Search results for query: head injury

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  1. RonnieCarzatto

    My ENT Visit. Time to Vent.

    @grate_biff It's high pitched, like whistle or tone, in my right ear. It feels like it's inside my head. I think it's from a head injury I sustained back in January. He didn't check in the higher frequencies as he didn't believe it was necessary. @glynis Unfortunately my audiologist...
  2. gameover

    Choice of Stem Cells this tinnitus, including LLLT, Trobalt and stem cells. His tinnitus wasn't noise induced, apparently. His profile suggests medications/head injury. @undecided's is story is more compelling, with a major reduction in tinnitus (after a few years of having it), but the cause for his...
  3. Greg Sacramento

    Tinnitus Classification for the General Public

    I have read over 6000 highly professional articles and case studies on physical tinnitus where I have 1200 saved downloads. In conclusion of my research almost all physical tinnitus associates to six areas. I have posted many links per each six areas. 1. Dental, Head, Face, Neck and Shoulder...
  4. E

    I Need Some Advice or Guidance — Possible TMJ? Upper Cervical Chiropractor Experiences?

    I always tell people here that massage therapists and physiotherapists use a lot more proven scientific things, but chiropractory doesn't have much science backing it up and be wary and is bordering on quackery. Someone I knew's GF had a stroke after a session and got a 50-100k settlement...
  5. A

    Opinions on Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Acupuncture

    I can totally relate to this post. Even my T started after I banged my head against a wall 3 years ago. I have tried what not since then to find some relief. Even been to a chiropractor who told me my atlas (C1,C2) was misaligned 20 degrees and mentioned subluxation of my atlas bone in neck. He...
  6. Jack Straw


    Wanted to post this here since it shows that stimulation of certain parts of the brain def reduces tinnitus!
  7. Jack Straw

    Tinnitus Gone After Starting on Parkinson's Disease Medication!

    Isn't this similar to what the stimulation devices are doing? Further proves that there is something here. Thanks for the post!
  8. Z

    Punched in Ear. Will My Tinnitus Go Away?

    Head and ear are similar. Same area and I can still have had a concussion and not know it. Either way if my ringing is now 30-40 DB is that a good sign it will for sure fade to something quieter?
  9. Greg Sacramento

    A Nervous Pulsatile Tinnitus Newbie

    @Nate H Some thoughts: If you place -Pulsatile Tinnitus TMJ Jaw - into interest search, most professionals say that TMJ/Jaw alone can cause tinnitus, but not usually pulsatile tinnitus without the cradle interaction of injury/whiplash of neck and jaw. They, including dentists will mention the...
  10. billie48


    That is a good attitude. If your T can be ignored and that you have accepted the new normal, you are on the right path. As far as the reason for the T increase, it can be many things. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to: Drug reaction or...
  11. Greg Sacramento

    Neck Pain and Ringing Related?

    @HollowZer0 To connect your oscillating pulsating tone to your neck tightness pain could be from forward head bending or head down on a pillow. An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) which isn't in the ear, but could be in the neck would be perceived as an oscillating whooshing sound in the ear...
  12. Mila9828

    Could Ear Cleaning Cause Meniere's Disease?

    I’m super worried... they said it might be labrynthitis since I had a cold when the symptoms first began. I just want it to go away...
  13. dan

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    J Neurosurg. 2013 Jan;118(1):192-4. doi: 10.3171/2012.9.JNS12594. Epub 2012 Oct 19. A stroke of silence: tinnitus suppression following placement of a deep brain stimulation electrode with infarction in area LC. Abstract The authors report on a case of tinnitus suppression following deep brain...
  14. Rojo

    Please, I Need Help and Encouragement. Can't See Any Hope and Don't Know What to Do.

