Search results for query: head injury

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  1. J

    How Many UFC and Boxing Fighters Have Tinnitus?

    Many NFL players have talked openly about all their health issues after retirement, brain damage, cognitive damage etc etc In general terms, working kills people, but some jobs are harder than others. Just imagine if we could just work at what we like, and our health can take, irrespective of...
  2. Mike34

    My Hyperacusis Has Reduced by 80%.

    Interesting. My T started 6 weeks after the nerve injury in my head and about a week after I had several MRIs in a row. H started several months after my T as well.
  3. billie48

    Tinnitus Driving Me Mad Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  4. Grace

    Weirdest Feeling Ever...

    Its a sign!!!!!! Lol jk but you never know... Well something switched it off atleast.. Which means it can be switched offff!!!! But yeah dont go bumpin your head now for fun hah
  5. martin12

    TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) and Tinnitus — The Connection? Discuss!

    I fell and bruised my right jaw/head badly a few months ago. The jaw more so than the head where i was unable to eat much the next several days. I ended up with tinnitus in my right ear that is constant. Flexeril gave me some minor relief of late. I am not sure if a jaw injury could jumpstart...
  6. C

    Describe the Anxiety and Emotions Tinnitus Causes You

    With me, it’s mostly frustration, and a lot of that frustration comes from dealing with doctors who don’t seem to take it seriously and who tell you the same useless things you could find out on Google. They tell you to run a fan in your room, but my tinnitus is so loud that I would need a fan...
  7. IntotheBlue03

    Poll: Can You Make Your Tinnitus Louder by Shaking Your Head?

    Always ever helpful @Greg Sacramento, I have reactive tinnitus and hyperacusis with my cervical issues. Hope you are having a better week. I just keep coming across your treasure troves of information around the forum. :)
  8. Stina

    Progressive Tinnitus Since 1990's

    Is your hearing loss connected to BVH? Perhaps if you tried to treat that it would help with tinnitus.
  9. U

    I think it's kind of complicated for me. I had a head injury in 2007 that left me with just a...

    I think it's kind of complicated for me. I had a head injury in 2007 that left me with just a slight tinnitus - didn't bother me at all at that time. Then 19 months ago, I was under a lot of stress at work, I mean a lot, took some prescription meds and then the current state of T appeared out...
  10. Greg Sacramento

    Protecting? Overprotecting? Not Protecting?

    @Jiri My judgement with this subject is only in the area of sound-induced ear pain or discomfort (aural fullness) due to temporomandibular and cervical disorders. This includes head, neck or jaw injury. This is medical related and not just limited to the usual discussions of hyperacusis and...
  11. martin12

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Hi Mark- I never had T until my head injury. It came on 2 days after my concussion. It's been changing frequencies. At first it was really loud and fortunately of late it's been getting slightly better. I hope for it to completely fade however I don't know the best treatment if it is fluid...
  12. billie48

    Introduction — Tinnitus Since I Was Young, Don't Remember Not Having It

    ...high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, acoustic neuroma tumor, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or...
  13. billie48

    I've Heard a Ringing in My Ears Most of My Adult Life — Now It's Suddenly Gotten Louder

    Michael has included some of the common causes of tinnitus. Here is a longer list of causes which may include some of the causes mentioned above. These causes, single or combined, can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs...
  14. LilSass

    Tinnitus from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Caused by Motorcycle Accident — I Can't Endure This

    Hi @Omid Rahmani! I am so sorry to hear of your suffering - I've learned like you that life is often not fair. If the tinnitus was caused by a head/neck injury, you might want to try an upper cervical chiropractor. They will take x-rays of your neck and see if the atlas vertebra has shifted...
  15. Greg Sacramento

    Some Advice: Focus on Posture

    @threefirefour So true. Forward head posture for somatic tinnitus is listed in many professional articles. A bend forward neck from improper posture lifting, bending, dental procedure, accident with head trauma, muscle spasms and being under stress are all reasons for getting somatic tinnitus...
  16. 85dB T

    My Posting Place

    It's been a long time since I looked at my chart. I recall 10 and 12k mHz being over 90% loss. Conversation levels something like 35-40% loss. 3k dollars for hearing aids I don't use much anymore. (Recruitment is making up for some missing F's and S's?) I have yet to learn about audiology. I've...
  17. Greg Sacramento

    Somatic Tinnitus Causes (TMJ, Neck, etc.): Is There a Way to Tell?

