mitigate any increase in tinnitus that I would otherwise suffer from exposure to sounds that I would define as causing a mild...
  7. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    When you first had your setback, how often did you take Clonazepam? Is it the case that you've used it less frequently over the years? Did you change the dose or always took 1 mg for 1-2 days?
  8. Michael Leigh

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    ...four years to habituate to it. My tinnitus can be silent, mild, moderate, severe, and can reach very severe levels, requiring me to take Clonazepam for one or two days. The tinnitus will usually calm down over 12 to 24 hours to more tolerable levels. Sometimes, the tinnitus will reduce by...
  9. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Just took 0.5 mg of Clonazepam with 750 mg of Gabapentin an hour ago. Instantly more productive although a bit sedated :-)
  10. Gav

    Advice Please on Asking Doctor About Venlafaxine or Clonazepam... that the Venlafaxine prevented the tinnitus from dropping back in volume as much as it could have done! Perhaps a short course of Clonazepam may be another option? I’ve noticed a few of you talking positively about this. I just don’t know, but would love to do anything I can do now to...
  11. AfroSnowman

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    I’ve found the same with Clonazepam. Doesn’t help until I sleep/the next morning. It settles down things a little when it gets very hyperactive. I probably average about 1 dose a week. I’ve also noticed that taking more than 0.5 mg doesn’t have any increased benefit.
  12. E

    Tinnitus After Brain Surgery

    ...and the doctors had to restitch it. In July 2024, I began taking Campral. However, after about a week, I noticed a rash on my chest and stomach, so I stopped taking it. I have been advised to try Clonazepam at least once to see if it helps, but I am afraid to do so. Please help me if you can.
  13. SarahMLFlemmer

    Doctors Saved Me from Crippling Tinnitus: Oxcarbazepine, Clonazepam and Olanzapine

    So when you say gone, you mean like 100% silence?
  14. Ela Stefan

    Cerebrolysin (BDNF - GDNF - NGF - CNTF)

    For how long had you taken Clonazepam before your tinnitus onset? After stopping Clonazepam, is it wise to use supplements and BDNF medicines right away? Or should you let the body heal first and, if so, for how long?
  15. N

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Cyclobenzaprine Carbamazepine Clonazepam And a few others, including Botox and Piracetam → Tensor Tympani Syndrome
  16. Cmspgran

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    Sorry to hear that @DeanD. I’ve followed your story and realise how much you’re suffering. I can relate to the symptoms. One of the things that pricked Professor Bance’s ears up for the medication was me explaining the 0.5 mg of Clonazepam shut my reactivity off, maybe that was the difference?
  17. J

    How Does One Live with Catastrophic Tinnitus?

    ...single half dose of Prednisone gave me a new tinnitus tone in one ear that is still here six months later. I was put on a small course of Clonazepam (0.25-0.5 mg a day) for six days and did not taper as my doctor told me I didn't need to. My tinnitus spiked for a few days after, but nothing...
  18. N

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper

    My experience is similar. I used Diazepam 5-10 mg/day and Clonazepam sporadically to reduce the tinnitus in between. I cut the Diazepam down to 2 mg after 6 months with no withdrawal or drama. I still use Clonazepam as needed, around 5 mg per month, but sporadically with varying doses. Again I...
  19. N

    How to Cope with Irregular Tinnitus Sounds?

    ...consider the pharmaceutical route. Personally, I take a daily combination of Mirtazapine, Gabapentin, Magnesium, and Alpha-lipoic acid. When my symptoms are very severe, I add clonazepam for a day or two. If your sister hasn't yet seen an audiologist or ENT, that should be done as a routine...
  20. Chinmoku


    I think Clonazepam affects both GABA-A and GABA-B receptors whereas Diazepam affects only GABA-A. This is why at times switching from Clonazepam to Diazepam doesn't work. Also, there are studies showing Clonazepam effectiveness for tinnitus but not Diazepam. Diazepam is definitely safer and...
  21. N

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper

    I think it's usually the case that Clonazepam was treating the tinnitus. Therefore withdrawing or reducing the dose reduces the treatment effect. Life happens (noise, infections etc) whether you are on medication or not and this can cause tinnitus, or worsen it. You are on a low dose and if it...
  22. N

    Treble Health: Exploitation of Tinnitus Sufferers

    @NebulousWoe, how do you manage the Clonazepam? Once or twice a week?
  23. Mark F.

