Search results for query: head injury

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  1. Davey

    Exposed Myself to Freezing Cold — Tinnitus Now Spiking

    It will go back to a normal level, yours is from a concussion, how did this happen?
  2. B

    How to Get the Quietest MRI Experience?

    Well, I found a place an hour away that has a Toshiba/Canon Advantage Orion MRI machine. It's 71cm wide, which I believe is considered to be a wide MRI machine. Which is nice compared to the more narrow MRI machines. They said they got it a few months ago. I don't know if this is a brand new...
  3. billie48

    Searching for the Cause

    Welcome to the forum. It is not often easy to pin point to an exact cause of T. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including drug reaction or side-effects, ear or Eustachian tube infection, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, high blood pressure or...
  4. Jim Vasilakis

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Does that mean that loudness hyperacusis happens exclusively at the cochlea? Because if that's the case, the device will almost certainly help.
  5. jmasterj

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Donny this is simply not true. Their trial criteria states "Diagnosed with somatic tinnitus resulting from head or neck injury." If they excluded people with somatic they would be excluding 70% percent or more of all tinnitus sufferers. Trial Info
  6. Greg Sacramento

    Hello, I‘m Jiri and This Is My Story (Bad Tinnitus 5 Weeks In) Help, Please.

    @Jiri You appear to be young under 40, so you probably don't have any progressive degenerative diseases or conditions in your your spine from waist to the stem cell of your head. That's a plus. Not sure it you were somewhat inactive before you decided to do judo on that day. Either you had...
  7. starrynights

    Is Skateboarding a Safe Sport to Pursue for Someone with Tinnitus?

    Yeah, that is a major concern for me as well. Thankfully, I am at the very beginner stages so I am learning how to cruise and not landing any tricks yet or doing ramps anytime soon. Once I start to learn tricks I will definitely invest in a helmet and other equipment. Thank you for you response!
  8. Ricky81


    If your T is from a cold, then don't worry. The chances of it going away are higher. As long as your inner ear hair cells are good and you don't have any type of head injury, or noise induced Tinnitus, you are in a better position than most of us on this forum.
  9. K

    Tinnitus After Brain Surgery (Craniotomy to Clip a Ruptured Aneurysm)

    Hi @capecrusader , I had a non-aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage in June and have had multiple crazy tones in my head ever since. It’s very challenging, and also not that uncommon for those who experience a brain injury. If you haven’t already, I suggest you check out - it’s a...
  10. V

    Progressive Tinnitus Since 1990's

    My ringing began in the 1990's following a head and back injury. I was diagnosed with bilateral vestibular hypo-function (BVH) IN 2006. Symptoms are dizziness, nausea, disequilibrium. Migraines ringing in ears and uneven hearing loss. The ringing does not stop ever. Any hope for me...
  11. Greg Sacramento

    Neck and Jaw Issues — Would Heat and Muscle Relaxers Be Helpful?

    ...seem like all problems, everything word that you mention, including that of the hearing complex stems from an existing spinal injury or head injury that happened in childhood. This would most likely be level 1 - not a major issue as you don't have vertigo. I would stop exercises. A...
  12. Firefly

    First Time Here

    I went to a Chiropractor and discovered my childhood injury to my neck through X rays is the probable cause of my deafness which led to tinnitus. I can't be fixed. Why? The injury is from my childhood. I fell from 5 feet head first, nearly broke my neck and was sewn back up to keep from...
  13. Contrast

    Hi and Next Steps :)

    Any medications you think might have caused it? Do you have any head injury, cervical issues or TMD/TMJ?
  14. Pitseleh


    I thought that too, yet it started after a head MRI and has been growing louder since then. I suspect noise trauma. That 250 Hz is the worst. Even benzos barely allow me to function.
  15. H

    On the Road to Recovery

    If you are still experiencing your symptoms, I would suggest that you see a specialist! After incurring a head injury, and waiting many months for the symptoms to go away, I saw an ENT doctor. This made a world of difference! It is important to have faith, but it is also important to take...
  16. H

    Neck and Jaw Issues — Would Heat and Muscle Relaxers Be Helpful?