    If I tap the back of my neck at the top of my spine, I get the same sensation down my back/up my neck as when I tap my upper jaw. Is it possible the problem isn't even in my ear, but in my neck?? Or is this normal for H. I also did gymnastics in college and fell on my head/neck a couple times...
  15. Mike Lee

    Head Injury Induced Tinnitus

    Mine started several months after falling on my head down stairs. Objective Pulsitile - MRI and CT fine muscles in neck cramp, vision blurs, headache, intermittent, various intensity, duration, psychological and physical triggers. Control with ice packs, massage neck muscles, relaxation ...
  16. gameover

    Evidence of Cochlear Neural Degeneration in Normal-Hearing Subjects with Tinnitus

    I met the researcher (Dr. Maison) earlier this year, a few months after my acoustic trauma. Based on what I understood, he was saying that the nerve damage can happen alone in response to loud sound, as if the nerve connections themselves cannot withstand the force of high sounds levels. That's...
  17. Greg Sacramento

    Can Anyone Turn Their Neck Left/Right 45 Degrees and Tinnitus Stops Ringing?

    @Mathew Gould @threefirefour Since ringing is less from turning neck either to left or right, means the upper superascapular region (muscles and nerves attached to the shoulders) are involved with ringing when not turning neck or head. Often the C1 C2 is also misaligned causing jaw...
  18. NiNyu

    Causes and Prognosis? a cause of SSHL. As soon as there is damage or irritation you have a hearing loss. For instance, malformation of the inner ear head injury or trauma loud-noise exposure neurologic conditions immune system diseases Ménière’s disease Lyme disease infectious diseases medications that can...
  19. R

    I Can't Understand What Caused My Tinnitus

    There's lots of us who don't know how we got our tinnitus. One theory is that it has to do with oxidative stress, which can cause chronic hyperactivity of the neurons. So if you've been stressed out lately, that could be a cause. Also ototoxic meds (which is most meds), recreational drugs...
  20. R

    Poll: Do You Have Tinnitus in One or Both Ears?

    I have right-ear pure tones and static. Pretty sure it was a result of a blow to the back of my head on the right side. I'm currently resting after having my C1 vertebrae adjusted by an Atlas Orthogonal specialist. Tinnitus is not gone after 12 days, but my energy improved. Plus the doctor...
  21. billie48

    Newbie to the Tinnitus World

    ...high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, acoustic neuroma tumor, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or...
  22. Greg Sacramento

    Pulsatile Tinnitus/Hyperacusis/Autophony "Attacks"

    ...of the three types of diplacusis you can experience what you describe. Most likely no vascular association or as cause unless one had a head injury, which is a very low probability. With moving around cochlear fluid acts as a on switch and nerve impulses time with blood pressure as to hearing...
  23. GregCA

    Good Afternoon! I'm New to Tinnitus, from Head Injury.

    Wow what a story! Thank you for trying to help. Sorry about the outcome. Are you able to manage your T?
  24. Shera

    Anyone Out There with Tinnitus from Neck/Jaw Where Tinnitus Went Away? 2nd Opinion

    ...or miss in cases. Just luck sometimes. Though when I asked the physical therapist he said it seems more hit if the TMJ is related to a head injury or neck. I do believe a lot of it is muscles. That either press on a nerve or the Eustachian tubes. I know my TMJ has given me severe ETD with...
  25. Deathtotinni

    Problems Going to Certain Places

    ...sounds but not a bar. My hyperacusis has all but gone away but sometimes I feel drained going somewhere loud. I did suffer a head injury a year ago but I’m starting think it’s my hearing that is causing me to feel this way because I don’t have any measurable defects. Just anxiety in...
  26. H

    Bilateral High Pitched Pulsatile Tinnitus

    I started having Bilateral High Pitched Pulsatile Tinnitus 1/2019 Did endure a head injury weeks before. Nothing ridiculous that required going to a hospital. But just noting the timing. Hit in the forehead and nose, felt like my nose was hit pretty hard. Since then I have also had Post Nasal...
  27. billie48

    Tinnitus — Approx 10 Months Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  28. Mark McDill

    Manually Changing Tinnitus By Tapping Ear

    Revolrex33 Most T sufferers can do similar things; it is very common. For instance, I can press on my right jaw bone or turn my head to the left and effect a very strong ringing sound. I believe it has to do with eustachian tube manipulation wherein a stressing or staining of the eustachian...
  29. Shera

    Chit Chat and All That...