    From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums

    You’re only four months into this round. Remember TPP - Time, Patience, Protection. With time, things will improve. Be patient. Hold onto faith and hope. You will feel better, friend.
  24. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) go back to her old doctor, who also just prescribed her Ambien as well. I should note that I was talking about a PCP. I haven't seen a psychiatrist, although my doctor would refer me if I wanted. The psychiatrist might be open about prescribing different things like Clonazepam and...
  25. NateG76

    How to Stop/Taper Clonazepam (Klonopin)?

    I've been on Klonopin off and on for the past 6 years. Always able to taper and get off in past but never on as long as I've been this time. Developed insomnia about a year ago and have been on anywhere from .25 mg to .5 mg each night for sleep. My sleep has gotten better and I fear being...
  26. N

    Does Deanxit (Flupentixol/Melitracen) Help Tinnitus? Share Your Experiences

    I will answer your question that you posted on the Metformin thread here. Yes, I have had some success with Deanxit, Aripiprazole and Clonazepam. I only take a low-maintenance dose for a couple of days when I'm really struggling, though.
  27. Ben Winders

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Haha - unsure if Dr. De Ridder will prescribe Deanxit by itself (as he was the one that came up with the Deanxit/Clonazepam combo). I always thought Clonazepam was only included in the combo (which is really a triplet because Deanxit in itself is already a combo drug) to prevent facial...
  28. N

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    She will be happy though. Are you still going to take Clonazepam?
  29. AverageJoe12

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    How are your hearing aids tuned? Do they play low-level pink noise or are they tuned to amplify certain frequencies? Have they helped with hyperacusis?
  30. Cmspgran

    Intermittent Tinnitus and Taking Clonazepam to Prevent a Loud Tinnitus Day?

    Is this regime making life bearable for you, as in being able to work etc.? I noticed in one of your posts that you’ve shifted your attention to trying to just accept the condition; is the ultimately aim to get off all of the medication?
  31. Furetto

    From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums

    Quick update, 2.5 months since onset: I’ve been feeling much better since I started taking clonazepam (coincidence? Probably). Last night, I went to sleep and literally forgot to play my cricket sounds—I slept all night in complete silence. Right now, I’m in a quiet room, and all I hear is...
  32. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @Carlos1, is your tinnitus of central origin? I was reading the literature of Gabapentin + Clonazepam. It states disabling severity of central type for this combo.
  33. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    There are past posts from members who stated they needed 30 mg or even more of Mirtazapine to sleep, after lower doses didn't help. That's probably...
  34. scotty03874

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Clonazepam lowers my tinnitus as well.
  35. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @AfroSnowman, that sucks. I want to try Flupentixol for a few days. Getting a week's trial will probably be impossible. @Mentos had no benefit from Clonazepam but did from Flupentixol.
  36. dan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    You can take Clonazepam. The trick is not to exceed 0.5 mg/day. It saved me when I first got tinnitus.
  37. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    ...Think MSM. People like to moan and post negativity. All but Gabapentin and Mirtazapine I sourced myself. The Mirtazapine helps with sleep initiation and maintenance. Not sure about anything else. Gerald Brooke at Harley Street prescribes Clonazepam. Many do well on here and some don't...
  38. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    If falling asleep or just getting back to sleep is your primary concern rather than anxiety or a temporary reduction in tinnitus, I would go with Zopiclone over the benzo. It's targeted for sleep. I have a Z-drug (Zolpidem) and a benzo (Lorazepam) myself, but it takes more than the dosage...
  39. Cmspgran

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    ...that this awful condition put a damper on things. The impact it can have is truly soul-destroying at times. At the moment, I’m taking Clonazepam most days at varying doses, but never more than 0.75 mg a day. It’s definitely lost its effectiveness, but I got tired of the up-and-down...
  40. berdichevskyivan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Hi brother, I'd say almost all tinnitus cases are related in some way to GABA. Taking into account that Clonazepam is a PAM of GABA receptors (meaning it makes the GABA receptors work more efficiently when they coupled to the Clonazepam), that's the reason it helps you. I take 2mg Clonazepam...
  41. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus, As I See It

    ...hearing therapist. They rarely encounter patients with my type of tinnitus. Since 2012, I have been habituated to my tinnitus and take clonazepam as needed—usually for one or two days a month, then I stop. I consider myself habituated. For a better understanding of what I mean by...
  42. BlueMoon86

    Sudden Hearing Loss Gave Me Tinnitus and Took My Life Away

    Another update (if anyone's interested): Clonazepam still works, but I cannot be physically active and expect it to do its thing. If I nap, be still, and take things easy, my louder-than-a-helicopter droning will fade to the background as a mildly annoying wind. That sucks because I want to go...
  43. N

