Search results for query: head injury

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  1. billie48

    Another Lord of the Ringing Here! Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  2. billie48

    Still Confused About Tinnitus

    Welcome to the forum @Tarik AlNaqeeb and I hope you will find TT a good place with supportive members and rich resources on all aspects of tinnitus knowledge and experiences. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects...
  3. just1morething

    Somatic Tinnitus Causes (TMJ, Neck, etc.): Is There a Way to Tell?

    Thanks @Greg Sacramento. The local pain management clinic will do the auriculotemporal nerve block. I had nerve blocks in my neck to see if they helped my tinnitus. I have the grade 5 internal derangement in my left TMJ. An oral facial pain management specialist brought up that injection to...
  4. M

    Left Ear Tinnitus Gone?

    ...I realized the loud tinnitus I used to experience was only in one ear rather than both. This may or may not have to do something with a head injury. I was skateboarding and smacked the left side of my head against concrete pretty hard, it surprised me because as soon as I hit my head my...
  5. Backpacker

    Using a Grinder to Cut Tile Caused My Tinnitus — Doctor Said the Culprit Was Ear Infection Instead

    I think you shoud reduce activity as much as you can for a couple of weeks. Do not bend over, do not lift anything heavy, avoid coffee and salt, and take a mild diuretic like Dandellion root tea 2-3 times a day to reduce head pressure. I am not saying you have intracranial hypertension (if you...
  6. S

    Tinnitus Suppression Following Placement of a Deep Brain Stimulation Electrode

    One case of tinnitus suppression after implementation of a deep brain stimulation lead. The suppression seems to be related to an injury of a part of the brain (locus coeruleus) during the surgery. Not the first case report of tinnitus suppresion due to brain injury, but it suggests that...
  7. Bobby B

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    In that interview Hamblin explained that a high power LED IR floodlight had a very positive and powerful effect on the brain..he mentioned at several occasions that LED are as good as lasers but cheaper (for the same power) and of course much safer ! Why would you even risk an eye injury using...
  8. A

    Freaking Out — Tinnitus After Traumatic Head/Brain Injury — Trying to Stay Calm

    Sorry to hear that. Have you got your neck checked There is always a chance that tinnitus might be occurring because of your hidden neck injury. Just a thought.
  9. linearb


    No, that's not true -- if it was, they would be excluding ~80% of people with tinnitus, since Salvi in the 90s determined that's roughly the percentage of people who can modulate their head noise with muscle movements. The actual exclusion criterion says Sounds to me like they are just trying...
  10. Contrast

    8 kHz Tone for 10 Years Now

    ...Do you have TMJ/TMD or cervical issues, any medications or an ear infection back in 2008 that may have harmed hearing? Did you have any head injury prior to tinnitus? Any known hearing deficit, or genetic hearing problems in your family? Tinnitus is rarely a mystery when it is critically...
  11. Sebastians

    The Negativity Thread

    ...ran out after a few years, back to 80 db T for this dude.. At St Antonius hospital in Antwerp, they offer cochlear implants to patients with unbearable T. Recently a guy with no hearing loss but 80 db T after sustaining head injury got one after 3 years of suffering. Apparently it helps him.
  12. R

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Do you think it can be curable if it's from head or neck? Also did you feel like the ringing was also in your head?
  13. billie48

    New to Tinnitus — ENT Said...

    Welcome to the forum. As far as the reason for the T increase, there are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, inner ear infection, Eustachian tube infection or...
  14. Pilot

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    I don't recall neck pain, spasms, aching, etc. or the waxing and waning being mentioned in the research that Dr. Levine did. They actually say that it is relatively constant. Have doctors at MGH done additional research to change this? If not then it seems like they are trying to gravitate...
  15. Sam Bridge

    Fear Increases Your Tinnitus

    What do you mean you ignored it? You didn't protect your ears in loud situations?
  16. The Red Viper

    Fear Increases Your Tinnitus

    So true man. So true...
  17. Lane

    Tinnitus Gone After Starting on Parkinson's Disease Medication!

    Hi @NurseJackie -- Congratulations on getting tinnitus relief!!! - Here's another instance where a Parkinson's treatment led to tinnitus suppression... A stroke of silence: tinnitus suppression following placement of a deep brain stimulation electrode with infarction in area LC. Abstract The...
  18. A

    If You Already Have Hearing Loss, Are You Susceptible to Noise Damage?