    Well that sounds scary. I didn't have any neck or head injury as a child as far as I remember? I have a small spiral injury from weightlifting 5 years ago, all good now pain-wise. The humming sound started at a 10/10 two months ago, and slowly faded over 4 hours. It did not return until 1 week...
  17. Samir

    Dublin Tinnitus Trial

    ...injury for example, but the noise is generated and sustained by the brain. I see that you have indicated that your tinnitus was caused by head injury and acoustic trauma. Mine was caused by acoustic trauma, by a very loud noise that was suddenly emitted through my headphones because of a...
  18. Greg Sacramento

    Update After Hospital ENT Appointment (My Hearing Reacts to Certain Sounds)

    Yes. It could be a neck injury with nerve or artery compression or a c spine issue. MRI of head and neck would help verify as there could be any of many factors with involvement. With this hopefully an easy treatment plan can be established. MEM and sounds distortions can certainly be involved.
  19. Lane

    How About Help?! Terrible Time Dealing with Tinnitus

    Hi Michael alm -- Sorry to hear how difficult your recent spike has been after so many years. Just for clarification, you're saying the distant chainsaw noise had nothing to do with your recent spike? If not, do you know what did cause the spike? -- Thanks.
  20. Shera

    Chit Chat and All That...

    Thanks. This one is nothing to the first one that brought on my T, so I don't feel too worried about it. Didn't/couldn't go to the doctor than and still can't.
  21. martin12

    What if Tinnitus Is Just a Pain Signal?

    ...I too believe T is a signal that something is not right. My T came after a badly contused lower back, broken thumb, slammed jaw and head injury. My ear started ringing 2 days later and has not stopped. Prior to accident i was very stressed/sleep deprived. All hearing tests/audiograms are...
  22. martin12

    Going to Concerts with Tinnitus?

    Absolutely ZERO influence to my tinnitus. I have tinnitus in my right ear only from head injury. Was at a concert the other night for The Killers with dedibels easily reaching 120-130. 2 hour set. My tinnitus has actually improved or even become milder than before. Perhaps the loud noise...
  23. Lane

    Tinnitus from Neck Injury — New to This Group

    Hi @nurserae -- Yes, chronic neck issues have been a staple in my life since a serious head injury/whiplash at age 15. I just wrote a post on some of the things that have helped me at THIS LINK. -- Let me know if you have any questions. -- All the Best...
  24. Joshthebear!

    So Musicians... How Do You Keep Your Career Going, Continue Performing and Listening to Music?

    Hi derpytia I got my tinnitus from a head injury,I play guitar and love it I either play quietly or pop some moldex ear plugs in and crank it up and feel the noise! But never give up on music because one day you may find its your only escape! If you need to talk am here !
  25. Christiaan

    Prof. Thanos Tzounopoulos Receives $2 Million Grant

    ...also help those who do have another cause than NIHL, such as ototoxic medicine or infections. Danny Boy (infection) & ATEOS (ototoxic/head injury/infection) were one of those who reported benefit from Trobalt, a drug that is a precursor to Dr. Tzounopoulos' RL-81. I hope that it also works...
  26. Ankie

    So... Hearing Distortion... Anyone Else Have This?

    I had an EEG, a brain MRI, and a hearing test where they also tested my inner ear function, not sure what that test was called. Kaiser will not order any more testing. I was told to live with it. I lost my hearing in my left ear as a child due to a head injury.
  27. Greg Sacramento

    Poll: Can You Make Your Tinnitus Louder by Shaking Your Head?

    Seventy percent of those receiving tinnitus get it from noise. In an emergency room setting seventy percent did not get tinnitus from noise. For these individuals, some had earwax or used medications, but most had a physical condition. When a physical condition or injury is cause, tinnitus more...
  28. MichaelSF

    How Many UFC and Boxing Fighters Have Tinnitus?

    As avid UFC and boxing fan I thought about that too. How about NFL players, the constant head banging. But I would imagine saying on the injury report "ears ringing" would not be seen as manly.
  29. Jcb

    Does Anybody’s Tinnitus Spike If They Sit in a Particular Position?

    Sorry to hear about the neck injury, hope it’s not too serious? Does the chiropractor sessions reduce the T?
  30. Jenlo37

    Tinnitus After Concussion

    ...Do you have a regular GP you could talk to? I had a pre existing hearing loss which my audiologist says my brain has latched onto when I had my head injury which is causing the tinnitus. How was your hearing before you were hit on the head? Hopefully you won't be in my shoes in 8 months time.
  31. Sugarpuddle

    My Electrical Tinnitus Gave Me an Electric Shock All Down My Head and Neck

    Sounds like it's TMJ or connected to a neck or jaw injury. Electric shocks are damaged nerves. Where are you getting the painful shocking feeling? Because that's where your nerves are damaged. It might be worth seeing a doctor about this. Have you tried massaging your jaw joints and the back...
  32. dan

    Hello, My Name Is Amanda and I Need Help. I'm Becoming Suicidal.