    ...does not happen immediately after a neck injury. Both neck and jaw trauma can happen at the same time when the head is jolted or from head injury. Muscles spasms of neck often have a place. Clenching can happen from stress and sometimes due to an added injury to neck or head. Severe bone...
  18. slc

    Circulatory Tinnitus Since 2019 with Ups and Downs — Considering Botox

    I'm a modern dancer and have dealt with my own posture after a back injury. Great idea getting the posture work to make sure that the head is not out of alignment due to the shoulders being rounded. Glad to hear things are improving with the Botox. I also have Bruxism and have found that I...
  19. star-affinity

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    I can report that my high pitched, most annoying tinnitus feels a bit lower in volume and more in the background of my consciousness than before since a couple of weeks. Less feeling of "laser in head" too. So not good, but better. I did go ahead and listen to David's Tinnitus Mix using the...
  20. L

    Chit Chat and All That...

    Extreme hyperacusis has forced me to wear muffs for months (day and night). It puts a lot of pressure on the neck and head which led to severe cramps & tension. My head has been locked into one position for a very long time. Apparently, it makes the neck susceptible to injury and even things...
  21. M

    Neck and Jaw Issues — Would Heat and Muscle Relaxers Be Helpful?

    @Greg Sacramento do you believe in these posture devices?
  22. racerfish

    Tinnitus Hub / Talk Survey Results

    ...treatments. Is there a way to break that info down somehow so you could see, for example, most of the people who responded well to steroids got tinnitus from noise but not from some other cause. Or most people who didn't respond to Ginkgo, for example, got tinnitus as a result of a head injury.
  23. Greg Sacramento

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Constant Whooshing Sound — Two CT Scans Later Doctors Are Not Any Wiser

    ...True. Dural arteriovenous fistula usually develops later in life - at 60 years of age, and one's eyes are usually red. Cause can be - head injury, heart, infection, vein or artery blockage and intracranial hypertension. Feeling the location of BRUT - blood flow can be difficult. Some get an...
  24. ChrisM

    Looking for Doctor in Massachusetts Experienced in Pulsatile Tinnitus

    ...over 2.5 times, landed up side down, and then the woman's car landed on top of our car and then our roof caved in. Ouch! I had a TBI head injury, certainly neck stress/strain, but no specific neck injury. Lucky to be alive actually. About 37 years ago, when I was 16 growing up in the...
  25. bill 112

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    Wasnt Wasn't ATEOS's T noise induced,or was his onset random?I remember him talking about waking up with a fullness in his ears and then T and that's exactly how mine started only to be worsened by noise.
  26. M

    Head Injury

    Yeah, I think people suspect noise when it is not the cause, because they hear a sound. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) alone can cause tinnitus. Your auditory system includes nerves that extend into your brain. You may have suffered a concussion and not even know it. Tinnitus is just one symptom...
  27. GBB

    Extreme Hyperacusis and Tinnitus Have Improved Over the Past 2.5 Years

    May I ask whether you had reactive tinnitus e.g. tinnitus which spikes easily from noise, and whether this reactivity e.g. the ease of spiking has faded in line with your hyperacusis?
  28. S

    My Life Is Never Going to Be the Same Again!

    But I didn't take any meds :( *sigh*
  29. billie48

    Hi All

    ...high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, acoustic neuroma tumor, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or...
  30. M

    Why Does Tinnitus Take Up to 2 Years to Go Away?