    That may be true if it happens naturally overtime. But acquired hearing loss during a noise exposure or a head injury is a different story and can be prevented from becoming worse I think
  19. just1morething

    The Toughest Lesson in the World

    Your noise must really be severe, but it seems most people with severe tinnitus get a day of relief once per month or so for some reason. I don't recall if you lost hearing in both ears or just one or if your tinnitus is in your ears or head or both. I know musicians in general are more...
  20. sponda

    New Here

    Hi... I have been experiencing tinnitus since Oct 2012...after a second head injury (first in 2000)I haven't looked for any treatment or support for tinnitus yet because other symptoms and treatments were more urgent. I have high pitched squealing in both ears constantly. It is very annoying...
  21. martin12

    Tinnitus That Moved From Right Ear Over Brain to Left Ear and Disappeared

    ...was in complete silence. Unfortunately the peace only lasted for a few minutes however i thought it was a miracle. This tells me that T is with certainty something in the brain, perhaps due to brain damage of some sort (in my case head injury). Has anyone else experienced something similar?
  22. Shane

    Tinnitus Will Gradually Improve

    Hey. I have a nearly identical situation as martin12, except without my tinnitus getting better. I actually had a skull fracture though. It's been 9 months since I smacked my head (upper parietal fracture) on the pavement. But it saddens me greatly to know that I could have potentially made my...
  23. R

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Sorry about the late response (instructed to not go on phone tv etc) but I went to neuro and he said he 100% guarantees it will go away in 2 weeks. But coming up on week 2 since he has told me and has not seemed to fade that much. I also asked if it has to do anything with my neck and he said...
  24. A

    How Would I Know if My Tinnitus is "Temporary"

    Since you haven't had any significant event like ridiculous noise exposure or severe head injury/whiplash, there is a good chance it might go away on its own. It really has it's own mind. If it goes away, great. If it doesn't, you will have eventually reached to a point where you are least...
  25. F

    Sudden Onset Tinnitus 4 Weeks After Head Trauma / Mild TBI — My Story So Far

    Hi @t_scot randal, Thank you so much for reading my story and sharing yours. I hope things are going well on your side! I must admit that addressing this health issue has taken considerable work, research, and preparation, especially in convincing medical professionals to try various treatments...
  26. ErikaS

    Tinnitus Fluctuations: Signs of Recovery or Just Normal?

    Hi @hopefuldede, thank you for your response :) The only reason I think this could possibly be my situation with the higher frequency hearing loss in my right ear is that there is a distinct volume difference in the hearing ability starting at those frequencies. My right ear cannot hear anything...
  27. C

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    I’m dealing with hyperacusis right now, have had it for about 2.5 years after a serious noise injury. Keep having setbacks right when it feels like I’ve gotten over the hump. The fact that you are able to play acoustic drums every day at this point seems incredible, I’d never touch a drum set...
  28. Greg Sacramento

    My Husband Is Struggling and I Just Don't Know What Else to Do

    @MsG L5/S1 can relate to tinnitus if the vertebral arteries are affected. If so, tinnitus would be severe and loud pitched. The vertebral arteries are well hidden in the C spine and MRIs are not always capable of seeing compression and compression would most likely be gone by time of MRI, but...
  29. V

    Finally Saw the ENT After 3 Months of Waiting and...

    ...with tinnitus and 3 totally different opinions. I am not too frustrated, I knew going in that there was nothing they can do. It is a head injury and I am 4 months out. I just need to give it time and hope for the best. If I am no better at 1 year. Then I may be looking at something that...
  30. Telis

    Head Buzz Tinnitus Completely Gone in the Mornings

    My head screams, I was diagnosed with moderate traumatic brain injury a few years back, I am wondering if this makes tinnitus worse, it’s all over my head. I found after about 4 years this really calmed down until recently where I was exposed to some loud noise. Now back to brain shocks with...
  31. Lane

    Tinnitus, 11 Years, Unknown Cause

    Wow @billie48, remarkable compilation of just "some" of the causes for tinnitus. Don't know if you caught it, but one woman just wrote that she successfully traced her tinnitus to HEART PROBLEMs. She's apparently now almost completely tinnitus free after nine years (IIRC). -- Thanks for the...
  32. star-affinity

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    Quoting myself here, but I think my tinnitus is quite nasty again, despite my back also having ”tinnitus” (some pain and discomfort). Maybe I should give Tinnitus Mix a try again.
  33. I who love music

    Left ear rings when I chew/bite

    Hello. Yes my jaw used to click so loud when I was a teenager that people at the table could clearly hear it. Also, I had a few clunks on the head, one neck injury in particular could have cut my head off but didn't. AND, on top of that, I suffered for 24 years with very bad migraines and the...
  34. Telis

    Poll: Does Tinnitus Keep You from Having a Job?

    Barotrauma, and then a bunch of ototoxic meds. I also smacked my head and had concussion days after the ear thing. I had a scan done about a year later, they pinpointed the head trauma and said the injury was still there, and not healing. I don't know, a combo of these things I guess. Why things...
  35. billie48

    I'm New and Looking for Answers Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  36. FGG

    Prof. Thanos Tzounopoulos Receives $2 Million Grant

    Unless you have TMJ or a head injury, you likely do in fact have cochlear damage that doesn't show up on a standard audiogram.
  37. billie48

    Hello! Five Days In Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  38. billie48

    Hi Everyone Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in...
  39. moniCT

    Tinnitus from Concussion

    Hi! I'm new here s0 I thought I'd make this thread for those who have developed Tinnitus from a concussion or head injury and hopefully see some success stories too :) I suffered a mild concussion on April 19th when I hit the back of my head while out with friends. My ears started ringing a few...
  40. GregCA


    I think the simplest explanation applies: you went to a concert, didn't use ear plugs, and got T right after, and it stuck. Then your audiogram shows a slight notch at 2 kHz, which isn't uncommon after noise injury. Your T is most likely due to the acoustic trauma's damage to your ears with the...
  41. kmohoruk

