Search results for query: head injury

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  1. Karen

    My Onset of Tinnitus

    ...difficulties right now, but as you said, you are perhaps fortunate that it took over two years for your tinnitus to develop after the head injury. I don't know much about tinnitus and head injury, but I did read up on it a little bit before responding to you. Here is an article on tinnitus...
  2. JOB66

    Has Anyone Come Off Sertraline (Zoloft), Got Tinnitus, Went Back on It With Tinnitus Going Away?

    ...but this didn't have any change to T so he has tapered off again. Coming off Sertraline is the only thing that has happened to him to cause this T (He has 2 other long standing T noises that he has controlled from a head injury). He is desperate to reverse the T and damage Sertraline has done.
  3. John G

    Is There a Correlation Between Tinnitus Cause and Type of Sound/Pitch?

    1) Sorry, I can't really pinpoint how I got T. Could of been a head/neck injury. 2) The noise I hear is like an "eeeeee" sound. 3) I have no frequency sound level but it's a high pitch sound. Also , the sound level does not change when I turn my head / open jaw or other experimental positions...
  4. Brian Newman

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    Yeah true. It's just weird because I worked out for literally four years and my tinnitus never changed. It started getting worse when I started lifting over 450 pounds. I hope I didn't damage anything.
  5. martin12

    Tinnitus Will Gradually Improve

    Hi Shane! sorry to hear about your skull fracture. any other post head injury symptoms? did your T come on immediately after the incident? T with head injuries is difficult to call. And it's too hard to predict until the 1 maybe 2 year mark. I would recommend lots of omega 3 fish oil for a...
  6. Greg Sacramento

    TMJ Tinnitus — New Sound

    @Mathew Gould - Your inflammation without fracture, but with a tower of pica is probably from: Former neck injury At some point after injury - days, months or years, hyperextension with rotation movement to the altanto axial joint, altanto occipital joint and foramen magnum probably happened...
  7. Jay M

    Interesting story of bilateral tinnitus development

    My theory is that when there is anything going on in the head or neck area such as injury, recovery from some types of surgery and inflammation close to the auditory nerves from the ears to the brain we hear a form of T. Imo ot explains different T sounds and spikes. Its our bodies own built in...
  8. Greg Sacramento

    Bad Tinnitus with No Known Cause for 8 Months

    @Forever_free Yes. Tinnitus can be caused by neck injury which often leads to the jaw or they both happen at the same time, although there are times when TMJ can cause a sore neck. TTTS - Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome or hearing functions can be the result of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)...
  9. Greg Sacramento

    Somatic Tinnitus Causes (TMJ, Neck, etc.): Is There a Way to Tell?

    @KWC TMJ disorders typically start with some type of trauma, such as head and neck whiplash, overstretching of the lower jaw, or trauma around the lower jaw or chin. The resulting injury to the ligaments within the TMJ results in slippage of the disk. Any of this can cause somatic tinnitus...
  10. R

    Recently Got Tinnitus at 17

    I truly hope you are right and it will resolve
  11. Greg Sacramento

    Is There Research Showing a Link Between Tinnitus and Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    ...tinnitus easier. Then hypertension can cause pulsatile tinnitus as in ways mentioned in first paragraph. Another way - whiplash or a head injury causing tinnitus as well as vein and artery problems of neck causing pulsatile tinnitus. Whiplash or a head injury can also cause problems within...
  12. Nanny chocolate

    Olympic Tears...

    I know, lucky you. I’m seeing a Clinical Hypnotherapist, she has T herself from a head injury. I play her CD each night at bedtime. I’m lucky to have 3 little grandsons hence the Nanny Chocolate logo. The hypnosis is beneficial definitely. Night Dave x @Jazzer
  13. billie48

    Hey, My Tinnitus Started Around the Time I Bought a 2016 Honda CRV

    ...high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, acoustic neuroma tumor, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or...
  14. glynis

    Tinnitus from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Caused by Motorcycle Accident — I Can't Endure This