    Funny that you say that because when I swallow I can feel that my ears are semi-filled. They were never like that before, it's like everything shifted in my head/face a few millimeters... I never hurt my ears though, but maybe something to do with the nerves??
  31. skate_and_die

    New Sound, What Should I Do?

    ...I've had tinnitus since I was a kid, but just over the past few years has it begun to really interfere with my life. I had a serious head injury in 8th grade, (roughly 5 years ago), which may be to blame. Immediately after the injury, I began having difficulties with my speech (stammering and...
  32. Greg Sacramento

    Ringing Never Stops may have. Any discomfort anyplace from shoulders up - eyes, jaw, nose, neck, muscles, face, mouth, ears. Have you ever had a neck or head injury. Do you have good posture. Do you clench your teeth. How is your dental. Are you young, middle age or older. For coping there's many here that...
  33. D

    My Story of Waking Up with Tinnitus One Morning, Questions and Probable Suicide

    The only thing I recall, is the two or three days were extremely stressful for me and my family. I'll not go into details, but needless to say, probably the most stress I've experienced in my life. Although the headaches began after the tinnitus. Really interesting stuff about the vagus nerve...
  34. Greg Sacramento

    Hyperacusis and Panic Causing Insomnia

    I had mentioned several times over the last year or so within ear protection threads that heavy noise blocking headphones are not advised for those with certain physical conditions. This would be for those with a problem within the neck, face or jaw. Included would be a straight neck - loss of...
  35. Forever hopeful


    Whether intentional or not, your post sounds like you are scolding @AliasM. I am not sure that is helpful.
  36. O

    What Are the Chances of a Cure/Treatment for Hyperacusis in 10-20 Years?

    ...type problem (amplification due to loss in specific areas). Even with noise induced hyperacusis and not something like whiplash or a head injury, there could be other things driving it such as an overactive Tensor Tympani muscle. Treatment for cochlear/sound induced hyperacusis: 2030. The...
  37. undecided

    Tinnitus Volume Fluctuation & Healing...

    In the original message, the OP mentions a head wound and a concussion as the cause for his/her t. I quote: If the original wound is getting better maybe the tinnitus will too. I am obviously not 100% sure it's all going to be peachy soon but that's my reasoning. She doesn't mention any hair...
  38. billie48

    3 Years with Constant High Pitch

    Welcome to the forum. As far as the reason for the T or its spike, there are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, inner ear infection, Eustachian tube infection...
  39. billie48

    New Tinnitus Sound, Driving Me Insane Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  40. A

    Tinnitus Induced by Shock and Stress

    I was stuck with a new bad employer and a stressful job for weeks before my head injury. Not sure if I have a physical cause or stress induced T. Though my GP told me that my concussion could have been a trigger for T after years of severe depression and anxiety. My guess would be that it's...
  41. L

    Head Related Trauma Delayed Onset Tinnitus from Automobile Accident

    Yes i had t from a concussion. Delayed onset is very typical in those cases. Head traumas are very complex injuries. There is a lot going on when you hit your head. With mild head traumas (no visible brain injury) it goes away in most cases. But if not it is worth getting a full checkup...
  42. billie48

    Tinnitus and My Possible Causes Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  43. Greg Sacramento

    Tinnitus/Scalp Pain/Daily Headaches? Anyone?

    A virus can contribute, but no doctor can diagnose without complete medical history including injuries, dental, white blood cell count - CBC with differential, MRIs or CT. Other tests may include immunoglobulins, serum, electrophoresis, tumor neurosis factor, monocytes, mast cell, eosinophils...
  44. billie48

    New to the Site

    Welcome to the forum. Not just caffeine, there are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear-wax removal suction, inner ear infection, Eustachian tube infection or...
  45. martin12