    I'm glad your hyperacusis has eased up.:huganimation: I feel you one those ear muffs. I like them more than plugs, except for the severe neck aches!! :confused::confused: I feel you. I just hoed the garden a bit and my neck got so ticked off! :meh:
  30. Kriszti

    Chit Chat and All That...

    Wow, thank you for answering. I never would have suspected that earmuffs can cause this much trouble. Hope you will be better soon. But I'm so glad that your hyperacusis improved that much. It's awesome news!
  31. Greg Sacramento

    Vibration Sensations in Head — Anyone Else?

    Many possibilities - Possible nerve roots or peripheral nerve pressuring the neuromuscular junction. This can associate to changes in blood pressure from anxiety or from bad neck posture/forward head bending that may include the sternocleidomastoids. Nerve roots could be occipital nerves trauma...
  32. Tinniger

    Would It Make Sense to Distinguish Between Tinnitus Caused by Noise and Other Forms of Tinnitus?

    @Tinker Bell Thank you very much for your kind answers. I did a survey here. About one third of all participants were sure that their tinnitus was caused by noise. Another third were certain that noise had no influence. But at least a third were unsure. Typical case: a young man who also shook...
  33. billie48

    Hello, Recently Got Tinnitus from SSRI

    Welcome to the forum. Drug interaction or withdrawal symptoms are only one possible reason for T. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear-wax removal suction, ear or...
  34. Dogwhistlehead

    What's the Max Decibel Level of Sound Oasis Pillow Speakers?

    Thank you for your response @ajc. I already did, but having experience with different inquiries to companies, I don't expect to get a response for a while, if at all. But we will see, and I will keep you updated if I get a response. I have borrowed an Apple Watch and will try to see if I can...
  35. M

    Physical Therapy for Tinnitus Due to Injury

    For me, the T started right after impact -- at the scene of the accident. My head was rattled, and I heard this persistent "shhhhhhhh" sound. I also had a headache right away, so I thought my bell had been rung from being whipped. I was hoping that it would go away with a few days sleep, but...
  36. Apolonia

    Coping with Mild Hearing Loss?

    I also don't care about tinnitus.. be IT cause by TMJD or neck injury or head injury, really don't care, but hearing loss is the worst... And I have that one so... My biggest problem is hearing damage and tinnitus only bothers me bc IT reminds me of hearing damage... I also have ear fullness and...
  37. billie48

    My Tinnitus Just Started Over a Week Ago, Is It Permanent?

    Welcome to the forum. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up in ears feeling pressured or fullness...
  38. billie48

    Trying to Be Positive

    Welcome to the forum. Since I am not a doctor, I can't give medical opinion on your specific case. Perhaps you contact the doctors at the Doctor's Corner on TT to see if they have any opinion. If not, since two of your doctors said it was related to ETD, then perhaps they know something and if...
  39. G

    Is There Research Showing a Link Between Tinnitus and Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    Firstly, thanks for chiming in Greg. You have so much to deal with yourself, but you always offer so much help to others. You are greatly appreciated. I’d say it’s been about 6 months at least, but definitely after developing tinnitus, that I’ve noticed pulsatile tinnitus when laying down at...
  40. billie48

    Woke Up with Ringing Tinnitus — Later on in the Day Felt Fullness in Ears

    ...high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, acoustic neuroma tumor, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or...
  41. Greg Sacramento

    I Did Serious Stretching and My Tinnitus Increased

    It may be that your tinnitus developed by injury to your C spine causing unbalance such as from hitting your head. So with that and any bad posture, stretching affected your C spine more, which may have also stressed something else. Most likely with influence to nerves. Stand straight in front...
  42. Tinker Bell

    Tinnitus Classification for the General Public

    To clarify Greg, is this a list of possible physical causes beyond hearing loss?
  43. V

    Punched in Ear. Will My Tinnitus Go Away?