    Ok huge RED FLAG right there. You need to leave your "partner" ASAP or better report him to local police authorities (Gendarmerie), and yes tinnitus can be STRESS induced, which is exactly what seems to be happening to you.
  33. Greg Sacramento

    Loss of Feeling in the Inner Ear, Side of Head or Face Along with My Tinnitus

    ...had surfaced by now. From two mentions (years apart) from you bending forward bringing on tinnitus seems to me to be key. A previous head injury that's affecting peripheral nerves or the facial nerve when bending forward. Eustachian tube is probably not cause as with Meniere's or MS. TMJ...
  34. billie48

    Ruling Out Other Causes: I Suspect My Tinnitus Is SNHL Related — It's Getting Worse Every Month

    Welcome to the forum. It is not always easy to pin down to the exact cause of tinnitus. Yours may have started by acoustic trauma but there are many other possible causes. I list some below and see if you have any of that recently. As far as the reason for the tinnitus increase, there are many...
  35. Backpacker

    Tinnitus After a Smack in the Ear, Perilymphatic Fistula, Blood Patch Treatment, Advice?

    How old is your injury? I have not heard about anyone doing intratympanic blood patch in Europe yet. Did you try the "six weeks of bed rest" protocol for PLF (keep your head elevated at all times, no bending over, no straining, etc)?
  36. Greg Sacramento

    Please, I Need Help and Encouragement. Can't See Any Hope and Don't Know What to Do.

    It's appears that months or years ago you had an injury to lower spine, head and neck from the gym. Since then, if you ever had back muscle spasms or back pain then this is the start of things. You may had incorrect side to side and frontal posture before, but an injury to the back can cause...
  37. Shera

    Chit Chat and All That...

    ...front door. And my parents were cozily tucked into the house where they can't hear me. If it stays like this I might have to skip taking the whole trash can down the driveway! Hopefully since I didn't wack my jaw with my head my T will stay "normal". Another stupid head injury to add on top!
  38. DebInAustralia

    Tinnitus with No Hearing Loss/Only Hear It in Dead Silence

    ...evidenced by a conversation i had with a girl who had congenital hearing loss and t to begin with. Later in life she experienced a closed head injury, which caused her to develop profound hearing loss and her t vanished mysteriously. Whilst she cant hear, she can no longer hear her tinnitus...
  39. Sharlene O

    Major Rumbling... Most Invasive... I Need Your Help. head. My head is stuffed. I understand it can be caused as a result of a concussion, but the roaring didn't start until two weeks after the fall. Has anybody with these symptoms had a head injury? I saw a GP and he said nothing to help me. Also when people talk it loudly it hurts my ears.
  40. Simon Czt

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Related to Blocked Ears?

    ...When I said I hit my head, it was when I was a kid, like everyone else hits their head, I never went to the hospital for that or had a head injury (except when i fell when i was 3 and i hit my forehead and my eye). As for the increase in PT when I lower my head, it seems "normal" to me...
  41. Greg Sacramento

    Neck and Jaw Issues — Would Heat and Muscle Relaxers Be Helpful?

    Yes, a reverse curve with added injury - muscle spasms placing pressure to the C spine could lead to somatic tinnitus. Almost always from very intense forward head motion. I would not get surgery - use other methods. Happens easier when one already...
  42. Greg Sacramento

    Tinnitus Newbie Desperate for Answers, Trying to Determine the Cause — From Cervical Injuries?

    Spinal fluid is most likely causing central oscillating along with injuries. Healing of anatomy discussed is of importance. Neck muscles and ligaments need to be loose. There's two ways to accomplish this. Emotional aspects- watch comedy or a happy movie - one for patients was Notting Hill -...
  43. Greg Sacramento

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Caused by Neck Whiplash: Is It Curable?

    @weab00 Vertebral artery from injury such as from whiplash would relate to pulsatile tinnitus, but most likely one needs to have severe headaches. Discussion: It is presently considered a problem when there is mechanical compression during head rotation due to muscular and tendinous...
  44. H

    Perilymph Fistula

    I had a PLF incurred by a head injury. I experienced a slew of symptoms and they were ever-changing. Migraines, pressure in head, moments of "spacing out," deafening tinnitus, all types of vertigo, etc. After speaking with my primary care physician, a neurologist, and my case manager (workers...
  45. aniketpatil

    3 Months In Looking for Cause: Bike Accident, Earphones, Anaesthesia

    I had helmet on, I didn't had any head injury as far as I know. Hearing test is fine upto 8KHz. Only thing I suspect is earphones and anesthesia.
  46. Bertman

    Head Trauma to Existing Tinnitus?