    4 Months of Tinnitus and Changing Tones — Any Others Seen Changes in Their Tinnitus from Onset? night when i lay down to rest i hear fizzing/hissing with occasional squeals. Still amplifies with sound yet not as much. My Tinnitus started after a head injury. Normal hearing yet struggled through 4 difficult months. Wondering if any others have seen changes in there Tinnitus from onset?
  46. billie48


    Welcome to the forum Laurie. Tinnitus can be caused by many things. MS is not a common cause but it has been known on rare occasion to trigger tinnitus. Here is a link that talk about MS and tinnitus. Since MS rarely...
  47. just1morething

    I Think I Have Tinnitus

    Hi Emma, What do you think caused your tinnitus ? I am looking into upper cervical problems for mine ,although not sure because of noise exposure too.
  48. Brian P


    Have you taken the COVID-19 vaccine?
  49. DebInAustralia


    ...intrusive, but I am also a lot more anxious (perimenopause). This year has been stressful. Loss of my aunty, handling her affairs, a head injury, root canal, loss of my job due to mandates here, a septic knee bursa - required treatment with a dose of IV Cefazolin and a weeks worth of...
  50. attheedgeofscience

    Another Newbie Freaking Out — I Don't Even Know If I Have It

    ...of "head noise" in a silent setting. It may also be that you really do have tinnitus (since childhood) due to e.g. ear infections, head injury, or a childhood disease. But since then, you have become perfectly habituated (due to onset very early on). Either way, you should forget about what...
  51. jmasterj

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    They haven't said otherwise. They did have an exclusion criteria in their trials that stated that you couldn't have somatic tinnitus from a head or neck injury. Somatic tinnitus wasn't per say an exclusion criteria. If I remember the numbers correct most people with tinnitus have somatic...
  52. billie48

    MC Rider with Worsening Tinnitus, Don't Know Why?

    Welcome to the forum. Hearing loss and/or noise exposure is only one of many possible causes to trigger or aggravate existing tinnitus. This can include but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum...
  53. martin12

    How, When and Why Did My Tinnitus Start?

    ...i was unable to eat as my jaw was very swollen. Since then i have had unilateral tinnitus in my right ear. The doctors think its from a head injury (concussion)but i am beginning to think it has something to do with my right jaw slamming up with the mandible since this would explain 1 ear...
  54. Ben Jammin

    Sudden Onset: Woke Up with Unilateral Tinnitus

    Lane, I really appreciate the time you took to craft a thorough response - clear that the support network is strong here. ENT put me on a corticosteroid and a non-fluoroquinolone antibiotic (Clarithromycin) so I think I'm ok there for now, but I appreciate the information and the watch-out for...
  55. ATownsend75

    Hearing Deep Humming After Ski Crash

    ...maybe 3, 4 minutes where I didn't notice it, but then right back to it. My question is, is this most likely something permanent, or can a head injury caused tinnitus go away? I've spent hours looking on Google and have found absolutely zero reliable answers and the ER doc was unfortunately...
  56. billie48

    Greetings from Germany

    Welcome to the forum. It is sometimes not easy to pin down to one exact thing that triggers our tinnitus. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear-wax removal suction, ear...
  57. Greg Sacramento


    I can relate to those with TMJ and clenching. My TMJ started with a neck injury from having mouth open for too long during dental surgery complicated by not having my neck relaxed onto a head rest. Added to that is cranial nerve and atlantoaxial involvement. One of my dentist who naturally...
  58. billie48

    Tinnitus Onset

    Welcome to the forum. Yes, tinnitus can come on suddenly like mine just woke me up one night with its ultra high pitch scream and stayed 7/24 scaring me to no ends. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from...
  59. Candy

    Chronic Cervicogenic Tinnitus Rapidly Resolved by Intermittent Use of Cervical Collar

    Great- had an injury at the gym, knew it was bad felt as if my knock couldn't even support my head and went to physiology for a while. My neck still hurts when I walk for a long time...and sometimes for no reason. Plus can't look up, list that range of movement however have also had TNT and...