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    I assume there is a synergistic effect of Clonazepam and Gabapentin. People who have taken a low dose of Clonazepam for years, I wonder if the Gabapentin slows tolerance to the Clonazepam? I don't know if it's something @linearb or @Carlos1 or anyone who has used this protocol could comment on...
  44. G

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    At the risk of sounding blunt, your doctor sounds like a quack or just very inexperienced with benzos. Clonazepam is one of the less addictive benzos while Alprazolam is one of the most addictive. Gabapentin did nothing for me. So far the only thing I've found that makes any difference is...
  45. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    ...steadily for a week now, and I'm starting to fear its going to stay. The only thing I can think of that might have contributed to this is Clonazepam. I was prescribed it in November for anxiety and took it on an as-needed basis. This ended up being about twice a week (0.5mg each time) if...
  46. BB23

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Do you get permanent improvements at all with any of these cocktails, and how much relief do they bring you? Like out of ten, what are the before and after scores? By the way, I just watched Dr. Dirk De Ridder's video. It is very depressing to realize that a real cure is not coming.
  47. N

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @scotty03874, how often do you take it and how much?
  48. Nick23

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    How is your tinnitus now? I already asked that, but just wondering how you’re doing and where you’re at with it all? Best regards.
  49. G

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    The very long half life is precisely what makes Clonazepam safer and less likely to cause tolerance and dependence than other benzos like Xanax. Ativan is another relatively safe benzo because of its half life. As a matter of fact, in some cases with patients that are going through benzo...
  50. Cmspgran

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    Rubbish mate, what a bargain Dr. De Ridder is compared to UK private rip-off prices. I’ll let you know how the Gabapentin goes, I’m going to throw the Clonazepam in here and there as well to see what the score is.
  51. Cmspgran

    Commercial Lidocaine Patch as a Treatment for Ear-ringing

    ...because it was causing stomach issues and didn't help much, aside from aiding sleep. Now, I basically just look forward to taking Clonazepam twice a week, but then I have to deal with the crash and subsequent depression the day after. It's like riding a rollercoaster every week, and it's not...
  52. RunningMan

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I know what you mean. I've only been taking Ativan (less potent & lower shorter life than Clonazepam) once every three days, and I feel like it's already less effective, but the worst part is that when my tinnitus is a squealing single tone, it's even louder than it used to be, and that's...
  53. AverageJoe12

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Are you guys still taking Clonazepam 1-2x per week? I was prescribed 0.5 mg to take on days when I have to commute to the office. Meanwhile the Mirtazapine I thought was helping has actually begun to exacerbate my hyperacusis at 22.5 mg. I was doing better on 7.5-15 mg with 100-300 mg Gabapentin...
  54. N

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Were you not referring to Clonazepam?
  55. annV

    Abraham Shulman Tinnitus Protocol (Clonazepam Plus Gabapentin)

    Thank you so much for coming back to share your update. I won't be taking the Clonazepam + Gabapentin combo.
  56. kingsfan

    Horrendous Tinnitus During Clonazepam Taper

    Were you doing fine on Clonazepam but just wanted to get off of it just to be off, or was it causing problems?
  57. slc

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    My experience is that Clonazepam is not anywhere near as effective as it first was years back. I take a daily dose. My psychopharmacologist insisted I do this, otherwise she was going to cut me off. I was in early days and in crisis so I unfortunately didn't just do my own thing and take as...
  58. N

    Strength of Mind: Dealing with the Psychological Aspect of Living with Tinnitus

    ...helpful, although he had no idea of tinnitus. It's well below par in the UK. No, let me phrase it differently. It's SHITE! I have Clonazepam to hand. Knowing this has preserved me, reducing my symptoms in less than 24 hours. Other than that, Mirtazapine for sleep and daily low doses of...
  59. AfroSnowman

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I've come to the conclusion that not only does Clonazepam do next to nothing for my tinnitus precept, but it appears to make my fingers tremble a bit. I think Clonazepam is another tool that I will be laying to rest in my search for something of use in living with tinnitus.
  60. N

    Cycling Tinnitus with Good and Bad (Severe Reactive Tinnitus) Days — What's My Outlook Like?

    @BrysonKingMe, if you are down to that low amount of Clonazepam and you want to come off, I'm rooting for you mate. Pick a day, jump off, and replace with a good high dose Magnesium glycinate. You say you took it daily and for 4 years. To get an insight: Did cold turkeying Clonazepam ramp up...