    @Lisa88 any improvement in your T since the head injury? My situation is a little different but I am a goalie in hockey and the season is about to start but I am unsure whether I can play or not due to the fact that at some point I'm likely to get a shot to the mask.
  47. Ricky81

    Physical Therapy for Tinnitus Due to Injury

    Mike.. sorry to hear about your 2nd accident. That's what I'm afraid of.. another head trauma and my T will spike. That's why I stay mostly home on weekends. My T has gone down especially after lumbar puncture. I only hear T at night when trying to sleep and in quite rooms... but that could...
  48. Alue

    If You Don't Know What Caused Your Tinnitus, I Envy You

    There's a lot more to it than just that. It's actually not the person that caused it that I'm most angry with. My injury was swept under the rug and I was even threaded by management to not talk about my injury or symptoms with other coworkers. Which hyperacusis really is a disability, one...

    I've Had Musical Ear Syndrome for Five Years

    ...hear human speech. The hearing loss was probably a consequence of acute viral inflammation. Possibly also as a consequence of a serious head injury. Fall during equestrian jumping training. I learned to lipread words and predict the sequence of questions, words, statements. I can't cope...
  50. AfroSnowman

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I just checked exclusion criteria from tent-2a and i think what you might be referencing is the following exclusion: “Diagnosed with somatic tinnitus resulting from head or neck injury.” I didn’t see any other exclusion of somatic tinnitus. I do believe that shore’s device is being tested...
  51. Lane

    Read This Success Story Carefully — It Could Help You

    Here's just a partial tabulation of things I've heard of tinnitus originates from: -- 1) inner ears; 2) TMJ; 3) neck; 4) upper cervical spine; 5) thyroid gland; 6) heart; 7) liver; 8) kidneys; 9) gut 10) sinuses; 11) Candida; 12) Lyme; 13) stress; 14) anxiety; 15) head injury; 16) brain tumor...
  52. billie48

    Woke Up to Horrible Bilateral Tinnitus 6 Days After a Visual Disturbance

    Welcome to the forum. There are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, inner ear infection, Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up in...
  53. DebInAustralia

    Tinnitus Relapse from Stress / Perimenopause / Root Canal / Quercetin / IV Antibiotics?

    ...relapse now. Possible factors leading up to my current relapse: Aunty died in jan/ stress around sorting out her estate Perimenopause Head injury/post concussion syndrome in July Dental issues - root canal recently Had been taking quercetin long term for histamine issues/head injury but...
  54. Greg Sacramento

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    @Pleasure_Paulie I use it and quite a bit of it. Several years before tinnitus. For my back and legs - serious pain injury. Of all the side effects, with a large dose, I only felt like in a daze, with a light head, sometimes a little faint. With a smaller dose I was fine. I still have some in...
  55. Greg Sacramento

    Sydney, Australia: Tinnitus from Neck Injury — Active Vibration Left Ear: Help Please

    @ShellyW Hi Shelly: Take the palm of your and very gently rub down the muscle in this link. Start from the top side of neck down to front lower side of neck. Do this on left side but slightly tilt your head to the right to see if your tinnitus or ear sounds change. Your tests have rule out...
  56. Greg Sacramento

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    We have agreement with that - Levine and others for a longtime have discuss modulation. I once posted 80%, and someone posted back no way. So I had to provide a source - link. Maybe way back on this thread. What I'm questioning which I didn't word well, by saying "beyond all that" is that...
  57. L

    Seeking Info About Tinnitus

    Thank you for your detailed post. From what we can figure out it appears to have come from a form of head trauma but we are not 100% sure. He is being seen by an ENT but the exact cause is uncertain at the moment. Reading this site to try and fill in some of the gaps. Thanks for your links
  58. M

    TMJ Tinnitus — New Sound

    What type of injections and where?? Yeah I'm looking to get my neck right again so inflammation will go down.
  59. A

    Tinnitus Is Unfair, Period

    No I am away from home in a small place with no actual clinic. Does it make a difference? I heard they dont generally test like all frequencies.
  60. billie48

    Here We Go Again... Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...