    @Omid Rahmani, Do you have any hearing loss? It sounds to me your auditory signals are misfiring and head injury adding to it causing your tinnitus. Sometimes tinnitus can settle down over time and medication can help some people. Cinnarizine 15mg can help reduce tinnitus for people with...
  15. billie48

    Having Tinnitus for 4 Years

    There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, TTTS, high blood pressure or blood...
  16. billie48

    I Don't Know What Exactly Caused My Tinnitus

    There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, TTTS, high blood pressure or blood...
  17. Greg Sacramento

    Bent Cochlear Cilia Notice the natural moving of cochlea in the two pictures ( a short ways down in article) when people are bending over or exercising. This is part of the theory why some develop somatic physical tinnitus after muscle spasms or...
  18. erik

    Weird Thing That Happened (Hitting Head)

    I am ok. T is back to low today (until my soccer game tonight LOL) Thanks
  19. T

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Constant Whooshing Sound — Two CT Scans Later Doctors Are Not Any Wiser

    Are you asking me? I'm young and my DAVF occurred after a mild head injury. Eye redness almost never happens unless the fistula occurs behind the eye, which is not a common location. Most commonly it's behind the ear, which is why pulsatile tinnitus is a classic symptom. "Bruit" is the proper...
  20. Ricky81

    Head/Neck Injury Related Tinnitus

    You might have high intracranial pressure since your story is similar to mine. My T started 50 days after head injury. I too had vision spots due to high intracranial pressure. I got a brain and ear mri and then had to get a Lumbar Puncture. Did you get mri done? Demand an mri from...
  21. Ricky81

    Tinnitus Left Ear 3 Weeks Now

    Well did you have some type of head injury or ear infection or exposed to loud sound since your last mri? Mri won't hurt, but not sure if it's necessary if you just got one a year ago and you didn't bang your head on a wall or something. Also did you get an inner ear mri last year? Or brain...
  22. Jcb

    Chit Chat and All That...

    That’s not good, is there any free doctor surgery's by you? A head injury can be serious (or knock some sense into you haha) also the lump on your hip may just be the bruise and swelling from the impact. Man I thought I was accident prone, you have me beaten there Shera haha keep and eye on it...
  23. attheedgeofscience

    Tinnitus Will Gradually Improve

    In as much as two-thirds of cases of people suffering a head injury, there will be discrete, unilaterial, and asymmetrical dips of about 15-20 db on the audiogram at unusual places such as 1 kHz or 1,5 kHz. This can - and will - often be missed by ENTs because they tend to look for: 1) General...
  24. PaulBe

    My Hyperacusis Has Reduced by 80%.

    Suggests a cascading process doesn't it.
  25. Dr. Nagler

    Tinnitus Came Back After a Concussion — Can It Return Back to Baseline Again?

    ...why there’s such a big to-do about head injuries in sports. That said, I am unaware of any data suggesting that tinnitus after a second head injury has any worse prognosis than after the first. So I suspect that in time things will settle back down for you. All the best with it. Stephen M...
  26. M

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    My tinnitus is from head/neck/jaw. Probably started with the neck... I can modulate my tinnitus only a little and only sometimes via my neck... I'm waiting on the Dr. Susan Shore device.
  27. RonnieCarzatto

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    ...louder unmaskable one. Got it in my left but it doesnt bother me at all. On the right It's like an electric tone hiss thing, feels like its coming from my head. Not sure if its from my head injury back in Jan. or something else but I have no hearing loss. Thank you for responding to my...
  28. billie48

    New Here

    I agree with others. You are a T veteran of sort. The positivity is that you are an example of T being livable if irritable at times. Head injury is a known cause for T. But we don't know enough about it as not all people with head injury develop T. Since you have had T for so long, you may want...
  29. A

    Physical Therapy for Tinnitus Due to Injury

    Very very likely its due to your neck.I have read that the upper neck soft tissue injury(C1,C2) js the main culprit in most cases for numerous concussion and whiplash symptoms. Unfortunately our neuros chalk it off as PCS and the neck injury is never ever addressed or given a thought in most...
  30. Rust

    Hit My Head on the Wall (Apartment Under the Roof)