    Help with Spike from "Fleeting" Somatic Tinnitus

    I don't believe that I have ever had a collarbone injury, but I imagine somewhere in my shoulders or neck something is being pressed. Yeah it may be something that I look into. I know that over the years I haven't had the best posture at times, and I have a feeling that may have played into...
  42. donotringatme

    Searching for the Root Cause of My Tinnitus Which Started After Putting Pinky in My Ear Canal

    Wouldn’t that mean tinnitus only in that one ear though? Because mine happened instantly on both ears, same pitch. Plus the ENT tests showed no hearing loss at any frequency. Scary thing if it happens... You’re right man... I had one last Friday for my neck. 30 minutes, ringing was the loudest...
  43. Deathtotinni

    Tinnitus and Bruxism that ear or both I don’t really know. This is terrible and I’m losing myself. The tinnitus isn’t nothing me as much as it used too but the sound sensitivity is isolating me from other people. I’m really worried this all related to a head injury I had a year ago and a concussion I had in July.
  44. Tau

    Hyperacusis and Stem Cells?

    Fingers crossed for you! Animal studies show that stem cell exosomes do indeed protect or even restore hearing. If you don't mind, could you tell us what clinic this was? And were these adipose tissue SC exosomes or some other kind of SC exosomes? Autologous or allogeneic? The reason I am...
  45. Lane

    Anyone Else Having to Work Less Due to Health Issues?

    @TomBradyGOAT -- Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia, OCD, and tinnitus all reflect potential compression and/or dysfunction of the brainstem. Brainstem dysfunction can result from head injuries, whiplash, weakening of ligaments from disease or genetics, etc. If you have a history that includes any...
  46. L

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Sounds positive. The concussion is definitly healing. Soft tissue injury (muscle and ligament) takes at least 3 to 6 weeks to heal on its on if i remember correctly. But that's theoretical, it's different for everyone. You should be alright with good rest. With jaw cracking, you mean a...
  47. just1morething

    Possible "Neck Issue" Tinnitus

    Did the rafter get damaged? jk. Do you have more noise again from your neck? My noise is terrible atm and my neck hurts.
  48. Flowerlover

    Help with Neck Injury — Opinions Please

    I have had some type of head/neck injury issue. I did hit my head mowing a lawn on the tractor and pull my neck back as well as hit my head with a heavy piece of wood that swung around. I don't know if that's what has caused my neck pain and stiffness and tinnitus or if there is something else...
  49. billie48

    Checking In, Club.

    Welcome to the forum. Sometimes, it is not easy to pin point an exact cause of T. Perhaps it is due to one reason or a combination of more than one. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear...
  50. billie48

    New to Tinnitus (Age 16)

    Welcome to the forum. Acoustic trauma from loud noise exposure is only one of many possible causes of tinnitus. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube...
  51. billie48

    Waiting to See My Primary Care Manager

    Welcome to the forum. I can't address your other medical issues which are best to leave for the doctors to diagnose. If your T is the pulsatile type, then we have a support forum for that. @Karen is also a notable member here who has pulsatile tinnitus and perhaps she can advise you better...
  52. billie48

    2010 It Started for Me

    Welcome to the forum. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up in ears feeling pressured or fullness...
  53. billie48

    Greetings All

    Welcome to the forum. Is there any likely culprit for the spike in your T? Have you seen an ENT to rule out any problems in the ears? If you can mask and drown out the ringing, consider it a positive. That may be a new normal. Try accept the new normal so you won't be too stressed out by the new...
  54. El BUZZ

    Another Lord of the Ringing Here!

    That concert triggered my T 3.5 years ago.
  55. billie48

    Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Anxiety

    ...high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, acoustic neuroma tumor, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or...
  56. StephanieLC

    I Heard That Someone Might Get Tinnitus After Having Their Ears Syringed. Is It Possible?

    Those of you who have T from syringing, is your T in only the one ear or do you perceive it in both ears/your head? Do you get spikes from loud environments? Does anyone know why the syringing can cause T? Does it disrupt the bones in the middle ear or something? My T started after a perforated...
  57. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    What Can MRI Exactly Find for Tinnitus?

    @RonnieCarzatto I think you have received good input from the forum. I would add that most often an accident involving the head/neck/jaw causes muscle injury, inflammation, and related nerve irritation, as opposed to bleeding or dislodging something in the cranium. In some folks this nerve...
  58. Greg Sacramento

    Turning My Head to Extreme Right Caused My Hearing in Right Ear to Go Muffled

    @cj5suzy What comes to mind with your multiple tones and one being to that of a wine glass is injury which can involve tightness of the SCM muscles causing muffled hearing when turning head. This is just one of a few possible problems and it also could involve clenching of teeth, but other...
  59. linearb

    Back to Working!

    Hi Tennrltr, It looks like your T was the result of an injury of some kind? What has been a bigger obstacle to getting back to work, the tinnitus, or the injury itself? You say that you only have the tinnitus one day out of several; if that's the case, then why has it held you from going back...