    I am going through a similar situation. I was physically assaulted, punched in the side of the face, jaw, head etc. I think the best thing to do is focus on concussion recovery as recommended by some to me. - No ear buds - No loud environments (movie theatres, bars, clubs, parties etc.) - No...
  44. billie48

    Hello Everyone, Here Is My Story So Far

    Welcome to the forum. For some people, T can be traced to a cause. But for many, it just seems to come from no where, or from a combination of causes. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs...
  45. Wrfortiscue

    Tinnitus Worse After 20 Years — Doesn't Let Me Sleep and Causes Anxiety

    Thanks Greg, you know your stuff lol. There were a ton more images but I dropped it off at the ENT. He mentioned if the MRI cleared, I would be a good candidate for hearing aids based on my hearing loss. So I’ve been having back of neck/head left side headaches for almost two years now. That’s...
  46. ChiGuy

    Care to Interpret My Case?

    @Greg Sacramento Thanks for the reply. I injured my rib attempting to break some wood. I stepped on a piece with one foot, bent over, and pulled up on the other end of the piece. I felt a popping in my ribs. Hurt like hell but I recovered in a couple of weeks. I had no injury to my spine, neck...
  47. sssing

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration the absence of hair cell damage. "Following this experiment, Schuknecht proposed that the mechanism of inner ear damage following head injury was very similar to intense noise and/or blast impulse trauma, in which a pressure wave or sound is transmitted through bone to the cochlea...
  48. billie48

    Tinnitus from China Hangzhou, 10+ Years, Seeking for Doctor

    Welcome to the forum. I recall a success story by a member from Beijing who seems to have his T caused by a head injury. I don't know if he is active anymore, but you can message him via conversation so see if he is willing to help answer some of your question. You can read his following success...
  49. Sam Bridge

    To MRI or Not to MRI

    Yeah but what I am saying is the noise from the MRI wasn't an issue for me. With ear plugs in it wasn't uncomfortably loud.
  50. coldroses

    To MRI or Not to MRI

    When tinnitus is unilateral it could be indicative of a more serious condition so the MRI has to be done to rule out underlying causes like acoustic neuroma. It's the first thing an ENT will do if you present with unilateral tinnitus - @maltese might have bilateral tinnitus though, in which case...
  51. Greg Sacramento

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    @Fally Hit on my link above your post and continue to 'Dear Mark'. Read all 4 blogs. You may be doing more than just clenching. You may be twisting your jaw to one side to get it locked. There are several conditions (I have articles) that can be involved and most relate to dental - dental...
  52. Bill Bauer

    When to Run for the Hills in Noisy Environments?

    How about the sound of someone using a chainsaw down the street?
  53. Greg Sacramento


    @MRItechssuck Many of my conditions have been influenced by age and life style. Tinnitus ( many types) can associate to many body functions. One problem can lead to another that can cause or influence tinnitus. It's impossible for each one to examine all the possibilities within their bio...
  54. maltese

    Depression and Aches/Pains I had a concussion around that time (sensations appeared before the concussion) and I was afraid of some lasting consequences of said head injury. The feeling never came back to my fingers, my chest has this "electric current burning/tickling" sensation from time to time. I hope it's...
  55. billie48

    Tinnitus After Head Trauma

    Welcome to the forum. It seems that head trauma or head injury has been cited as a cause for tinnitus. If there is not enough response here in the Introduction area, you can try to post about it on the main support forum. You can also try to do a search on 'head trauma' on all prior discussions...
  56. B

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Have you actually had any T improvement with LED therapy only?
  57. Greg Sacramento


    Hi again @AliasM - Thanks for your hugs. I'll tag @FGG as she's been a hugger too. If your tinnitus started after exercises, then cause is most likely from physical anatomy. Hypertension - raising blood pressure is also possible. Not from this - a force movement as you have range of motion -...