    Hi there, how did it go, did your tinnitus improve? I hit my head in a similar way last night, and it has spiked my tinnitus quite a lot. Thank you.
  31. Hopeful1

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    Thats the big question, does it work for noise induced T? It worked for T caused by head injury. NIT looks to be the hardest to need carefully look into this before you make the call!
  32. billie48

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to the forum. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to: Drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear or Eustachian tube infection, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, TTTS, high blood pressure or blood...
  33. billie48

    Lifelong Tinnitus Now Much Worse

    As far as the reason for the T increase, it can be many things. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to: Drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear or Eustachian tube infection, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ...
  34. J

    Head Injury

    Tinnitus can be caused my neck injury also, the head balances on the c-1 (atlas) in your neck, if your c-1 and head get out of balance it can cause Tinnitus, not sure but maybe the hit you got put your neck/head out of balance, but I am not sure, maybe its worth looking into check these links...
  35. Berik

    Any MMA Fans Here?

    Just noticed this topic. Was cheering for Miocic and still :). Another mma fan here. Competeted 10 times myself, but stopped due to my career. Talking UFC; you know Dana had tinnitus in his 20ies...
  36. Ricky81

    When Is Tinnitus Considered Permanent?

    All the doctors I spoke with say Ciprodex is safe so I'm not sure how I got T. Maybe due to head injury. I've had T for 3 months now. It is 70% better and calmer than the first month. I hope this stupid T goes away in a few months or so. I only hear it when sleeping and when I have head...
  37. billie48

    Need Help in Birmingham

    Welcome to the forum. If you don't get a response, then try to post the same request in the main support forum where a much larger menbership can help answer your question. Are you sure that your hearing aids caused your recent spike? There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate...
  38. Lane


    ...will generally go away, but that has not been the case for me. And it doesn't have anything to do with overprotection. I feel mine started with a head injury, which eventually led to some type of vestibulopathy. In other words, an inner ear injury that stress reduction alone will not cure.
  39. billie48

    New Member — Really Need Some Advice

    Welcome to the forum. It seems you are looking for the cause of your tinnitus. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury...
  40. Johno

    Key to the Cure: Finding out the Actual Mechanism of Tinnitus

    Dont forget, many deaf or bad hearing people dont have tinnitus. In my opinion, most tinnitus suferers has noise, head injury or ototoxic drugs induced tinnitus - something, what happens in short time. Gradually induced hearing loss (by age, or some kind of slow genetic degeneration), may induce...
  41. John G

    Why Does It Take So Long to Find a Cure :)

    Anybody notice when looking at certain illness/disease etc that is listed on the internet, has tinnitus that is listed as a symptom of that injury,illness etc. Such as head/neck injury,atlas bone problems,b12 deficiency,magnesium defeciency and the list goes on and on. Makes me go crazy trying...
  42. V

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    He has 2 T. One was caused by head injury since childhood and this one totally disappeared after treatment. The second one had an unknown cause and was reduced by 50%
  43. Greg Sacramento

    Can Pulsatile Tinnitus Go Away on Its Own?

    @arctic loon I'm I correct in that we can rude out all health problems including headaches and any noticed physical conditions beside a neck injury ? Can you tell me about your neck injury. Any relationship to whiplash or forward head posture? Have someone use a stethoscope over your carotid...
  44. billie48


    ...injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma, head injury, neck injury, neck muscle problems, hearing loss, Meniere's, barotrauma from flight, grief for the loss of love ones, untreated sleep apnea...
  45. A

    Bizarre. Is it Tinnitus?

    ...rushing in my head. Although it only happens at night (when lying down), it is loud enough to prevent me from sleeping. I have had a head injury and also an ear injury at a young age. I have not yet consulted an ENT doctor, but hope to in order to rule out anything serious. In the...
  46. skn

    Newbie to Tinnitus

    Thanks Forever Hopeful. I have good days and bad days, and I'm uncertain what I can contribute it to. My ENT tested my hearing, she said I have minor hearing loss. Although I had a head injury in May which followed with a sinus infection and 24 days of antibiotic.
  47. Jack Straw

    Back to Normal

    Most success stories I read come from TMJ, head injury or medication stories. I feel like its a mixed bag.
  48. D

    Hi I'm New Here and Hoping for Help

    I've had Tinnitus since 2012 after a untreated head injury. It never goes away and is pretty loud. I've been to my doctor and he sent me to a ear specialist. No results or treatment. It effects my hearing and my sleep. There has just got to be something to get rid of it.
  49. billie48

    Tinnitus Sufferer for 7.5 Years — Constantly Worsening

    Welcome to the forum. It is always not easy to pin point the exact cause of spiking tinnitus. I will list below some common causes of tinnitus or spikes of tinnitus. Check if you have any of these recently or during the spikes. There are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or...
  50. Contrast

    My Posting Place

    How much hearing loss do you have? Did you have a head injury, TMD, TMJ? Cervical issues. Anything else you suspect?
  51. RonnieCarzatto

    Tinnitus Since Traumatic Brain Injury

    GB887- I suffered a head injury back in January. The (idiot) doctor didn't bother to check if I had suffered a concussion- nonetheless, 7 days later, I had really weird nausea, then when that passed, my new friend tinnitus entered my life, and has not left since. My head injury was pretty...
  52. Greg Sacramento

    Hi, I’m Samantha! I Developed Tinnitus 2 Months Ago and I Don’t Know Why

    @SamRosemary, single issues that comprise combined issues that you list under Medical relates to a posture injury. Most likely from repetitive forward head motion and maybe with also twisting back and neck, Lumbar and C spine X-rays first, to examine straightness and all disk. Then examination...
  53. Yuri_ol

    Tinnitus and ETD After Being Exposed to the Noise of a Drill

    I had a tympanometry test, all was ok (twice!). But I feel fullness (in one ear) and cracking in head when I swallow (on both sides). Do you know what might help?
  54. Robert44

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    from Rick Simpson's Facebook page today. Rick "controls" his tinnitus, it is not "cured" as such, he takes his oil to keep the symptoms at bay, his tinnitus was caused from the head injury he received in 1997. Rick cured his "cancer", the oil is usually a "cure" or "control" for most things.
  55. Jrblovsky

    Tinnitus After Concussion and Severe Depression — Is It Temporary?

    I'm sorry to hear this. Many things can cause tinnitus. A brain injury is one of them. I would imagine you have seen a neurologist. Have they provided any information? The issues with sleep suck bad. I suffer badly like you and that's why I'm still up @ 5:00 am. I hope you find answers.
  56. Jane42

    Tinnitus Started 4 Hours After 1st Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Shot

    My 2nd dose is scheduled for this week. I am going to delay another two weeks. I talked to someone who said that they may make the 2nd dose vaccine window even longer in the near future. I can't see getting another shot when I still have tinnitus. It's like adding insult to injury. Right now...
  57. object16

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Here is the revised version without hyphens: @Nick47 and anyone else reading, I take all my meds around 7:30 PM. The purpose is mainly to suppress my symptoms and help initiate sleep. I wasn't aware that Carbamazepine induces liver enzymes that metabolize Mirtazapine. This might explain why...
  58. Paul Hrvat

    Just read some of your posts. I also am having this strange pressure in my head which I never...

    Just read some of your posts. I also am having this strange pressure in my head which I never mentioned to my audiologist, so thanks. I tried the Oasis device but it was taken away. See my post about on-the-job injury problems. I try to hold it together but I really feel that I can't handle my...
  59. V

    Anxiety Influencing Tinnitus Spikes

    ...T and H a lot worse. I would also say that at this point, anything that really gets my adrenaline going in general (being angry, upset, overly excited etc). I have cut out all caffeine, chocolate. and alcohol as these are also triggers. My T and H are due to a head injury/concussion in...
  60. E

    I Think I Have Tinnitus

    Wanted to add, tinnitus has so many causes. What do you think caused the beep? Were there any factors like a head injury or exposure to loud sounds? Also the cause might be something simple like a Vitamin B12 defiency. Talk to a doctor and ask about getting Vitamin B12 shots/injections.